Midterm Review - HolyCross Web viewIf false, change the identified word or phrase to make the...

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Midterm Review Science 9

Unit 1 – Biological DiversityModified True/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 1. When one species evolves into two or more similar yet separate species over time, this process is called speciation. _________________________

____ 2. There is always variation within a species. _________________________

____ 3. Much of Earth’s biological diversity is the result of speciation. _________________________

____ 4. When resources are plentiful, competition between organisms decreases. _________________________

____ 5. Organisms possessing adaptations that allow them to survive in varying temperatures are called specialists. _________________________

____ 6. When a generalist species is introduced to an area with few predators or competing organisms, they are likely to spread rapidly. _________________________

____ 7. The process of asexual reproduction creates variations in organisms. _________________________

____ 8. Gymnosperms produce flowers. _________________________

____ 9. The female reproductive organ in an angiosperm is called a stamen. _________________________

____ 10. Skin color is an example of a trait that shows continuous variation. _________________________

____ 11. A dominant trait is seen when paired with a recessive trait. _________________________

____ 12. A dominant trait is always widespread in a population. _________________________

____ 13. Random changes to DNA are called mutagens. _________________________

____ 14. Human blood groups are an example of a trait that shows continuous variation. _________________________

____ 15. Human gametes have 23 chromosomes. _________________________

____ 16. Adenine is always combined with cytosine on the DNA molecule. _________________________

____ 17. The DNA that directs all cell activities is contained in the cell cytoplasm. _________________________

____ 18. When a single cell undergoes meiosis four gametes are produced. _________________________

____ 19. A section of the DNA molecule that codes for a specific protein is called a chromosome. _________________________

____ 20. Selective breeding involves breeding individuals with certain desirable traits to produce offspring with similar traits. _________________________

____ 21. The phrase 'survival of the fittest' implies that the biggest and strongest organisms in a species have the best chance of survival. _________________________

____ 22. Charles Darwin is best known for developing a theory to explain how adaptation leads to changes in species over time. _________________________

____ 23. Today’s domestic animals are the result of the natural selection that took place over a period of thousands of years. _________________________

____ 24. The quality of wool in sheep is an example of a trait that has been manipulated through artificial selection. _________________________

____ 25. When a species has disappeared entirely from part of its historical range, it is said to be extinct in that area. _________________________

____ 26. The passenger pigeon became extinct as a result of loss of habitat. _________________________

____ 27. One way to combat the problem of declining biological diversity is by establishing zoos. _________________________

____ 28. An organization that gathers and stores seeds from plants that are threatened with extinction is known as a seed nursery. _________________________

____ 29. Researchers who collect seeds of endangered plants do so to preserve the genetic diversity of plant species. _________________________

____ 30. CITES is aimed at preserving genetic diversity by promoting trade in endangered plant and animal species. _________________________

CompletionComplete each statement.

31. The diversity index measures the amount of diversity in relation to the total number of ____________________ in that area. This index provides an indication of the health of the ____________________ but not of the ____________________.

32. Organisms of the same species are usually ____________________ in appearance. However, there is always ____________________ within a species.

33. _________________________ accounts for much of the biological diversity on Earth. This indicates that a group of similar species likely came from a _________________________.

34. An organism’s _____________________ includes both the functions that it performs and the habitat in which it lives. An organism that is able to survive in a range of habitats is termed a ____________________.

35. Organisms that are generalists have a ____________________ niche. These organisms have a ____________________ chance of surviving a change of environment than do ____________________ species.

36. A relationship in which two organisms live in direct contact is called a _____________________ relationship. One form of this is ____________________, in which both organisms benefit from the relationship.

37. An ____________________ is a flowering plant. In these plants the female reproductive organ is called the ____________________ and the male reproductive organ is called the ____________________.

38. The process of fertilization produces a(n) ______________________________ that contains ______________________________ from both parents. It will undergo many ______________________________ to form a(n) ______________________________.

39. ____________________ is a process in which bacterial cells exchange genetic material. This process results in genetic ____________________ but not in ____________________.

40. Differences in characteristics among individuals are called _____________________. A characteristic that takes only a few forms is said to show ____________________ variation.

41. ____________________ refers to the passing on of traits from parents to their children. The scientific study of this process is called ____________________.

42. During meiosis, a cell divides ____________________ times to form gametes. Each gamete has ____________________ as many chromosomes as the parent cell.

43. DNA is found in the form of long strands called ____________________. Within this strand, there are particular sections called ____________________ that code for specific ____________________.

44. A DNA molecule looks somewhat like a coiled ladder. The rungs of the ladder are made up of ____________________ while the sides are made of ____________________ and phosphates. Within the cell, the DNA is found in the ____________________.

45. Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection is based heavily on observations that he made on the ______________________________ Islands. From his experience raising pigeons, Darwin knew that ______________________________ could produce great diversity within a species. His theory of ______________________________ explained how a similar process in nature could give rise to changes in a species.

46. Today the rate of extinction is ____________________ than the rate of formation of new species, which results in a trend toward ___________________ biodiversity.

47. An animal whose presence is indicative of the level of human impact on a particular environment is called a(n) ______________________________. To preserve these species, people need to find ways to preserve their ______________________________.

48. Clearing even a relatively small area of rainforest can result in the extinction of ____________________ organisms that are unable to adapt to a new environment. Because of the lack of ____________________, clearing a rainforest area usually results in ____________________ damage to the forest ecosystem.

49. In the last 600 million years, there have been ____________________ major declines in Earth's biodiversity. Today, human activity is causing so many changes in the environment that many species do not have time to ____________________ and instead become ____________________.

50. ____________________ are established to gather and store seeds from plants that are threatened with extinction. One of the largest seed collections is housed at the ____________________ Gardens in London, England. Their goal is to collect samples of ____________________ percent of the world’s seed-bearing plants.

Matchinga. Angiosperm _______ The number and variety of organisms in an area

b. Behavioural adaptations

_______ A mathematical expression of the number of different kinds of organisms in an area

c. Binary fission _______ The differences between individuals of the same or different species

d. Biological diversity _______ The evolution of different species from a single ancestor

e. Broad niche _______ The habits of a species that have been developed over time

f. Chromosome _______ A physical characteristic that helps an organism to survive in its environment

g. Diversity index _______ Organisms adapted to living in a particular environment

h. Dominant trait _______ Organisms that can survive in varying conditions on varying food sources

i. Gamete _______ The characteristics and roles exhibited by generalists

j. Generalists _______ A highly specialized role or activity in an ecosystem

k. Germination _______ A seed-bearing plant without flowers

l. Gymnosperm _______ A flowering plant

m. Mutagen _______ The process of a seed beginning to grow

n. Mutation _______ The male reproductive organ of a flower

o. Narrow niche _______ Part of the female reproductive organ of a flower

p. Recessive trait _______ In sexual reproduction, the fertilized cell that develops into a new individual

q. Seed banks _______ Special reproductive cells that combine at fertilization

r. Specialists _______ A single-celled reproductive structure

s. Speciation _______ A cell divides its contents between two new cells

t. Spore _______ Something that can cause a mutation

u. Stamen _______ A change to DNA

v. Stigma _______ A trait that always shows up when it is inherited

w. Structural adaptation _______ A trait that may not show up when it is inherited

x. Variation _______ A molecule composed of strands of DNA

y. Zoos _______ Organizations that may combine research, public education, and breeding programs to maintain the genetic diversity of species

z. Zygote _______ A means of preserving the genetic diversity of plants

Unit 2 – ChemistryModified True/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.

____ 1. Salt water and vinegar are solutions, while granite and mayonnaise are mechanical mixtures. _________________________

____ 2. According to the particle model of matter, every type of matter is made up of its own unique kind of particles. _________________________

____ 3. All chemical changes involve a change of colour. _________________________

____ 4. When bread becomes toast it undergoes a physical change. __________________

____ 5. A change of state is an example of a physical change. ______________________

____ 6. A physical change causes one or more new substances to be formed. _________________________

____ 7. Physical properties of a substance include colour, density, and boiling point. _________________________

____ 8. The total volume of the new substances in a chemical change is always the same as that of the original substances. _________________________

____ 9. The Law of Definite Composition states that a compound is a pure substance that contains two or more elements combined in fixed proportions. __________________

____ 10. Pure water is an element. _________________________

____ 11. A theory is an explanation, while a hypothesis is a prediction. _________________________

____ 12. When water is decomposed, there is twice as much hydrogen gas produced as oxygen gas. _________________________

____ 13. The best conductors of electricity are the metalloid elements. _________________________

____ 14. The symbols for calcium, carbon and chlorine are Ca, C, and Cl, respectively. _________________________

____ 15. The first element listed in the periodic table is oxygen. _____________________

____ 16. Elements that are found in a single horizontal row of the periodic table have similar properties. _________________________

____ 17. An element has a mass number of 15. Its atomic number is 8. This element has seven electrons. _________________________

____ 18. Ionic compounds are solids at room temperature. _________________________

____ 19. Molecules that are comprised of two atoms of the same element are called ionic molecules. _________________________

____ 20. Table salt is an example of a binary compound. _________________________

____ 21. An ion is an atom that is no longer neutral. _________________________

____ 22. 15 g of vinegar is added to 10 g of baking soda. The substances react and a gas is released. The total mass of the products is less than 25 g. _______________________

The following diagram illustrates what happens when magnesium reacts with oxygen.

____ 23. Based on the illustration above, the reaction between magnesium and oxygen is exothermic. _________________________

____ 24. A reaction in which energy is given off is called an endothermic reaction. _________________________

____ 25. In an endothermic reaction, the temperature of the reaction medium increases as the reaction proceeds. _________________________

____ 26. Respiration is an exothermic reaction. _________________________

____ 27. When steel bridges are painted, the rate of corrosion increases. _______________

____ 28. An increase in temperature causes most reaction rates to decrease. _________________________

____ 29. Smaller particles tend to react more quickly than larger particles. _____________

____ 30. The purpose of an inhibitor is to prevent a chemical reaction. _________________________

CompletionComplete each statement.

31. The particle model of matter suggests that all substances are made up of tiny ____________________ that are constantly in ____________________ and are ____________________ to one another.

32. A substance that is uniform throughout is said to be ____________________ whereas one that has visible differences is ____________________.

33. Matter can be classified according to its state as a ____________________, ____________________, or a ____________________. Matter can be further classified according to its composition as a ____________________ or a ____________________.

34. A ____________________ property describes a substance using numbers, whereas a ____________________ property describes a substance using words.

35. An observation that the starting material has been ____________________ or that a ____________________ has formed would suggest that a chemical change has occurred.

36. A metal that can be pulled into a long wire is said to be ____________________.

37. A(n) ____________________ is made up of two or more types of atoms chemically combined. A substance that is made up of only one type of atom is called a(n) ____________________.

38. The three parts of an atom are the ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.

39. Metals conduct both ____________________ and ____________________. They are ____________________ elements so they are often formed into wires.

40. Mercury is the only metal that is in ____________________ state at room temperature.

41. A group of related elements that have similar properties is called a _________________________.

42. You can calculate the number of neutrons in an atom by subtracting the ____________________ number from the ____________________ number.

43. An element is identified by its atomic ____________________, which indicates the number of ____________________ in one atom of that element.

44. The subscript “2” in the formula H2O indicates the number of ____________________ atoms in one water ____________________.

45. Reactions that generate heat are called _____________________ reactions.

46. To break chemical bonds, energy must be ____________________. When bonds are formed, energy is ____________________.

47. You are working with a solid substance in an experiment involving chemical reactions. If the surface area of the solid is increased, the reaction rate will ____________________.

48. An increase in the _________________________ of a solution means that there are more particles of substance dissolved in the same volume of liquid. This _________________________ the rate of a chemical reaction involving the substance in solution.

49. Digestion is a form of ____________________ because food particles combine with ____________________ in a reaction that releases ____________________.

50. The label on a cold medication advertises “long lasting relief.” This medication probably contains a(n) ___________________ to extend its reaction time.


a. Argon _______ This is made up of fine particles evenly distributed throughout a second substance

b. Atomic mass _______ The parts of this mixture are large enough to be seen

c. Atomic number _______ This cannot be filtered to separate the particles

d. Catalyst _______ A pure substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined together

e. Chemical change _______ This includes homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures

f. Chemical equation

_______ Vinegar causes baking soda to fizz

g. Chemical formula _______ Wet clothes stiffen when hung on a clothesline in the winter

h. Colloid _______ Was among the first to try to balance the mass of the products of a chemical change with the mass of the original substances

i. Compound _______ The substances used up in a chemical reaction

j. Element _______ This is a mixture whose particles settle if left undisturbed

k. Enzyme _______ A noble gas

l. Fluorine _______ A reactive non-metallic element

m. Galvanization _______ A metalloid

n. Inhibitor _______ An alkali metal

o. Lavoisier _______ Atomic number 8

p. Mass number _______ Equal to the number of electrons in an atom

q. Matter _______ The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom

r. Mechanical mixture

_______ A process that prevents corrosion by coating one metal in another metal

s. Oxygen _______ Symbols and numbers that represent the composition of pure substances

t. Physical change _______ A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances

u. Product _______ It shows the rearrangement of atoms

v. Reactants _______ The substances produced in a chemical reaction

w. Silicon _______ A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction

x. Sodium _______ A natural substance that speeds up a chemical reaction

y. Solution _______ A substance that slows down a chemical reaction

z. Suspension _______ The average mass of an atom of an element

BiodiversityAnswer SectionMODIFIED TRUE/FALSE

1. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average2. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy3. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average4. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average5. ANS: F, generalists6. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy7. ANS: F, sexual8. ANS: F, cones9. ANS: F, male

10. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy11. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average12. ANS: F, sometimes13. ANS: F, mutations14. ANS: F, discrete15. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average16. ANS: F, thymine17. ANS: F, nucleus18. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy19. ANS: F, gene20. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy21. ANS: F, best adapted22. ANS: F, natural selection23. ANS: F, artificial selection24. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy25. ANS: F, extirpated26. ANS: F, overhunting27. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average28. ANS: F, seed bank29. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average30. ANS: F, preventing


31. ANS: organisms, ecosystem, species32. ANS: similar, variation33. ANS: Speciation, common ancestor34. ANS: niche, generalist35. ANS: broad, better, specialist36. ANS: symbiotic, mutualism37. ANS: angiosperm, pistil, stamen38. ANS: zygote, genetic information, cell divisions, embryo39. ANS: Conjugation, recombination, reproduction

40. ANS: variations, discrete41. ANS: Heredity, genetics42. ANS: two, half43. ANS: chromosomes, genes, proteins44. ANS: nitrogen bases, sugars, nucleus45. ANS: Galápagos, artificial selection, natural selection46. ANS: higher, decreasing47. ANS: bioindicator species, habitat48. ANS: specialist, soil nutrients, permanent49. ANS: five, adapt, extinct50. ANS: Seed banks, Royal Botanic, ten

ChemistryAnswer SectionMODIFIED TRUE/FALSE

1. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy2. ANS: F, a pure substance3. ANS: F, Some4. ANS: F, chemical5. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average6. ANS: F, chemical change7. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy8. ANS: F, mass9. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy

10. ANS: F, compound11. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy12. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average13. ANS: F, metal14. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average15. ANS: F, hydrogen16. ANS: F, vertical column17. ANS: F, eight18. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy19. ANS: F, diatomic20. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average21. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average22. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average23. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average24. ANS: F, exothermic25. ANS: F, decreases26. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: difficult

27. ANS: F, decreases28. ANS: F, increase29. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: average30. ANS: F, slow down


31. ANS: particles, motion, attracted32. ANS: homogeneous, heterogeneous33. ANS: solid, liquid, gas, mixture, pure substance34. ANS: quantitative, qualitative35. ANS: used up, new substance36. ANS: ductile37. ANS: compound, element38. ANS: proton, neutron, electron39. ANS: heat, electricity, ductile40. ANS: liquid41. ANS: chemical family42. ANS: atomic, mass43. ANS: number, protons44. ANS: hydrogen, molecule45. ANS: exothermic46. ANS: added, released47. ANS: increase48. ANS: concentration, increases49. ANS: combustion, oxygen, energy50. ANS: inhibitor


51. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Exploring Matter

52. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Exploring Matter

53. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Exploring Matter

54. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Exploring Matter

55. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Exploring Matter

56. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: changes to properties

TOP: Changes in Matter

57. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: changes to propertiesTOP: Changes in Matter

58. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: contributions to scienceTOP: What Are Elements?

59. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Classifying Elements

60. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Classifying Elements

61. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Classifying Elements

62. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Classifying Elements

63. ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: classifying matterTOP: Classifying Elements

64. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: difficult OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

65. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: difficult OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

66. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

67. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

68. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

69. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

70. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

71. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: understanding the periodic tableTOP: The Periodic Table

72. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: describing chemical reactionsTOP: Chemical Reactions

73. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: describing chemical reactionsTOP: Chemical Reactions

74. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: describing chemical reactionsTOP: Chemical Reactions

75. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: describing chemical reactionsTOP: Chemical Reactions

76. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: catalytic actionTOP: Reaction Rate

77. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: average OBJ: electroplatingTOP: Reaction Rate