
Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Mexican


Píldora anticonceptiva

Pill: One of the great discoveries of mankind, this discovery has certainly helped reduce a greater or lesser extent the rate of unwanted pregnancies.


Luis Ernesto Miramontes made  norestiterona synthesis, active compound base of the first synthetic oral contraceptive. Miramontes appeared included in the USAInventors Hall of Fame Along with men like Newton.

Pilotes de Control

Piles Control: Invented by engineer Manuel Gonzalez Flores to control the movements of construction,

which is achieved that follow the ground during the sinking of the city, an example of this system is in the Torre Latinoamericana.

With the piles of control can control the movements of the building, which is able to continue to the ground during the sinking of the city.

Televisión a Color

TVcolor: Guillermo González Camarena invented in 1940 a system for transmitting color TV, Trichromatic System Field Sequential. 

Later he created a simpler system to create color, bicolor Simplified System Launched color television in Mexico.

Concreto traslucido

The translucent concrete walls can lift almost transparent, stronger and lighter thantraditional concrete 

and has the ability to be cast under water and be 30 percent lighter than concrete so far known.

Tecnología Book on demand

Victor Celorio invented a new printing InstaBookquick call, which publishes a book in 17 seconds, where you can choose the most appropriate design, and even the writers without a publisher can print copies.

Also developed the so-called distributed printing which allows an e-book is distributed across multiple print sites as this is required for immediate production and delivery.

Maíz de calidad proteínica QualityProtein Maize: 

Evangelina Villegas was the creator of this corn, which isknown as QPM (for its acronym in English) and contains twice the protein qualityand 10% more grain.

In 2000 was awarded the World Food 2000.

Mouse Pad

Mousepad: Yes, the mouse pad was created by a Mexican in 1979, his nameArmando M. Fernandez.

Catalizador Pentametálico It was created by

scientist Juan Manuel Lozano and is used in rocket engineshydrogen peroxide (jet),

which is the most important piece to generate their energy

Proyecto GNOME

 I think it is the best known (next to the color TV), appeared in 97as a desktop environment and infrastructure development for graphical operating systems Unix / Linux and was the brainchild of Mexican Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena.

The area of genetic engineering and more precise, the CINVESTAV Irapuato, scientists discovered how to make the melons last up to 6 times longer on the shelves now than last. With the discovery scientists achieved the National Awardfor Science and Food Technology 2010