Memory review

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Memory review

Memory– Notes Summary

Lesson One:

What’s the difference between:

Memory –

Cognition –

Information Processing Model:

Why is Shallow Processing important for survival?

Types of Encoding:

Type of Encoding: Description:

Semantic Encoding

Deep Processing

Self-referent Encoding

Encoding Storage Retrieval

Describe the three main components of The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory:

Sensory Memory –

Short-term Memory –

Long-term Memory -

Key Memory Terms:

Iconic Memory Echoic Memory Selective Attention

Automatic Processing Parallel Processing Effortful Processing

Lesson Two:

What are some basic guidelines to help transfer short-term memory experiences to long-term memory?

What did you learn from the chunking activity we did in class? In what other ways do we chunk information so that we can remember easier?

Long Term Memory

Explicit Memory (Declarative Memory) Implicit Memory (Non-Declarative Memory)

Semantic MemoryEpisodic Memory Procedural Memory Conditioning Memory

Lesson Three:

Long Term Memory Organization Models:

Key Model: Description Other Terms:

Hierarchies Concepts -

Prototypes -

Semantic Networks

Mental Maps -

Schemas Script -

Connectionism Artificial Intelligence -

What is Long Term Potentiation and how does it apply to your life?

According to the Flashbulb Memory theory, why is it that we tend to remember traumatic events much more vividly than more ordinary events?

Sections of the Brain Involved in Memory:

Section of the Brain: Function

Left Frontal Lobe

Right Frontal Lobe




Lesson Four:

What’s the difference between:

Recognition –

Recall –

Retrieval Terms:

Anterograde Amnesia: Retrograde Amnesia:

Serial Position Effect Primacy Effect

Recency Effect

What is Priming and where have you seen it used in the past?

What’s the difference between:

Distributed Practice –

Massed Practice –

Which of these works better? Why do you think so?

What is the Method of Loci? Have you ever used something like this before?

What is Context Dependent Memory and how might it affect the way that you study and perform on a big test like the AP Psychology Test?

What is State Dependent Memory? Why do you think our memory system works like this?

Four Reasons Why We Forget:

Reasons We Forget:

Main Idea: Other Key Terms:

Failure to Encode Information

Decay of Stored Memories

Relearning –

Inability to Access Stored Memory

Interference –

Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon –

Motivated Forgetting

Confabulation –

Misinformation Effect –

Two Types of Interference:

Proactive Interference: Retroactive Interference: