Mental Training Yogi Slavinski

Post on 07-May-2017

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Transcript of Mental Training Yogi Slavinski

Interest in oriental philosophy in practical systems is growing rapidly in recent years

in the world . The general tendency does not escape us . This course is written to bridge the gap

between the interests of the growing and the lack of adequate literature in our language . numerous

letters I received last month from interested readers mostly with the multiannual

fruitless quest by bookstores and libraries for books that would be accessible way

talked about philosophy and psychological training of the people of the Far East . In foreign languages exist

vast sea of papers , among which is not easy to manage , especially a beginner without many years

experience behind him . Most existing works is so called , theoretical type, which are widely discussed

what fakirs and yoga can attain special training , discusses their exceptional

abilities , gives a detailed description of many prominent followers of oriental philosophy

system , but the interested reader will search in vain for instructions that tell you how to himself

develop their abilities and psychic powers, so that trains will and concentration , HOW TO

achieve control of the psyche , etc.

The author of this brief handbook firmly maintains that the main objective and the most important justification for

publishing papers in any field must be the possibility of verifying the practical application of the above

materials . Leaving the author's opinion about some aspect of reality and the goal description , no matter how

Profound and original , quite insufficient. Many writers have exhibited their attitudes and opinions about

oriental philosophy , but such exposure by itself is not enough . The title of this course

orient the reader to the very expectantly toward the possibility of applying the above knowledge . in order to

remove any possible misunderstanding , we are obliged to immediately tell that the author has tried to present a method

fakirskog and yoga training as a useful tool for self-development and to simultaneously provide short, clear and

everyone to understand guide , not usually display their own views on the oriental systems

related to yoga .

We must emphasize at this point that there are a number of readers , who are unfortunately in the majority ,

that and expect that in this article hope exclusively theoretical knowledge type. That these readers in

Most of the evidence is that this kind of work is dominated by the truly great extent. It is somewhat understandable because

is much more comfortable to read about miracles and mysterious events , but personally try out a series of heavy

and strenuous exercise , which are quite logical and devoid of mystery overtones , a leading practical

application have read . It is far easier to talk to friends about oriental systems , but they

applied in practice .

I'll mention one of his early experiences of this kind . 13 years ago , as a student

psychology at the beginning of the study , while keeping behind many years of dedicated study of ( pure

theoretical type ) Indian orthodox philosophy , long I unsuccessfully tried to get in

contact with people of similar interests , which would be unlike me possessed practical knowledge .

Tracing so , I came into contact with Dr KA , a woman who was in the period between the two world wars

had a prominent role in the field of philosophy at Belgrade's intellectual circles . I was

informed that she , among others interested in the systems of practical philosophy peoples of the Far

East. It was one of the initiators of the group of people with similar interests , groups that are predominantly engaged

by studying the western hermetic systems related to yoga . Contrary to popular understanding that

differences between practical philosophy of the West and East high and insurmountable , better knowledge indicates

that both traditions are on the same basis and what falls into your eyes are similarities , not differences .

Her attitude was quite surprised me . Made known to me that he knows some people who study yoga ,

but that those interests that are hidden , so you can not give me a contact with them . As for her

itself , Dr. KA maintained during these many years at the level of dry theoretical research.

Through conversation learned that at the time I read the works of Swami Vivekananda and Arthur Avalon .

Surprised that I'm looking for something more than bookish research. " You have the book , so it only remains

izucavajte " It was a typical representative of the kind of people to self-development is seen as the sterile

accumulation of dull facts and mental ballast . Completely dropped out of sight the very essence

practical philosophy - the direct application of the theoretical knowledge gained . It is commendable to know the chemical

formula of water , but that knowledge one can not quench thirst .

Disappointed by meeting with this person and literature that I read until then , I continued

search . Remembering the difficulties through which I have passed at that time , I wrote this guide to

people of similar interests save yourself time and fruitless efforts . Because the majority of books

processed this area , all as regards the practical instruction they claim to be a serious student found

these instructions when it is for them to mature , resp . " Psychologically ready . " Frequently mentioned in the old

Eastern proverb : " When the whole ( student ) is ready , the guru ( teacher ) appears . " For the reader who is

firmly holding of common sense , this is a huge mystification . The probable reason for the widespread use

This mystification is the lack of knowledge by incompetent . It is logical to assume that the student

need somehow to prepare for a meeting with the teachers.

In this concise exchange rate you will be provided all the information about the most important elements

Oriental psychology , along with clear directives on how to undergoing training and fakirskog

Yoga system in a logical and safe manner . You will not be exposed to only one of the components

Oriental learning , for example, breathing ( pranayama ) and asanas (postures ) , which is often the case with

books in this field . Here is adopted quite a different approach . All major components

fakirskog and yoga training psychic power systems are exposed in a concise and accessible way , and at the end

course provided a review of the literature in this area , so that the interested reader can 'm critical that

Compare material exposed here with a different approach to the same case .

Therefore , this is not a text for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and facts . Here you will not find

year when the Buddha was born, the history of the spread of yoga in the West and the development of Zen Buddhism and its

schismatical many branches . Because, as noted, the text needs to quench thirst , and not to

bombards memory reader " formulas . "

Academic approach to practical philosophy is not unique to the West . For many

Universities in India who possess extraordinarily rich library of " holy books " resp . old

Sanskrit manuscripts devoted to our subject , resides a large number of researchers , who have a lifetime

devoted to the study of these " holy books " , forgetting to do so sacred only really important thing -

his own life .

The reader who has some knowledge in the area of fund - rajah yoga and Zen Buddhism, will get the impression

that the boundaries between fakirskog system of training and the two systems are not here clearly withdrawn and that they

objects to some extent overlap . This impression can not be wrong , at least as far as the point of

the writer of this course . For all systems of practical philosophy peoples of the Far East , as well as systems of Western

Hermetic tradition based on the Tarot , are nothing but branches of the same tree. it is true

common tree of whom have arisen .


Same river yoga , fakirizam , samkhja , Vedanta , Zen , etc. cause the Westerners almost

automatic attitude suspicion , disbelief and uncritical rejection , and in a small number of

disoriented intellectuals ( especially lately ) and exalted blindly accept

oriental system as a universal key to all problems of modern man . among these

systems worst reputation enjoyed fakirizam . Many religious sects and fanatics in countries

Middle and Far East, mainly contributed rdavoj reputation fakirizma , so this title

brings to mind the homeless , who half hungry and dressed in a rite wandering , begging and running cheap

tricks on the streets of provincial cities . However in circles devoted followers

oriental system of training fakirizma true adepts have always considered flat adepts of other

systems . The so-called " fakirs " who earn bread transparent illusionism , are nothing but

imitators worthy of pity . They imitate knowledge and developed psychic powers real adept acting

through ignorance of the masses and cheap desire for sensation .

That's why we emphasize at the outset that any one who hopes to find in this text

instructions on how to swallow fire , lying on nails and walk on embers remain deeply disappointed . this is

system of mental and psychological training , whose ultimate goal is self-realization , not a guide to

backwater artistes .

Fakirizam is one of many empirical movement , resulting in the East , which are a reflection of the general

attitude towards life , human destiny and the meaning of existence . Through the historical development of human society

West is gradually turning the outside world and material values , and the East in the opposite

direction - the inner , subjective world . If streamline psychological thing , you could say that

introversion are typical characteristics of easternness , and the extrovert attitude characterized by Westerners . while the West

measure the development of human society tons of manufactured goods , consumption of electricity , paper , soap , etc.

the East is considered that the meaning of life lies in the spiritual balance and control , mental domination over

physical and conscious acceleration of personal evolution .

With spiritually fertile soil of the East originated many movements and philosophical currents , all of which tend to

same purpose - self-realization . In Mongolia has developed Shamanism, Zen in Japan , in Tibet

Lamaism , Buddhism in India , fakirizam , yoga , samkhja , Vedanta etc. As previously noted,

fakirizam not exposed here in pure form , and as such does not exist , since many methods , techniques and

procedures common to a large number of the system , this course eclectic displays a complex system

Oriental training that is closest fakirizmu and Rajah - yoga .

One of the strange features of the Hindus is the exclusive concentration on one goal at a time.

When Hindus are interested in something , they become so obsessed with time to ignore everything else . many of

today's highly developed science deriving their roots from India . Mathematics was created in India ;

the so-called Arabic numerals came to the medieval Arab culture from India . Arab and through her

and European medicine borrowed the basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of Indian science and hence

encourages the use of metals in medicine . At one point, the development of Indian culture ( before some four

thousands of years ) human consciousness and its functions have become the sole object of interest of Indian

thinkers . During this period, physical science experienced a rapid decline . The influence of the mind on the body and vice versa ,

psychic phenomena , pain and his savladivanje , functions subconscious telepathy , trance techniques

concentration and meditation , all of these were new areas of science regularly studied . numerous

fakirizma schools and classes have adopted the most diverse experiments in the field of the human spirit . some are

experimented with color and light , examining their effect on the body and psyche . their

members wore certain colors of clothing , food dyes and certain items of daily use

colors , etc. As a result of these empirical experiments , there was a use of color in Pranayama .

Other sects have experimented with sound . Rhythmically closed ears were opened , exposing them

the widest range of sounds . They varied the length of the interval of listening and sound insulation . Of these urges

use of sounds in Pranayama and Kundalini yoga . The so-called " sacred river " , such as OM , JM ,

RAM , LAM , HUM , etc. recite to myself when the concentration of the nerve centers earmarked

or chakras , that these were activated . Every nerve center has a sound that it be most effective .

This energetic sound effects are close knowledge of modern man - everyone is aware that

there are sounds provoking , tear nerve , that has music that elevates mood or causes

meditative mood , etc.

Some schools have experimented with other senses and bodily functions . It examined

impact on the retention of breath and body awareness . After many centuries finally formed pranayama

or the science of controlling mental energy , with a precise relationship between the duration of inhalation and

breath-holding , with precisely defined role of visualization in breathing and thoroughly reviewed

the relationship between breathing and thought processes .

Empirically determined the effect of different diets on body functions and

mental processes - was created as najcjelishodniji vegetarian diet .

The main value of the empirical ( scientific terminology told uncontrolled )

experiments is that many generations of researchers studied the function of the human spirit in

greatest part of his life . Thus, in India caused various branches of yoga , many current fakirizma , and

All other Far systems , which are aimed at self-realization , were built exclusively on

empirical basis.

Although all practical oriental systems tend to converge , the techniques they differ somewhat .

Raja - Yoga is a system of mental training , free of emotion and devoid of physical exercise ,

except pranayama which precedes the main stage - the concentration of thought . Upon reaching 12 seconds

continuous concentration , reached the sixth grade rajah yoga - called Dharana . 12 of these

dharana ( or 144 seconds of continuous concentration ) makes the seventh stage called DHIANA and 12 dhiana

makes the eighth and final stage called samadhi, or transcendental state of superconsciousness .

Džana - yoga is an elaborate system of meditative samoudubljivanja and continuous

self-analysis . For it is in Japan developed the ZEN .

Mantra - yoga , similar to the technique by the method of autosuggestion French psychologist Emile houses,

effect on the consciousness indirectly sustained by impregnating the subconscious selected mantras ie

autosuggestion . Some believe the mantra magic formulas and attach them miraculous properties

eliciting a certain state of consciousness . In them , however , there is no mysticism - it all boils down to

adequate soundproofing effect on certain nerve centers .

Laja - yoga or Kundalini yoga aims to direct wake-up that vision of cosmic energy in

the human body takes shape KUNDALINI ŠAKTI or serpent power . This is the most dangerous form

Yoga. Although in most manuals yoga warns of the danger of premature Kundalini awakenings , the

West, this type of yoga causes strongest curiosity , because it seems , at first glance , it offers a shortcut from

state of superconsciousness without years of hard process of meditation .

Karma - Yoga is the path of righteous living - every act in professional activities , each word ,

every thought is colored by the idea of correctness . Everyday life becomes a continuous ritual consecration

proper life .

Fakirizam weighs the same goal - self-realization or by oriental terminology SAMADHI .

Through control of the body and bodily functions , especially special breathing system , achieved control

mental processes and emotional reactions . If the parts of the body , limbs , internal organs , eyes and

language placed under the control of the will , then , teaches fakirizam control the spiritual side of our being followed

almost automatically . Self-control leads necessarily to control the outside world , the circumstances and how

some argue , natural phenomena .

As we see , all exposed systems ( due to limited space it is impossible to mention all

existing ) water the same purpose , such as to a mountain peak , lost in the distance, the more water trail . from

the man depends on which path will you choose .

Oriental practical teachings are accessible to anyone who is willing to put effort into

their savladivanje . However , certain barriers here and there ! These are external barriers , but those

There are the people themselves . These are barriers to mental immaturity , which blur the understanding of most people .

Here it is understood that any reader to judge this course with their individual points

view . One of which is a common view that no serious study have rejected the existence of the phenomenon , the

whose introduction is necessary to invest time and effort , without any doubt, this text will be considered for a variety of

ordinary stupidity . Our goal is not to such transforms or change their ideas . this guide


is written primarily for those who according to the teachings of oriental feel intuitively attract .

Such will find here what you are looking for in vain for years .

Diet and starvation

By oriental psychology body and spirit constitute inseparable unity and , therefore ,

require equal attention . The body of the bracket spirit and his " other side . " Any physical disturbance

necessarily be reflected in the disorder spiritual functions . As all the energy of our body comes from breathing

and the food we eat into the body , exceptional importance to food imposes itself . Food is important

for the human body for two reasons : 1 ) To build and repair tissue and 2 ) As energy

material for its many functions .

When the body runs out of food for a long time , it begins to consume itself : first the fat and

fatty deposits in internal organs and the walls of blood vessels , then muscle mass in the last

stage of bone marrow and brain tissue .

If the apparent diversity of foods regarded in its constituent components , then we get

to four basic types of food : 1 ) Protein , 2 ) the carbon hydrates ; 3 ) Fats and 4 ) Vitamins and minerals

matter .

Yoga , like all other systems of personal development in the East , believes vegetarianism

najcjelishodnijim and the only permissible diet . By contrast , Western medicine claims

that vegetarianism is the quickest route to the disease , because in this way the entries scarcity

proteins in the body , and proteins are vital . The short life span of

vegetarian countries , high child mortality , many diseases , etc. , are all reportedly

evidence to suggest the necessity of introduction of animal protein in the body . The body says

in the medical literature , there is a need for a certain amount of protein . Of this amount

a certain percentage must be of animal origin . In doing so, it is generally believed to meat .

These considerations are emitted from a large field of vision proven fact , that the whole

illuminate the problem in a completely opposite way . In the first place , it does not distinguish between

vegetarians who have a sufficient quantity of vegetarian food and vegetarian constantly

malnourished . Mainly this second group taken as suitable for carrying out the above conclusion .

We'll show you how such a conclusion is wrong.

If we take a medium wealthy and rich layers of society in India , among them there are no signs

physical deterioration and diseases caused by alleged vegetarianism. These strata are

sufficient amount of vegetarian foods for a healthy diet and purposeful . Cereals , leguminous and

stone fruits , along with milk and dairy products , provide all the necessary ingredients

body , depriving it simultaneously toxic substances originating from meat and animal

fat . On the other hand, the Indian poor indeed find traces of physical degeneration ,

but the main reason is that starvation , lack of vegetarian food , not vegetarianism

such .

Let's look at the poor in countries where the diet is meat rule , for example, in countries

Latin America and Africa ! We will meet with the same physical degeneration and diseases that originate

of starvation . Therefore , to be distinguished by the lack of vegetarian vegetarian food ,

from malnutrition .

If we now compare the wealthy group of vegetarians and non-vegetarians , we observed

significant difference : The high level of health standards vegetarian group and a huge percentage

diseases of nonvegetarians . Central wealthy Hindus ( vegetarians ) are characterized by strong health ,

longevity , resistance to disease and stillness of mind and body . Exempted from nervous tension and

conflict with the environment . In contrast, in developed Western countries , where the high standard

enable the introduction of significant quantities of meat in the body , such a diet is a major cause

diseases of the heart and blood vessels , liver , rheumatism and other doctors , even in these countries , prohibit

Patients foods of animal origin , but they prescribe diet during illness .

This problem gets in the clarity when you look at the chemical composition of the proteins. they are

composed of amino acids , whose main ingredient is nitrogen . They have a large number , some of which are so called .

key amino acids , or amino acids , the combination can be synthesized by other

amino acids . The organism can step onto the end with a lack of certain amino acids if it has to

Available key amino acids , because it is able to rest , that he lacks , I synthesized from

key that are incorporated into it . Meat contains high amounts of amino acids , but there are a small

number and lacks many of the key amino acids . In contrast, the milk is almost ideal food

it contains all the key amino acids . Because all oriental , practical systems are considered milk

Ideally food , and the cow a sacred animal . It is not by chance that the infant exclusively fed

milk .

Thus , a vegetarian who enters into the body of sufficient amounts of protein in the form of

beans , peas , eggs , milk and dairy products at the same time has a complete and healthy foods . because

advise the reader that day drink at least a liter of milk . Along with other food in his meat

really will not be necessary .

Also in some sources claim is that the evolution of human kind man suddenly

developed his brain crossed with a plant in the flesh foods . To prove the inaccuracy of these claims

it is sufficient to point out the following : science , philosophy and thought similar events would not be in

vegetarian India could develop , and the fact is that in the earliest period of cultural history on

its soil flourished , while in the same period meat-eaters of the West roamed the -wild hordes .

However , a number of outstanding minds in the West has adopted vegetarianism as

najcjelishodniji diet , without any knowledge of the principles of Oriental psychology , clear

intuitive . Leonardo da Vinci , Bernard Salt and Nikola Tesla , to name three of the most prominent . not

only that they have reached a high level of scientific or . artistic achievements , but they experienced a deep

age , since the last day very productive .

In recent years, some strict laboratory tests have thrown new light on the problem

the introduction of the necessary amount of protein , ie . amino acids , whose main ingredient is nitrogen . Soviet

physiologist Professor . Mikhail Volga led a group of researchers proved the hypothesis that shook the basics

Modern physiology - MAN OF ANIMALS AND are able to discuss and agree

Protein from atmospheric nitrogen . Until his research it was believed that nitrogen

I can only relate to the so-called . Nitrobacters . Volga has calculated that an organism in a single day

absorbed 14.5 liters or 18 grams of pure nitrogen .

If the above is true for all people , then far more true of trained yogis and fakirs , who

special breathing techniques ( pranayama see later ) absorb much larger amounts of air

ond . nitrogen , which is then used for the synthesis of proteins . The process of absorption of nitrogen occurs in phase

retention of breath (called kumbhaka ) , which is in Pranayama received the most attention . it

is one of the explanations yoga theory that the retention of breath vital force enters the body .

Also during fasting and prolonged deliberate starvation , which resort to the

health reasons and to strengthen the will , fakirs considered mandatory increase in the number of pranayama

above the ordinary . Thus the energy reserves of the body regenerate the other side .

Diet plays a big part in physical activities and mental concentration .

Carnivores have the ability to mobilize large energy in the short term , but do not have

about perseverance and endurance of vegetarians . Vegetarians are able to operate very long without

signs of greater fatigue , while carnivores can perform very hard work in a short time

period , and then rapidly losing strength and feeling hungry .

Through yoga practice during several years , the nervous system becomes so sensitive that it is able

to feel any disturbance when entering the food . Then just a few bites of meat hamper

established a subtle balance and hinder concentration. Body odor is , the transition to

vegetarian diet , significantly changes . He is one of the significant indicators of the situation in which there is

the system . Vegetarians have a very soft, almost imperceptible body odor . they opposed

carnivores characterized by very sharp , penetrating and unpleasant odor . In it you will see for yourself if

ė to a vegetarian diet - deodorant you will not need .

In fact , oriental systems learn that all the food we eat is the prana ( about washed

for details, see the section " The science of breathing Indian yogi " ) in the form of solar energy, in various

transformations . Food is even healthier for the body if it is a small number of transformation through

solar energy that passes before entering the body . Plant life directly ( through chlorophyll

assimilation ) absorbs solar energy and converts it into the plant organism , seeds and fruits ( it is

FIRST TRANSFORMATION ) . Food , which is the first transformation of solar energy, for

man is najcjelishodnija - the amount of toxins in it is the smallest , and also allows long periods

unrestrained mental concentration .

Animals herbivores feed on plant foods , rebuilt and used her energy . muscles ,

connective tissue , skin , etc. represent the energy that the animal is not used , and which came

eating plants . When people or animals carnivores eat such meat , they entered themselves in the same the Solar

energy , which has so far gone through two transformations . That a number of transformation

decreases the value of food , everyday practice shows that people eat meat exclusively herbivorous .

Meat beasts are not eating , what people stinks , causes revulsion . Solar energy in its

Third transformation is not suitable for the food of man .

As the man or . a part of human society during evolution crossed the meaty

food , an interesting experiment shows what happens to the creatures that subject to similar

process experimentally . Two groups of rabbits were studied for 16 weeks. All rabbits

were the same age and health . The first group was fed food which was meat . The second group

was fed the same species , but no meat . Both have lived under the same conditions in the laboratory . after

16 Sunday , rabbits in the first group had a large majority of hardening of blood vessel walls , while

no rabbit in the second group showed no such disruption . It was found that these disorders almost

identical with arteriosclerosis in humans .

The man of today is remarkably sensitive to the onset of old age , because it is a type

signs of termination of existence on earth . Fearful of age resorted to all possible

means to her arrival delayed . In doing so, mainly paying attention to the external appearance .

However, the aging of the organism depends on the biological mechanisms inherent in every person .

Subjecting our training system leads , in addition to other beneficial consequences , to

BIOLOGICAL slowing the aging mechanism - all followers of our system

look far younger than their peers . When the first opportunity to get in personal contact with such

person , it will undoubtedly fall out of your eyes . Several true adept that I had the opportunity to

meet , acted despite old age is very young, almost boyish . So I

convinced that the wisdom of age and looks do not always go together , as we are usually accustomed to.

To cite another , the modern man is relatively important fact : CANCER , TODAY

One of three major causes of death in developed countries, where

BIG MEAT CONSUMPTION , is practically unknown in vegetarian


To go to now to the second part of this chapter , the starvation , which represents how

so simple and effective method of oriental systems .

Fakirizam and yoga very stress the importance of fasting and intermittent fasting , especially for

during illness and emotional depression . During fasting , not only to eliminate from the body

toxins , but also fat around the internal organs and the walls of blood vessels are being burned . at

how to impose one important caution - starvation should be systematic , pre-planned and

must be accompanied by overeating " to make up for the lost weight . "

Starvation is the oldest method of treatment in history . From the earliest times emphasized that

Nothing is healthier than intermittent fasting to " gut rest. " the man that follows

natural instinct - when he is sick without deep reflection refusing food . Similarly treat sick

animals , and she refuses food waiting to be healed . If you eat something , it was unusual food , the

For example, dog eat some plants , by instinct , seeking cure their disease.

Every follower of this system should from time to time to take preventative post

or , if possible , absolute starvation . How is life in the West significantly different from life

Yogi in India , these are long-term starvation practically unfeasible . Modern life , because

professional obligations , puts a man under great stress and other work , so long

Starvation more harm than good. Therefore, you should find a reasonable middle. One day of the week ,

the best is always the same , should be subjected to absolute starvation . This means that in an organism other than

pure water can not enter anything else , and the water should be taken in quantities 3-4 times larger than

usual . You need to drink 5-6 liters of water , preferably at frequent intervals by one cup . so great

amount of water used to cleanse the body and eliminate toxins . If after the first few glasses of

easy to feel disgust of water , put it in the water a few drops of lemon juice . Do not put sugar ,

It would override any value starvation . Starvation without large amounts of water is dangerous because

gastric juices could damage their own walls .

In addition to the above , starvation is an excellent tool for rejuvenation . As such, he emphasized

still Sastre , sacred books of India , dated more than two millennia . The reason is quite

clear - the cause of aging are fat and build-up of toxins . To eliminate starvation and

the main causes of aging , it is therefore an excellent tool for rejuvenation of the body .

Latest biochemical experiments confirmed the ancient yoga teachings . Russian biochemist

Vladimir Nikitin set up the interesting hypothesis that explains the process of rejuvenation of hunger .

It found that the aging process has an important role endocrine system . Over time,

podželudacna gland essential changes and produces less of the hormone insulin , which helps

the body in processing nutrients . The adrenal glands , however , produce hormones that are

insulin antagonists and their production does not decrease with age . That disrupts the harmonious

the relationship between these two hormones , reduces the action of insulin and unconsumed nutrients

accumulate in cells and cause aging of the organism . Nikitin proves that using starvation can

restore the hormonal balance in the body . After some time running out of new nutrients ,

the body begins to burn actively what has accumulated in the cells.

Nikitin his hypothesis based on years of experiments with rats , which are

due to starvation live about two years longer than usual . And it is in rats , whose life

life is very short , extremely significant prolongation of life . It was also observed that the old rats

3 years, which are periodically exposed to starvation , the age and viability of tissue do not differ by

3 month old rats that were fed normally .

As you can see , after a long period of modern science is approaching significant

" Discoveries . " For us there will be no surprise if one day discovers pranayama , chakras ,

superconsciousness and other components of oriental system , on which yoga and fakirizam learn more than three thousand

years .

In addition to the above , we must emphasize the importance of fasting for training will ( ON TRAINING

WILL see later ) . Starvation extraordinarily effective stronger will. For our mental muscles to the

Best gymnastics . It is quite logical . The human will is even stronger if the instinctive

Our party will be under tighter controls . When a man is starving , he gets up against the strongest , basic

instinct of self-preservation . If the impulse that wins over the stronger , the more power will grow .

Please do not confuse here exposed to the psychological process of self- concept

suppression . Repression is an unconscious mechanism , takes place automatically and it is man

often deprive him of what most consciously pursued. The suppression of the least self-development is not conducive .

Self-control is the process of conscious in the highest degree and requires an investment of effort in

achieving a certain goal . Repression leads to doubling our dissociation and I ,

self-control to its expansion . Suppression us weak , strengthens self-control .s

The science of pranayama breathing Indian yogis

In this short course is impossible to cover in full oriental science of breathing ,

as exercise , which all aim to control breathing and control over her higher mental processes ,

There are hundreds . This doctrine common to various branches of yoga , Lamaism , fakirizmu and

Western Hermeticism . You need to pay great attention Pranayama for reasons that will help during

The study of this course become clear . The last few decades the method of breathing East

attracted the attention of modern scholars . The development of physiology in particular physiology of the central nervous

systems , sheds new light on the value of this ancient practice . In the textbook given

Basic principles, methods and practice pranayama simple and understandable language , and Sanskrit

terms , even those well- known in the West , are avoided as far as possible . As we expose the basics

pranayama , we look back at last find modern physiology .

Yoga breathing distinguishes three types : 1 ) thoracic breathing ; 2 ) abdominal breathing , and 3 ) fully or

pranic breathing . Only a third species belonging fakirizmu and yoga, the first two are insufficient in different

degree .

Thoracic BREATHING characterized by inhalation raising breast , shoulder and kljucnjaca ,

retraction of the stomach and lifting the diaphragm . In such breathing engaged only the upper part of the lungs

which is the smallest by volume . As the diaphragm rises , the lungs can spread only in the top

direction . In this way, the minimum quantity of air reaching the lungs and the respiratory effort is greatest . at

women this way of breathing very frequent . The consequences of this are breathing poor ventilation , gruff voice ,

irritability and rapid fatigue .

Abdominal breathing , known in the West as " deep breathing " , to the greatest extent

engages the diaphragm and is far better than chest breathing , but it is only partially filled lungs

air . The air reaches the lower and middle part of the lungs , while the upper part remains uncommitted .

By far the best method is pranic breathing or breathing COMPLETELY and it is a method in

all eastern systems exclusively used . Such breathing fills the whole lungs with air and

allows it to absorb the maximum amount of oxygen and prana, or nerve energy (or prana which

here appears as nerve energy ) . This method of breathing engages the whole lung bronchioles all , every

pulmonary bladder . The diaphragm is maximally engaged , and the smallest effort in breathing .

Fully or pranic breathing is the basis of the entire pranayama and must be fully

overcome if it is to succeed in difficult ones later . Any attempt to practice higher forms

Pranayama with the use of thoracic or abdominal breathing will lead to failure , as well as

Studying mathematics is impossible without a multiplication table . The reader who ignore this basic

exercise , certainly will not be able to withstand the demanding pace of subsequent exercise and long periods

retention of breath ( kumbhaka ) . Here's how to practice pranic breathing :

1 ) Sit in a chair completely true spine , but at the same time you should not touch the back seat .

Begin to breathe slowly , first in the lower part of the lungs , suppressing stomach out and down . When this part of the full

Air , continue to breathe without any interruption in the middle , then the upper part of the lungs , not looking up

shoulders . When you breathed in the upper part of the lungs , stomach and you will be a little tuck . This is how

We describe pranic breathing , seems to be a breath consists of three distinct parts. You must ,

however try to be all three run off into a single uniform movement .

2 ) When you fill your lungs with air , hold it in your lungs for a few seconds .

In the West, the government quite some confusion regarding the prana . There are a large number of words which

the term " washed " translates . Most often encountered searching for " breath " and " breathe " so that its meaning through further

simplification reduces the amount of oxygen . However , the word " prana " has much wider implications .

Prana is the universal cosmic energy that occurs in countless forms , is found in all

forms of matter , from the grossest minerals to most forms of matter that can be taken - man .

The entire human body , of certain organs to tiny cells under the control of the prana . As

said , Prana is found in all forms of matter , and yet it did not matter . Prana is the cosmic

energy that permeates and animates matter . We absorb prana through the air we breathe , but she

no oxygen , through the food we eat and the liquids we drink, but it is not reduced to some chemical

elements , but the food and liquids only intermediaries through which prana transmitted .

Since it is extremely important , we repeat that washed overall cosmic energy , which

manifests itself in myriad forms : as gravity , magnetism , heat, movement of the body , energy and mind

emotional energy . The word " pranayama " is a complex of two terms : " prana " - the energy and the " pit " -

control . Thus pranayama is the control of prana . That portion of prana , which manifests as

individual energies of every human being , the most obvious is manifested in the form of breathing , so the

control and energy most efficiently achieved through the control of breathing , although concentration exercises ,

Meditation and samjame are nothing more than a method to control the highest forms of reporting prana -

power of human thought . The aim of our system is to , prejudice the lower forms of pranayama prana under

control , control reaches its highest form - the thinking process . About this tells an old story ,

which is actually charged symbolism of high value ( here it should be noted that the adepts of Eastern

Hermeticism very often used in teaching their students allegories . The story provokes reporting

a series of images in their method we see the realization of centuries old wisdom - " a picture is worth

a thousand words " ) . In ancient times there lived a wise old vizier Maharajah . At the far were known

its just decisions . However , personal enemies slandered him in the Maharajah that saves

issued . Wise Vizier is destined to die of hunger at the top of a high tower . But he had faithfully

wife who comes at night under the tower and asked him if he could somehow help . Vizio she said that

the next night, bring the following : a live beetle , a little honey , thin silk thread , thin rope , strong

thick rope and thick long rope . Faithful wife did so . Vizio said that she smeared Jelenka

horns honey , it binds to the silk thread and putting it on the wall of the tower with his head up .

Feeling himself in front of the scent of honey , stag climbed the tower , dragging the silk thread all

until he reached the top. Thus, in the hands of a wise vizier reached one end of silk thread . he yelled

woman to the other end of the thread tied a thin rope . When she did this vizier , pulling silk thread ,

caught the end of a thin rope . Then, in the same way repeat the whole process with a thick rope and

rope , string whom the wise vizier down and so flee to freedom.

This story allegorically describes the process of controlling prana , as they enter our system . silk thread

movements are chest muscles that control breathing . Through their control we gain control over

process of breathing ( thin rope ) through breath control will achieve mental control of prana

( thick rope ) , and through it we will finally reach the control of thought processes ( thick rope ) and over

her liberation ( mukti ) from the fetters of matter .

As noted, the most obvious manifestation of prana in our body is moving arm that

causing breathing . When you stop breathing process , all other bodily functions automatically stop . if

the accident we want to determine whether someone is lying motionless survived the first look at whether it was still breathing .

It is therefore logical path that adopts yoga in achieving self-control - control of breathing and movement

bodies to achieve higher control and the highest manifestations of Prana . Through pranayama exercises the whole body

gradually coming under control . After a certain time, and conscientious exercise reader will be

able to send the prana , the nerve centers which is accumulated in all parts of the body through

nerve fibers , and so the whole body is brought under control will. Then all forms of diseases are coming under

control of students and are at will , almost automatically , cured .

On the control is based on the so-called prana , spiritual healing , and hypnosis treatment .

You've probably heard that a hypnotist can cure a headache patient by giving him the suggestion under

hypnosis : " The head does not hurt you anymore ! " What cures the patient is not the word , but control of prana

patients , which is most easily accomplished in a hypnotic state . However , the student of Oriental Hermeticism


no need for their ailments to seek a hypnotist . Thanks Pranayama and control his thoughts

Mental concentration is so strong that it washed automatically directed towards where he wants .

You could say that the student according to his will enter into a state of hypnosis ( autohypnosis ) and returned to vigilantly

condition .

In ordinary , superficial breathing we introduce into our body only small amounts of prana but

When breathing is controlled through pranayama , it is possible for a short time to enter incomparably greater

amount of prana that accumulate in the nerve centers . The main battery of prana in the body is

Manipura Chakra or western terminology told , his solar plexus . Even in the brain

critical moments, draws energy from the large reservoirs . Not only that Prana enters our

system , but from him and constantly points out , in fact , washed through us continuously circulated . The main routes

which washed stresses are: human exhalation , the tips of the fingers , genitals , eyes , tongue and Plexus

solaris . In this issue we will return to later in connection with the practice swing , or IMPERIAL

Pranayamas , which in this textbook first appeared in Western literature on yoga and

fakirizmu . In this relatively light exercise , anyone who has a little persistence and patience will be able , out

doubt , to feel the vibrations of prana in the above sections .

When a child is hit and starts to cry , the mother unconsciously directs his prana in the direction

painful place to help him - she starvation hand whacked place and blowing into it . similar examples

There are countless , so we will not mention them . Control of prana leads to the control of pain . exposure to torture

certain extremist sects of Indian fakir , whose members themselves pierce , cut , exposing fire etc. not

means the ability to withstand pain , because pain and gone, but the ability to feel pain control .

Fakir is just as sensitive to pain as well as any layman , the difference is that he can consciously to decide

that you will feel pain or not .

In recent years, appeared on the west by various methods borrowed from breathing pranayama ,

applicable to special purpose in the so-called method . painless childbirth , in training actors' voices

and singers , the physiological approach to psychotherapy ( autogenous training methods Dr. Sulc , to which we

return later ) , etc. To explain the impact of pranayama on the body , especially the nervous system ,

it is necessary to provide the basics fakir and yoga anatomy .

Upon learning of oriental Hermeticism human body is reminiscent of a large battery current,

whose parts are connected to thousands of nerve conductive . Throughout the system continuously circulates

Prana . The three main currents of prana in the body are : Sushumna , which flows through the middle of the vertebral column ,

IDA , which flows down the left side of the spine and Pingali , which flows right side of the spine . In the bottom

the end of the spine , where it ends sushumna channel , lies extraordinarily important center Muladhara

Chakras, where the headquarters of KUNDALINI or serpent power . Kundalini is highly concentrated

washed in a latent state . When this huge battery nerve force , which is at the ignorant

people in a dormant state , starts to activate the action of pranayama , kundalini begins to

rising through the sushumna channel and that is making its way to the brain . On his way Kundalini moves from lower

nerve centers ( chakras ) to the higher levels . The consequence of this is that the layer of a layer of consciousness opens

devotee ( follower hermetic trails ) and many visions and power become available to him . How to

Kundalini rises along the spine , so does the body temperature of those parts of the body to which the Kundalini

overdue . On this basis it is possible to purely objective method to determine the rising of Kundalini

(usually by placing hands on various body parts devotee is in trance ) . Even in the state of

deepest SAMADHI - condition ( superconsciousness ) , when the body is stiff and cold as a corpse remains in the field

crown of the head , where the Sahasrara Chakra , low heat .

There are seven chakras or psychic centers , which roughly correspond to nerve plexuses

( entanglements ) in Western medicine . Chakras have their centers in the Sushumna , which runs through the middle of the vertebral

cord , and their trees are nerve fibers or endocrine glands . These chakras are:

First Muladhara Chakra , the lower end of the spine ;

Second Svadistthana , in the area of the prostate ;

3rd Manipura Chakra , in the area of my solar plexus ;

4th Anahata chakra , in the area of the heart ;

5th VIŠUDHA chakra , in the area of the thyroid gland ;

6th ADŽNA chakra , between the eyes ;


7th Sahasrara chakra , the crown of the head field .

Kundalini awakening through pranayama and other oriental hermetic method is one of the

ways of achieving self-realization or the state of superconsciousness . Each of the oriental method of hermetic

has , in addition to techniques that are common to all methods , its dominant technique for awakening

Kundalini . These are intense concentration ( rajah yoga ) , Concentrated power cysts will ( džnana

yoga ) , exalted state of love ( bhakti yoga ) , stimulating sound vibrations in the form of formulas

( mantra yoga ) , etc. Pranayama , as you will see during this course , not just deep

respiration and assimilation increased amounts of oxygen . Decisive role in the game Pranayama

VISUALIZATION or create mental images through the effort of the imagination , and then immediately come by

the importance of breathing rhythm , or strictly defined phase relationship between the duration of inhalation , retention of breath and

exhalation . At this point it should be noted that psychological control of prana through breathing techniques , rhythm and

Visualization is not the sole monopoly of the East . The same techniques and methods used , with minor modifications ,

Western Hermetic tradition . If you are interested in western hermeticism based on the Tarot ,

please refer to the address provided at the end of this course , and a brief look at the contents of two new books of the same

writers who are already on sale . Now we move on to specific workout pranayama , and then we

illuminate the science of breathing Indian yogi recent discoveries of modern physiology .

Anuloma villa pranayama

Before as you get on this and the following exercises , it is assumed that you have mastered the pranic

breathing almost completely . Now you sit on a chair or the edge of the hard bed, holding the spine , neck and

head in a straight line . The legs are crossed articles . With his thumb of his right hand , close the right nostril .

Evenly inhale through the left nostril while inside you say five times the word " OM " , then the

the same ( left ) nostril exhale twice as slowly, while in repeat itself ten times the word " OM " . In most

Pranayama exercise during exhalation is twice longer than the inhalation . Repeat this exercise

the left nostril ten times .

Now close the left nostril with the little and ring finger of the right hand ( always , in these

exercises , serve right hand ) and slowly inhale through the right nostril for a period while inside

you say five times the word " OM " , then exhale while inside ten repeat the word " OM " . You try to

when you hear the breathing sound weaker . When inhaled into the lungs do not enter too much quantity

air , but because when exhaling stretch to completely empty your lungs .

This exercise should be doing this for about two weeks , and then increasing the number of repetitions with

each nostril from ten to twenty times . Note that in this exercise, no retention

breath , as soon as he finished breath , begin gasp . After a month switch to the second exercise . anuloma

viloma pranayama should not be more that you do. Just to mention that this exercise works twice

daily , preferably in the morning and evening .


Sit in the same position as in the first exercise . Close the right nostril with the thumb of his right hand and

inhale through the left nostril , reciting to himself the word " OM " six times , ie " OM , OM , OM , OM , OM ,

OM " . Then, immediately , without a break , closing the left nostril with the little and ring finger , put the thumb with

right nostril so that it is now open and breathe through her uttering the word " OM " twelve

times . Saying the word " OM " should last for about a second , means in this exercise, attitude and aspiration

exhalation should be about 6:12 seconds . This seems so far described the first half of the exercise.

The other half goes in reverse order. Not even for a moment , leaving the lungs empty , inhale through

Right nostril (the left is still closed) counting six " OM " . Close the right nostril

thumb, release the left nostril and exhale through it counting twelve word " OM " . This all together

makes the entire exercise no. Second Repeat ten such complete workout .

After a while , when you do not you feel the effort at this exercise , extend the period

inhalation and exhalation at 7:14 seconds , or 7:14 the word " OM " , and then at 8:18 . You need to do this


exercise twice a day, a month before as you get to exercise no. 3rd Then this exercise more

do not do .


In this exercise, you begin with the retention of breath . The highlight of pranayama is contained in the rhythm

1:4:2 , which means that at one time holding the breath inhalation comes in four times over a longer period , and

then exhale twice a longer period ( the period of inhalation ) . This form of pranayama is the most dangerous and

therefore has to be practiced with great patience and carefulness . Inhale through the left nostril ( closing

right nostril with your thumb ) repeating itself in four words " OM " Now close both nostrils ( left with

small and ring finger ) and hold it inside until sixteen say the word " OM " . remove the thumb

the right nostril and exhale through it while repeating to himself eight " OM " . That's half the exercises . now

breathe on the right nostril while repeating four " OM " . Hold your breath for 16 " OM " and

exhale eight " OM " . If you are conscientiously doing the previous exercise , you will not feel too much fatigue

this rate, except in the beginning . Fakirs and yoga usually used rhythm 16:64:32 , but after several years

daily exercise . Entreat all readers of this course to keep pace 4:16:8 and that it does not

increase at any cost ! In this exercise, there is a high risk of abnormal

Expansion of the lung tissue and ruinaranja entire nervous system . So do not do more than 4-5 of these

Exercise in the morning and in the evening , always on an empty stomach , ie before eating .

This exercise allows you to enter large amounts of oxygen and prana in the nervous system , to be

organism assimilates and that is quite etiminira carbon dioxide . The breath-holding phase (called

Kumbhaka ) there will be a heavy sweating , even in very cold room . Particularly favorable

and a healthy sign if you start to sweat the root of the hair.

After a month of exercise leads to inclusion of the most important factors -

Visualization. As you inhale , and while repeating four times the word " OM " , imagine that the current color

milk or off white smoke enters through the open nostril and goes down the spine until its lower end

lying Muladhara Chakra . There chakra imagine a smallish triangle which lights up like molten gold .

In the period of retention of breath ( 18 words " OM " ) , imagine that the milky white electric shock in the form of

strong stream of golden triangle . In the period of exhalation ( 8 " OM " ) , imagine that the white power to climb the

spine and leaves the body through the open nostril appropriate ( if it went to the left , coming out on the right and

vice versa ) . Stretch all the power of your imagination to the image to be sharper . From mental clarity

images and regularity of rhythm depends on success in the practice of pranayama , and not by the amount of inhaled air .

This exercise for at least eight months , and you can do the whole life .


This exercise is similar exercises no. 3 , with the difference that the lungs in the middle period devoid

Air resp . empty . How does it look ? Inhalation 4 " OM " , then immediately exhale for 8 " OM "

In the third phase of the lungs are completely empty for 16 " OM " . He imagines the same mental image as the

the third phase . Do not be rebels that there is no air in the lungs , as whitish electricity is not air , but the product

Concentrated imagination . This exercise , although more difficult to perform than the previous one , it is almost entirely

harmless , so that you can work all you want times , while the third peak exercise 4-5 times

4-5 times in the morning and evening .

To briefly look at the production ( or vocal . Imaginary ) the word " OM " , the word ,

as well as many others that are used in Pranayama and meditation , belongs to the so-called . sacred river . They are the

accumulation of experiences of a large number of generations of action of acoustic vibrations on the matter ,

primarily on the nerve centers . The word " OM " should first pronounce loudly with some procrastination " Oo -

of infection " , then the exercise by the memory of the play itself . To engage in detailed

explanation of the principle of action of these and other words we can not due to lack of space , especially

it is much studiously addressed in the second book of the same writer, "The key to psychic



Solar Plexus, BREATHING

Food that enters the body is distributed throughout the nervous system , but there are

nerve fibers , which face the batteries , which collects the largest amount of prana . The main such

battery in the nervous system is the solar plexus or plexus , which is located just below the breastbone

bone . Boxers know the sensitivity of this city , and he is often the target of their attack . shot in

plexus causes extremely sickening feeling, loss of consciousness and sometimes death . From this center

washed repeatedly emphasized and disperses it throughout the nervous system . It is often said that the

moments of danger man intersect breath . It is actually unclear Feeling a sudden leak washed out

plexus in the nervous system , that would be washed put at the disposal of the body to flee or fight .

Hermetically systems pays great attention to this center . There are various exercises that pranayama

develop this important center , among which the most important massage plexus or solar plexus breathing .

When you access this exercise you have to be quite healthy and in a good mood . If you have a headache or

're depressed , dispose exercise to better opportunities .

Lie on the floor or a hard bed with his hands beside him . Quite relax ( in the chapter on

Self-hypnosis is described in detail how to perform relaxation or relaxation of the whole body ) . after

1-2 minute relaxation massage go to the next : Take a deep breath while counting to himself than one

to six . Then satjerajte the air as much as possible in the lower part of the lungs and stomach . Holding the air so

pushed myself to count to three . Then switch to the upper part of the lungs in which the extent possible , the

What is the stomach and chest rise indentation . Then it immediately without any pause slide down into the stomach , in

original position , hold it there for three seconds , return to the upper part of the lungs , etc. four times , not

releasing air from the lungs at all . When the fourth time return air from the stomach into the upper part of the lungs slowly

exhale counting 1:00 to 6:00 . If you have a number of massage in one inhalation too , then

reduce the number of massage (one inhalation ) from four to two . Repeat this exercise three to five times . not

you have to work every day . It runs parallel with the previous exercises ( which work

daily ) in one week . Its effect on the entire nervous system is outstanding .

ACCUMULATION prana through rhythmic breathing

The name of this technique is somewhat confusing , because it is already stated that all Pranayama exercises

lead to the accumulation of prana in the nervous system . However , this is one of the techniques of pranayama which

accumulates increased amounts of prana for a short time . Lie on a mat or a hard bed , placing

arms beside the body surface . Relax all the muscles of the body as much as you can . After a minute or two

Start with rhythmic breathing . Imagine that with each breath you enter a large amount of prana in

organism . Imagine your whole body submerged in a bright red liquid and with each

inhaling the bright red liquid enters the lungs through both nostrils and then spreads throughout the

it circulates between the body . In the period of retention of breath , imagine that washed collects in my solar plexus and

thence rays on the environment . During exhalation , imagine that the red liquid comes out through your nose . for

Use this exercise rhythm 4:4:4 seconds , and the word " OM " should not be repeated . signs easily

The number in itself : one , two, three , four . In this exercise, the decisive role played sharp and clear pictures psychic

described process . This does not mean that you should physically straining , you tighten the chain teeth and fists . simply

Be completely relaxed , breathe rhythmically and compose the image described .


All systems of self-development pays great attention to control sexual energy . It is quite

logical . Sexual motivation is one of the strongest drivers of human activity and therefore any significant

degree of self-control implies keeping this motif under the control of the will . Sexual abstinence

plays a significant role in the development of psychic power . This applies in the first place for people who have a lifetime


dedicated systems of self-development . For us, however , that we want to apply the teachings of the hermetic

practical life , the question of the possibility of transformation of sexual energy . sexual

motif plays a major role in the behavior of the man , although allegations of extreme psychoanalyst

its universality exaggerated. There are other aspirations and motives besides sex . What was the

reader of this course the most important thing is I'm technically a process of transformation of sexual energy . About

the importance of controlling sexual energy are discussed in many books on yoga, but the description of the techniques

transformation is very rarely found in the literature . We will try to fill this gap .

The sexual act is an act of discharging large amounts of prana in the form of sexual emotional

energy , which is energy than other forms of expression differs by a relatively large loss

energy in a short period of time . Although the consumption of this natural energy kid, I act

accompanied by the utter exhaustion of the organism . In the opinion of the majority of the followers of our system ,

sexual act represents in most cases the waste of precious amount of energy that can be

cjelishodniji use . Sexual energy is creative energy and transformed suitable

method takes the form of vitality , endurance , perseverance and working spirit . Sexual energy

Prana is a very concentrated , so the value of its transformation insofar higher .

The technique of transformation of sexual energy , which is common to all oriental

systems , it is very simple . It is based on the proper rhythmic breathing ( which will be in high

the value of every follower of our system does not have a chance once to make sure ) and clear

visualization . This exercise does not work according to a predetermined schedule , but then when you feel

the need for control of instinctual energy . Take your usual attitude with the right spine . Breathe

rhythmically minute or two , then add the rhythm of such a mental picture : When inhaled imagine to get out

sexual energy from the genital region upward to the third chakra . Imagine that the energy

milky white in color , like mist or vapor . Imagine and try to feel it , to feel small

resistance at that. As you inhale say to yourself, " Now draw out the sexual energy in the solar plexus . " When

holding the breath give yourself a suggestion : " Sexual energy is collected in the third chakra ." the

Imagine the psychic image is white fog concentrated in the center . When you exhale tell yourself :

" Now I remove myself from erotic thoughts ." Stretch to the lungs push out all the air and at that stage

imagining him always in the form of gray or black smoke , as if something unhealthy leaves your body . Although

in all exercises, pranayama and concentration imperative posture in which the spine of law , in this

normal practice is to have the head tilted slightly forward and downward .

Follower of our system , which is engaged in intellectual work , one can quickly convince

transmutation efficiency techniques . Not only will you be able to work smoothly , but it will significantly

increase work capacity and power of concentration . Sexual abstinence is considered in the East as a practice

which is itself understood until it comes to marriage , as well as in cases when running out

Partner conditional nature. However , this way of life is not only a characteristic of easternness , and the

West Fortunately many splendors of the spirit that intuitively , without any knowledge of Eastern philosophy ,

adopt apstinentski way of life . Not only the general public , but also in medical circles , little

it is known that Nikola Tesla was a complete sexual abstinent , despite the fact that he was a strict



After 2-3 months of conscientious work on the exercises given above , when the pace became

Proper and easily doable , when the ability to visualize ie ability to form mental images

progressed somewhat ( to develop the ability to visualize and you will be fully successful only when

sale through initial and higher exchange rate of mental concentration , which are given later in this textbook )

You can poduhvatiti exercise called " breathing through the bone ," which is only occasionally exercise , not more frequently

than once in seven days . The value of this exercise is permeating every cell of the body waves

prana , vitalization and cleaning of the nervous system and , most importantly , the power supply currents of prana and chakras

their gently awakening to harmless way . Beneficial effects of these exercises you will soon

feel to it. Here's how it performs . Lie on a mat or even hard bed . Sitting position is