Metabolism boosting foods

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Metabolism boosting foods


Metabolism is a biological term, which processes the chemical reaction in your body to convert food into energy. As per your weight loss graph, it might have platitude by now. This could be a sign that your metabolic boosting needs to rise. There are many foods that may work to boost the same. All you need to do is to include them in your diet. 2

Burn your Fat 3

Reduce stress

Dark Chocolate

"Foods stimulate the body to produce hormones," says Jonny Bowden, PhD, the author of The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. "Some of those hormones coax your metabolism into fat-burning mode, and others make it sluggish and more apt to store fat." These six super foods will rev up your fat-burning engine.


Keep Hydrated5