Midlands state university Telephone (263) 54 260404/260337/260667

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Transcript of Midlands state university Telephone (263) 54 260404/260337/260667


MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITYP. Bag 9055 Telephone (263) 54 260404/260337/260667Gweru Fax (263) 54 260233/260311Zimbabwe


Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

REG. NUMBER: _________________

STUDENT’S NAME: _______________________


Work Related Learning

Employer’s Booklet


Contents Section

Introduction 1

University Vision 2

University Mission Statement 3

Work Related Learning 4

Faculty of Science General Regulations for Work Related Learning 5

Tutor / Lecturer visits 6

Booklet 7

Assessment 8

1st Appendix Employer’s student assessment form

2nd Appendix Placement Review Sheet-Scale Definitions

References:The Chairperson: Computer Science and Information SystemsMrs T. G. ZhouTel : (263 54 260409 ext 2162)Email: gwanzurat@msu.ac.zw

The Coordinators WRL: Computer Science and Information SystemsMrs A.N. MutembedzaTel: (263 54 260409 ext 2163)Email: mavhungaa@msu.ac.zw

Mr T.G. RebanowakoTel: (263 54 260409 ext 2163)Email: rebanowakot@msu.ac.zw

Mr P. MambokoTel: (263 54 260409 ext 2390)Email: mambokop@msu.ac.zw



1.0 Introduction

The Midlands State University was established by an act of parliament (Act Number 4

of 1999). It is located in Gweru in the Midlands Province.

2.0 University Vision

To be unique, development oriented and a pace setting university, producing

innovative and enterprising graduates.

To achieve this vision the university has established several facilities of which one is

the Faculty of Science. This faculty consists of the following departments:

Biological Sciences, Chemical Technology, Computer Science and Information

Systems, Home Economics, Survey and Geomatics, Mathematics and Physics

3.0 University Mission Statement

Devotion to quality research and training through flexible packaging and work related

learning for the immediate and ultimate benefit of humanity

Perpetually seek to enhance the quality of people’s lives through new ideas and skills

for sustainable utilization of resources

4.0 Work Related Learning (WRL)

In line with the mission statement, all undergraduate program at the Midlands State

University aim to enhance both the management of education and the employability

of our students through work related training. The training period is for a minimum

duration of 45 working weeks (excluding holidays), commencing in January or August.

We need your help to form a partnership for the joint supervision of the student’s

performance during the period of work related learning.



Work related learning is viewed as one of the most important requirements that must

be fulfilled by the student to be able to pass any of the degree programs offered by

the Faculty of Science.

4.1 Work Related Learning Objectives

During work related learning the student must pursue the following


Apply theory into practice in an industrial set up

Accumulate industry theory outside that covered in the university program’s


Carry out research activities, which will benefit the industry and university.

Develop a liaison between industry and the university

Have hands on working experience

5.0 Faculty of Science General Regulations for WRL

The university faculty of science has stipulated the following regulations

for students on attachment

The student is subject to the University and the Organization regulations

during the work related learning period of attachment

The student must conform to the organization of attachment’s regulations,

working time and discipline

The student must fulfill the external supervisor’s instructions concerning the

training process and the carrying out of the industrial research project

The student must write a log book on a daily basis and submit a report after

finishing the training in a given department (or training unit)



The student must take part only with educational purpose in mind according

to the ultimate instructions of the supervisor

The student must put the best effort to acquire extensive knowledge and skills

in order to achieve required standard of training

The student must keep good relations with all staff of the organization

The student must promote the good of the University

During the placement period, students aim to develop their intellectual and practical

skills. The emphasis is on the practical application, evaluation and enhanced

appreciation of theories, issues and techniques learned at the University. We rely

upon employers to provide work experience compatible with the student’s level of

knowledge, experience and expectations.

6.0 Tutor/Lecturer Visits

A Tutor/Lecturer (a member of the academic staff at the University) will visit the

Organization at least twice during the year. During the visit, the tutor will talk both to

the student and the external supervisor assigned by the employing organization.

6.1 Purpose

The purpose of the visits is

To maintain contact with all parties and certify the University that the work

being undertaken is appropriate


The student must always bear in mind that his/her conduct during WRL will reflect not only on him/her but also on the university and that it may also affect the relationship between the University and the Organization.


To assess whether the student is making an effective contribution to the


7.0 Booklet

This booklet serves 2 purposes, which are

To set out the procedures that may be followed to train one or more of our

students on WRL

To provide you with external supervisor assessment forms which you are

expected to complete during the training period

The objectives of these procedures and forms are

To provide you with a way of monitoring the student’s performance and


To provide us with your views on the student’s performance and progress

8.0 Assessment

The student is assessed by both the University (internal supervisor) and the

Organization (external supervisor)

8.1 Assessment Requirements

For complete assessment the following reports are required

1) One student work report

2) Two employer’s (external supervisor) student assessment reports

3) Two visiting tutor’s (internal supervisor) student assessment reports



8.2 Assessment Schedule

The period of attachment is at least 45 working weeks (excluding holidays). The

student should be aware of the procedure of assessment and the due dates.

Form of Assessment Date

Assessment by Tutor

Assessment by employer

March to May

Assessment by Tutor July to August

Assessment by Tutor

Assessment by employer

October to November


The following schedule outlines the proposed program of training, which the student will

follow during his/her first period from the student’s starting date of employment.

Department/Functional Proposed Training Approximate Time



Area Span Of Training

2.0 Review Sheet – 1

Reg Number:______________ Student Name

Period of review: First 5 months

On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest score) please asses the

progress and ability shown to date. For guidance on completion, please refer to the

scale definitions. We recognize that some of the criteria below may not apply at this

early stage so please write ‘not applicable’ (N/A) if this is the case.



Area of Assessment Rankings

Development Of Business Competencies 1 2 3 4 5

1. Demonstrates effective verbal skills

2. Demonstrates effective written skills

3. Displays effective meeting skills

4. Makes decisions based on analysis/facts

5. Plans, priorities and tracks activities/tasks

6. Effectively manages use of time

7. Speed/accuracy of work

Development Of Interpersonal Skills 1 2 3 4 5

8. Listens effectively and is sensitive to the needs of others

9. Is candid and direct in construction

10. Addresses and resolves conflict in a constructive manner

11. Shares responsibility for all aspects of team performance

12. Influences or negotiates in a manner that gains acceptance

13. Shows motivation, initiative and pro-activeness

14. Is resilient and consistent in the face of challenges

15. Displays a willingness to accept/act on feedback received

Development Of Leadership 1 2 3 4 5

16. Demonstrates the ability to manage whole projects

17. Understands and responds to the needs of customers

18. Seeks to improve work-related processes and documents


General Conduct And Behavior 1 2 3 4 5



19. Ability to learn

20. Interest shown and sustained

21. Reliability

22. Confidence

23. Conduct

Development of Technical/Administrative skills 1 2 3 4 5

24. Level of technical understanding

25. Troubleshooting skills

26. Fault diagnosis and fault reporting skills

27. Ability to communicate with people at different levels

28. Demonstration of good leadership qualities

29. Ability to give/follow technical instructions

Supervisor’s Signature: Date: Stamp:

3.0 Areas for Improvement

In order to maintain the student’s progress more effectively, it would be useful if

areas/skills where development is desirable or beneficial could be noted. It may be

that the student is making excellent progress and there are a few, if any areas which

require taking note of.


Areas of Improvement:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Any Other Comments/Recommendations: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Supervisor’s Signature: Date:

4.0 Review Sheet – 2Reg Number:_____________ Student Name

Period of review: Last 5 months

On a scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest score) please assess the

progress and ability shown to date. For guidance on completion, please refer to the

scale definitions. Write ‘not applicable’ (N/A) in the case of irrelevance.

Area of Assessment Rankings

Development Of Business Competencies 1 2 3 4 5

1. Demonstrates effective verbal skills



2. Demonstrates effective written skills

3. Displays effective meeting skills

4. Makes decisions based on analysis/facts

5. Plans, priorities and tracks activities/tasks

6. Effectively manages use of time

7. Speed/accuracy of work

Development Of Interpersonal Skills 1 2 3 4 5

8. Listens effectively and is sensitive to the needs of others

9. Is candid and direct in construction

10. Addresses and resolves conflict in a constructive manner

11. Shares responsibility for all aspects of team performance

12. Influences or negotiates in a manner that gains acceptance

13. Shows motivation, initiative and pro-activeness

14. Is resilient and consistent in the face of challenges and


15. Displays a willingness to accept/act on feedback received

Development Of Leadership 1 2 3 4 5

16. Demonstrates the ability to manage whole projects

17. Understands and responds to the needs of customers

18. Seeks to improve work-related processes and documents


General Conduct And Behavior 1 2 3 4 5

19. Ability to learn

20. Interest shown and sustained



21. Reliability

22. Confidence

23. Conduct

Development of Technical/Administrative skills 1 2 3 4 5

24. Level of technical understanding

25. Troubleshooting skills

26. Fault diagnosis and fault reporting skills

27. Ability to communicate with people at different levels

28. Demonstration of good leadership qualities

29. Ability to give/follow technical instructions

Supervisor’s Signature: Date: Stamp:

WORK RELATED LEARNING PLACEMENT REVIEW SHEET-SCALE DEFINATIUONSPlease complete the Work Related Placement Sheet by using the scale definitions, left hand to right end ,ranging from 1-5 (left hand end 1……..5 right hand end).

Development of business competencies

1. Verbal Communication - consider the individual’s ability to express ideas/data etc effectively

Unable to present ideas and makes little impact. Is insufficiently prepared. Is confused by unnecessary data or ambiguity. (1)

Demonstrates ability to communicate information fluently and with confidence. Style is appropriately to the situation. Ideas and facts presented logically. Commands attention (5)

2. Written Communication - written work influences key decisions. Consider the individual’s ability to express ideas clearly and concisely. Meaning becomes lost in lengthy text. Unable to assemble ideas logically and clearly.

Confuses the reader. Untidy presentation.



Focuses on the key images. Presents data or decision requirements clearly and concisely. Skills or style convincing to others.

3. Meeting Skills – consider the individual’s preparation, contribution and participation .Willingness to influence and be influenced. Ability to facilitate. Does not play an active role. Contributes little. Often disruptive. Does not work to achieve

consensus. Actively participates in any role. Shares responsibility for facilitation. Where applicable

contributes to issues\agenda4. Decision Making –secures relevant and factual information. Relates

and contrasts data from different sources .Develops alternative options. Does not let personal motives influence judgment .Takes timely and appropriate action. Had difficulties in identifying the root cause of a problem. Fails to investigate appropriate

date .Slow to react. Lacks confidence in own judgment. Quickly identifies issues. Gathers and evaluates relevant factual data. Generates option.

Demonstrates sound decision making based on rational and unbiased judgment. Timely implementation of action.

5. Planning and Tracking – Systematically structures plans workload. Establishes control mechanisms. Monitors progress. Unstructured approach to personal work. Not heedful of planning or control systems. Unable

to prioritize tasks effectively. Structures and plans personal work. Anticipates problems and develops contingencies.

Identifies key milestones. Tracks and monitors progress against deadlines.6. Time management – ability to understand and work to key objectives

and tasks. Effective use of own other resources. Confused priorities. Becomes distracted by side issues. May over commit. Poor punctuality. Clear understanding of objectives. Excellent self management. Identifies opportunities to

utilize other resources. Ability to manage challenging workload.7. Speed of Work and Accuracy

Very slow to produce work. Tendency to be inaccurate Very quick, accurate turnover of work

Development of Interpersonal Skills

8. Effective Listening –Does the individual listen and respond appropriately to the views of others? Fails to listen to or act upon the views of others. Frequently interrupts. Listens effectively to the views of others and responds with empathy .Frequently

demonstrates understanding, summarizes and clarifies verbal communications.9. Candid and Direct – enables a free exchange of information. Is open

and fosters an environment of trust. Avoids giving feedback, withholds information and prevents a free exchange of ideas Is consistent and approachable. Provides honest feedback in a constructive and positive

manner. Freely shares thoughts and information.10.Conflict Resolution – Ability to work to reach consensus. Looks for

common goals. Seeks win/win situations. Over reacts. Inability to compromise when faced with difficult decisions and expertise.

Frequently cynical and unhelpful. Prepared to accept personal consequences in difficult decisions. Works hard to achieve

consensus. Responds constructively when conflicts arise. 11.Teamwork – Recognition of the importance of teamwork both within

own and across functional groups to the achievement of corporate goals. Narrow outlook. Displays reluctance to participate or expertise. Frequently cynical and




Initiates and maintains working relations across functions and groups. Respected and effective team member who displays an ability to work with others.

12.Negotiation /Influencing – consider the appropriateness of the methods used by the individual to gain agreement to or acceptance of an idea. Not prepared or unable to promote ideas with others. Makes no attempt to seek common

ground or to propose ideas in a manner that gains agreement. Prepared to create and communicate ideas. Prepared to be flexible and creative to reach

consensus. Gains acceptance and commitment from others. 13.Motivation and Initiative - Consider the individual's inclination to be

proactive to achieve goals. Fails to take ownership for action. Waits until instructed. Often misses deadlines.

Demonstrates little initiative or forward thinking. Actively attempts to influence events to achieve goals, often beyond what is necessarily

called for. A self starter. Does not need to be told to tackle issues.14.Reaction to Change - Ability to remain resilient when challenged with

personal change. Ability to maintain effectiveness in varying environments. Refuses to adapt to change. Often becomes a disruptive element. Unwilling to respond to

new situations /ideas. Highly adaptable. Able to maintain effectiveness in changing environment and varying tasks.

15.Ability to accept feedback Unwilling to accept feedback, responds negatively, refuses to act on recommendations Actively seeks feedback, responds positively and acts on recommendations.

Development of leadership through quality skills

16.Project Management -Ability to handle all aspects of a project and to see it through from beginning to end

Unwilling / unable to accept responsibility for project, often needs prompting and misses deadlines.

Accepts the responsibility of a project and ensures that every aspect of it is completed in a timely manner.

17.Customer awareness-Is focused on understanding and responding to the needs of customers.

Fails to seek input from customers. Rarely meets requirements. Identifies with and seeks to achieve customer satisfaction as number one priority of the

organization. Customers recognize contribution.18.Work process improvement - All major processes documented. Efforts

made to continually improve process deliverables. May lack a complete understanding of major work processes. Makes no effort to

understand or refine them. Has no documentation to support processes. Continually seeks to improve processes using personal initiatives, teamwork and quality

tools. Displays unfailing enthusiasm to constantly seek improvements. All major processes documented.

General conduct and behavior

19.Ability to learn Is very slow to grasp the elements of the work. Is quick to learn, demonstrates a good level of understanding.20.Interest Lacks enthusiasm, generally uninterested and de-motivated. Is very keen, enthusiastic and interested. 21.Reliability Totally unreliable. A tendency to be irresponsible. Demonstrates dependability. Encourages trust.



22.Confidence Lacks confidence, is shy and timid. Shows a high degree of confidence. 23.Conduct Does not create a professional image. Can be troublesome. Can be a bad timekeeper. Creates a professional image. Behaves well, is respected and respectful.

Development of technical/ administrative skills. 24. Level of technical understanding

Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the technicalities of the job. Makes little or no effort to expand on personal skills and knowledge base.

Demonstrates an excellent command of the technicalities of the job. Continually makes effort to improve personal skills and knowledge base.

25. Troubleshooting skills Demonstrates very poor and inefficient troubleshooting skills. Demonstrates very good and efficient troubleshooting skills.

26. Fault diagnosis and fault reporting skills Has great difficulty in fault diagnosis and fault reporting. Has very good fault diagnosis and fault reporting skills.

27. Ability to communicate with people at different levels Faces great difficulty in communicating solutions to people at different levels. Is very good at communicating solutions to people at different levels.

28. Demonstration of good leadership qualities Does not possess any leadership qualities. Demonstrates very good leadership qualities.

29. Ability to give/follow technical instructions Has great difficulty in demonstrating ability to give/follow technical instructions. Has demonstrated a very high degree of ability to give/follow technical instructions.