Micro elements

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Micro elements

Micro Elements/ Camera shots.

The Incredible Hulk

Extreme close up.

• An Extreme Close Up allows the onlooker to see the emotions of a certain feature in there face.

Close up.

• This shows the reactions or feelings in the characters face so you can see every detail.

Medium Shot.

• Medium shot is used to show the upper body of the antagonist in shot. This is more commonly used when characters are talking.

Long Shot

• The long shot is used to show the whole body of the character to show there posture or any other details about them.

Extreme Long Shot.

• Extreme longshot is used to show the setting and environment that a character may be in.


• Tracking is used here to show certain information almost like your reading it normally.


In this sequence/Clip the camera pans from left to right, to show movement in a certain situation or to follow a characters movement.


Camera Tilts up in this Clip, this also shows movement.


Zooms in on a certain situation, used mostly in following or revealing.


The Transition between two different clips.


• The pace is shown in the scene to build up a quick tension and climax. Using quick and snappy clips usually between 0.5 to 1 second.


• Here we see Edward Norton’s performance as Bruce Banner in this clip he is about to open the door of the hospital.


• This may be added in after but the initial sound is natural. This adds a reality to the opening of the sequence.

Non Diegetic.

• Artificial music that helps build tension or mood of the beginning of this film.


• The Mise-En-Scene of this is the placement of everything in this clip so all the props, the lighting and the characters clothing/expression.