Metric System Measuring Data Learning Objectives 1. Identify correct SI units of measurement for...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Metric System Measuring Data Learning Objectives 1. Identify correct SI units of measurement for...

Metric System Measuring DataLearning Objectives

• 1. Identify correct SI units of measurement for length, mass, volume, temperature and area

• 2. Use metric units to measure various data

Let’s take some measurements!

Scientists use a common measurement system so they can compare their results. Single standard system of measurement is called

the metric system or International System of Units (SI for short)

Only countries that do not use metric system: United States Burma (Myanmar) Liberia

Based on factors of 10

Metric system

SI Prefixes

Prefix Abbreviation Factorkilo k 0.001hecto h 0.01deka da 0.1base unit 1deci d 10centi c 100milli m 1000

Base Units

Mass - the amount of matter that makes up an object Unit of Measurement: grams (g)

Volume- the amount space occupied by a solid, liquid, or gas Unit of Measurement: liter (L)

Length - the measurement of something from end to end Unit of Measurement: meter (m)

1 ton dump truck = 1000 kg = 2000 lbs

1 can of soda = 355 mL

Shoe size of 9 (women) = 9.85 in = 25.1 cm Shoe size of 9 (men) = 10.25 in = 26 cm




• grams (g)

• liters (L)

• meters (m)

1 marble = 3 g

Prefix kilo hecto deka base unit deci centi milli

Abbreviation k h da d c m

Kate Hudson doesn’t understand doing college math.

Base unit: meters, grams, or Liters

Mass - the amount of matter that makes up an object Unit of Measurement: gram Tools: triple beam balance or scale

Mass is not the same as weight. Weight- the gravitational pull of an object

Ex. Gravitational pull on the moon is less, so we weigh less on the moon (6 times less)

Person who weighs 100 lbs on Earth = 16 lbs on Moon


Volume- the amount of space occupied by a solid, liquid, or gas Unit of Measurement: liter (L)

Volume of liquid is measured using a graduate cylinder or a beaker that is marked with a scalein milliliters (mL)


Volume For objects with regular shape like a

cube or rectangular prism, we can use a formula to calculate its volume. Volume of a cube = side x side x side Volume of rect. Prism = length x width x height

For irregular shaped objects like a rock, the water displacement method is used. Beaker or graduated cylinder is filled with water to

specific level, object is placed in beaker. Change in water level = volume of object.

Reading a Graduated Cylinder


What is the volume of the liquid in the graduated cylinder?

11.5 mL

Length- the measurement of something from end to end Under SI system, the base unit for length is

meter (m) Tools: ruler or meter stick, or measuring






Area- the inside shape or space of a an object measured in square units In rectangles and in squares, a simple calculation of length times width will give the number of square units

2 x 2 = 4 m²4 x 4 = 16 m²


Temperature – a measure of how warm or cold an object is with respect to some standard

● Fahrenheit (US) after G.D. Fahrenheit32°F = freezing212°F = boiling

● Celsius (rest of world) after A. Celsius0°C = freezing100°C = boiling


To Convert to Celsius To Convert to FahrenheitTº C = Tº F – 32 Tº F = 1.8 (Tº C) + 32


How do you convert?