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The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Dr. Pablo Pumares FernándezDra. Beatriz González-Martín

CEMyRI (University of Almería)

YMOBILITY Final ConferenceRome, 15 February, 2018


•During this century there has been an important increase of Italian migrants in Spain•It doesn’t correlates with the figures of Spaniards migrating to Italy•The question is WHY if at first sight Spanish labour market is not specially attractive•In fact, Italians don’t in Spain as a destination country to migrate, which is an additional obstacle for that migration

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants


•During the YMobility project, numerous interviews were made to Spanish and Italian migrants and returnees and the results were presented in a recent article in PSP•One of the findings was the importance of European programmes, such as Erasmus or Leonardo, to put in contact young Italians with Spain•Another was the importance of non-economic factors underlying this migration

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants


•Here we´d like to stablish relations between the testimonies and more quantitative data, specially related with labour market to clarify how is the labour insertion of Italian migrants in Spain, specially in the two big metropolitan areas of Barcelone and Madrid

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Evolution of Italian residents in Spain

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Source: Padrón (INE)

Sociodemographic characteristics

•Almost one third (30%) of the Italian- born residing in Spain are between 20 and 34 years old. These percentages are bigger in Madrid (32%) and specially in Barcelone (38%)•71% between 20 and 54•It corresponds with a population that have mostly migrated young during the last 20 years•They have a high educational level, particularly in the case of Madrid and Barcelone

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Level of education of occupied people (2011)

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Source: Population Census 2011

One remark: Geographical distribution

•The two big metropolitan areas, Barcelona (22%) and Madrid (11%) are between the main magnets for Italian-born migrants is also important•But the geographical pattern is more diverse, including the Canary Islands (28%) and the Mediterranean coast (30%), linked to the tourism sector •The opportunities offered by the tourism sector in Spain may have been an additional factor for attracting Italians (specially in restauration). As seen in the interviews, sometimes a summer job in the Spanish coast is the first contact. Because of that experience, quite a lot of them decided to stay or to return afterwards, maybe to another place of Spain

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Youth mobility: maximizing opportunities for individuals, labor markets and regions in EuropeThe recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Labour insertion

•Two sides:

a)Good occupational structure

•Directors, scientists, professionals in Madrid and Barcelona (here also service sector workers)•Service sector in the rest of Spain •Better than Spanish-born, corresponding with their higher level of education

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Structure of occupations of Italian-born in Spain (2011)

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Barcelone: Structure of occupations by country of birth (2011)

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Source: Population Census, 2011 (INE)

Madrid: Structure of occupations by country of birth (2011)

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Source: Population Census, 2011 (INE)

Labour insertion

•Two sides:b) Affected by high unemployment rates, slightly higher than those of Spanish-born

•“I really found something else right away, and from there I connected to one job after another, each one better qualified and better paid (…). And I stayed on until 2008, which was when my problems started (…) and then it was my turn (…) and I was sacked, and (…) then I thought, ‘Oh, I want to go work abroad,’ because I already felt at home in Madrid (…)and I went to work in Holland (…). After living for a year in Holland, they renewed my contract for another six months with a rather good salary, compared to my starting salary, and so then we both decided to stay. Then (…) they called me from Spain for a job at the CSIC [Higher Council of Scientific Research].”—Valeria

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Madrid: Structure of occupations by country of birth (2011)

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Source: Population Census, 2011

Quality of life vs labour insertion?

• In fact, it was relatively frequent for them to have gone to other European cities first, and their comparison of Madrid with those cities often led to similar conclusions: employment is more complicated in Madrid, but social life and integration there are so much better

• They prefer to stay in Spain despite more difficulties in the labour market, because they feel appreciated, they feel comfortable:

• “Here it is cool to be Italian… (Laughs)… because we are much more similar, I am satisfied, I am very happy to have made that choice…”—Michela

• But also, because they have expectations to keep or to achieve a job that interest them

The recent Spanish attraction for Italian migrants

Thank you!


Pablo Pumares Fernández ppumares@ual.esBeatriz González-Martín bgm620@ual.es
