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This the spread sheet valuation report for Microsoft Intuit Case.

Transcript of Microsoft:Intuit

TABLE 1: Intuit Corp Balance Sheet

1988 1989

Cash and Equivalents 1,059,000 1,884,000

Accounts Receivable 0 0

Inventory 0 0

Current Asset 741,000 2,228,000

Net Fixed Assets 446,000 1,752,000

Long Term Investments 0 0

Total Assets 2,246,000 5,864,000

945,000 1,894,000

Long Term Debt 0 0

0 0

1,301,000 3,970,000

Total Liabilities and Equity 2,246,000 5,864,000

TABLE 2: Intuit Corp Income Statement

Year 1988 1989

Revenue 6,067,000 18,658,000

Cost of Sales (ex D&A) 2,185,000 6,853,000

General Expenses (ex D&A) 2,465,000 7,513,000

EBITDA 1,417,000 4,292,000

Depreciation and Amortization 0 0

EBIT 1,417,000 4,292,000

Interest Income 150,000 150,000

Long Term Investment Income 0 0

Interest Expense 30000 35000

Income before Taxes 1,537,000 4,407,000

Provision for Income Taxes 580,000 1,693,000

Income after Taxes 957,000 2,714,000

Accounting Changes 0 0

Discontinued Operations 0 0

Extraordinary Items 0 0

Net Income 957,000 2,714,000

TABLE 3: Intuit Historical Financial Ratios

%, except Coverage Ratio

Accounts Payable (Current Liability)

Pension Benefit Obligations

Common Stock Equity (Net worth)

1988 1989

EBITDA/REVENUE 23.36% 23.00%

EBIT/Revenue 23.36% 23.00%

COS (ex D&A) / Revenue 36.01% 36.73%

GE (ex D&A)/ Revenue 40.63% 40.27%

AR/ Revenue 0.00% 0.00%

Inventory/ Revenue 0.00% 0.00%

AP/COS and GE (ex D&A) 20.32% 13.18%

Total Debt/ Total Liabilities and Equity 0.00% 0.00%

Debt/ EBITDA 0.00% 0.00%

CE/Revenue 17.46% 10.10%

CE/TA 47.15% 32.13%

Net fixed Assets/ Revnue 7.35% 9.39%

Depreciation/Prior net fixed assets 0.00%

CAPEX/ Prior net fixed assets 292.83%

Long term Assets/ Total Assets 0.00% 0.00%

Pension/ Total Liabilities and Equity 0.00% 0.00%

Interest income/ CCE 14.16%

Interest rate on debt 0.00%

Return on long term investment 0.00%

Effective tax rate 37.74% 38.42%

Cash ratio % 112.06% 99.47%

Quick Ratio 112.06% 99.47%

Current ratio 190.48% 217.11%

Items ratio 0.00% 0.00%

Coverage ratio 47.23 122.63

TABLE 4: Intuit Corp Historical Growth Rates

Revenue Growth 207.53%

EBITDA Growth 202.89%

EBIT Growth 202.89%

Net Income Growth 183.59%

EBITDA leverage 0.98

EBIT leverage 0.98

Net Income Leverage 0.88

Cash and Equivalents growth 77.90%

Net fixed Assets growth 292.83%

Long term investments growth 0.00%

Debt Growth 0.00%

Equity Growth 205.15%

Total Assets Growth 161.09%

TABLE 5: Operating Cash

Year Revenue

1988 6067000 18%

1989 18658000 18%

1990 33059000 18%

1991 44539000 18%

1992 83793000 18%

1993 121372000 18%

1994 194126000 18%

TABLE 6: Operating Quick Ratio

Year Operating Quick Ratio

1988 48.62%

1989 57.27%

1990 44.64%

1991 41.97%

1992 50.90%

1993 29.61%

1994 14.29%

TABLE 7: Intuit Re-organized Balance Sheet

1988 1989

Operating cash 1092060 3358440

Excess Cash -33060 -1474440

Accounts Receivable 0 0

Inventory 0 0

Current Asset 741,000 2,228,000

Net Fixed Assets 446,000 1,752,000

Long term investments 0 0

Total Assets 2,246,000 5,864,000

945,000 1,894,000

Long term debt 0 0

Pension Benefit 0 0

1,301,000 3,970,000

Total Liabilities and Equity 2,246,000 5,864,000

TABLE 8: Intuit Re-organized Income Statement

1988 1989

Revenue 6,067,000 18,658,000

Cost of Sales (ex D&A) 2,185,000 6,853,000

General Expenses (ex D&A) 2,465,000 7,513,000

EBITDA 1,417,000 4,292,000

Depreciation and Amortization 0 0

EBIT 1,417,000 4,292,000

Interest Income - operating 154683

Interest income - Excess -4683

Interest Income 150,000 150,000

Long term Invenstment Income 0 0

Interest expense 30,000 35,000

Income before taxes 1,537,000 4,407,000

Provision for income tax 580,000 1,693,000

Income after taxes 957,000 2,714,000

Accounting Change 0 0

Discontinued Opeations 0 0

Extraordinary Itesm 0 0

Net Income 957,000 2,714,000

Table 9: Advanced Financial Model of Intuit

1988 1989

Operating Working Capital 147,060 1,464,440

Invested Capital 593,060 3,216,440

Adjusted EBIT 4,446,683

NOPLAT 2738438.14

NOPLAT Margin 14.68%

Capital Efficiency 31.46

ROIC 461.75%

Accounts Payable (Current Liability)

Common stock equity (Net worth)

Core Free Cash Flow 115,058

Opportunity Cost of Invested Capital 15%

Core Economic Profit 2649479

Built up method for Cost oEquity

Treasury Rate Risk Premium Industry

3.20% 5.40% 3.40%

Industry risk: 3.40% for computer sofware based on SBBI Industry Risk Table

Size Risk: The company is not very big as big companies are expected to have no risk, therefore 2% risk is considered for this company

Company Specific Risk: The company is considered to be risky since it's not doing very well in last year and 1% is considered

Finally, a discount rate of 15% is considered for this company.

Table 10: Intuit CFCF/EBITDA









Table 11: Historical Finanical Model of Intuit Corp

1988 19989

Revenue 6,067,000 18,658,000

Revenue Growth 208%

EDBITDA 1,417,000 4,292,000

NOPLAT 2,738,438

NOPLAT Margin 15%

Invested Capital 593,060 3,216,440

Invested Capital growth 442%

Capital Efficeincy 31.46

ROIC 462%

Core Free Cash Flow 115,058

Treasury rate: Based on is 4.85% for Baa bond. I assume that Intuit is not strong enough to consider the Aaa rate for it but Baa.

Risk Primium for Equity is based on Professor Aswath Damodaran from his website

Opportunity Cost 15%

Core Economic Profit 2,649,479

Net Income 957,000 2,714,000

Table 12: Estimated Return on Invested Capital by Industry

Industry ROIC

Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 21.80%

Household and personal products 18.80%

Software and software services 18.10%

Media 14.30%

Healthcare Equipment and services 14.80%

Food, Beverage, and tobacco 11.90%

Automobile and components 10.50%

Table 13: Finanical Forecost for Intuit

Previous Yrs Averag 1995

Revenue Growth 85% 75%

NOPLAT Margin 10% 9%

Capital Efficiency Ratio 19.93 10

Opportunity Cost of Invested Capital 12.00%

Revenue 194,126,000 339720500

NOPLAT 30574845

Invested Capital 100,823,680 56053883

Core Free Cash Flow 75344643

Present Value Factor 1 0.892857

Discounted Cash Flow 67272002

Present Value 488,129,674

Core Ecnomic Profit 18476003

Present Value Factor 1 0.892857

Discounted Economic Profit 16496432

Present Value 596,725,882

Valuation Using Core Free Cash Flow

add excess cash 48,943,320

HP 1985: The last year is excluded

add long term investement 0

Subtract pension obligation 0

Total 48,943,320

Enterprise Value 537,072,994

Current Debt 0

Long term debt 0

Total Debt 0

Equity Value 537,072,994

Valuation Using Economic Profit

Invested Capital 100,823,680

Total Value 697,549,561.87

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Assumptions:

3,778,000 7,181,000 9,030,000 39,540,000 83,886,000

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

5,332,000 7,929,000 13,486,000 26,477,000 36,056,000 Assumption: The current asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of current asset as an element of total asset

4,221,000 3,990,000 7,118,000 7,770,000 124,640,000 Assumption: The net fixed asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of next asset as an element of total asset

0 0 0 0 0

13,331,000 19,100,000 29,634,000 73,787,000 244,582,000

5,751,000 7,160,000 12,289,000 24,543,000 58,759,000 Assumption: There was no data for account payable in the case material, the current liability was treated as account payable.

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

7,580,000 11,940,000 17,345,000 49,244,000 185,823,000

13,331,000 19,100,000 29,634,000 73,787,000 244,582,000

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

33,059,000 44,539,000 83,793,000 121,372,000 194,126,000

11,951,000 15,535,000 29,085,000 39,160,000 69,499,000

15,612,000 22,623,000 46,854,000 68,981,000 261,273,000

5,496,000 6,381,000 7,854,000 13,231,000 (136,646,000)

0 0 0 0 40,412,000

5,496,000 6,381,000 7,854,000 13,231,000 -177,058,000

164,000 335,000 354000 624000 2507000 Assumption: The interest income for 1988 and 1989 are assumed based on 1990

0 0 0 0 0

39000 65000 66000 100000 10000 Assumption: The interest expensefor 1988 and 1989 are assumed based on 1990

5,621,000 6,651,000 8,142,000 13,755,000 -174,561,000

2,062,000 2,353,000 2,866,000 5,344,000 1,752,000

3,559,000 4,298,000 5,276,000 8,411,000 -176,313,000

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

3,559,000 4,298,000 5,276,000 8,411,000 -176,313,000

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

16.62% 14.33% 9.37% 10.90% -70.39%

16.62% 14.33% 9.37% 10.90% -91.21%

36.15% 34.88% 34.71% 32.26% 35.80%

47.22% 50.79% 55.92% 56.83% 134.59%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

20.86% 18.76% 16.18% 22.70% 17.76%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

11.43% 16.12% 10.78% 32.58% 43.21%

28.34% 37.60% 30.47% 53.59% 34.30%

12.77% 8.96% 8.49% 6.40% 64.21%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 520.10%

140.92% -5.47% 78.40% 9.16% 2024.22%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

8.70% 8.87% 4.93% 6.91% 6.34%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

36.68% 35.38% 35.20% 38.85% -1.00%

65.69% 100.29% 73.48% 161.10% 142.76%

65.69% 100.29% 73.48% 161.10% 142.76%

158.41% 211.03% 183.22% 268.99% 204.13%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

140.92 98.17 119 132.31 -13664.6

77.18% 34.73% 88.13% 44.85% 59.94%

28.05% 16.10% 23.08% 68.46% -1132.77%

28.05% 16.10% 23.08% 68.46% -1438.21%

31.13% 20.76% 22.75% 59.42% -2196.22%

0.36 0.46 0.26 1.53 -18.90

0.36 0.46 0.26 1.53 -23.99

0.40 0.60 0.26 1.32 -36.64

100.53% 90.07% 25.75% 337.87% 112.15%

140.92% -5.47% 78.40% 9.16% 1504.12%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

90.93% 57.52% 45.27% 183.91% 277.35%

127.34% 43.28% 55.15% 148.99% 231.47%

Operating cash








1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

5950620 8017020 15082740 21846960 34942680

-2172620 -836020 -6052740 17693040 48943320

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

5,332,000 7,929,000 13,486,000 26,477,000 36,056,000

4,221,000 3,990,000 7,118,000 7,770,000 124,640,000

0 0 0 0 0

13,331,000 19,100,000 29,634,000 73,787,000 244,582,000

5,751,000 7,160,000 12,289,000 24,543,000 58,759,000

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

7,580,000 11,940,000 17,345,000 49,244,000 185,823,000

13,331,000 19,100,000 29,634,000 73,787,000 244,582,000

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

33,059,000 44,539,000 83,793,000 121,372,000 194,126,000

11,951,000 15,535,000 29,085,000 39,160,000 69,499,000

15,612,000 22,623,000 46,854,000 68,981,000 261,273,000

5,496,000 6,381,000 7,854,000 13,231,000 (136,646,000)

0 0 0 0 40,412,000

5,496,000 6,381,000 7,854,000 13,231,000 -177,058,000

292348 527649 395213 1042262 1385188

-128348 -192649 -41213 -418262 1121812

164,000 335,000 354,000 624,000 2,507,000

0 0 0 0 0

39,000 65,000 66,000 100,000 10,000

5,621,000 6,651,000 8,142,000 13,755,000 -174,561,000

2,062,000 2,353,000 2,866,000 5,344,000 1,752,000

3,559,000 4,298,000 5,276,000 8,411,000 -176,313,000

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

3,559,000 4,298,000 5,276,000 8,411,000 -176,313,000

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

199,620 857,020 2,793,740 -2,696,040 -23,816,320

4,420,620 4,847,020 9,911,740 5,073,960 100,823,680

5,788,348 6,908,649 8,249,213 14,273,262 -175,672,812

3664958.46 4464497.54 5345473.86 8727910.60 -177435970.94

11.09% 10.02% 6.38% 7.19% -91.40%

10.28 10.08 17.29 12.25 38.26

113.94% 100.99% 110.28% 88.06% -3496.99%

2,460,778 4,038,098 280,754 13,565,691 -273,185,691

15% 15% 15% 15% 15%

3182492 3801405 4618421 7241150 -178197065

Size Company Specific Total

2.00% 1% 15.00%

Size Risk: The company is not very big as big companies are expected to have no risk, therefore 2% risk is considered for this company

Company Specific Risk: The company is considered to be risky since it's not doing very well in last year and 1% is considered









1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

33,059,000 44,539,000 83,793,000 121,372,000 194,126,000

77% 35% 88% 45% 60%

5,496,000 6,381,000 7,854,000 13,231,000 -136,646,000

3,664,958 4,464,498 5,345,474 8,727,911 -177,435,971

11% 10% 6% 7% -91%

4,420,620 4,847,020 9,911,740 5,073,960 100,823,680

37% 10% 104% -49% 1887%

10.28 10.08 17.29 12.25 38.26

114% 101% 110% 88% -3497%

2,460,778 4,038,098 280,754 13,565,691 -273,185,691 is 4.85% for Baa bond. I assume that Intuit is not strong enough to consider the Aaa rate for it but Baa.

Risk Primium for Equity is based on Professor Aswath Damodaran from his website

15% 15% 15% 15% 15%

3,182,492 3,801,405 4,618,421 7,241,150 -178,197,065

3,559,000 4,298,000 5,276,000 8,411,000 -176,313,000

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 25%

9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8%

10 10 10 9 9 9

12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%

560538825 896862120 1345293180 1883410452 2448433588 3060541985

50448494 80717591 121076386 150672836 195874687 244843359

89686212 134529318 209267828 272048176 340060221 408072265

16816165 35874485 46337876 87892488 127862643 176831315

0.797194 0.711780 0.635518 0.567427 0.506631 0.452349

13405744 25534750 29448558 49872558 64779194 79989506

43722028 69955245 104932868 125560697 163228906 204036132

0.797194 0.711780 0.635518 0.567427 0.506631 0.452349

34854933 49792762 66686735 71246511 82696844 92295584


Assumption: The current asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of current asset as an element of total asset

Assumption: The net fixed asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of next asset as an element of total asset

Assumption: There was no data for account payable in the case material, the current liability was treated as account payable.

Assumption: The interest income for 1988 and 1989 are assumed based on 1990

Assumption: The interest expensefor 1988 and 1989 are assumed based on 1990

2002 2003 2004

20% 15% 10%

8% 7% 7%

9 8 8

12.00% 12.00% 12.00%

3672650381 4223547939 4645902732

293812031 295648356

527943492 580737842

173940803 242854006

0.403883 0.360610

70251773 87575589

244843359 232295137

0.403883 0.360610

98888126 83767955

Assumption: The current asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of current asset as an element of total asset

Assumption: The net fixed asset for 1988, 1989, & 1990 weren't available and are calculated based on 1991 propertion of next asset as an element of total asset

Assumption: There was no data for account payable in the case material, the current liability was treated as account payable.