Merger of individual and corporate goals

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Merger of individual and corporate goals

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

MERGEROf individual and corporate goals

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Individual goals

Every one has their priorities

in life

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors


They also have priorities in their work

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Individual goals


Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Your job is part of your lifeAs are your personal priorities

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Any success youachieve at work

is also claimed by the management

as their achievement

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Thus the individual and the corporatecannot be separated

Because the merger between them already exists

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors


Individual goals


Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

You are fortunate to have a corporate basefrom which to achieve your personal success

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Focus on achieving your corporate goals and your individual goals get achieved on their own

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

Make use of this

TIP(To Improve Performance)

if you want to:

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

•Increase profitability by minimising delays•Convert conflict into compatibility•Add a zero to your bottomline

Dr Rakesh Chopra : Annie Meachem - Corporate Mentors

If you have an issue that is blocking your progress, email Dr Chopra today

to arrange a complimentary mentoring session