Mercado Gaamil Proj Mgmt Plan Proj2 Final

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Transcript of Mercado Gaamil Proj Mgmt Plan Proj2 Final

  • 8/11/2019 Mercado Gaamil Proj Mgmt Plan Proj2 Final









    MARCH 17,2012

  • 8/11/2019 Mercado Gaamil Proj Mgmt Plan Proj2 Final
















  • 8/11/2019 Mercado Gaamil Proj Mgmt Plan Proj2 Final




    A disaster event can cause significant loss of the Universitys records and

    information technology systems and has the potential to cause major disturbance to the

    University's ability to operate effectively. This can result in financial loss, public

    embarrassment and a loss of credibility and goodwill.

    Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan depends significantly on Information

    Technology Services as the campus service provider for computer-supported

    information processing, campus-wide networks, telecommunications, and technology

    support for University students, faculty, and staff. As a result of this ever-increasing

    reliance on technology, IT services require a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan toassure these services can be re-established quickly and completely in event of a

    disaster. The plan provides guidelines for ensuring that needed personnel and

    resources are available for both disaster preparation and response and that the proper

    steps will be carried out to permit the timely restoration of services.

    The purpose of the Disaster preparation and recovery plan is to provide for the

    safety and well-being of people on the premises at the time of a disaster and it will

    address the continuity of the critical business operations. Through this planning, it will

    minimize the duration of a serious disruption to business operations and resources. In

    return, it will minimize immediate damage and losses and identify critical lines of

    business and supporting functions that will ensure organizational stability and orderly



    Recently, there are major calamities that happened in the Philippines particularly

    in Cagayan de Oro city. Due to these unavoidable circumstances there will be possible

    major risk for the University in all aspects and it will affect its continuity in business.

    Therefore, there is a need for an updated disaster recovery plan.

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    Identification of the responsible department for the assign task will be vital for this

    plan. All Departments, offices, staff, faculty and all the sector of the university must

    have the knowledge when or where to go if the calamity will happen. This will organize

    the man power support for the university and will have efficient response operation.


    The scope of this disaster recovery plan for Xavier University addresses

    scenarios where the information systems and related technological infrastructure are

    physically damaged and/or require relocation due to fire and earthquakes.

    This plan will only address the recovery of systems under the direct control of the

    Computing Services Department that are considered critical for business continuity. It

    has the overall Disaster Organization Chart but we are limited only to the Computer

    Science Recovery team. Also, given the uncertain impact of a given incident or disaster,

    it is not the intent of this document to provide specific recovery instructions for every

    system. Rather, this document will outline and a general planning of a recovery process

    which will lead to development of specific responses to any given incident or disaster.


    Milestone Description Date

    Project study


    A Discussion of the necessity of the study and its

    desired content

    Week 2

    Project planning

    and formulation of

    a proposed

    disaster recoverysystem

    Detailed planning and formulation of the disaster

    recovery system

    Month 1

    Project plan review Review of the important things to do in case of


    Month 2

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    Project plan


    General information of the project management the

    team and this will be the basis of approval.

    Month 3

    Project summary This includes points of contact and prime contractor


    Month 4

    Assessment of

    every department

    Assessment of information system 2 weeks

    Design of


    process flow

    Designed the process flow and the data center 2 weeks


    and installation of

    disaster recovery


    Implementation or installation and testing of the

    disaster recovery system.

    Month 6

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    a. Project approval


    Project name:Plan to Formulate IT and Disaster Recovery

    Date:February 18, 2012

    Plan Release #:1.0

    Project Manager:Ike Gaamil

    Ike Gaamil Dennis Mercado

    Project Manager Lead Engineer

    Fr. Roberto C. Yap SJ Dr. Lina G. Kwong

    University President Academic Vice-President

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    b. Project Summary


    Comments: _____________________

    Please answer the following questions by marking Yes or No and provide a brief

    response as appropriate:

    Is this an updated Project plan? If so, reason for update:


    Budget for project by fiscal year and is project funded? If so, for what amount(s) and


    Budget Amount: 200,000 php Year: FY 2012 Funded? __X__ Yes ______ No

    Budget Amount: 500,000 php Year: FY 2013 Funded? __X__ Yes ______ No

    Budget Amount: Year: Funded? _____ Yes ______ No

    Total Amount: 700,000 php

    Disaster Preparation andRecovery Plan



    Xavier UniversityOrganization

    Feb. 20, 2012Start Date:

    Ike Gaamil and DennisMercado


    B :

    Avinu corporationPrime

    ContractorFebruary 25, 2012



    Development Life Cycle (Design, Development, Integration, Testing or



    Stage of


    X Yes _____No

    Project is on

    Schedule:Project is within

    the budget X Yes _____No

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    Points of contact:

    Position Name/Organization Phone E-Mail

    Project Manager Ike Gaamil 0905-5685-638

    Lead engineer Dennis Mercado 0926-9452-161

    Senior Technical


    Mario Feliciano 0925-2411-234



    Joseph Sabal 0252-4252-231

    Prime Contractor Information:

    Company: Avinu Corporation

    Position Name/Organization Phone E-Mail

    Project Manager John Smith 0927-2412-738

    Senior Management


    Daniel Diaz 0928-9242-141

    Senior Technical


    Rusty Lim 0927-2611-341

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    Schedule Baseline and Work Breakdown Structure:

    Schedule Baseline

    Level WBS


    Element Name Description of


    Deliverables Budget Resources

    1 101 Project InitiationObtaining support

    and organizecommittees

    2 102Assessment/ Risk

    identificationIdentification of

    risk hazard

    3 103 MitigationProtection andmanagement of


    2,000,000.00 php

    4 104 Businesscontinuation

    Planning of the

    Continuation ofbusinessfunction

    5 105Crisis


    Plan ofManagementduring Crisis


    6. 106EmergencyResponse

    Emergencymanagementand response

    during the crisis

    7 107



    Implementationof the

    managementduring the crisis

    8 108Business


    Continuation ofbusiness after

    the crisisLEGEND:

    FS = The specific task must finish prior to starting the identified task

    SS = Two identified task start at the same time, but are not linked to finish at the same time.

    FF = Two identified task finish at the same time, but are not linked to start at the same time.

    Blank = Task has no dependency

    Lag = Additional days can be added for reserve to ensure project stays on schedule

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    Work Breakdown Structure







    Obtain management Support

    Organize Planning


    Natural Hazards

    Fire, Explosion

    Develop loss scenarios

    Possible estimation of impact

    on buildings, operations,

    personal and environment

    Identify and prioritize critical


    Identify Resource



    Protection systems

    Hazard Elimination

    Develop Recovery Strategies

    Assess alternative operating









    and training



    and Updating

    Changes in personnel,

    Facilities, operations, and


    Regulatory Requirements

    Results of Plan Testing










    Fire fighting

    Management Decision


    Internal Communications

    Executive alternative

    operating Strategies

    Restore Critical Function

    Effect long-term Recovery

    Hazardous Materials




    Property Conservation

    External public relations

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    V. Communication Management Plan

    Communication Plan

    Xavier University Communication Plan is designed to provide an orderly flow of

    accurate, effective and timely information to the Xavier staff and campus during the

    onset of a crisis situation, or a situation of potential crisis affecting the University

    campus telephone, data network and, computer and information systems.

    It is the responsibility of each department to communicate with their customers and

    other Xavier staff. Coordinating with Campus Services Help Desk and other key entry

    points will provide the communication link in communicating service interruptions.

    Communication Guidelines

    The focus of this section is to decide in advance how every department will

    communicate with internal and external audiences in the event of an unplanned service

    interruption. This plan recognizes the importance of addressing and supporting

    communication needs and issues that emerge at the service level. Individual

    departments will need to extend this plan for the specific requirements of their area.

    Enterprise IT Emergency Communications

    During a campus IT emergency, defined as a serious situation not (or perhapsnot yet) having been declared a disaster, the IT Security Officer has primary

    responsibility for immediate response. All emergency IT messages will be sent to the

    college and departmental emergency contact list by the University IT Security Officer.

    a. Develop a Plan of Action.

    Determine how Xavier University Information Technology Services will

    respond to any service interruption by defining the specific actions to be taken,

    outlining the way that appropriate information should flow to different audiences, andidentifying appropriate spokespersons for various constituents. Particular attention

    should be paid to determine a priority order under which audiences will receive

    information, as well as a regular schedule of news updates. Each department will

    work with University Relations to gather accurate and substantial information

    regarding the situation and details regarding the University response. University

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    Relations, working with the department, will provide notification to customers,

    employees, and the general public on progress toward recovery.

    Audiences/contacts that should be considered during a crisis:

    Chief Information Officer/Xavier University Information technology services Staff

    Campus ServicesInformation technology Services Help Desk


    College/Unit IT Emergency Contacts

    University Administration

    University Relationsand the Public

    Public Safety

    Facilities Management

    Business Office

    University General Counsel

    b. Plan Enactment.

    Notices should be issued in a timely manner, before the story and speculation

    starts leaking out on its own. It is the organizations policy to be open and honest incommunication no matter where the blame lies. Provide factual information to

    University Relations and authorities as quickly as facts have been verified, and use

    every means of communications available to offset rumors and misstatements.

    c. Follow Up.

    After the plan is activated, the Disaster Recovery Manager will determine

    subsequent actions and decide if other employees need to be involved. The

    following information must be gathered and its accuracy verified to provide an

    incident report to the Director.

    What has happened?

    Who is involved?

    When did it happen?

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    Where has it happened?

    Was anyone injured?

    Could interruption have been prevented?

    Financial Loss?

    What impact may this crisis have on the organization:

    Does this situation run the risk of escalating in intensity?

    To what extent will the situation be noticed by the media and/or mon itored by

    governmental agencies?

    Will the situation interfere with normal site or business operations?

    Could this situation damage the organizations reputation?

    To what extent could this situation directly impact the organizations financial


    Xavier Universi ty Communicat ion Gu idel ines

    University Relations serve as the authorized spokespersons for the Institution. All

    public information must be coordinated and disseminated by their staff. University policy

    requires that only certain administrators may speak on behalf of the University. In the

    event that regular telecommunications on campus are not available, University

    Relations will center media relations at a designated location. Information will be

    available there for the news media and, as possible, for faculty, staff, and students.

    Cellular and other emergency telephone numbers are available to Public Safety and

    other designated units. Official information will be made available as quickly as possible

    to the Campus Information Center.

    After hours a University Relations representative is on call evenings, weekends,

    and holidays to assist University units in communication with the campus and the

    general public dealing with media emergencies and other unusual circumstances. The

    representative on call will provide media assistance and alert appropriate University

    administrators as necessary.

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    Information technology Service and Escalation Protocol

    Disaster Recovery Director- Fr. Roberto C. Yap SJ

    Disaster Recovery Managers

    Lina G. Kwong

    Academic Vice-PresidentESTRELLA C. CABUDOY

    Director, University Library

    REYNALDO ANTONIO R. MANTEDirector, Human Resources Office


    University Registrar

    ENGR. LENNIE K. ONGUniversity Treasurer


    Dean, College of Computer Studies


    Crisis Decision

    Academic Office Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    Library Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    Human Resouce Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    Registrar Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    Finance Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    CS Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    CISO Recovery Team

    Team Leader

    Back up


    Entry Points

    214 -HELP(4357) ITS Help Desk

    232-2421 Administrative Help Desk

    215-2515 Telephone Repair and Voice Mail Help Desk

    253-3500 Campus Operator

    236 - Campus Information Desk




    Xavier University Hospitals or Clinic



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    Computer Science Recovery Team and Staffing

    CS Recovery Team

    Team Leader: Engr. Gerardo S. Doroja

    Desktop Recovery Team

    Mr. Francis Lee Mondia

    Data Center Recovery Leader

    Mr. Joseph Anthony C. Sabal

    Telecommunication Recovery


    Ms. Harriet Fernandez

    Network and Web Recovery


    Mr. Fren Marlon Peralta

    Computer Operator and User Support Agent:

    Cristina Amor Cajilla

    Rozaldy Gutierrez

    Maria Ramila Jimenez

    Rhea Suzette Mocorro

    Elvira YanezaMeldie Apag

    Sheryl May Jagonia

    Shiela Dimasuhid

    Florence Reyes

    Software Recovery Leader

    Paulo Javier Gener

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    Schedule Management Plan

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    DATA CENTER Recovery Team:

    The Data Center Recovery Team is composed of personnel within Information

    Technology Services that support Xavier University central computing environment and

    the primary data center where all central IT services, the Networks Operations Center

    and other central computing resources are located. The primary function of this small

    working group is the restoration of the existing data center or the activation of the

    secondary data center depending on the severity of the disaster. This teams role is to

    restore the data center to a condition where individual recovery teams can accomplish

    their responsibilities with regard to server installation and application restoration.

    The team should be mobilized only in the event that a disaster occurs which

    impacts the ability of the existing central computing facility to support the servers and

    applications running there. The University President has the responsibility to keep the IT

    Director up to date regarding the nature of the disaster and the steps being taken to

    address the situation. The coordination of this recovery effort will normally be

    accomplished prior to most other recovery efforts on campus as having a central

    computing facility is a prerequisite for the recovery of most applications and IT services

    to the campus.

    DESKTOP Recovery Team:

    The Desktop Recovery Team is composed of personnel within the Information

    Technology Department that support Xavier Universitys desktop hardware, client

    applications, classrooms, labs and academic development systems. The primary

    function of this small working group is the restoration of Xavier Universitys desktop

    systems, classrooms and labs to usable condition. During the initial recovery effort, the

    team is not responsible for restoration of any data the user may have on their desktop

    computer. Central Washington University recommends all users store data files on the

    file servers, which are backed up nightly, to support data recovery.

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    The team should be mobilized in the event that any component of the network or

    telecommunication infrastructure experiences a significant interruption in service that

    has resulted from unexpected/unforeseen circumstances and requires recovery efforts

    in excess of what is experienced on a normal day-to-day basis.

    The University President has the responsibility to keep the IT Incident Director up

    to date regarding the nature of the disaster and the steps being taken to address the

    situation. The coordination of this recovery effort will be accomplished with other

    recovery efforts on campus by the IT Incident Director.

    NETWORKS AND WEB Recovery Team:

    The Networks and Web Recovery Team is composed of personnel within

    Information Technology Services that support Xavier Universitys network infrastructure

    including all cable plants, switches, routers, network applications, file servers, electronic

    email servers and web services. The primary function of this small working group is the

    restoration of Xavier Universitys LAN and servers to the most recent pre-disaster

    configuration in cases where data and network loss is significant. In less severe

    circumstances, the team is responsible for restoring the system to an operational status

    as necessitated by any network hardware failures or other circumstances that could

    result in diminished performance.

    The team should be mobilized in the event that any component of the network

    infrastructure experiences a significant interruption in service that has resulted from

    unexpected/unforeseen circumstances and requires recovery efforts in excess of what

    is experienced on a normal day-to-day basis. The University President has the

    responsibility to keep the IT Incident Director up to date regarding the nature of the

    disaster and the steps being taken to address the situation. The coordination of this

    recovery effort will be accomplished with other recovery efforts on campus by the IT

    Incident Director.

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    SOFTWARE Recovery Team:

    The Software Recovery Team is composed of the IT Specialists within

    Information Technology Services that support the ERP and Software system as well as

    the User Application Specialists and a Network Specialist. The primary function of this

    small working group is the restoration of all modules of the Application Software to the

    most recent pre-disaster configuration in cases where data loss is significant. In less

    severe circumstances the team is responsible for restoring the system to an operational

    status as necessitated by any hardware failures, network outages or other

    circumstances that could result in diminished system performance.

    The team should be mobilized in the event that the Application Software and

    ERP systems experience a significant interruption in service that has resulted from

    unexpected/unforeseen circumstances and requires recovery efforts in excess of what

    is experienced on a normal day-to-day basis. The University President has the

    responsibility to keep the IT Incident Director up to date regarding the nature of the

    disaster and the steps being taken to address the situation. The coordination of the

    PeopleSoft recovery effort will be accomplished with other recovery efforts on campus

    by the IT Incident Director.


    The Telecommunications Recovery Team is composed of personnel within the

    Information Technology Department that support Xavier Universitys voice networks.

    The primary function of this small working group is the restoration of Xavier Universitys

    voice networks to the most recent pre-disaster configuration in cases where voice

    network loss is significant. In less severe circumstances, the team is responsible for

    restoring the voice network to an operational status as necessitated by any failures or

    other circumstances that could result in diminished performance.

    The team should be mobilized in the event that any component of the network

    infrastructure experiences a significant interruption in service that has resulted from

    unexpected/unforeseen circumstances and requires recovery efforts in excess of what

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    is experienced on a normal day-to-day basis. The Head of Telecommunications has

    the responsibility to keep the IT Incident Director up to date regarding the nature of the

    disaster and the steps being taken to address the situation. The coordination of this

    recovery effort will be accomplished with other recovery efforts on campus by the IT

    Incident Director.


    A critical requirement for disaster recovery is ensuring that all necessary

    information is available to assure that hardware, software, and data can be returned to a

    state as close to pre-disaster as possible. Specifically, this section addresses the

    backup and storage policies as well as documentation related to hardware

    configurations, applications, operating systems, support packages, and operating


    Data Recovery Information:

    Backup/Recovery disks and tapes are required to return systems to a state

    where they contain the information and data that was resident on the system shortly

    prior to the disaster. At Xavier University full backups of all servers are performed

    weekly. Those servers not in the full backup list have an incremental done.

    Backup/Recovery tapes are stored in the locations and for the retention periods outlined

    summarized in the table below:

    Daily Period Storage Location Authorized Personnel

    Weekly Backup Xavier University Data


    Network and Operation


    Central Data Center and Server Recovery Information:

    In the event of any disaster which disrupts the operations in the Data Center,

    reestablishing the Data Center will be the highest priority and a prerequisite for any IT

    recovery. As such, Information Technology Services is required to have detailed

    information and records on the configuration of the Data Center and all servers and

    equipment located in the Data Center. Detailed information is documented in the

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    database and this database is updated and copied monthly to CD and stored in a vault

    with the backup tapes. The operations staff is responsible for keeping the hardware

    inventory up to date.

    Network & Telecommunication Recovery Information:

    In the event of any disaster which disrupts the network and/or

    telecommunications, reestablishing the connectivity and telephony will be a high priority

    and a prerequisite for any IT recovery. Recovery of these services will be accomplished

    in parallel or immediately following recovery of the Data Center. As such, Information

    Technology Services is required to have detailed information and records on the

    configuration of the networking equipment. Detailed information of switches and routers

    is documented in the database and this database is updated and copied monthly to CD

    and stored in the vault with the backup tapes. The networking staff is responsible for

    keeping the networking inventory up to date.

    Application Recovery Information:

    Information necessary for the recovery and proper configuration of all application

    software located on the central servers is critical to assure that applications are

    recovered in the identical configuration as they existed prior to the disaster. Detailed

    information on critical central applications will be documented in the database and this

    database is updated and copied monthly to CD and stored in the vault with the backup

    tapes. Server administrators are responsible for keeping the application inventory up to


    Desktop Equipment Recovery Information:

    Information necessary for the recovery and proper configuration of all desktop

    computers and printers supported by Computer Support Services is critical to assure

    that client systems can be restored to a configuration equivalent to pre-disaster status.

    Detailed information on client systems (both PC and MAC) is also documented. This

    web site is backed up nightly.

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    Incident Command Team: The role of the IT Disaster Recovery Team (under

    the direction of the Incident Director) is to coordinate activities from initial notification to

    recovery completion. Primary initial activities of the team are:

    Incident Occurrence: Upon the occurrence of an incident affecting the IT

    services at Xavier University, the Head & Assistant Head of Information Technology will

    be notified by campus security and/or other individuals. Personnel reporting the incident

    will provide a high-level assessment as to the size and extent of the damage. Based on

    this information, the assistant Head of IT will assume his/her responsibilities as the

    Incident Director, and will contact the other members of the Incident Command Team,

    and provide them with the following basic information:

    Brief overview of the incident, buildings affected, etc.

    Which Incident Command Headquarters (ICH) will be used

    Scheduled time to meet at the ICH for initial briefing

    Any additional information beneficial at this point. No other staff members are to be

    contacted at this point, unless directed by the Incident Director.

    Incident Assessment: The IT Disaster Recovery Team will receive an initial

    briefing from the Incident Director (ID) and any other personnel invited to the meeting.

    The Disaster Recovery Team will assess the situation, perform a walk-through of

    affected areas as allowed, and make a joint determination as to the extent of the

    damage and required recovery effort. Based on this assessment, the team will make a

    determination as to whether the situation can be classified as routine and handled

    expeditiously via normal processes, or if a formal IT disaster needs to be declared.

    Once an IT disaster has been declared, and the preceding steps to notify the XU

    Management Team and the Recovery Teams have been accomplished, ongoing

    responsibilities of the Incident Command Team and Director include:

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    Securing all IT facilities involved in the incident to prevent personnel injury and

    minimize additional hardware/software damage.

    Supervise, coordinate, communicate, and prioritize all recovery activities with all

    other internal / external agencies. Oversee the consolidated IT Disaster

    Recovery plan and monitor execution.

    Hold regular Disaster Recovery Team meetings/briefings with team leads and


    Appointing and replacing members of the individual recovery teams who are

    absent, disabled, ill or otherwise unable to participate in the process.

    Provide regular updates to the Xavier University (XU) Management Team on

    the status of the recovery effort. Only the XU Management Team and/or their

    designees will provide updates to other campus and external agencies (media,


    Approve and acquire recovery resources identified by individual recovery


    Interface with other activities and authorities directly involved in the Disaster

    Recovery (Police, Fire, Department of Public Works, XU Teams, etc.)

    Identify and acquire additional resources necessary to support the overall

    Disaster Recovery effort. These can include 1) acquiring backup generators and

    utilities, 2) arranging for food/refreshments for recovery teams, etc.

    Make final determination and assessment as to recovery status, and determine

    when IT services can resume at a sufficient level.

    Disaster Recovery Teams: Disaster Recovery Teams are organized to respond to

    disasters of various type, size, and location. Any or all of these teams may be mobilized

    depending on the parameters of the disaster. It is the responsibility of the Incident

    Command Team to determine which Disaster Recover Teams to mobilize, following the

    declaration of a disaster and notification of the Xavier University Management Team.

    Each team will utilize their respective procedures, disaster recovery information,

    technical expertise, and recovery tools to expeditiously and accurately return their

    systems to operational status. While recovery by multiple teams may be able to occur in

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    parallel, the Data Center and Network/Telecommunications infrastructure will normally

    be assigned the highest priority, as full operational recovery of most other systems can

    not occur until these areas are operational.

    Database Reco very Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

    2. Assess damage and make recommendations for recovery to Database services.

    3. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of these applications, and

    report this information to the ID for action.

    4. Restore degraded system function at backup site and inform user community of the

    restrictions on usage and/or availability.

    5. Coordinate software replacement with vendor as required.

    6. Coordinate Database services recovery with other recovery efforts.

    7. Execute plan to restore Database services to full function.

    8. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    9. Verify and certify restoration of the Database services to pre-disaster functionality.

    Data Center Recov ery Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

    2. Assess damage and make recommendations for recovery of Central Data Facility.

    Determine if use of alternate/cold site is required.

    3. If the alternate data center site is required, execute all necessary steps to notify

    appropriate personnel and secure backup facility.

    4. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of data center, and report this

    information to the ID for action.

    5. Develop overall recovery plan and schedule, focusing on highest priority servers for

    specific applications first.

    6. Coordinate hardware and software replacements with vendors.

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    7. Recall backup/recovery tapes from on campus or off-campus storage, as required to

    return damaged systems to full performance.

    8. Oversee recovery of data center based on established priorities.

    9. Coordinate data center recovery with other recovery efforts on campus.

    10. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    11. Verify and certify restoration of the data center to pre-disaster functionality.

    Desktop Recovery Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

    2. Assess damage at all areas affected, and make recommendations for recovery.

    3. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of desktop services, and report

    this information to the ID for action.

    4. Develop overall recovery plan and schedule, focusing on highest priority areas of the

    campus infrastructure/desktop services first

    5. Coordinate hardware and software replacement with vendors. (

    6. Oversee recovery of desktop computing services (workstations, printers, etc.) based

    on established priorities.

    7. Coordinate recovery with other recovery efforts on campus.

    8. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    9. Verify and certify restoration of the desktops to pre-disaster functionality.

    WEB Recovery/Network and Telecommunicat ions Recovery Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

    2. Assess damage and make recommendations for recovery.

    3. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of services, and report this

    information to the ID for action.

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    4. Develop overall recovery plan and schedule, focusing on highest priority areas of the

    campus infrastructure first.

    5. Coordinate hardware and software replacement with vendors.

    6. Oversee recovery of messaging, telecommunications and network services based on

    established priorities.

    7. Coordinate messaging, network and telecommunications recovery with other

    recovery efforts on campus.

    8. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    9. Verify and certify restoration of the Messaging, Network and Telecommunications

    infrastructure to pre-disaster functionality.

    ERP/Ap plicatio n Software Recovery Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

    2. Assess damage and make recommendations for recovery to ERP/Application

    Software services.

    3. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of these applications, and

    report this information to the ID for action.

    4. Restore degraded system function at backup site and informs user community of the

    restrictions on usage and/or availability.

    5. Coordinate software replacement with vendor as required.

    6. Coordinate PeopleSoft services recovery with other recovery efforts.

    7. Execute plan to restore ERP/Application Software services to full function.

    8. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    9. Verify and certify restoration of the PeopleSoft services to pre-disaster functionality.

    Telecomm unicat ions Recovery Team:

    1. Take appropriate steps to safeguard personnel and minimize damage to any related

    equipment and/or software.

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    2. Assess damage and make recommendations for recovery.

    3. Identify other individuals required to assist in recovery of these services, and report

    this information to the ID for action.

    4. Develop overall recovery plan and schedule, focusing on highest priority areas of the

    campus infrastructure first.

    5. Coordinate hardware/software replacement with vendor as required.

    6. Oversee recovery of voice network services based on established priorities.

    7. Coordinate the voice network recovery with other recovery efforts.

    8. Provide scheduled recovery status updates to the Incident Director to ensure full

    understanding of the situation and the recovery effort.

    9. Verify and certify restoration of the voice network to pre-disaster functionality.

    Specific Crisis Situation

    Fire Disaster Preparation

    a. Structural fire separation

    IT structure shall be separated from adjacent areas by fire-resistant walls (of 90

    minutes minimum resistance) and non-flammable materials. Separating walls within

    IT facilities shall offer at least 30 minutes of fire resistance and be made of non-

    flammable materials. They shall reach form the raw floor to the raw ceiling. IT

    equipment should possibly be distributed to several rooms.

    IT areas shall not be located in the same fire zone as other high hazards. High

    hazard shall be separated by fire break walls or complex separation walls with

    increased stability requirements in the case of fire and made of non-flammable


    b. Interior fittings

    The interior fitting should be made of non-flammable materials; if this is not

    possible, at least materials of low flammability should be used as well as materials

    that do not drip while burning. As few halogen-containing plastics should be used as

    possible, both in IT facilities and in adjacent areas.

    c. Fire detection and fire alarm systems (FDAS)

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    IT facilities including adjacent rooms shall be monitored by automatic fire detection

    and fire alarm system. Apart from the IT facility area itself these could include:

    - Plant rooms of air conditioning or venting systems;

    - Ventilation ducts from air condition systems, including fresh air sampling pipes;

    - Rooms of power supply and emergency power supply;

    - Data archive rooms;

    - Paper storage rooms;

    - Rooms beside or above/below the IT facility

    d. Fire extinguishing systems

    For the entire protection of IT equipment, automatic fixed fire extinguishing

    systems can be recommended. Both gas extinguishing systems and water

    extinguishing systems are appropriate for IT equipment, as well as adjacent areas,

    such as storage areas, archives and offices.

    For application in IT areas, extinguishants with as little residue as possible are

    preferable. It must be a non-corrosive and non-electrically conductive extinguisher.

    The following extinguishing systems meet these requirements.

    - Carbon dioxide, (C02) fire extinguishing system

    - Inert gas extinguishing systems;

    - System with chemical extinguishants

    e. Fire Extinguishers

    In the actual IT rooms and in the adjacent rooms, a sufficient number of

    appropriate fire extinguishers shall be available

    f. Organizational fire protection

    A fire protection concept showing the necessary organizational measurements

    shall be established and specified for the IT facility. The following items shall be

    considered:- Reduce fire load to the minimum;

    - Set up regulations and installation instructions;

    - Strictly do not allow fire-hazardous works; if necessary, a permit is required and fire

    protection regulation shall be followed;

    - Instruct and supervise contractors;

    - Keep and control cleanliness and tidiness permanently;

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    - Eliminate ignition sources;

    - Smoking ban; if necessary, provide separate fire protected smoking zones;

    - Ban private electrical appliances

    All necessary fire protection measures shall be agreed by the insurer, with the

    internal representative for safety and health and fire protection and with the

    responsible public fire brigade. Fire brigade plan, showing the facilities for the fire

    brigade and equipment in and around the building shall be handed to the

    competent fire brigade.

    g. Further loss prevention measures

    During a fire, damage to the respective IT equipment can generally be

    minimized by well-timed manual disconnection of the voltage supply. Manual

    emergency abort devices shall be protected against accidental operation and

    abuse. If IT equipment rooms are air-conditioned, they shall have their own air-

    conditioning systems.

    The equipment itself must be marked or identified in a categorical type

    through color or any form of identification for the purpose prioritizing the systems

    in case of some fire or natural hazard events.

    Other Severe Weather

    Upon notification of a warning:

    Remain calm and avoid panic.

    Go to an area of safety. (Rooms and corridors, in the innermost part of a building.

    Stay clear of windows, corridors with windows or large free-standing expanses.

    Do not use elevators.

    Close all doors, includingmain corridors, making sure they latch. Crouch near the floor or under heavy, well-supported objects and cover your head.

    Be alert for fire. In the event of a fire, the fire plan should be utilized.

    Listen to your radio for news and updates if possible.

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    Flood and/or Water Damage

    Assess your own safety and act accordingly.

    Do not walk or work in standing water which may have contact with wiring and may

    be electrified.

    Call Facilities Management and your Building Coordinator and develop a plan to

    coordinate with Facilities Management. (After hours: if you are unable to reach

    Facilities Management or the building coordinator, notify Department of Public

    Safety. Work with Facilities Management to:

    turn off water supply if water is flowing from pipes, and

    provide equipment and personnel to clean up water.

    If the water emergency involves a threat or damage to Information Technology

    Services or facilities, make the calls indicated below until you reach someone.

    The first person you reach in the notification list below will begin implementation

    of the salvage procedures.