Michelle M

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Michelle M

Me and My Family

My mom, brother, and older sister. Me as a baby

My two brothers James and Joey and my self

My favorite toys

My favorite slinky

In 1952 I loved Mr. Potato Head


My mom’s favorite shoe’s

Me and my favorite skirt

All my favorite glasses

My favorite jewelry

Comic books and books

My brothers favorite comic book My favorite book, my mom bought it for me when I was little.


Well, since my baby left me,I found a new place to dwell. It's down at the end of lonely street at Heartbreak Hotel.

My favorite song:

My best friend, Elvis, and my self, at his concert in 1958.

New Inventions

In 1951 the video tape recorder was invented.

The first computer hard disk was used in 1956.

The hula-hoop was invented in 1958, this is my little cousin trying to hula-hoop

Family get-togethers

My family and I going to the fair.

My family picture at my moms house for her birthday.

Elementary School

This is Mrs. Lomens class when I was in 5th grade.


My mother accidentally left the stove on and burnt down the house.

High SchoolMy favorite class biology

English was always my least favorite class, Mr. lee was always grumpy.

Television shows

My little brother James and Joey favorite TV show. Howdy Doody Time

My mother loved I love Lucy.

My all time favorite show.

Korean War 1950-1953

A soldier paying respect to my uncle who served in the Korean war.

A painting my uncle sent my parents during the war.

President during the 50’s

My mother loved president Harry S. Truman as president.

Famous people

Marilyn Monroe was my fathers favorite actress.

Doris Day was my mothers idol.


My mother, My Aunts, and My Grandma Played on the All-American Girls ProfessionBaseball League during 1956.

Henry (Hank) Aaron was my favorite baseball player, this was my favorite baseball card.

High School sports My brothers loved playing football during the 50’s.

My brothers thought they were good at basketball.

Events This was the best school dance.

My mother second wedding.

For fun my friends and Iwould have turtle races.

Family interest