Microsoft Word - CREW Web viewThe Lead Crew Member designated for emergencies will initiate a...

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Transcript of Microsoft Word - CREW Web viewThe Lead Crew Member designated for emergencies will initiate a...



Table of Contents

• Philosophy of Camp 4:13…………...…………………………….3

• Servanthood………………………………….………………………..3

• Logistics…………………………………………………………………..3

• What We Believe………………………..…………………………….5

• A Day in the Life of Camp 4:13………………….……………...5

• What Are My Responsibilities……………………...................7

• Disability Specifics……….……………………….………………..8

• Risk Management…………………………………………………...13

• Changing Policy………………………………...……………………16

• Clothing Policy……………………………………………………….16



1. Philosophy of Camp 4:13

CAMP 4:13 is designed to provide relaxation, recreation and spiritual renewal for the disability family. Through the relationships made in the five days of Camp, attendees will see Jesus’ example of love and acceptance. This will truly be a week of laughter and fun; along with, splashes of healing and love. It will be a week of life changes and memories to treasure for years to come.

2. Servanthood As a Crew Member, we consider it a privilege and an honor to serve Jesus and our guests. Our model is one of servant hood. Diligently we work to put others above our selves. When Jesus left the comforts of His heavenly home to spend time on earth, Jesus modeled servant hood, even during His last days on earth. In Jesus’ last 24 hours, He chose to wash the disciple’s feet. During Camp 4:13 you are encouraged to look for ways to serve the campers, your fellow Crew Members and the staff of the grounds we are renting.

3. Logistics

A. The Lay of the Land – Map

In the appendix of this manual, you will find a copy of the map.

B. Daily Schedule

A schedule will be provided in your personal folder.

C. Rooms

Each camper is assigned a room with at least two crew members and youth workers.


D. Nursing

Camp 4:13 has at least one Nurse on staff for emergencies. The Nursing staff is on call 24 hours a day. During waking hours the home base for the nurse will be in the Gym at the Nurse’s room. The Nurse is also available via a two-way radio.

E. Emergencies

We hope emergencies do not happen while at Camp, but if they do occur, it is our desire that all of our Crew be prepared. We encourage you to stay calm throughout an emergency. Each crew member has been issued a whistle that should to be worn at all times. If you are in need of assistance and there is not a Lead Crew Member present please use your whistle to notify Camp staff. There is a designated Lead Crew Member who will respond to an emergency. During orientation, we will go through procedures for some of our most common emergencies such as fire and serve weather.

F. Missing Campers

The population we work with at Camp may wander away from a designated area. Following the protocol below is important. When someone is missing and there is not someone with a two-way radio within the vicinity please blow the whistle with one long blow. The Lead Crew Member designated for emergencies will initiate a search. That individual is responsible for giving direction to other people. Crew Members will be assigned duties and locations to look for the missing individual. When you have completed the search of that area, you will report to the designated Lead. The designated Lead is responsible for contacting the authorities if needed. After the guest has been located, please come to the Camp office to fill out an incident report.

G. Visitors

During the week, we will have visitors coming to assist with programming. You may even have family and friends come to visit.


We ask that if you do invite family and friends, you let the Administrator in the Crew Office know; especially, if they are staying for meals. Upon arrival we ask that all visitors check in at the Crew Office. At that time a visitors tag will be issued. A visitor should never be left alone with a guest.

4. What We Believe

o The Bible is the complete, perfect, and authoritative Word of


o There is one true God, forever present in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

o The Lord Jesus Christ is God's precious, unique Son

We believe in His virgin birth; conceived by the Holy Spirit, sinless life, miracles and teachings, His substitutionary atoning death; bodily resurrection; ascension into heaven; perpetual intercession for His people; and personal, visible return to earth. o In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling every believer in Jesus Christ and that, He is an abiding Helper, Teacher and Guide.

o Some day Jesus Christ will personally return and all people will

be resurrected. Those who have a personal, authentic relationship with Christ will receive eternal life. Those who have not chosen a relationship with Christ will experience eternal separation from God.

o Man can experience authentic relationship with each other,

and through Jesus Christ, believers are the body of Christ.

o God expressed His love to every individual through His son, Jesus Christ. His love is pure and receives all who come. This is the Good News.

5. A Day in the Life of Camp 4:13

A. Meals


We encourage you to come to all meals for a variety of purposes. You will be active during the day and will need to eat to keep up with the demand of the many activities. If you are a Personal Crew Member part of your responsibility will be to assist your campers with their mealtime. Finally, it is a good time for you to connect with other people who are attending and are serving at Camp.

B. Chapel

Worship and the Word are important tenets of Camp. Daily we will spend time corporately worshipping together. Chapel can often evoke emotional responses in those you serve and even for yourself. Prayer is vital in these moments. You are encouraged to spend time in prayer with your crew. Should you feel that you are not prepared for this step, feel free to lead your participant to a member of our leadership team.

C. Recreation Time

Recreation is one of our three major objectives for the week. Time will be committed each day to both organized and open recreation. These times are dedicated to fun, creativity, and exercise for the purpose of lifting the spirits of everyone. Our campers will take their lead from your enthusiasm, so we encourage you to try new things and be willing to move out of your comfort zone.

D. Free Time

Every afternoon there will be free time. During these free time hours campers will be offered a choice of activities. As you spend time with your crew you give campers the opportunity to spend time focusing on activities they may not always get to participate in and to enjoy.

Free time activities are offered throughout the week to our campers. A schedule of activities is provided for you in your welcome packet. Many of these activities will have sign-up sheets that are available at the camp store. Please encourage and assist your crew to sign-up for a variety of activities. Remember, these activities are for our campers


and they should have first opportunities to participate in these activities.

E. Kid Crew

The Staff Kid’s Programing is also operating this week. They will be involved with the campers during recreation time and meal times.

F. Crew-Time

On Tuesday & Thursday night, as formal programming ends for the day we will meet as a full crew in the cafeteria. The purpose of this time is to debrief, encourage one another, and give instructions and to rejoice for what God has done. All crew is expected to attend this time. Spending time together as a team is essential for a great working environment.

6. What Are My Responsibilities ?

A. Lead Crew

The Lead Crew Members will oversee the Personal Crew Members. They observe camper/caregiver capacity loads, shifting loads to conform to personalities, capabilities, gifts, etc. when necessary. They also assist in locating medical staff on behalf of the Personal Crew Members. The Lead Crew Members will be available to assist with many practical needs and activities, such as showering for your campers who are not able to do so on their own, helping with transfers in and out of wheelchairs, etc. Any maintenance/cleaning problems should be brought to their attention as well. They will work directly with the tech crew in clearing up the matter. If you have any problems or concerns, please talk to your Lead Crew Member.

B. Personal Crew

Personal Crew Members are assigned to an individual with a special need/disability to help them have a great week at Camp 4:13. Responsibilities include caregiving and


ensuring the person you are assigned to is safe and is involved in all activities to the degree the person is comfortable. You are scheduled to be with your camper at all times unless you switch off with another Personal Crew member from your room.

C. Medical Crew

Camp 4:13 is staffed with a nurse to assist with medical concerns. It is the medical personnel’s responsibility to ensure each guest and Crew Member stay safe. This position requires availability 24/7 and is available by two-way radio. The nurse is stationed within the gym during the day and has a designated dorm room during the evening.

D. Tech Crew

The Tech Crew is responsible for set up/tear down of all equipment and activities necessary to make Camp 4:13 run smoothly

E. Personal Crew Assistants

All of our positions are important at Camp but this position is needed to ensure Camp runs smoothly. Assistants will need to be flexible, and will be asked to fill in where needed. This position will be available to assist setting up activities, help with Personal Care for the campers in their room, and give Crew Members a break and/or many others behind the scene activities.

F. Student Crew Youth have paid to attend this week as Youth Missionaries. The youth are divided into 3 main teams: Recreation, Caregiving, and Concession/Kitchen. They will spend the week serving in these three areas.

7. Disability Specifics


Camp 4:13 encourages People First Language when talking with our friends with disability. To assist you with some of the proper terminology we have provided a People First Language chart in the Appendix.

During Camp you will encounter many different disabilities. We encourage you not to look at the disability the person has but rather build a relationship with the individual. Below are some of the disabilities you may encounter during the week and some common tips while working with that individual. Remember these are just guidelines, they are not rules written in stone.

A. Autism People with autism may:

• Be overly sensitive in sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste (for example, they may refuse to wear "itchy" clothes and become distressed if they are forced to wear the clothes)

• Have unusual distress when routines are changed • Perform repeated body movements • Show unusual attachments to objects The symptoms

may vary from moderate to severe. Communication problems may include:

• Cannot start or maintain a social conversation • Communicates with gestures instead of words • Develops language slowly or not at all • Does not adjust gaze to look at objects that others are

looking at • Does not refer to self correctly (for example, says "you

want water" when the child means "I want water") • Does not point to direct others' attention to objects

(occurs in the first 14 months of life) • Repeats words or memorized passages, such as

commercials • Uses nonsense rhyming


Social interaction: • Does not make friends • Does not play interactive games • Is withdrawn • May not respond to eye contact or smiles, or may

avoid eye contact • May treat others as if they are objects • Prefers to spend time alone, rather than with others • Shows a lack of empathy

B. Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases in which muscle fibers are unusually susceptible to damage. These damaged muscles become progressively weaker. Most people who have muscular dystrophy will eventually need to use a wheelchair. There are many different kinds of muscular dystrophy. Indicators of the most common variety begin in childhood, primarily in boys. Other types of muscular dystrophy don’t surface until adulthood. People who have muscular dystrophy may have trouble breathing or swallowing. Their limbs may also draw inward and become fixed in that position-a problem called contracture. Some varieties of the disease can also affect the heart and other organs.

C. Downs Syndrome

Common physical signs include: • Decreased muscle tone at birth • Excess skin at the nape of the neck • Flattened nose • Separated joints between the bones of the skull

(sutures) • Single crease in the palm of the hand • Small ears • Small mouth • Upward slanting eyes


• Wide, short hands with short fingers • White spots on the colored part of the eye (Brushfield

spots) Physical development is often slower than normal. Most children with Down syndrome never reach their average adult height. Children may also have delayed mental and social development. Common problems may include:

• Impulsive behavior • Poor judgment • Short attention span • Slow learning

D. Intellectual Disability Intellectual Disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and in such skills as communication, taking care of him or herself, and social skills. Often learning skills will take a longer period of time.

Most people with an intellectual disability should never be left unattended. Some, however, are very high functioning. Those individuals need a certain amount of freedom and should never feel as though they are being “watched”. Yet, for safety reasons, you should always know where they are and what they are doing. Stay within a reasonable distance.

E. Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that can involve brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. Indicators Indicators of cerebral palsy can be very different between people with this group of disorders. Symptoms may:

• Be very mild or very severe • Only involve one side of the body or both sides


• Be more pronounced in either the arms or legs, or involve both the arms and legs

Indicators are usually seen before a child is 2 years old, and sometimes begin as early as 3 months. Parents may notice that their child is delayed in reaching, and in developmental stages such as sitting, rolling, crawling, or walking. There are several different types of cerebral palsy. Some people have a mixture of indicators. Indicators of spastic cerebral palsy, the most common type, include:

• Muscles that are very tight and do not stretch. They may tighten up even more over time.

• Abnormal walk (gait): arms tucked in toward the sides, knees crossed or touching, legs make "scissor" movements, walk on the toes

• Joints are tight and do not open up all the way (called joint contracture)

• Muscle weakness or loss of movement in a group of muscles (paralysis)

• The symptoms may affect one arm or leg, one side of the body, both legs, or both arms and legs

The following indicators may occur in other types of cerebral palsy:

• Abnormal movements (twisting, jerking, or writhing) of the hands, feet, arms, or legs while awake, which gets worse during periods of stress

• Tremors • Unsteady gait • Loss of coordination • Floppy muscles, especially at rest, and joints that move

around too much Other brain and nervous system indicators:

• Decreased intelligence or learning disabilities are common, but intelligence can be normal

• Speech problems (dysarthria) • Hearing or vision problems • Seizures • Pain, especially in adults (can be difficult to manage)

Eating and digestive indicators


• Difficulty sucking or feeding in infants, or chewing and swallowing in older children and adults

• Problems swallowing (at all ages) • Vomiting or constipation

F. Spinal Cord injuries

Spinal cord trauma is damage to the spinal cord. It may result from direct injury to the cord itself or indirectly from damage to surrounding bones, tissues, or blood vessels.

G. Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. Spina Bifida literally means “split spine.” Spina Bifida happens when a baby is in the womb and the spinal column does not close all of the way. No one knows for sure why Spina Bifida occurs. Scientists believe that genetic and environmental factors act together to cause the condition.

Conditions associated with Spina Bifida Children and adults with Spina Bifida may have mental and social problems. They also may have problems with mobility. In some cases, partial or complete loss of bladder and bowel control exists. Children and adults with Spina Bifida most often will have reduced mobility due to partial or complete paralysis of the legs so the use of crutches, braces or wheelchairs is needed. Latex Allergy: Individuals with Spina Bifida are at a high risk for developing a latex allergy. Indicators of latex sensitivity can be minor, but without warning may become life threatening. Many people are unaware that they are sensitized to latex because the symptoms can be vague and non-specific.

Some symptoms of latex allergy: itching, skin redness, hives or rash, sneezing, runny nose, itchy watery eyes, scratchy throat, coughing or wheezing. The most serious allergic reaction to latex is


anaphylaxis, a type of shock. An anaphylactic response to latex is a medical emergency.

Hydrocephalus and Shunt Malfunctions: Hydrocephalus means there is a build up of fluid around the brain. The most common treatment for hydrocephalus is to insert a tube, called a shunt, to drain excess fluid from the head. About 80 percent of people with Spina Bifida have hydrocephalus that needs treatment.

8. Risk Management

A. Personal care Throughout the day you may be asked to assist with personal care. If you are a Personal Crew Member, please talk to the caregiver/family member at check in for the best ways to assist. When doing personal care, please keep the below procedures in mind.

Universal Precautions

Procedure: 1. Wash hands before and after use, preferably with anti-

bacterial soap 2. Wear Non-Latex gloves (available in the Nurse’s office). 3. Dispose of gloves after every use

When to use gloves: 1. Personal Care: Toileting 2. Cleaning us spills or Messes: blood, feces, urine, vomit 3. First Aid with blood: cuts, open burns, nose bleeds

Cleaning Spills 1. Wear gloves 2. Clean area with detergent using cloths/towels 3. Disinfect area with germicide (1 part bleach to 10 parts

water) 4. Throw contaminated waste in lined container, remove liner

and seal 5. Spills on carpeted areas need to have germicide applied.

Please do not use bleach.


B. Seizures

There is a possibility you will be exposed to someone who has seizures. Mainly caused by epilepsy, a common neurological disorder one or two hundred people almost every day. While seizures may look alarming and emergency treatment may be needed. Seizures may range from a blank stare, to periods of aimless movement, to convulsions. You can help by following these steps.

1. Try to send someone for help. 2. Help the person to the ground or place them where they

cannot fall. 3. Cushion head. 4. Move objects out of the way that may cause harm. 5. Loosen their collar. 6. Turn them to their side. 7. Do not hold them down. 8. Do not put anything in their mouths 9. After the seizure ends give the person time to recover.

Often the person will be slightly disoriented or sleepy. Let the person dictate when they are ready to resume activity.

10. After person has resumed activity, go to the nurse’s station to fill out an incident report.

C. Transfers

Some of our guests may need some assistance moving out of their wheelchair or scooter. The following suggestions will help when assisting another individual with a transfer.

1. Many transfers may need two people, especially if you are a novice!

2. Lock the wheelchair 3. Let the person know what you are going to do before you lift

someone 4. Ensure you have removed anything one could fall over 5. Use a transfer belt 6. All parties should where shoes. 7. Move to the end of the chair 8. Give short simple commands


Proper body Mechanics are important:

1. Keep feet at least 12 inches apart for a broad base of support 2. Keep close to who you are lifting 3. Keep body aliened; your back straight and your knees are

bent. Lift with your legs. 4. If a guest or object is too heavy, ask for help 5. Lift smoothly 6. When changing direction pivot your feet, turning your whole

body without twisting your back or neck. D. Handling behaviors that can be challenging

It is our strong desire to see our guests have a great time during the week. Some of our guests struggle with new environments and with routines that are new. Following are tips to help set our guests with challenge behavior up for success.

1. Many of our guests’ especially younger children struggle

with transitions. To help with transitions it is helpful to warn your guest prior to moving from one activity to the next activity. In most cases giving a five-minute warning will be a sufficient amount of time. Some guests may need to see the day schedule.

2. Establish rules 3. Focus on what your guest is doing well; give verbal

praise for what your guest is doing well. 4. When possible, ignore an inappropriate behavior. 5. Find out what preferred activities are and use them for

reinforcement. 6. Use first and then… For example if a guest really wants

to go boating but there is something prior to boating that needs to happen tell the person they will have to do what is needed and then you will go boating.

E. Changing Policy

a. Two individuals must be present at all times. b. Non-Latex gloves must be used during the entire changing



c. Dispose of gloves, gloves should never be re-used.

F. Clothing Policy For the safety of the children and adults we serve it is suggested, the following dress guidelines are followed:

a. Shoes that are closed toe and with a heel lower than one-½

inch, preferably with a non-slip sole. b. Clothing should be loose enough to allow freedom of

movement. c. Undergarments are required. d. Stay away from wearing heavily scented perfumes, lotions,

and after shaves. Some of our campers have allergies or are asthmatic; these scents can aggregate their conditions.

e. Earrings should fit close to the ear or other part of the body. f. Necklaces and bracelets should be short and should not hang

to create a hazard. g. Long hair should be pulled back in a ponytail or worn under a


Camp 4:13

Crew Manual
