MERCER INFORMATION PRODUCTS CATALOGUE › uploads › asia › pdfs › china-is... · •...

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Transcript of MERCER INFORMATION PRODUCTS CATALOGUE › uploads › asia › pdfs › china-is... · •...




CompensatIon •total Remuneration surveys (tRs)•China City Index Report BenefIts•Benefits survey in China•Domestic transfer policy and practice Report for Local employee survey GLoBaL moBILIty •expatriate practice survey – Compensation, Benefits and mobility •tRs for Locally Hired foreigner/Returnee survey•Quality of Living•Cost of Living HR pRaCtICes •China monitor•China talent Retention survey – 2012 Version WoRkfoRCe effeCtIVeness•Human Capital metrics Report










ConsIDeR tHese QuestIons ... •Do you have an easy-to-use source for comparing compensation and benefits across geographies?

•are you able to evaluate the competitive position of each of your total remuneration elements?

•Is your pay strategy consistent while ensuring external competitiveness and maintaining internal equity?

mercer’s tRs report is your go-to source for comprehensive information on compensation and benefits across the globe. It provides consistent, accurate, high-quality data covering the full reward package, including all forms of cash compensation, long-term incentives and benefits. tRs provides reliable, up-to-date information on market pay rates and benefits prevalence to ensure that your reward packages remain cost-effective and competitive in the marketplace.

eVaLuate tHe totaL ReWaRD paCkaGemercer’s tRs is made up of five components providing a complete picture of total remuneration data.

annual base salary(monthly base salary times the number of months guaranteed)

total guaranteed cash compensation(annual base salary plus guaranteed allowances)

total annual cash compensation(total guaranteed cash compensation plus short-term incentive, sales incentive, profit sharing or other incentive awards)

total direct compensation(total cash compensation plus long-term incentive awards, valued using Black-scholes methodology for appreciation-based awards)

annual total remuneration(total direct compensation plus benefits and perquisites)

posItIons anD funCtIons suRVeyeDmercer’s tRs covers an average of 1,000 benchmark positions, from senior management to the administrative level, in the following functions:






•Contact center




•project engineering

•property/real estate management


TOTAL REMUNERATION SURvEyS (TRS)the key to making competitive compensation decisions for 2013 using consistent, high-quality and customizable market data


•Corporate affairs




•Human resources

•Information technology


•Repair and maintenance

•Research and development



•sales and marketing

•supply and logistics

tRs – DesIGneD to HeLp you make InfoRmeD DeCIsIons•use information, powerful analytical tools and expert advice to convert data into human capital intelligence

and maintain your competitive edge.

•apply your plan of action with the flexibility to meet local market needs and strategies that reflect global values.

•Combine job matching with our proprietary International position evaluation (Ipe) system to provide accurate market data.

•access more than 1,000 benchmark jobs and receive all-industry as well as industry-specific results.

•use online tools to analyze survey data according to your individual needs and conduct ”what if” analyses to instantly measure your competitiveness in specific markets.

WHat you ReCeIVe•online access – data delivered online through mercer WIn®, accessible anywhere and at any time, with

the ability to fully customize searches and statistics according to your individual needs and receive instant comparisons of your organization’s data against the market

•survey overview – a general review of typical salary practices and compensation mix, employment trends and other economic indicators related to HR management decisions

•Benefits and prevalence summary – information on short- and long-term incentive provision and benefits practices, including company cars, pensions and medical benefits

•actual market data – detailed market analysis of individual positions within job families, helping you to determine which positions and families are paid a premium in the market and which are paid below overall market levels

•market regression – regression statistics and graphs by mercer position class (Ipe job level) and functional area (for example, finance, HR) for each of the major components of total remuneration

• Custom analyses – ability to generate custom statistics tailored to your needs, based on peer groups, revenue size, total employees and more using mercer WIn for more information about the tRs survey, please refer to the 2013 mercer China subscription form.

If any questions, please contact IS Consulting Service Center at 400 600 5599 or


ChINA CITy INDEx REPORTone-stop solution to grasp pay differentials for 300 cities in China

aimed at helping companies better manage their pay systems for submarket employees benchmarked to the localized indicators, by maintaining a differentiated and fair pay structure across different locations and monitoring salary market trends and developments across cities in China mercer has carefully prepared the China City Index Report to provide companies with an at-a-glance overview of the geographic base pay differentials practice adopted by key national enterprises in about 300 cities within more than 20 provinces in China.

HoW you Can use tHe CHIna CIty InDeX RepoRtmercer provides you the geographic base pay differentials policies and practices of the leading multinational corporations and large-scale national companies in China. Besides base pay indexes for about 300 cities, the China City Index Report also updates macroeconomic indicators and economic conditions of major cities on an annual basis to help companies find the right solution.

the 2013 China City Index Report presents:

•survey overview find a profile analysis of survey participants and their practice on geographic base pay differentials.

•City overview Gain detailed governmental statistical information about each city provided for your decision making, including the following data: annual GDp growth, Consumer price Index, unemployment rate, population and workforce, city average income, city minimum wage and the brief introduction to major cities.

•City-to-city index comparison using shanghai/Beijing as the base city, quickly identify the overall difference of 300 cities or by employee categories (that is, top management, management sales/non-sales, professional sales/non-sales and staff); using the City Index software delivered as a CD package, easily customize the China City Index Report with different parameters or a different base city.

•City segmentation exploring the city segmentation practice in the market, review how companies divide city tiers to manage base salary differences effectively.


survey phases

2013 China City Index survey Date

Questionnaire distribution 1 aug 2013

Registration closing 1 sep 2013

Data submission deadline 14 sep 2013

Report release 15 nov 2013


2013 China City Index survey tRs participant non-tRs participant

City Index survey participant (full report) RmB 7,800 RmB 9,800

City Index survey participant (by province) RmB 1,000 per province RmB 2,000 per province

for further inquiries, please contact: Jessie Chen tel: 86 21 6103 5473 fax: 86 21 6350 8120 email:

Daisy Xutel: 86 10 6533 4355fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:




a cost-effective yet market-competitive benefits program is essential in attracting, retaining and engaging employees. mercer’s comprehensive market-leading database and dynamic online delivery tool enables HR professionals to plan and optimize their benefits cost.

•unmatched survey data — extensive 1st tier and 2nd tier cities with a single point of access

— Rolling database with continuous updates

•Dynamic delivery tool mercer Benefitsmonitor (mBm) provides you the freedom to run various types of reports to suit your needs:

— Conduct data comparisons between your competitors and you

— find QuICk reference to benefits of choice

— Gain 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week online access

— select only the benefits you want to analyze for the levels required

— export your analysis into convenient formats

ReCeIVe tHe Latest maRket InteLLIGenCe

HR policy and practice supplementary benefits items others

•Working time

•Leaves and holidays

•Business travel

•training and development


•severance/redundancy policy

•supplementary insurance

•supplementary medical benefit

•supplementary retirement benefit

•supplementary housing benefit

•flexible benefits

•Work/life balance

•Long-term incentives

•Car and transportation

•allowance and subsidy



bENEFITS SURvEy IN ChINAkeeping your benefits in line with the market


survey timeline

Data submission deadline Report delivery date

Benefits Report – first-tier Cities 1 Jun 2013 30 sep 2013

Benefits Report – second-tier Cities 1 Jul 2013 31 oct 2013

price (RmB)

tRs participant non-tRs participant

spotlight on Benefits

Beijingshanghai GuangzhoushenzhenChina second-tier cities

RmB 5,800 (per city) RmB 7,800 (per city)

Benefits Report (Benefitsmonitor™)

Beijingshanghai GuangzhoushenzhenChina second-tier cities

standard RmB 11,800 (per city)

standardRmB 14,800 (per city)

premiumRmB 17,800 (per city)

premiumRmB 23,800 (per city)

China – all cities RmB 20,800 RmB 27,800

for further inquiries, please contact:fiona Qiutel: 86 21 6141 6691fax: 86 21 6350 8120email:

shelley Hutel: 86 21 6103 5507fax: 86 21 6350 8120 email:

or visit

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:


China is an increasingly mobile society. Given the fast development of China’s businesses, employee movement has become an increasingly popular way to support nationwide business expansion as well as employees’ skills and knowledge transfer. It is important for the companies to provide sufficient financial support or otherwise to the relocating employees and their families.

•Do you have any queries or doubts about what you should provide for a domestic transferee?

•What are the usual allowances granted in an assignment?

•What are the different types of benefits granted, depending on the duration of the assignment?

•How does the role of employee level determine allowances or benefits?

•What other support is needed from employers?

•What are the different forms of transfer – commuter, temporary or permanent?

If these are the questions you have in your mind, we have the solution to your problems. the Mercer Domestic Transfer Policy and Practice Report for Local Employee report is designed to help HR professionals better serve their employees on such assignments by providing valuable and necessary information.

typICaL Contents•Domestic transfer policy

•Domestic transfer trend

•Covered benefits

— mobility allowance

— pre-assignment trip

— moving expense

— temporary living at host city

— Housing benefits

— Home visit

— Children education

— spousal support



survey schedule

Data submission deadline Report delivery date

Domestic transfer policy and practice Report for Local employee

15 aug 2013 15 nov 2013


tRs participant non-tRs participant

Domestic transfer policy and practice Report for Local employee

RmB 8,800 RmB 10,800

for further inquiries, please contact:fiona Qiutel: 86 21 6141 6691fax: 86 21 6350 8120email:

shelley Hutel: 86 21 6103 5507fax: 86 21 6350 8120 email:


IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:

10 10



today, the expatriate talent pool in China is broader and deeper. Having a mix of international expatriates as well as those from asia pacific countries and nearby Hong kong and taiwan is becoming more common. this diversity has compelled companies to design multiple compensation and benefit packages. more important, the market of international expatriates in China is rapidly changing, which requires companies to review and audit expatriate policies from time to time in order to ensure that they remain updated in the market.

mercer’s China Expatriate Practices Survey – Compensation, Benefits and Mobility is designed to provide you with valuable information on expatriation, compensation and benefit trends as well as policies and market practices.

this survey is focused on long-term expatriate/international assignees working in mainland China. Information is collected and presented in four categories:

1. expatriates globally but outside asia pacific

2. expatriates from asia pacific

3. expatriates from Hong kong

4. expatriates from taiwan

the survey explores:

•expatriate policies

•expatriation trends

•expatriate administration

•post-assignment arrangements

•Compensation spotlights

— salary adjustment

— salary increase

— salary payment

— Compensation approach

•Benefits — Cost-of-living allowance

— Quality-of-living allowance/hardship allowance

— mobility premium allowance

— Insurance

— supplementary medical benefit

— supplementary retirement benefit

— Car and public transportation

— Housing

— Children’s education

— Club membership

— Home visit

— moving/relocation

— spouse support

— tax assistance

— Leaves and holidays



ConsuLtInG seRVICesBased on solid market data from our surveys, customized consulting services – such as international assignment policy design and review, expatriate package audit, market value services (job pricing) and more – are also provided and tailored to your needs.

survey schedule

expatriate survey Report – Compensation, Benefits and mobility practice


Questionnaire distribution 1 may 2013

Registration closing 1 Jul 2013

Data submission deadline 16 Jul 2013

Report release 1 oct 2013


expatriate survey Report – Compensation, Benefits and mobility practice

tRs participant non-tRs participant

expatriate survey participant – full report RmB 11,800 RmB 13,800

one benefit item for survey participant RmB 5,000 RmB 7,000

for further inquiries, please contact:Cathy Liu tel: 86 10 6533 4390 fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:


IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:


unlike in the 1990s, employers in China have been relying on locally “importing” expatriates from outside the country. understandably, pay gaps often exist between these two populations.

mercer’s tRs for Locally Hired foreigner/Returnee is designed to provide you with comprehensive data on compensation and benefits for locally hired foreigners and locally hired returnees. this survey covers more than 200 benchmark positions, from top executives and management to senior professionals.

the survey results can be accessed anywhere and at any time through mercer WIn.

the survey explores:

Compensation reportCustomized analysis with data cut by:•Job

•position class

•Job family and position class (pC) range

•Job and pC range

•Career stream and level

•family, career stream and level

Benefit report contents•Cost-of-living allowance

•Quality-of-living allowance/hardship allowance

•mobility premium allowance


•supplementary medical benefit

•supplementary retirement benefit

•Car and public transportation

•Leave and holidays


•Children’s education

•Club membership

•Home visit


•spouse support

•tax assistance

ConsuLtInG seRVICesBased on solid market data from the survey, customized consulting services – such as localization or local-plus policy design and review, local-plus package audit, market value services (job pricing) and more – are also provided and tailored to your needs.



survey phases

2013 tRs for Locally Hired foreigner/Returnee Date

Questionnaire distribution 1 may 2013

Registration closing 1 July 2013

Data submission deadline 16 Jul 2013

Report release 15 nov 2013


2013 tRs for Locally Hired foreigner/Returnee tRs participant non-tRs participant

survey participant RmB 11,800 RmB 13,800

one benefit item per survey participant RmB 5,000 RmB 7,000

for further inquiries, please contact:Cathy Liu tel: 86 10 6533 4390 fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:


IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:


to encourage employment mobility and keep abreast of the competition, you need reliable information to help you calculate fair, consistent expatriate allowances. Based on 39 factors within 10 categories, mercer’s Quality of Living reports contain all the key elements you need to calculate hardship allowances for transfers to more than 460 cities worldwide. “Hardship allowance” refers to the premium compensation paid to expatriates who experience – or should expect to experience – a significant deterioration in living conditions in their new host locations.

our reports are based on the mercer’s annual Quality of Living survey. the survey questionnaire is developed by international mercer professionals, working closely with major multinational companies and other experts in the field.


•Ourweb-basedapplicationcontainsflexibleandpowerfultoolstoletyoucustomizeyourhardshipallowance calculations and access details of the scores used in calculating the index.


RepoRt foRmat•Global HR monitor


for further inquiries, please contact:Cathy Liu tel: 86 10 6533 4390 fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:

QUALITy OF LIvING REPORTCompare cities and set hardship allowances for your internationally mobile workforce

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:

16 16

to encourage mobility and to manage your international assignment costs, you need precise information to calculate fair, consistent expatriate compensation packages. With offices in 42 countries and territories, mercer brings you factual, objective price information from 300 cities around the world.

Based on more than 200 goods and services, our surveys are conducted by professional researchers in each location we cover. Carefully chosen vendors reflect only those outlets where your expatriates can buy goods and services of international quality.


•Hostcityaccommodationinformation:providemonthlyrentalcostsbylivingarea,accommodationtype,size of room, furnished or not

•Hostcityeducationinformation:providethetuitioninformationorprivateschools,internationalschools,and all kinds of local schools with teaching in english, french, German, Italian or Japanese

•Businesstravelexpensesinformation:providetypicaldailyexpensesinbusinesstravel,includinghotels,meals, transportations and more

our web-based application contains flexible and powerful tools to let you customize your cost-of-living allowance calculations.

RepoRt upDatethe report is updated twice a year.

RepoRt foRmat•Global HR monitor


for further inquiries, please contact:Cathy Liu tel: 86 10 6533 4390 fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:

COST OF LIvING REPORTthe key to designing accurate expatriate compensation packages

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:




suRVey oVeRVIeWChina Monitor is a mercer quarterly tracking report that captures the latest labor market movements and HR practice trends in China and across the region.

the report is divided into three main sections and covers:•Macroeconomicindicators,suchasregionalandlocaleconomicupdates,aswellasarecapitulationof

the latest HR-related policies in China

•Keyindicators,suchascompensation,benefitandrecruitmentpractices,includingsalaryincrease,turnover rates and hiring plans


In 2012 …•Sixhundredfiftycompaniesenrolledandcontributedtheirdata;alldatasubmissionswere100%

checked and validated, where necessary.



In 2013 …•Wewillcontinuetoconductquarterlysurveysandsharethepost-surveyresultsviawebcastaftereach

report release.


•NodatasubmissionisrequiredinQ3.TheQ3datawillbeextractedfromtheMercer2013TRS,whichhas data from more than 2,000 companies.

•WewilloffermembersanewpackageddealthatincludesaseattotheMercerAsiaPacificHRRoundtable, valued at RmB 9,800.

the mercer asia pacific HR Roundtable is held in different cities each year. It is a comprehensive two-day networking event for senior HR professionals dedicated to addressing current HR issues in asia pacific. the high-quality sharing of ideas and views provides participants with the perfect platform to grow their HR knowledge. experts and thought leaders from around the world will be invited to share their ideas and dynamic solutions for helping organizations attract, motivate and retain talent.




ChINA MONITOR keeps you updated on China talent market movements


survey phases

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Data cut-off date 25 feb 2013 25 may 2013 not required 25 nov 2013

Report release date 30 mar 2013 30 Jun 2013 30 sep 2013 30 Dec 2013


tRs participant non-tRs participant

China Monitor RmB 5,800 RmB 7,800

China Monitor plus one pass to the mercer asia pacific annual HR Roundtable

RmB 10,600 RmB 12,600

Note: The listed prices are for participants only. The non-participant fee is double the TRS participant fee.

for further inquiries, please contact:Jessie Chentel: 86 21 6103 5473fax: 86 21 6350 8120email:

Daisy Xutel: 86 10 6533 4355fax: 86 10 8529 7400 email:

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:


the talent Retention practices survey 2012 captures all-inclusive, in-depth information on a range of issues dealing with the singular challenge of retaining valuable human capital. By deploying mercer’s proprietary retention framework developed from global retention studies, the survey results allow you to analyze the issue from a multi-perspective view of compensation, benefits, training, career and supporting mechanisms.

suRVey oBJeCtIVes•Tracktheturnoverratesbyindustryandbydemographicsegments,inordertoidentifyprevailingstaff

turnover trends




the survey collects data, via quantitative and qualitative approaches, from both employers’ and employees’ perspectives to draw a holistic picture of staff retention drivers and useful practices, in order to help HR executives plan and invest wisely on staff retention practices and customized programs.


China talent Retention survey (2012 version) RmB 16,800

for further inquiries, please contact:Jessie Chentel : 86 21 6103 5473fax : 86 21 6350 8120email :

TALENT RETENTION PRACTICES REPORT (2012 vERSION)Revealing hard truths of talent retention investments that actually work

Daisy Xutel: 86 10 6533 4355fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:




a prerequisite to improving human capital management is having a clear understanding of the current state of companies’ workforce. In addition to a self-assessment, companies also need to take into account the external markets. evaluating and benchmarking the external markets can help us identify potential areas for improvements for our own organizations.

mercer’s Human Capital Metrics Report provides various types of market data to use as benchmarks. the data provided are related not only to personnel management, but also to professional work. from human capital RoI to the cost of staffing, the Human Capital Metrics Report is able to assist enterprises in understanding the differences that exist between their own practices and the practices of the market in order to improve efficiency and establish a foundation for overtaking the competition.

the Human Capital Metrics Report aims to provide market benchmarking information around the efficiency of human capital management practices through the following eight categories of benchmarks (some of the key benchmarks are listed under each category; benchmarks may vary from industry to industry):

Human capital RoI•Revenue per employee

•profit per total cash cost

•total remuneration costs as a percentage of revenue

staff ratios•HR staff as a percentage of total employees

•expatriate as a percentage of total employees

•sales staff as a percentage of total employees

training and development•training expenditure per employee

•percentage of employees provided with training

•annual training hours per employee

•Ratio of internal development

Compensation and benefit costs•Base salary costs per employee

•Variable bonus as a percentage of total cash costs

•employee benefits as a percentage of total cash costs

HR function budget•Cost per HR staff

•HR function budget as a percentage of total operation costs

•HR function budget as a percentage of revenue

Recruitment effectiveness•expenses allocation on different recruitment channels

•number of working days to fill headcount vacancies of different levels

•Ratio of successful hiring

Recruitment•Working days to fill vacancy by employee level

•Direct recruitment cost by employee level

overtime•total overtime payment cost per blue-collar worker

•average hours paid overtime per week – office staff

•overtime payment cost of blue-collar workers as a percentage of base salary costs



survey phases

survey schedule


Consumer industry

automotive industry

Internet industry

High-tech industry

pharmaceutical industry

Dataeffective date

2012 fiscal year (questionnaire distribution starts from early april)

Data collection close date

15 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 15 Jun 15 may

Report delivery date

30 sep 15 aug 30 aug 15 sep 30 Jul


2013 tRs participant non-tRs participant

participants (submitted data) RmB 10,800 RmB 13,800

off-the-shelf report (non-submitted data) RmB 21,600 RmB 27,600

Note: The report will be delivered in PDF format.

for further inquiries, please contact: Daisy Xutel: 86 10 6533 4355fax: 86 10 8529 7400email:

IS Consulting Service CenterTel: 86 400 600 5599Email:

for further information, please contact your local mercer office or visit our website










Czech Republic





Hong kong









new Zealand






saudi arabia


south korea







united arab emirates

united kingdom

united states


Copyright 2013 mercer LLC. all rights reserved. 11580a-Ip-250113