Microalgae Cell Rupture Using High Pressure Homogenization As

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Energy Analysis, Computation of economics, Analysis of energy efficiency, Experimental Procedure on ALgae growth

Transcript of Microalgae Cell Rupture Using High Pressure Homogenization As

Microalgaecellruptureusinghighpressure homogenization as a prelude to lipid extraction8th International Conference On Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection.Chukuwma OnumaegbuUniversity Of he !est Of Scotlan"OutlineMicroalgae biomass CultivationDewatering/ FiltrationLipid Extraction using Soxhlet ApparatusLipid Extraction in ProgressAlgal cell pretreatment result without a homogeni!er Lipid Extraction Experimental Procedure/ "esultsMicroalgae homogenised cell pretreatment/ ExtractionresultsConclusion#igh Pressure homogeni!er $or algal cell ruptureMicroalgae biomass CultivationMicroalgae biomass CultivationHigh Pressure Homogenizer.Dewatering/ Filtration%Lipid Extraction using Soxhlet Apparatus%Lipid Extraction using Soxhlet Apparatus%Lipid Extraction in Progressable #$ %i&i" E'traction E'&erimental Proce"ure( )esults. able #$ %i&i" E'traction E'&erimental Proce"ure( )esults. &eight o$ 'himble A% (g) &eight o$ 'himble *% (g) 'emperature/ 'ime% Steam *ath Preheating range (min)+%+,- (g) 3.2463 (g) 40 ! 60 " 4 h30 min.Weight of fask + boiling beads = 101.5661 gWeight of fask + lipids from Batch A = 101.7175 gWeight of lipid from Batch A = 0.151 g. !"till contains some sol#ents.Weight of fask + lipids $ields from batch A % B = 10&. '(11 g.)nitial *eight of &50 ml fask = 101.510 gWeight of lipids in Batch B = 10&.'(11 + 101.7175 g = 0.66'6g !,ontains "ol#ents-.epeated #al/es0 1inal Weight of fask = 101.7&'g. 1inal lipid $ield = 101.7&' + 101.5661 g. 2ipid $ield = 0.157'g.Weight of lipid = &.6('g. 3age of lipid deri#ed = *.+,..nitial weight o$ Filter papers (mg) &eight o$ 'himble (g) &eight o$ Algae on $ilter papers (g)/01-2 ///02 /01324.0#$4 %.%%32 /0442 /05+2 /0-524.&%60 #.0$#0 /0452 //512 //6124.00' 4.#600 /0,-2 /0402 ///+2 //++ 7 /054 3.2'30 $.4622 'able +8 Microalgae homogenised cell pretreatment/ Extraction results%4otal *eight of Algae meas/red !g-0 '.50Weight of empt$ &50 ml fask !g-0101.667Weight of Algal lipid + fask !g- 101.566&Amo/nt of 2ipid !g-00.'0153age of lipid deri#ed !3-0 8.-.8+-,()*+,-() ()*+,-() Har.esting / ulti.ation is still a signi0icant challenge and re1uired a 0urther research. *ipid extraction processes still need to 2e impro.ed.3heoreticalpro4ectiono0microalgaeproductionhasnot2eenrealized. 5ielddemonstrationpro4ectsarenecessar6toad.anceunderstandingin this area.