Military Technology and the Military Industrial Complex

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Military Technology and the Military Industrial Complex

Military Technology After WW2 the USA led the world in military technology The USA was the only country with an atom bomb The USA was determined to maintain its position as the leading military power on the planet

Why did the US want to be dominant

The USA believed it was essential to stay ahead of the USSR in the Cold War

The USA regarded itself as the defender of the 'free world' against communist expansion

The US economy was very strong and the government put massive resources into the research and development of military technology

A majority of the US population supported the government – defend the 'American way of life'

Nuclear Weapons

1945 – beginning of the nuclear age 1949 – USSR develops an atom bomb Truman approves programme to develop

Hydrogen Bomb A super bomb 1,000 more powerful than

normal atom bombs 1952 – USA tests hydrogen bomb

B-52s USA needed planes capable of dropping

nuclear bombs on Russia Built B-52 Stratofortress Used for dropping conventional bombs on


Rockets Nazis developed rockets during WW2 USA used the work of the Nazis to expand their

rocket programme Early 1960s developed the medium range

Pershing missile with a range of 650KM ICBMs developed under Eisenhower The Minuteman had a range of 1,600Km Poseidon could carry multiple warheads and a

range of 6,000 Km Replaced by Trident in 1979

Early Warning Systems USSR matched developments in nuclear and

missile technology USA believed that an Early Warning System

was vital All USA to counter-attack with its nuclear

arsenal Distant Early Warning System (DEW) – radar

stations across Northern Canada and Alaska Airborne Warning and Control Systems

(AWACS) – airborne 24 hours a day.

Non-Nuclear Technology

Development of Jet airplanes Air-to-Air missiles – Sidewinder Reconnaissance / spy planes – U2 Unmanned drones in 1970s & 80s –

advances in computer technology Helicopters – Korean and Vietnam Wars Large Aircraft Carriers

Military Industrial Complex 1950 – total US budget = $40bilion $12billion spent on military expenditure 1960 – total US budget = $92bilion $60billion spent on military expenditure Major industry developed as a result of this

spending Boeing, Lockheed, IBM Eisenhower – Military Industrial Complex The military, industry and politicians had a

vested interest in stoking Cold War fears and an aggressive foreign policy