Menerapkan Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja Dan Lingkungan H (2)

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Transcript of Menerapkan Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja Dan Lingkungan H (2)

Safety, Health, and Environment (K3LH).

Applying Health, Safety, and Environment.

Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 2 Isikan Judul Halaman

Describe Health

Healthy sense always described as a physical condition, mental and social person who is not only free from diseases or health problems but also shows the ability to interact with and work environment.

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A person's health status, according to Blum (1981).

1. Environment, a physical environment (natural, artificial) chemical (organic / inorganic, heavy metals, dust), biological (viruses, bacteria, microorganism) and socio-cultural (economic, education, employment)

2. Behavior include: attitudes, habits, behavior3. health care: promotion, care, treatment,

prevention of disability, rehabilitation genetic, which is every human heredity.

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Describe Safety.

Workplace safety or Occupational Safety, in everyday terms is often called a safety course, be interpreted as a philosophy of thought and effort to ensure the integrity and perfection of both physical and mental labor in particular and mankind in general and the results of culture and his work. From the aspect of science is defined as a knowledge and its application in an effort to prevent the possibility of accidents and illness due to work.

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Describe Safety

Philosophically, safety is athinking and efforts to ensure the integrity andhuman perfection both physically andspiritual and cultural work and the fixedon human welfare in general andlabor in particular.

In science, safety is science and its application in learning about accident prevention procedures for working in the workplace.

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Describe Safety

According to Ridley, John (1983) quoted by Boby Shiantosia (2000, p.6), interpret Health and Safety is a condition in a healthy job and whether it is safe for work, companies and people and the environment around the factory or workplace it.

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Describe Safety

According Simanjuntak (1994), workplace safety is the safety condition that is free from the risk of accidents and damage to which we work which includes the condition of buildings, mechanical condition, safety equipment, and working conditions.

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Describe Safety

Jackson (1999, p. 222), explained that the Health and Safety at Work show physiological conditions, physical and psychological labor caused by the work environment provided by the company.

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Describe Safety

According Mangkunegara (2002, p.163) Safety and health is a thought and effort to ensure the integrity and perfection of both physical and mental labor in particular, and mankind in general, and cultural work towards a just and prosperous society.

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Describe Safety

Mathis and Jackson (2002, p. 245), states that salvation is referring to the protection of one's physical well-being of injury associated with the job. Health is referring to the general condition of the physical, mental and emotional stability in general.

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Indicators cause of workplace safety.

a. Circumstances where the working environment, which includes:

1. Preparation and storage of goods that are less harmful calculated safety.

2. Work space is too crowded and congested.

3. Sewage and waste that are not in place.

b. The use of work equipment, which includes:

1. Workplace safety equipment worn or damaged.

2. The use of machinery, electronic equipment without a good security lighting settings.

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The goal of occupational safety and health

a) That each employee a guaranteed safety and health both physically, socially, and psychologically.

b) In order for any equipment and work equipment used selective best possible

c) That all production be maintained for safety.

d) In order to guarantee the preservation and improvement of nutritional health of employees

e) In order to increase the excitement, harmony work, and work participation.

f) In order to avoid health problems caused by the environment or working conditions.

g) So that every employee feels safe and protected in the work.

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Act 1 of 1970 the number of workplace safety include:

1) That every labor is entitled to protection of the safety in doing the work for the welfare of life and increase production and national productivity.

2) That every other person residing in the workplace also needs to guarantee his safety.

3) That every production need to be used and used safely and efficiently.

Basic occupational health safety laws.

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In the first implementation of K3 refers to Veiligheidsreglement year 1919 (Stbl.No.406), but with the issuance of Law No. 14 of 1969 on Basic Provisions of the Workers, then the legislation drawn up which includes general provisions on work safety accordance with community development, industrialization, engineering and technology. The Act is Law No.. 1 of 1970 on Occupational Safety.

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Figure safety equipment

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Understanding Occupational Injuries (accident) is an occurrence or undesirable event that harmful to humans, property damage or loss to the process.

Describe Accident Compensation

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Nearly understanding Alas, that in terms called safety incidents (incident), there is also a mention by the term "near-miss" or "near-accident", is an occurrence or undesirable event which with a slightly different circumstances would cause harm to people, destroy property or loss of the process.

Damn Near understanding

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Frivolous and not the heart - heart Does not comply with regulations Did not follow standard work procedures Not wearing protective equipment Weak body condition.

Factors Occupational Injuries

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Anticipating the existence of the factors causing the danger and to take reasonable precautions before.

Understanding the types of hazards in the workplace. Evaluating the level of danger in the workplace. Controlling the occurrence of danger or complications.

Following various directions K3.

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The use of computers continuously can cause the complaints to several members of the body, such as "Ah, my neck muscles feel stiff and sore all!" Or "Why did my eyes become blurred? Am I too long in front of the computer? ".

Complaints that often occurs when using a computer.

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To reduce some of these complaints, computer usage is the main factor Noteworthy. From the results of research by experts, the workplace should be designed appropriately. An example is to place the keyboard and a seat at the proper height. In addition to sitting position, the eyes should also be noted. The eyes are the senses that work the hardest when you use a computer. Therefore, you should pay attention to your eyes so that eye complaints, such as eye irritation or eye fatigue can be avoided.

Reducing the number of complaints when using the computer.

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a. Adjust the seat position.b. Estimating the distance to the monitor

view.c. Using computers and computer

technology according to the procedure.

K3 in using ICT tools.

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a. Foot placed in the position of the left foot slightly forward and your right foot slightly back.

b. Hands placed on the keyboard with the correct position according to the system use traditional typing 10 finger system.

c. The position of the body do not bend, but try to erect and relaxed as it can cause fatigue in the muscles, especially in the waist easily tired

d. Eyes try to script that will be copied / typed.

The way a sitting position when using the computer.

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a. Rest your eyes, with a nuanced view of the cool and distant to the front on a regular basis.

b. Keep your eyeglasses or contact lenses (if you use it), and the display is always clean.

c. Use additional anti-radiation screen.d. Keep the distance from the eye to monitor at

least ½ feet for a standard monitore. Set the color with a good resolution. Likewise

with the brightness of the monitor not too bright or dark.

f. When working with computers, lighting in the room should be enough.

How to maintain eye health while using computers.

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The whole device information and communication technology, both hardware and software has been equipped with certain standards, including standards for health and safety.

Therefore, first read the instructions provided with products we buy / use.

Using computers and computer technology according to the procedure

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Article 27 (2) UUD 1945

Employment Law.

Article 86 Article 87

•Law No.1/1970

• Per. Menaker No. 05/Men/1996

• Kep.Menaker No. Kep.19/Men/1997

Application of Government Regulation

SMK3.Sanksi pelanggaran

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Law No.13 of 2003

Article 86

Each worker / labor has a right to the protection of

a. occupational health and safety

b. morals and decency; and

c. equal treatment in accordance with the dignity of human and religious values

(2) To protect the safety of workers / laborers in order to achieve optimal productivity efforts organized occupational health and safety

(3) The protection referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) conducted in accordance with the laws of the applicable government regulation.

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Law No.13 of 2003

Article 87

1. Each company shall establish safety management systems and integrated health management system.

2. Provisions concerning the implementation of safety management systems and health referred to in paragraph (1).

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Environmental concept.

According to Prof. Dr. Environment Emil Salim is all things and conditions that exist in the space we inhabit and influence the things that life including human life.

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Environmental concept.

According Soemarwoto Prof.Dr.Otto, Environment is the sum of all the objects and the existing conditions in space that we live affects our lives.

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Environmental concept.

According to Law No. 4 / 1982 on the management fundamentals of Environment, Law No. jumto. 23 In 1997, Article I that the environment is a unity with all things space, power, situation and the life and welfare of man and other creatures.

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Environmental concept.

As for under Law No. 23 In 1997, the environment is a unity with all living things and the unity of living things including man and his behavior is to establish the life and welfare of human beings and other living creatures.

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Environmental Significance in Life.

Environment as a place to live.Environment as a place for dinner.

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Environment as a place to live

Individuals: a single living creature Population: a collection of similar individuals who

live in certain regions Community: a collection of populations that live

in an area. Ecosystems: a collection of communities that

interact with the environment and form a system.

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Environment as a place for dinner.

Balance of the environment or the ecosystem will occur if the food chain, food Jarring, and proper food pyramid. Food chain in a environment. Basically, each component in on environmental life can be described as "one for others ". Examples of grass eaten deer and deer edible tiger and so on.

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Physical Element (abiotic)Biological elements (biotic)Cultural Elements.

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Physical Element (abiotic)

Elements embodied in the physical environment consisting of soil, water, sunlight, chemical compounds, and so on. function within the physical elements ofas a medium for the continuity of life. For example, water is needed by all living things to flow the nutrients and the sun is the primary energy to move or change.

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Biological elements (biotic)

Biological elements in the environment consists of all living things found on earth, starting from the lowest level to high level, ranging from the smallest form to the greatest. For example is the human, animal, plants and micro-organism.

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Cultural Elements

In addition to the natural physical environment, humans as wellhave different environments as a complement of lifecalled the cultural environment. On environmentalculture is the tangible value of abstraction,norms, ideas and concepts in understanding andinterpret the environment.

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The concept of environmentally sound development

Environmentally sound development is the conscious and planned efforts to integrate it’s including environmental resources into the development process.

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National Development Planning System (SPPN)

Guarantee the achievement of the use of resources in an efficient, effective, equitable, and sustainable

Optimize participation Ensure linkages and consistency between

planning, budgeting, implementation, and supervision.

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Environmental Damage.

The shape of Environmental Damage Due to natural events.

Environmental damage due to human factors.

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The shape of Environmental Damage Due to natural events.

Volcanic eruptions

Earthquakes Hurricane

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Environmental damage due to human factors.

Occurrence of pollution (pollution of air, water, soil, and voice) as the impact of the industrial area.

Floods, as a result of poor drainage or sewage system and errors in maintaining watershed and the impact of forest destruction.

Occurrence of landslides, as the direct impact of forest destruction.

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Government efforts to make life fair andprosperity for their people without causing damagefollowed up by drafting environmental programssustainable development is often referred to asenvironmentally sound development.

Environmentally sound development is the attemptimprove human quality in stages withnoted environmental factors. Development orientedenvironment known as Sustainable Development.The concept of sustainable development is an agreementthe Earth Summit in Rio de Jeniro in 1992.

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Important ideas of the Earth Summit agreements

The idea needs, particularly the basic human needs to sustain life

The idea of limitations, the limitations of the environment's ability to meet the needs of both the present and future.

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Feature Environment Concept Development.

Ensure equity and fairness. Respecting biodiversity. Integrative approach. Using long-term view.

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Government Efforts in Environmental Management

Removing the Basic Agrarian Law No.. 5 of 1960, which regulates the Land Use.

Publishes Law No. 4 In 1982, the Basic Provisions for Environmental Management.

Introduced in Government Regulation No. 24 In 1986, the EIA (Environmental Impact).

In 1991, government established the Environmental Management Agency, with the main aim:

1) Tackling pollution cases. 2) Supervise hazardous materials and toxic (B3). 3) Conducting assessment of environmental impact

assessment (EIA). The government launched a movement to plant a million


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First-aid accidents

First Aid is all forms of assistance given to someone who injury or illness that requires immediate medical action. See the wide scope given the help that is needed minimal understanding of what should Working as part of first aid. Frequent occurrence someone who wants to help victims Instead accident will make experienced injury increasingly heavy casualties.

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First Aid box.

First aid box is a box containing the drugsupplies and equipment that supportfirst aid activities that containincluding bandages, mitela, iodine, etc..

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Causes of Muscle spasms (cramps).

- Too tired- Because the cold / hot- Lack of salt, low levels of minerals- Breathing too fast when not needed, thus

preventing the use of calcium by the body.

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The signs of muscle spasms (cramps).

The pain is continuous, lasted for several seconds to several hours.

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First Aid at Muscle spasms (cramps).

- With the muscle relaxes, when the seizures dibetis, standing up on your toes or push the front legs up and massage the cramped muscles towards the heart.

- When suffering from muscle spasms are the upper arm forward, massage the muscle with one hand and ask your friends for help to straighten the elbow.

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The end