Memory Book

Post on 10-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Memory Book

Gone from our sight, but never our memories. Gone from our touch, but never our hearts.



Redmond, OR

I am currently happily married to my wife of eleven years, Celeste.

We have two kids, Andrew (6) & Lauren (4). We live in Redmond, Oregon. I work for the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office as a detective. Celeste works for St. Charles Medical Center, in Redmond. We enjoy recreation in Central Oregon. There is much more, but I won't bore you with the rest. Email:

ADAM P. BAAS I am doing great. I am living in Phila-delphia with my girlfriend of 8 years, Jesse. No wedding or kids yet, but we're essentially married and kids are definitely in our fu-ture. We're both attorneys. She's awesome – I dig her more each day. As for my career, you can see my legal bio at I focus my practice on environmental litigation and work with large environmental conflicts, and try -- through the court system -- to find the responsible party(ies) for environment damage and ways to best clean-up the damage under the existing laws. It keeps me very busy, but I enjoy it. Jesse and I also have a real estate busi-ness together. We buy apartment buildings and homes . . . sell some, keep others. It's pretty straight forward, but Philadelphia has been a great place to start such a business. The plan/hope is to have this business allow us to be closer to my family on the West Coast soon, by doing the same thing in Portland... maybe in a year or so. Jesse's family is in Pennsylvania, so we'll probably always keep a house here. Jesse and I go back to Oregon twice a year and really love it there. I can't believe how cool the Pearl District is

and all the development that has happened in Happy Valley and other areas. I remember driving though there in high school and it was just farmland and sticks. My parents live in the same house, so reliving the memories is pretty easy. This last time out to see them we walked into Estacada and experienced how the town has both changed and stayed the same. I have great memories from high school and think that the class of '90 has a lot of real, quality people. Unfortunately, I haven't stayed in touch with really any of my high school friends... Not sure why, perhaps it is because I'm on the other side of the country. I see Cy Cain every few years. He's still the same great guy from high school, and hilarious as always. I cannot make it to the reunion this year because of my work. I know, it's August! What am I doing being so busy. I ask myself that question a lot. I do plan on getting one of those Facebook pages some day and hopefully that will help reconnect me with some of the old crew. Please tell everyone "Happy Reunion!" for me. The Class has a lot to be proud of. Best regards, Adam P. Baas, Esq. Email:


ADAM ELLEN * On Facebook

Alison (French) French-Tubo: My Life By The Numbers: 3 Colleges (Linfield College, Portland Community Collge, Southern Oregon University) + 1 Degree (B.S. Geography) + 2 Career Paths (construction management then ex-ecutive assistant in the investment industry, currently working part-time after being a stay at home mom for six years) + 11 ½ years in Sacramento (originally moved here to work for Howard S Wright Construction then met my now-husband and stayed for his school and then job. Funny thing: I had to move to California to meet anyone who knew our hometown! 1990-1998: I lived in various places in Oregon and met only one person who had ever been to Estacada. 1998: met Gerald

three weeks after I moved to Sac and it turned out he had gone fishing on the Clackamas, up past Estacada, all the time as a kid.) + 1 awesome husband (Gerald is funny, generous and dedicated to his family, but he won’t let me drag him to my reunion because he doesn’t do crowds or chit-chatting. ) + 2 sons who have brought more joy, fulfillment and laundry to my life than I ever could have imagined. (Sean is six, smart & smart-aleck, plays soccer and going into first grade; Corbin is three, wild like a Labrador puppy at home and shy like a stray cat in public, and is going to break a nose or a window with his throwing arm someday.) = 20 years since high school?! Email: Family Blog: *On Face-



Alyson Blodgett Grew up attending Eagle Creek Elementary then moved away to Vermont where she remains today. * On Facebook


Amy Buck Bahrman Bend, OR It's hard to believe it's been 20 years since we finished high school. Where has the time gone? After four years at Gonzaga, including a year abroad in Florence, Italy, I returned to Portland & began working. Yet school kept calling my name, so once again, I was lugging a backpack full of history books, this time at Portland State University. Upon finishing my master's degree, I set out to find employment. Thus began a ten-year career in marketing. My last position in marketing was for an educational nonprofit organization in the Portland area. While I thoroughly enjoyed the work, I enjoyed my husband more & we decided to move to Bend for his job. At our new home, I decided to trade my career in marketing for one in education and went back to school, yet again, for a Master of Arts in Teaching. During this program, I had a little girl, who is now the focus of my time. In the not-too-distant future, I hope to begin teaching, but in the meantime I love living in Bend, playing with my two-year old, & spending time with friends & family. Have a wonderful party! I'm sorry to miss seeing you all. I'll be thinking about you--and remembering the fun we all had back in Estacada! Email: :

AMY (Gaskell) CROMBIE Welches, OR Attended college, paying my way via tuition waivers as a Senator then Student Body Pres. Was a Poli Sci /Social Sci Major out to “improve the world”. Ironic : Last day of college=day I gave birth to our 1st born, Winter ’93. Forward to Fall 2011 same child starting college, & our youngest off to 1st grade. Been teasing oldest son that this means I could go back & fin-ish my Degree. I could even take classes with him! No go. Loves of My Life: Husband Alan - EHS Class ’86. Made no secret about having crush on me starting back when I was 12 years old. He was 16 at the time so I thought he was a freak. Glad I took the time to realize he wasn’t, because now he’s my husband. Good GOOD man! Son Payton James (17) SR at Sandy HS voted Most Honest by his peers, has tried every sport & extracurricular, huge heart, love him! Poor boy doesn’t have drivers license yet because Im scared to death-but will happen in next month or 2. Payton’s interested in working with the mentally ill. Yep, did I mention big heart? Daughter Darla (9 ½) 4th grade-beautiful lil’ honey to everyone. Always sticks up for the one getting picked on. Loves to sing & write songs, basketball, softball, crafts with mama, & hopes we move to a farm someday so she can have a horse. Son Elijah Alan(7 ½) 2nd grade-mind blowing student-off the charts academically & athletically. All about BASKETBALL! Has 1 dream = NBA! Did I mention he’s our only “short” kid? But with his determination, we believe anything’s possible! Son Nolan Ricky(6 this mos) kindergarten is our 24/7 comedian & the only one we’re slightly worried about being a bit of a hell raiser in school. People have suggested that’s what we get for naming him after his Grandpa Ricky. Loveable boy! Bought our home in Welches, Oregon back in 2000. Once economy rebounds-want to sell & buy farm in Estacada/Eagle Crk. We do love the beautiful Mountain, but we miss “home”. As for me personally, this Fall our baby in kindy PT-will finally have daily “Amy Time”. Eager to bump my physical health up on Priority List in life. Miss long distance running, kickboxing, horseback riding, cycling, & swimming. Unfortunately once I became mama of multiple kids - kindof took up new hobbies most of which involve sitting on my butt like sewing, scrapbooking, CrombieCards, facebooking, & cooking. But you know what?! If I didn’t have “me” to im-prove…my life truly WOULD BE perfect & there’s no such thing, right? Love & God Bless! Email: Blog: * On Faceook

Me, Chiara 2, Tom, & Rebecca 18


Andy Price Sandy, OR My girlfriend Jessica & I have been together for 7 years. We live in Sandy with 3 daughters (ages 4, 9, & 11). All the girls are competitive swimmers & play basketball. I have been coaching bas-ketball for 13 years. I was in the Navy 5 years – Seabee. I work in the construction field. I spend most of my time enjoying raising my girls. Also like work out, go fishing, hunt-ing, & camping. * On Facebook

Estacada, OR Life after high school, moved away, graduated from college, returned to teach 6th grade in Estacada. I got married two years ago to an ‘86 Alum, Kevin Rutherford, and we live in Estacada with his, now my, 15 year old daughter Kassidy. Life is good! Email:

Angela Brown Rogers My husband and I have 3 children, Josh 12, Julia 10, and Jeffrey 7. We live in Bellingham WA where my husband Andy sales real estate and I teach preschool. My parents still live in Estacada so we visit the old home town frequently. Oh the memories! Email:


1. I sky dived twice, static line. 2. I attended Mardi Gras, before Hurricane Katrina. 3. I went to burning man, 10 years in a row, where I met my spouse. 4. I learned to be crafty & sew, make stained glass mosiacs, glue, & make great other art projects. 5. I walked in a rain forest & found poison dart frogs & learned to scream like howler monkeys, 6. I hiked Mt. Hood, North Face, in the summer, in one day. I also hiked every hike in the 100 best hikes in Portland. 7. I didn't buy a car for 10 years & I used a bicycle for transportation for one year solid. 9. We made our first 4 art cars. 3 were on golf carts, the last was the tiki tiger truck.

10.I learned to craft coctails in pre-prohibition style & add tiki influences from home made sours to infusions. 11. I began investing in real estate & I got my license as a broker in Portland in 2007. 12. I started hosting the largest pub crawls in Portland, from Santacon to other events to help Keep Portland Weird. * On Facebook

Not too long after high school, I managed to pick up the hobby of writing friends who were serving time overseas in Iraq during Desert Storm. I had received an address from my cousin, his wife's brother was serving over seas, and I knew right away I wanted to write him. I briefly had met Dwayne when I was 16, so writing him wasn't like writing a complete stranger. Through the mail & phone calls, we began a relationship that eventually led to our wedding about a year later, during his time on leave from the Army. He was being transitioned from Germany to El Paso TX, so we managed to squeeze a wedding ceremony in between. I eventually gave birth to 3 of the more incredible kids around. At that time, I decided the most important thing for me was to stay home & raise my children. I very much en-joyed raising my children & making a home for my family. This September, Dwayne & I will be celebrating 19 years of marriage, & couldn't be more in love. We live in a small home in Brightwood, & love where life has taken us. Dwayne owns his own contracting company & because our children are now all teenagers, I've decided to return to college to get my associates degree in Medical Office Management. We live virtually debt free, (besides mortgage), & cherish every moment of family time together. We have 1 daughter preparing for her freshman year in col-lege, 1 daughter who is a straight A student, & 1 daughter who is our computer know it all. We are active members in our church & give all the credit to God for giving us the wisdom, courage & strength to press on in a tough world. * On Facebook

Angela (Tavares) Kingsley

ANNA PHILLIPS Extremely happy...proud mom of two great kids!!! Went back to school last year, working, and enjoying life. Email: 7

Anna (Schmale) Lewis Anna graduated PSU in 1997 with a BS History/English Lit minor, works for a non-profit organization and is an active member of the Oregon and North American Falconers Associa-tions. Her hobbies include falconry, reading, gaming, and writing a histori-cal fantasy novel about pirates. She is married and living in Portland. * On Facebook

Anne Nelson * On Facebook

Becky Battaglia Goodman GRESHAM, OR I lived in Eagle Creek in 6th grade until to my fresh-man year. My Step mom and dad di-vorced and I move to my moms and graduated from Mil-waukie. I have stayed in contact with the Guthu family over the years. I miss them all very much! I really have great memories of my years living on Wildcat Mtn Drive. I enjoyed all my friends I made there. I wish I had keep in contact, but life happens and you move forward. I have never forgot any of you. I have reconnected on Facebook with many of the friends that were special to me, I look forward to seeing you all at the reunion. As for what my life has been about since High School, I went to MHCC and WOSU. I moved to Gresham in 1994 and love it. I have been married for 16 years. I have two daughters 11 & 6, and two foster children 1 & 4. I own a large in home daycare in Gresham. I have two employees and love my job! Check out my website at if you would like to check it out? If I didn't get to see you at the reunion, and you would like to contact me at that would be great. Thanks & have fun! * On Facebook

Bobi Conway SANDY, OR Im always so busy! Since high school i have worked alot, & got married had a great child(CHANCE). I battled cancer for about 4 years! Everything is good so far. Started going to college & I am working on my masters in mental health have about one year to go! Can't wait!!! Lost my best friend about 2 years ago, & that was my father. I lived across the street from him – kind of like the Raymond show pretty funny! My life is good. I love my work, my friends & my family. I could not ask for a better son. Di-vorced when my son was 6, & since then met a wonderful man that loves me & my son! And we all know how hard it is to like teenagers! Hope to see all of you soon,...good luck & be happy in life. Email:

Current photo unavailable


Brian Jackson BEAVERCREEK, OR The last twenty years seem to have flown by. It does not seem that it has been ten years since we all got together at Timberline. I have been a lumber Broker for the last 13 years, so I think that I found my niche. I live south of Oregon city, in Beavercreek, and when the Lord brought her back into my life, Married the most amazing woman I have ever known, and she gave me my biggest dream of being a father. Me and Kim have two boys, Trask who is 9, and our "little" boy Eli who has just turned 10 months old. I am sorry we were not able to make to the reunion, but most of us are all on facebook, and you can always reach me there, and we would love to get together with friends over dinner anytime. * On Facebook

BRIAN PROKOP Brian’s Top 10, in no particular order: 10. College 9. Career – Outpatient Orthopedic

Physical Therapist at Adventist Medical Center

8. Cycle Oregon 7. Climbed Mt. Hood 6. Fly Fishing in Alaska 5. Charged by a Grizzly Bear

– escaped! Whew! 4. One T.V. Show & Travel Magazine

Cover 3. Purchased & remodeled a house 2. Backpacked Yosemite, Glacier &

Yellowstone National Parks 1. Training for next year’s Ironman

Triathlon * Just remember: “Life is a do-it-yourself-project”. Live each day graciously, with dignity, and to the honor & glory of God.


Cherise Nelson-Turner CALIFORNIA 1991 Left Oregon & moved to Vegas, had a baby

1992 Moved to Phoenix 1995 moved to Ventura California 1998 moved to Hawaii 2001 moved back to CA- Last 9 years - Selling San Diego real estate, playing co-ed softball 2-3 times a week, traveling with my husband as much as I can, raising kids "that just graduated last month" HOORAY! * On Face-


I went to Clackamas Community College and then to Willamette University. I graduated with a BA in rhetoric and media studies in 1995. After graduation, I coached the Willamette University debate team. Then, I spent a few years traveling and working abroad. Upon my return to Oregon in 1999, I spent a few years establishing a career in non-profit fund raising. In 2004, I mar-ried Craig Calder, the man of my dreams. In 2007, Cara our daughter, was born. I quit work-ing when Cara was born and the next year I started graduate school. Soon, I will complete my masters degree in conflict reso-lution at Portland State University.

Eagle Creek, OR. Been married for 12 years to Chris Mona-han, have 4 wonderful boys. Mike is 21 and in the navy. Tyler is 17 and a senior this year. Kyle is 12 and Steven is 8 years old. I have worked for Estacada School District for the past 7 years. Working in the kitchen feeding all the little rug rats. I love having the summers off to go camping and to scrapbook. Have not done much since High School, and would not change anything. I love my family and my life. * On Facebook


My wife and I are school teachers. Last year we taught at a bilingual school in Honduras and this year we are doing the same thing in Mexico. If we like the school in Mexico we might stay for a few years. Our kids learned tons of Spanish in Honduras I think with a year or two more they would be fluent! * On Facebook


Christina Olsen-Sammons Panama City FL I had my son in '91 & raised him as a single mother. I put myself through college and became a Dental Assistant in '93-94. In 2002 I moved to Iowa to meet family I had never known as my mother was adopted and found them. I stayed there 6 years then moved back to Oregon in 2008. I am currently living in Florida with Ty Earnest (the younger brother of Rod Earnest). We are however, going to be relocating back to Oregon next spring. Tel. No. 503-319-0302 * On Facebook

Conway Brelin Sandy, OR -Married for 19 years to Pennen -We have 3 kids -Job: C.E.O. Construction equipment operator -Interests: Family & camping * On Facebook

Chris Brooks Oklahoma I am currently married with 3 children (2 girls 15 and 11, & 1 boy 9), plus 1 foster child. I live in a small town in Oklahoma & I work for the Oklahoma Department of Corrections as a Corrections Officer. We enjoy outdoor activities including boating, ATV riding, & camping/fishing. I love to shoot & collect guns. * On Facebook 11

After graduation, I attended Mt. Hood Community College. During that time, I continued to work in the grocery retail business, climbing the corporate ladder, so to speak. After a couple of years of college & the burn out of school that ensued, I decided to pursue a career in retail management fulltime. In 1993 I married my high school sweetheart Cassi Steen. After several years of working long hours, weekends & holidays, I quickly realized I needed a career change for a better family life before we started having children.

So, I went back to school for some specialty training in the building inspection trade. Not long after that, my brother opened a business doing residential appraisals and home inspections. After 6 years of working as the lead inspector, Cassi & I bought the home inspection business and we began to run the day to day operations. Then along came our first daughter, CaileyAnna. She was so amazing that we decided to try for another one about two years later. The good news came quicker than expected. At our first ultrasound, we were informed that there were two heartbeats and that we were going to get a bonus baby. After the shock wore off, we quickly tried to prepare for twins along with a 3 year old. Needless to say, that first year with Cavin & Chyler is a blur. We hardly left the house, as it was way too much work hauling all that baby stuff around. Moving forward, we now have a 7 year old going into 2nd grade and two 4 year olds heading into preschool. It’s all about the family, kids & work now, although I sneak away occasionally for a guys weekend mountain biking and playing hockey (when I’m not injured). In addition to providing a home inspection service, we also have a couple of small side businesses including providing indoor air quality testing and consultation. I enjoy working with families to help them improve their indoor air quality and overall quality of life. The most rewarding though is working with families that have kids with Asthma and other respiratory issues. I’ve recently specialized in Mold and water intrusion investigations and really enjoy that challenging work as well. One of my stress relievers that I actually get paid for is some occasional landscape maintenance and yard rejuvenation work. Family time is awesome as the kids are now avid bikers and love to spend time outdoors. Cassi & I have enjoyed reconnecting recently with some high school friends. I’m looking forward to seeing the others I’ve lost touch with over the years. Rock on Class of 1990! * On Facebook

Gresham, OR

Colby Matney * On Facebook

Chris (Wunderlich) McDonald * On Facebook


My Family

Hi Amy, here goes. I was born to immigrant Costa Rican farmers... Oh wrong story. I will start over. I headed south for college at Southern Oregon State, largely due to the three Palm trees growing in the center of campus, the tennis courts that are everywhere in Ashland, the ski hill just up the road, the extra sunshine, and SOU was one of the few schools nice enough to let me apply despite my EHS GPA. There I majored in Psych, and minored in History, and learned new ways to get MIP's with Nishka Damewood. I truly loved Ashland, and found a way to stick around three more years after graduating, (a safe dis-tance from the top of the class) by going into a furniture making business with two partners. After that endeavor failed to make me the millions I planned on I decided it was time get back up to Portland and find a new line of work. I applied for a coffee company just getting off the ground called Starbucks, as a store manager, and spent the next 11 years of my life with the company. My last role was a Regional Manager on the Seattle's Best side of the brand, and I had a hectic travel schedule for two years. I was gone three weeks out of the month to the south, midwest, or east coast, which really allowed me to brush up on my U.S. geography, (who knew that there were more Waffle House locations in Georgia than Star-bucks?), but in the process my kids forgot what their dad looked like. Right when I was getting ready to hang up my apron, my lovely, and brilliant wife Michelle, landed a job (she worked for Starbucks for 15 years) at a child care company, which allowed our family to have a stay at home parent. For the past two years I have been the "manny" of the house, AKA a stay at home dad. I currently coach my seven year old daughter's (her name is Ellie) soccer teams, encourage my 17 year old son (Sam) not to lose things like his drivers license, and utilize my medio-cre, to very mediocre, house cleaning skills. Above are some family photos: Michelle, Ellie, & I over the 4th of July at Black Butte, and Sam on prom day this year at Clackamas High School. Email Address: 13

DANA RICHARDSON 4 kids ages 16, 9, 7 and 4

Warehouse supervisor For CRDN in Sandy

* On Facebook

Dawn May DelaRosa Wow! Hard to believe it's been 20 years already! Time sure does fly, but the great memories I have from EHS will remain forever. Since I left EHS the end of 1989 (Junior year), I've been living primarily in Gresham, with an exception of living in Las Vegas from 1992-1994 and then Virginia (job transfer) from 1997-1998. Currently, I live in Gresham with my husband Michael with whom I've been married for 14 years and our children: Darrienne (14), Dakota (11), and our neice Marissa (13), that we have had for 5 years and who became our adopted daughter 2 years ago. Our kids have kept me pretty busy, with Soccer, Basketball, and Music/Drama, but I enjoy every minute. When I'm not transporting kids all over and playing the "domestic goddess", I spend time Scrapbooking, trying to figure out my new camera, as well as playing co-ed indoor soccer about 4 months out of the year. I'm hoping to go back to college in the Spring, which will be interesting on how I will manage to squeeze that into my already insane schedule! :S Before meeting my husband, I worked as a nanny and in a few retail jobs, including Target for several years. A couple years after my husband and I got married we decided to start our own business. We have owned a high-risk security company for 11 years now and have had the opportunity to experience many interesting and exciting events and clients. For example, I'm desperately trying to finish this Bio before leaving tomorrow for a week long security detail for the Tillamook County Fair. We will finish just in time to get back for our Reunion festivities! Yeah! Can't wait to see you all soon and get caught up...GO Rangers!

Email: * On Facebook 14

Dawn Piersall Greene

After high school, I attended University of Oregon for 4 years & graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor degree in Psychology. After graduation, I started working at a manufacturing company (Peterson Pacific Corp) as a purchasing agent for 13 years & then transferred into the manufacturing department as a Production Control Supervision for the last 3 years. During that time, I met my husband, Jeff on an airplane when I was heading the the 1995 Rose Bowl. We married in 1998. Our first son, Cooper was born in 2001 & our second son, Carter was born in 2004. I enjoy spending time with my family, camping, fishing, quilting, crocheting, reading, watching my kids play sports & watching U of O sports & Red Sox baseball. Email: * On Facebook

Junction City, OR

Australia Once I left Estacada High School I went to Country Christian School in Molalla and gradu-ated from there. Where my GPA had been just barely above a D average for my Freshman year at EHS I actually graduated with a B+ av-erage from CCS. Once out of high school I went to George Fox in Newberg. Thanks to credits received there and then at Clackamas Community College I ended up with a degree in Computer Sciences. I've used that degree to do everything from front line support for ISP's to commercial computer

programming to graphic design and desktop publishing. On a personal level I fell in love with a girl in Australia in 1997 and moved to Australia to marry her in 1998. We've been together for 12 years now and are still as madly in love with each other as we were when we got married. We have no kids.

Email Address: *On Facebook


Ezekiell Smith What have i been up to? Ive been up to about 30,000 feet about 20 times. ive been up to my neck in debt, but not now. Ive been up to 5'11" with heels on. Ive also been up to Mt Hood and Mt Bachelor a few times, and Ive been to the bottom too. Ive been up to Taiwan or is it over to Taiwan or is it down? Regardless, Ive been there. Ive been up to seeing a movie here and there, sometimes I dont. Ive been up to talking about marriage but when i comes right to it, I always have a head-ache. Ive had it up to here, with Jerry Akins and all his AWE-SOMENESS. Then I found out that it was true and Ive been depressed and mental ever since. Well, Im better now. I know this is pretty short for 20 years of being up to something, so all in all Ive just simply been up to no da** good! Oh yeah, Im a PC and voting for Obama was NOT my idea.

* On Facebook –Zeke Smith

Eric Blevins MILWAUKIE OR Graduated from Oregon City Senior High in 1990, joined the Air Force as a aircraft electrician, joined the Coast Guard afterwards and lived in San Francisco until 1996. Started working as a man-ager for Jiffy Lube and became an Area manager until 2003. Joined the Army, went to war in Afghanistan in 2005, and have been on active duty ever since. I graduated with BS Human De-veloment last October and currently going after my MMA in Lead-ership. I also work full-time for Timberlake Job Corps at night as a Social Service Assistant. I have two children , girl; Ericsa (pronounced Erisa) age 10, and a son; Jawan age 8. I've been living in Milwaukie for the last 3 years..... * On Facebook


*On Facebook


Gabrielle Marlow-Klink-Scudder GRESHAM, OR When we graduated high school, we all set out on different journeys. We had expecta-tions & dreams. Over the last 20 years, my expectations & dreams changed & I am very glad that they did. My husband Matt & I just recently celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary. However, we have been together now for almost 14 years. My son Tyler is now 15 & will be a sophomore in High School. As I watch his journey thru high school, I get to relive lots of the experiences I once I had through him. They of course are not the same, but familiar in many aspects. Matt’s son, Max (my step-son), is 21 and he too is finding his way through the “20 something’s”. The days of staying up late into the early morning hours & sleeping in until noon, have since passed for me. I currently work for a Real Estate Company in Clackamas & love what I do. As many of you have seen my love of landscaping through Facebook, I am proud to say we just completed a total reformation of our front, back & side yards at our home. My interest in landscaping go through the phases of creating in my head a picture of what I want to build or create & putting it together. Even though my expectations & dreams of my younger years could have been easy to achieve, I am glad that they weren’t. My journey has taught me to have patience, be kind to others, be loyal and work hard, the rest will follow. * On Facebook

Heather Lovelace Gilpin My husband and I have been together for 19 years, married 11 years. We have two beautiful children. Alex 7, Taylor 2 1/2. We have no plans to have anymore. I am a legal assistant and have been working for a law firm in downtown Portland for the last five years. I support two partner attorneys and I love my job. I am still writing and have been putting finishing touches on a novel I have been working on for the last couple of years. Hopefully, I will see it in print in the next year or two. My husband and I love to travel and we both are certified scuba divers. We have plans to travel to Ixtapa here in November. * On Facebook

Jamie (Kountz) Malovich Holden From St. Helens and Estacada OR, now living in North Carolina with my husband of 15 years and two adorable boys. * On Facebook

Jason Brummett

* On Facebook


Jennifer Hartman Jump

* On Facebook

Janette French Marsolini

* On Facebook

Moved up to Spokane Washington in 1992. Graduated Eastern Washington University in 2000. I’m married (been together 18 years) and have two daughters, Jade & Jasmine. I’m an accounting analysis for our local power company (10 yrs) and I love my job. When we aren’t on the soccer fields we head to the water on beautiful Lake Roosevelt. Email: * On Facebook

Jennifer Thom (Jenny Gay) Married for 15 years to Tracy Thom. We have a son, Tristan 12 years old & a daughter, Taylor 10 years old. We have lived in Eagle Creek for five years. I work at an insurance agency, USI Northwest in Portland. My family

enjoys camping, boating, riding horses & classic cars. I also coach a youth track &

volleyball team. Eagle Creek, OR


Still awesome!

* On Facebook


Jeremy Allen Rice

It has been a long time since High school, since that time I have done many things, but I have remained the same person, just somewhat wiser and hopefully more mature. I married 13 years ago, & I have 5 children. Tyler-17, Jedidiah-12, Tierra-9, Jeremiah-4, and Jack-1. I live in Sandy, OR, but I am closer to Brightwood than Sandy. I work as a CNC Machinist, & moonlight as an IT Computer Specialist. I have & always will be a Christian in a growing relationship with God, the Creator of the Universe. I sometimes am asked to perform Weddings, & Memorials, & I often help people with spiritual problems. I live in the country, drive a Toyota, & work a swing shift job. My wife’s name is Debbie & although we struggle as most married couples do, we have managed with God’s help to hold it together, sometimes I find myself wondering, then I remember just how much I love her. I fell in love with her at first sight, & I have been head over heels ever since. I go to a small church in Brightwood, OR called Next Church, & I really like it. I like to camping, backpacking, fishing, rock hounding, cave exploring, & guns. I am a strong believer in

the Constitution in its original intent, & I do not trust our government at all. I will always stand up for truth & I always try to be who I am in Christ, where-ever I am. I am now 38yrs old & going strong.

* On Facebook

Joanna Riesbick A bit of history since HS: Graduated from Western Baptist College, now Corban University. Taught JH and HS classes & coached volleyball at East Linn Christian School, in Lebanon, for a few years. Then she got a job substitute teaching and coaching volleyball in Sweet Home and now she is a 1st grade teacher in Sweet Home.anon, for a few years. Then acquired a substitute teaching job & coaching volleyball in Sweet Home. Now I am a 1st grade teacher in Sweet Home. * On Facebook


I graduated from Warner pacific college in 95. Have been teaching in the Estacada school district since 97. Currently teaching history at Estacada high school. Have been the head track coach since 2001. Will be the head cross country coach this season as well. I have been marrieD 1 yr. My wife Bonnie is the vice principal at Estacada high school. We live in sandy.

* On Facebook



Joseph Kountz: I graduated from college in 1999 from Cascade College with a BS in Youth Ministry. I met my wonderful wife & two sons & daughter in the fall of the same year. The following summer our daughter Faith-Ann was born in Flor-ida. Not long after 9/11, we moved back to the west coast to Northern California where I worked at a private school with children with emotional & behavioral challenges. 2004 we moved to Idaho where I started working for the Boise School District with chil-dren who have autism. Email: * On Facebook

Josh has 4 loves in his life… his wife KATY of 16 years, his 2 daughters SOFIA KATHRYN almost 6, OLIVIA MORGAN 1 year old & working on Cars. Josh is an accom-plished mechanic from old school VW's to any car or truck on the road today. Josh is an avid RC Car Hobbyist & is currently one of the best in the state. When he isn't teaching Sofia to swim, playing board games or going fun places with his family he likes to go golfing & snowboarding. Josh has worked for Estacada Les Schwab for the last 15 years & is a familiar trusted face around town. Josh has done some major remodels & additions to his home but still lives on the same 5 acres since high school.


Julie (Goudge) Meyers Basically since high school, I went to college, and I have been working at Kaiser Permanente for the last 19 years. I'm currently working full time as a Patient Access Special-ist. I am very happily married. We have 6 kids. I still live in the area. We raise Boer Goats on our farm. Between work, family, and our goats, I keep myself very busy.

* On Facebook

Kathy Atkinson Cereghino SANDY, OR

The last 20 years have really flown by; I didn’t realize it until I sat down to write this. I met my wonderful husband in 1991 and married in 1994 after I finished school. We have a 14 year old son Kyle and a 4 year old daughter Camryn. Both keep me on my toes especially Camryn. Kyle reminds me every winter that I will never be able to ski good enough to keep

up with him, I try. And Camryn tests the limits of my patients and follow thru as a parent, love her. We spend most summers playing in the Oregon Dunes or in Idaho with friends. I work for Kaiser as a Product Administrator for Medicaid, certainly not something I left school planning to do. At this point I can’t imagine working anywhere else; I've been there 13 years and completely enjoy it. Email: * On Facebook

Kathy (Breunig) Miller After high school, I moved to Portland & worked as a secretary for 16 yrs at 2 different companies. I started dating Bob, my then future husband, in 1998, we got married in 1999, had our 1st son, Cole, in 2000 & moved to Vancouver in 2004. I then became a stay at home mom. In 2006 we had our 2nd son, Avin. Cole races motocross on Thursday nights at PIR & the indoor arena at the Clark Co. Fairgrounds in the winter. We enjoy camping as a family & the boys & husband are attempting to get me to start riding dirt bikes as well. So far that hasn't gone so well. Email:


Kelli (Moeglin) Young SANDY, OR Since H.S. I've worked a few jobs but then I started working at US Bank in 1996. 14 years later I'm still there as the teller coordinator. On 5/29/97 I gave birth to my one & only kid Austin who is now 13. I've lived here in Sandy the whole time. I got married on 08/09/08 to Steven Young. With him came two kids (Larz & Shanda). Since I've meet Steven I learned how to ride a motorcycle & now I have my own. My life is good and

God has blessed me with my family.. * On Facebook

Kenneth Bollenbaugh WASHOUGAL, WA Directly after HS I started working for Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield & will celebrate 20 years with them in a couple months. Also joined the Oregon Air Guard have worked as an F-15 Alert crew chief since 9/11/2001 on active duty. Married in 1998 to Sarah. Daughter Taylor born 2000, Son Jake in 2004. Moved to Washougal in 2006 & plan to stay there until retirement. Hawaii will be home after that!

KEVIN ANDERSON Eagle Creek, OR * On Facebook


Kevin Hedin ALASKA 20 Years after High School After I graduated, I was eager to move into the work force. Through a connection I had, I was able to find a job at Willamette Industries in downtown Portland. The job was ok, but not very fulfilling. Essentially, I copied and handled engineering diagrams for a team of about 50 engineers. However, during that time, I had always wished I ‘was’ the engineer. Still not ready for a university setting, I decided to explore my artistic talents. After having great success with EHS’s Graphic Arts studies, I thought an art school was the next logical step. So I moved to Glendale, AZ to study at the Art Institute of Arizona. I had a ton of fun, made lots of friends, but I still wasn’t happy. Something was missing. I had always been very technical and good with computers, but the art school didn’t have computers at that time. My parents convinced me to come back home, and take 2 years of a community college to figure out what I really wanted, which is exactly what I did. I attended Clackamas Community College and received my Oregon Batch Transfer Degree, which allowed me a junior standing in any Oregon University. During that time, I had the opportunity to learn from one of the ‘greats’ in the film industry, Dallas McKennon. Dallas was 72 years old at them time, and spoke a lot about the joys and challenges of making it big in Hollywood. He inspired me to explore my talents as editor. He gave me the tools and the time to find out that film production and editing was what I really wanted to do. Now, with a path set before me, I proceeded to get a B.S. in Communications at Southern Oregon University. While I studied, I worked at a local TV station, making television commercials for clients and absolutely loved it. This was it, I found my calling. Now I just had to figure out a way to get paid decently from it. After graduating from SOU, I sent a resume and a videotape demo-reel across the country. I sent tapes as far west as Alaska, and as far east as Florida. I was willing to go anywhere. And in the end, it was a TV Station in Anchorage, Alaska that ultimately hired me. I was excited to take on this new adventure. Long story short, I met my sweetheart, and now my beautiful wife, in Anchorage. She encouraged me to push forward with the ideas I had of starting my own film and video production business. Through her help, and the help of some faithful clients, I was able to stand on my own 2 feet. Now I’m going on 10 years strong of being in business for myself and it feels great. Andrea and I have a family now. Cohen, our oldest, is 6 years old, and Alyssa is 4 years old. We can’t imagine life with out them. We are truly blessed. Email: * On Facebook

Kim (Naranjo) & Wayne Bailey We've been in Baker City for almost 13 years - Wayne has been in law enforcement for about 16 years. I am an office manager for a dentist office - married 15 years. Kel-cee is our 1 and only (6yr old going on 16) - love our family time together hunting fishing flying camping vacationing! BAKER CITY, OR * On Face- 23

Kristi Rogers Morgan NEW JERSEY Since graduating I attended some classes at Clackamas Community College & worked at Videos on Broadway. I moved to Vancouver, WA in 1997. Worked for a property management company as a leasing agent & assistant manager for 6 years. In 2002 I moved to Dover, NJ. Married my best friend in 2004. I now am a stay at home mom & have 3 beautiful daugters. My oldest starts Kindergarten this year. email: * On Facebook

Leilani (Albert) Peterson SANDY, OR

After high school I starting working for a printing company where I also met my husband & started our family. I stayed at home for many years raising our children. We have 4 kids total. (His two previous) 25, 19,16 and 13. I have been working for Kaiser Permanent for the past 5 years. My husband and family love hunting and fishing, camping and spending our time outdoors all together. * On Facebook

Lauri (Bufton) Skoien EAGLE CREEK, OR Married my highschool sweetheart Marty Skoien, we have been married for 20 years and we are raising our two boys Trevor (16) and Curtis (14) in Eagle-creek. * On facebook.

After EHS, I headed off to Whitworth University in Spokane majoring in Sociology & Political Economy. A big part of my college years was a study tour living in Central America. After graduation I moved to Seattle working in sales and marketing before founding a landscape construction and design firm that I ran for 10 years and recently sold off. Since EHS I’ve been to England to sing and dance in a musical and worked in the Caribbean on ships. This Fall I’m going back to school for my Masters – talk about adjustments! Email: Phone: 206 284 5483 * On Facebook


Luciana Pacheco BRAZIL I graduated from Law school in 1996, we got married in 2000 and we have two won-derful daughters. Beatriz is 7 years old, and Isabela is 5. I am a tax lawyer and I have my own office and my hus-band is a chemical engineer. * On Facebook

Lydia Hayes

Mother of 3 wonderful boys.Kyle,Cody and Eli.I enjoy camping,anything outdoors,quading,fishing,running.Most of all spending time with my boys and my close friends. I have worked as a medical asst for the past 20+ years in the portland area.I love what I do. *On Facebook.

Marcie (Pearson) Nielsen Busy wife & mom! * On Facebook

Since high school I joined the Marine Corps with Rob Avants, Justin Brummette, and Aaron Harding and we all went in to-gether on 8/26/90. I reenlisted once for a total time of 8 years served active duty. I went to Okinawa Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Ireland, Paris, and Panama. After the Marines I went into business for myself for a couple of years in Seattle. Things were okay then I met my wife and moved back down to Southern CA. I went to Para-legal school and then worked in a Law Office for 5 years. I real-

ized I didn't like working in that field so I went into real estate for 3 years until the housing market went south. I had to get out of that market and settled for a job working in Corona, CA as an Account Manager/Executive Assistant for a manufacturing plant. I have a wife and a stepdaughter that is 11. I have been married for 2 years, but I have been with my wife for 10. That's about it in a nutshell. * On Face- 25

Mary McPherson Sturman Since HS my job has taken me to several locations. I met my husband in Nevada & we have three wonderful boys. We have just recently relocated back to Estacada to sur-round ourselves & our children with family. Thank you!

Matt Cook 1989 Age 17 Army National Gaurd. Split training. Light Infantry Air Assault 1990 LaSalle High School / Clackamas Community College 1990-1996 Worked in travel industry, Airlines 1996 My daughter Ahsley Cook born April 1996 1997 Begin computer industry career, telephone tech support 1998 Heald College, Tech Diploma, MCSE + I (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer plus Internet)

1998 Sr Systems Engineer, Consultant 2000 Sr Microsoft Instructor for #1 CTEC US (Microsoft Certified Technical and Education Center) 2003 Inedependant Consultant Self Employed to present 2004 - 2007 Travel 2007 Married Olena Pioneer Church, Carver, Or. Currently Enrolled full time working on computer science degeree WGU BS IT Net-work Design & Management Ashley is an incoming freshman at Estacada High Shool. Olena has a degree in Teaching and Art from Ukraine. Email:

MATT MAYER Iowa After taking 4 years of metal shop in high school, I started in manufacturing in 1989 (Senior year), and have been in the indus-try ever since. Took a manufacturing technology courses at Mt. Hood CC and some other courses at PCC. I worked my way up through engineering and into sales. I currently work for a small German Tooling manufacturer as National Sales Manager and travel 3 weeks per month and internationally a couple times per year. Kids: 4 Boys and 1 Girl I got married in 1991 and had my first child (Austin) at the age of 20, he is now 18 and graduated high school this last year. Blaine 16 is a Jounior in high school and Grant (12) will be in 7th grade going into Junior high. I got re-married in 2002 to a wonderful wife Susan who was willing to help me raise my three boys from my previous mar-riage. She always wanted two and that how you get 5. Our daughter Madeline (6) will start first Grade this year and son Josh will be in Pre-K. I enjoy working on my 1970 SS Chevelle and spending time with my kids. In 1998 I did a corporate relocate to work in Chi-cago and have since moved to Iowa. We live in a small town and 1/4 mile from the Mississippi river. After being raised in Estacada then moving to Chicago for 5 years, I was ready to move back to a small river town! Tel. 847-915-2404 Email: * On Facebook


Matt Twist SANDY OR Married to wife Beth for almost 11 years, two kids, Jack (4) and Katie (2). Living in Sandy and working at Boyd Coffee for al-most 19 years. Happy, Healthy and busy. * On Facebook

Melinda Walper Mathis Life is all about my family I have 2 wonderful girls ages 16 and 10 who keep my life busy and full of fun! I have been married to a great guy for 11 years. I have gone back to school and and just finishing the medical assis-tant program at CCC. I am also taking classes this Fall to finish up the ods and ends of my AAOT, then will hopefully get into Nursing school within the next couple of years. Life has been good to me!! Email: * On Facebook

MIKE THEURER SANDY OR Since High School, I have lived & worked in the Port-land area. I am married & have 4 wonderful daugh-ters. I spend my time off fishing, hunting, taking the quads out but mostly working on our dream not so much time for the fish-ing & hunting. I am looking for-ward to seeing our graduating class.

Melanie Fay Wais

Annapolis, MD

My many adventures have led me across

the country & the oceans. Hawaii was my home for 5 years & where I was married & my daughter Audrey (9 years old) was born. When she was a babe in arms we were fortunate to move to Sicily, Italy & enjoy the culture for almost 2 years. I will always be reminded of Italy by my “souvenirs”, my twins Sophia & James (6 years old), born on Valentine’s Day after we were back in U.S. So far my kids have lived in 6 states-Hawaii, Oregon, Florida, Louisiana (for Hurricane Katrina), Tennes-see & Maryland—& who knows what the future holds, as their dad’s an officer in the avy. We currently live in Annapolis, MD where we love the beautiful waterfront and I enjoy helping people in my work as a massage therapist. * On Facebook Contact info:

Michelle Bakker-Matthews IINDIANA Let see…After high school….In 1992 I moved to Indiana, & have lived here ever since, I have two children 18 & 13, My daughter just graduated from high school this summer & my son is in 8th grade. I have been married for 16 years and we live in a small town. I am the Building Coordinator for the Town of Cedar Lake. I try to come home at least once every year or two, but this year unfortunately I couldn’t. I hope you all have a wonderful time at the reunion! * On Face-



Nicki Keller I have a daughter Jade, 19 & two wonderful step-sons, Aiden 6 & Lochlan 5. I am marrying my best friend Damon Clark on August 28th this year. I have been working in the trucking industry for about 6 years as an Account Manager. I just bought a house in Estacada last October and absolutely love living here again. * On Facebook as Nicki Keller or soon Nicki Clark

Nishka Morton (Damewood) Redmond, OR Currently living in Redmond, Oregon Mom to twin girls age 6-Emma and Isabella Married for 13 years Occupation - Teacher/Business Owner/Super Mom/Wife We love to spend as much time out doors as possible. Skiing, coenoing, hiking, camping, and traveling. * On Facebook

Poppy Schneider: Occupation: Controller / Accounting Manager Bio: Working, being a Mom and Traveling. I am still learning about myself and the world everyday. I’m still a child at heart and believe innocence and laughter are a key part to happiness. Since graduation I spent a few years in California and then moved back to Oregon City to be closer to my family. I have two amazing awesome Children and I am lucky to be their mom. My daughter Candace is off to college this year graduating class of 2010 with honors and is the apple of my eye. My son Jordan Russell is turning three this year, his smile and laughter melts my heart every evening. I live and strive to be a better per-son everyday for my children. Friends: Charles Forman, Renee Moore, Kenny & Veronica Sjaastad are still my Best Friends and mean the world to me. Everyone else I was friends with in high school I really do not see anymore but think of them often. Hobbies: Traveling, fishing, photography and spending weekends away with my Family. Favorite_memory: Cake Fight with Renee, and Prom with Charles Forman. Email: * On Face-


Pat McKenna MY LAST 20 YEARS (to the tune of Tim McGraws "my next 30 years") I think I'll take a moment celebrate my age End of an era & the turning of a page Now it's time to focus in on where I've gone from there Lord have mercy on my Last 20 years!! In my last 20 years I've gone and had some fun Trying to forget about all the crazy things I've done Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears And I will remember.... my last 20 years My last 20 years I tried to settle all the scores Worked a little less... drank a little more Found a world of happiness with football and my beer Figuring out just what I did back there, in my last 20 years For my last 20 years I tried to watch my weight Ate a few less salads and stayed up oh so late Drank a little lemonade and oh sooo many beers Damn hard to remember my last 20 years My last 20 years should of been the best years of my life Raised a little family & hung out with my wifes' Spent precarious moments with the ones that I held dear Lost a whole lot of time there; in my last 20 years In my last 20 years!!!!!

Rebecca Lord Wilson After gradua-tion, I worked in telephony while I went to col-lege – well, af-ter doing a cou-ple of months at Jim’s Food Center. I think every-body either worked there or Taco Time before leaving Estacada, right? Anyways, I worked 12 years as a regulatory accountant. I had the oppor-tunity to travel a little in my 20s & early 30s before getting married and having my family.

I married a REALLY great person that brought out the best in me, I think. (It had been waiting to get out for a really long time!) But it wasn’t until after my first daughter, Megan, was born that I learned what life was really about. I had a new love for the color pink :0) I knew that I wanted to be home with her, so I began working from home. I started doing bookkeeping for a local company. I then had my second daughter, Sydney. I couldn’t have been happier. My kids have taught me more than I could have ever learned in a book and every day is a new adventure. I love being a mom!

In 2007 I purchased a small business to "keep my head in the game" while being at home with my kids. While I love singing the ABCs and learning to read all over again, I have enjoyed learning every aspect of running a business and being responsi-ble for its profits and losses…

I have had the opportunity to learn from my MANY mistakes and while I regret many of the things I did in my 20s, it has put me in the place I am now so I wouldn’t change a thing. I made it through my 20s without any jail time in my bio so that’s a good thing... Life has been good to me so far (cue Joe Walsh J), and I feel very blessed! *On Facebook

RANDY JOHNSON I attended Portland Community College – two year certificate in Diesel Technology. Been working at USF Reddaway for 13 years. Been mar-ried to Kirsten for 13 years. Have 2 great kids Kassidy 11 & Riley 9. current interests: shooting clay pigeons, spending time with friends and family. 29

Renee Moore Arnold Hubbard, OR I work full time yet am a mother to 4 children. I have a wonderful husband. We live in Hubbard OR. I love spending time with my family, friends, and enjoying life to the fullest. Email:

Rhett Hemphill BEND, OR Ive’ been married since 1994 & have 3 children. Gracie (5), Shel-bie (3), & Chance (18mos). We live in Bend, OR where I work as a Deputy with the Deschutes County Sheriffs office & am currently in charge of the Search and Rescue Unit. PH 541 383 3083 Email: *On Facebook

Rich Neighorn OREGON CITY, OR

After High school I joined the U.S. Navy & traveled around the West Pacific for five years as

a dental technician. I then went to Mt hood community college with my GI bill to get my AA degree. I met my wife Dana at this time & three years later we were married! About this time I got accepted to work for the Portland Fire Department where I have worked for over 10 years now! Dana & I live in Oregon City now with our two kids Dylan & Emma. * On Facebook

Rick Molinari Portland, OR I’ve been married to my wife Anji for 16 years. We have 3 great kids: Ricky 14, Tristin 12 & Elizabeth 3. Our sons are very active in wrestling & our family enjoys spending a lot of time traveling for the sport. I worked in the logging indus-try for a number of years, & now enjoy working for the Maintenance Crew for the De-partment of Transportation. We make our home in Portland and I am the same old me – same person I’ve always been.

Email: * On Facebook

Robert Avants Following high school I joined the Marines for 4 years in Force Recon. When I got out I married Beth & we have been married for 15 years. We have an 11 year old son & an 8 year old daughter. We make our home in Estacada. I work as a Manager of a local oil company. I used to spend some of my free time participating in triathlons but nowadays most of my free time is centered around the kids sports. I love to coach football, baseball & basketball. Email: robavants@gmail.


Robert & Sarah Penna Robert & Sarah live in Boise, ID where Robert is working on his Bachelor's degree at Boise Bible College. He's an "A" student & graduates in 2 years. For fun, he rides quads & enjoys the outdoors & video gaming. He recently climbed Mt. Borah - the highest point in Idaho. He's also often seen playing with the kids. Sarah works full time at Directv. Outside of work, Sarah enjoys the outdoors - camping, hiking, & wild-life. She is also working in her flower garden. Jona-than is 10 now - starting 5th grade this year. He's an avid reader & loves the water. He also spends lots of time riding bikes & skateboarding, listening to music, & is the center of attention with all his friends. Rachel is 6 now, & starting 1st grade. She enjoy math, swimming, & anything outdoors. She aspires to be a rock climber & was awarded this Spring for being a great friend.

ROGER WHITEHEAD Spent 4 years in the Navy, was married for 15 years, now divorced but have 3 wonderful boys who I am raising solo. Spent several years in the corporate retail world climbing that ladder until I decided that I wanted to do something much more fulfilling so I left my em-ployer and started attending school full time to get the pre-req's done in order to pursue a Nursing degree. I was accepted to the Mount Hood program this year and start next month. There is a whole bunch of other stuff in there, but a girl has to keep her secrets. * On Facebook

RUSS OSBORN After high school Russ moved to Canada with his dad in 1992, he attended college taking different courses and worked in different types of jobs from resturants and pub as a prep cook to doing security work. These jobs just didn't peak his long term interest, he started to work for a company named E.V Logistics, which is the cold storage warehouse for the major grocery store chain in British Columbia and Alberta. He has now been working for this company in many different positions for over 10 years. In 2006 Russ thought he would take a chance and go on a web site called "PLenty of Fish" this is where he talked and soon met, Shannon, the love of his life. Russ and Shannon had an instant connection and in 2008 their first born, a son named Kailen joined their family. In 2009

Russ and Shannon got married with their close family and friends by their side. Aug.11 of this year they are expecting their second child, another boy which they are planning to name Keegan. Email: * On Face-

* On Facebook


SARA JONES SUTHER-LAND I have been with my husband for 21 years now. ..when I married Roger I also gained a 10 year old son Dustin, whom I have enjoyed raising . This son is now 31 & works as a Fi-nancial Analyst. We have a 20 year old daughter, Jessaca who graduated from EHS in 2008 and is currently going to nursing school. Our son Jonathon would be 19 now, he passed away June 14, 2009 which has made this past year very hard for our family, but we have done the best we can to pull to-gether and support one another. Our other son Jacob will be 18 in September and will be a Senior at EHS. He is very involved in Foot-ball and Basketball, and our youngest daugh-ter Carly is 13 and will be an 8th grader at EJHS this year. Fellow Alumni Jon Erickson know my kids well as the older ones have all been in classes of his or in sports with him. I stayed home with the kids when they were little and then as they got older I took various classes and eventually got my Administrator's license for Assisted Living and Residential Care Facilities. I have worked for Avamere for 8 years and I am currently the Administrator for Avamere at Sandy, which is Assisted Living and Alzheimer's Dementia care and I am also a certified facilitator for the Alzheimer's Association. My daughter Jessaca also works for Avamere as a Medication Aide while she is going to school. Email:

Scott Marynik After graduation I got my As-sociate degree in Electronics Engineering at ITT Tech. Been working at Ikon Office Solutions for the past 17 years. Never been married or have kids.

SHANE CORLEY "Hello to everyone, just wanted to dtop by and say hello, its been so long since I have seen or heard of anyone in Estacada....WOW . Just a quick up date: I have been in the Army now for 12 years and just went career, so I will be in an-other 8 years and be able to re-tire. I am and have been in Af-ghanistan for about 9 months now and am currently in the Kornengal Valley. I am looking forward to coming home this Summer. I am currently en-gaged to the most wonderful woman in the world (Candace) and we have 2 children Dillon and Alexia. We are currently living in Colorado Springs Co where I am stationed at FT Carson. I am not sure if I will be able to make the Reunion this year but we are going to try. So I hope all of you take care and God Speed." * On Facebook 32

SCOTT CORNOYER I went to US navy boot camp in July 1990; It was in US Navy boot camp that I trusted Christ as my Savior, which would seriously modify my future professional plans in the Navy, which you will see.

I spent 14 yrs in the US Navy; the first 6 yrs I was an electronics technician on the A-6 Intruder medium attack bomber, based out of Whidbey Island Washington state (San Juan Islands). That style of aircraft was retired in 1996 after I made two deployments to the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Carl Vinson, Aircraft Carrier.

Then in Jan 1997 I went to flight school down at the Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola Florida, where I also met my wonderful wife Jennifer. We met in Sunday School at the Pensacola Christian College, Campus Church. In March of the same year, I went thru Electronic Warfare Intelligence Operators and Combat Surveillance School as well, in Pensacola, then in May 1997 I graduated from flight and INTEL school, attended SERE Training in Maine, then traveled back to Whidbey Island, WA to attend more schools until I rejoined my new squadron in August 1997. I was then married September 27 1997 to my dear wife Jennifer in New Castle Delaware.

Then I deployed to the Persian Gulf and Iraq in January 1998 and then on for the next three years of my career, picking up over 440 Combat flight hours and 2000 flight hours total.

My 1st Son Kalil was born in July 1998. My 2nd Son Zane was born December 1999

In February 2001 the Navy transferred my family and I to Naval Air Warfare Test Center, Patuxent River, Maryland (50 miles south of Washington DC). Where I flew with the Test Pilot School, and VX-20 Test and Evaluation Squadron.

In July 2001 my daughter Savannah was born. In March 2003 my 4th child Micah was born

In May 2004, God told me it was time to get out of the Navy and get ready to start a church in the DC area. So ended my 14 year naval career that same month. Until we started the church, we needed income, so I began some new careers in Washington DC. That same year I became an Inspector General (IG) (Quality Assurance Manager) for “CACI” a Defense

Contractor in Washington, working for the Army Intelligence Command, G4 INSCOM G4, Logistics. I was in charge of quality of operations from cradle to grave for 200 intelligence sites world wide, for which I traveled to many, to oversee implementation of these new Quality standards I developed.

In September 2005 I was tapped by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) to become the Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s (SECDEF’s) first Communications Logistics Manager. With the advent of 09/11 the Office of the Secre-tary of Defense became a larger world player and his travels increased exponentially; so did the need for the ability to 33

talk to the President/ military “securely” from anywhere the SECDEF found himself in the world. That’s when the position of Communications man-ager was created to oversee that sphere of His needs and I was selected; I held that position from September 2005 to June 2006.

Because I was preparing to start a church, I had to find a job that didn’t require me to be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so another agency picked me up without me even sending out a resume’.

So, In June 2006, I transferred from OSD to NGA; that’s the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (where google and MSN get their maps from); the need was vague when they hired me, (but it promised only 3 days at the office a week, for a very large salary); it boiled down, that they couldn’t “account for their $4.9 billion budget in 2006. the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI or more commonly known as the sissy) mandated all intelligence agencies in Washington, account for their allocated budget each yr (which they had never done, crazy I know). I was hired to find their money because of my logistics, operational, and financial background which I had garnered over the previous 16 years;

It took me 5 months to find their money, but I found it; I quit my $6 figure job December 29 2006 to follow my Lord Jesus Christ to plant a church in the Washington DC area.

I spent 7 months getting financial backing from churches on the Eastern Sea Board of the United States and then moved to Columbia, Maryland August 1 2007

We found a 3800 sq ft building to start the church in; spent $30,000.00 to modify the building, and prepare for the big day. I (with the help of 20 churches) knocked 9500 doors in one month before we started High Point Independent Baptist Church. We started with 50 people our first Service September 27, 2007.

From then to now, we have seen hundreds of souls come to Jesus Christ; our church continues to grow and see Gods hand of blessing.

We are approaching our 3rd Anniversary Service and we’re excited to see what God is going to do. I am sorry I wont get to see you all at our 20th yr reunion; but I pray that God will bless you all as you seek Him!


High Point Independent Baptist Church 301-904-3399

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that who-ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16


Shane Harrington EAGLE CREEK, OR Shane is a licensed commercial and residential journeyman electri-cian, and a licensed solar installer. He loves rafting and hunting. Jenny home schools their two children - Joy (13) 8th grade, and Trey (12) 7th grade. They still live in Eagle Creek in Para-dise Park.

Shannon McKendry: I have 3 boys- Mark 19, Harrison almost 16, & Joshua 11. I spent much of my time as a stay at home mom. Coached an adorable elementary dance team for 3 years. I am currently working for Visiting Angels as a care-giver. I have been attending college for the last year- will have Associates Degree in January. Plan to continue my education in the medical field. * On Facebook Email:

SHAWN BREWSTER 2 kids ages 16 and 5

Technician for Utility Trailer in Clackamas.

* On Facebook

Shelley Dallavis Houston BEAVERTON, OR

Have lived in Beaverton for 19 years. Have two great kids! My oldest, a daughter, just graduated from HS. I just returned from San Fransisco to celebrate her 18th birthday & to send her off to college. I look forward to my son graduating from HS next. Once he does, I plan to relocate to AZ for a fresh start! I pay the bills by bartending, and like to spend my free time reading. I also confess to watch-ing a few reality shows. * On facebook

Sharon Rice Butler GREHAM, OR

Oldest daughter (above) off to college this month.


Shena Gamberg Fielder Is on her 2nd / 3rd (long story) marriage. She has 4 children 2 girls and 2 boys ranging in age from 16 to 4. She has been working on a novel set in Estacada in 1990. * On Facebook

Shenais Bock So much time has gone by - hard to believe! after high school i got my degree in elementary education, learned spanish, did lots of traveling & language homestays in Mexico, Central America, & South America, taught mi-grant education, 5th and 6th grades, & finally a bilingual (spanish / english) 1st grade (i'm currently on a leave of absence from this position to be home with my girls). I'm married to J Rossi (he's an electrical engineer with HP), & have two daughters– Aurel, who is 11 & entering middle school in a spanish immersion program, & Quara, who is almost 2 & adores lowly worm & balloons. :-) We live in SE Portland in an old house that is in a constant state of restoration. Our last major trip was to Peru before Quara was born. Now I'm anxiously waiting for her to be old enough to travel more, although i really enjoy being home with my girls.

Stefani Garstka Grogan The year after high school i went to PCC for a year. After that i worked for the Olive Gar-den as a prep cook/pasta maker. I worked there for little over a year. Then i worked for Taco Bell for 1 1/2 years were i meet my husband in 1992. I had our son William in 1994 i was able to stay home with him. When Will was in grade school I started working for the Oregon City school district working in the kitchen serving lunch to the kids. I worked there for about 5 years up until last March when my husband and i became foster parents to 2 young kids. the girl is 2 years old and the boy is 1 years old. People think we were crazy for starting all over again because we have 3 more years with our son Will. Email: On Face-

Stephen Jon Woods TURNER, OR I don't know what exactly you want for info. I am a general dentist with a practice in Albany. I live in Turner with my wife and two kids. Nothing exciting. Dentists don't live a rock and roll lifestyle. Email:

Almost whole family at water park playing!


Steve Locke Sorry I have not got back to you. I live on Springwater in Estacada and am married and have a 17 year old daughter. I have owned my general contracting company for twelve years. We have a crew and are a family company. We do concrete and build any thing we can get our hands on including horse arena's, shops and houses. I also own Granny's Drive-Thru in Estacada. I bought it last January. I am very exited about this because of the opportunity to connect with the youth. I am a christian and go to church next door at the Estacada Assembly of God. We are planning events to connect with our youth and community in the most positive ways. This is very exciting and fun. I am blessed to live in Estacada an look forward to many positive changes to our community. God Bless, Steve Steve Locke Construction Inc. P.O. Box 2519 Estacada, Or. 97023 Tel. (503) 630-3183 Locke Investments Inc. (DBA)Granny's Drive-Thru 156 S.W. 6th Ave.Estacada, Or. 97023 Tel. (503)630-2922

Steve Schneider VANCOUVER, WA I have been married for 16 years to someone I met on a blind date. I live in Vancouver, WA Still have family in E-town I have two kids; 15 and 13. I recently returned to school to become a respiratory therapist. My wife is a respiratory therapist as well. * On facebook

ESTACADA, OR Met the love of my life at the age of 18, Kerm McPherson. We moved to Wyoming shortly after & we decided to keep moving...South Dakota, Nevada, Southern California, Colo-rado, Ohio... I may have left one out. Two years ago we moved home to Estacada where my parents still live.

Our 13 year old son Kordell is blessed, he attends school with Mary's son Scott and is surrounded by family. Currently I work for Reliance Connects in the Accounting Dept.

Tamara Gillis Since graduating from college with a degree in theatre arts, my adventures are many, though my employment, by and large, has stayed the same at the Oswego Lake Country Club. Email: * On Facebook

Tammi Lamm Bozarth

* On Facebook


TAIRA STASSENS Email: Right out of high school my brothers and sisters and I worked very hard together in our family busi-ness installing wood floors. With thoughtful training and instruction from our Dad we became the best of the best and our business flourished. My job throughout was (and still is) bookkeeping and tax preparation for the family. We learned a lot from our business and it was really creative for each of us, but we always knew it was a vehicle to help us to go where we really wanted to go. We had a vision we were aiming for. Knowing that this period of intense focus would only last so long made the hard work easier. It took us a decade of working together and saving our money and we took some interesting twists and turns in our direction until we said goodbye to our beloved Oregon to start our new life in Hawaii. And now, yet another decade has passed and our Farmer's Market Brochure says it all:



Tammarra (Smith) Ferguson: “WHO I AM” “If I live to be a hundred, and never see the seven wonders, that'll be alright. If I don't make it to the big leagues, if I never win a Grammy, I'm gonna be just fine; 'Cause I know exactly who I am.” I am Tammarra (Smith) Ferguson. I don’t travel outsideOregon much (may never see the seven wonders!) & live a pretty simple – albeit sometimes crazy – life. I am married to the man of my dreams & the love of my life, who are fortunately the same person (LOL): Brandon Scott Ferguson. He graduated from OSU (go Beavers!) & works for the Oregon Department of Forestry as a Forester and Wild Land Fire Fighter. We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this year, we’ve been together for 9 years. We have two incredibly bright & beautiful daughters, Paris Jean McCartney (13) & Sydney Nicole Ferguson (7). We have a third child (a son!) on the way, Dublin James Ferguson. I am a paralegal & have been for about 15 years now. I currently work for the State of Oregon, Department of Human Services, Child Welfare. I have an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies & a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration. I still occasionally write for fun, in my free time, & still hold on to the hope that someday I may be published. “So when I make a big mistake, when I fall flat on my face, I know I'll be alright. Should my tender heart be broken, I will cry those teardrops knowin', I will be just fine; 'Cause nothin' changes who I am.” Of course, life isn’t always lip stick and palm-palms! The proverbial roads I’ve traveled to get to where I am today look much like the Carver Curves. Since high school, I have worked: fast food, day care, private nanny, cashiering, retail sales, & management. I have lived in several towns in Oregon, including, Estacada, Gresham, Oregon City, & Salem, & I lived in Anchorage, Alaska. After getting married in 1996 & divorced in 1997 & spending four years as a single mom raising a child, I decided that it would not be the mistakes I made or the dreams I chased in vain that would define my character. My character is defined by the personal growth I’ve gained & the love with which I’ve endure & overcome challenges. Today I can celebrate the mistakes & heartaches I have grown through because they have shown me – rooted me in – who I am. Were it not for those dreams deferred, I may never have changed careers, gone back to college, earned a degree, met my husband, or known the love of the family & friends I have today. “I'm a saint and I'm a sinner; I'm a loser, I'm a winner; I'm am steady and unstable; I am young but I'm able.” The above is so true I can only laugh in response; I can only hope those who know & love me most would laugh with

me! ;D I love a good night out AND church on Sunday morning! Most of my sinning & “sainting” these days revolves around family time, karaoke, poker, fishing, reading & movies . . . & (of course!) crocheting baby stuff. Never the less, I am pretty confident that I will NEVER grow up. Lord willing, I will just grow older & maybe a little wiser; I will be (dare I quote a different song???) Forever Young . . .at heart! “I am [Guaraldine's] granddaughter; The spitting image of my [mother]; And when the day is done my [father's] still my biggest fan. Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy; But I've got friends who love me; And they know just where I stand. It's all a part of me, and that's who I am.” My grandmother Guaraldine Wright was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s this year. It made me realize that I do not know where I will end up – how I will end up – in life. But TODAY I know what’s been given to me – LIFE – is SUCH a gift to cher-ish! I know I am not always the best or the smoothest; but I know I have relation-ships – friends & family – in my life that endure the test of time. A heartfelt in-vestment in life & love & family . . .that’s WHO I AM. * On Facebook 39

Tandace (Fast) Lopez I'm a devoted mother to my beautiful children. I enjoy playing indoor soccer & spending time with my friends. Pretty simple. :-) * On Facebook

Tarrah James Burgos For the past 20 years I have been working for various family law firms as a family law paralegal in Port-land. I love my job & what I do but wish it was closer to home. I never left Estacada. I have thought about it many times but what always gets in the way is the reali-zation that there really is nowhere in town where I could raise my children & not feel as if their safety is at stake. Not that it doesn't happen here, just still feels like country & home. One by one, my family has made their way back to Estacada & yes we all again are together now raising our kids together. I have been married to Gabriel for 12 years and have two beautiful children. When I married Gabriel I married into the most loving family, but wish they were closer. We have traveled to Mexico every year and I have learned that when life gets you down you really have to experience another country and their way of life. Because of our many experiences with this, we have chosen a simpler life. Work hard for what you hard...but most of all love the ones who mean the most!! * On Facebook

Theresa (Dernovek) Saunders I'm a trauma ICU nurse in Portland. Love it! I have three daughter karissa is 17 and on the varsity dance team. She is senior his year and just got her driv-ing license. My son Dakota is 18. A senior as well and loves theater. And our youngest Daniel is 15 she is our all-star sports girl. Loves softball and volleyball. I have been married to Michael for just a bit over 4 years...and together 6. He is a yamhill county sergeant and the best thing that has ever happened to me. After leaving High was rough I worked two jobs & was a single mom. I was finally able at 25 to get my GED & went back to school to get my associates degree in nursing. * On Facebook


TIFFANY STADEY JOHNSON VANCOUVER WA Graduated—2 years college—& misc. jobs— employed at Boyds—met Joel,—got married in 1995—moved to Vancouver—Noah born in 2000,—quit full-time job,—quit part-time job— opened own daycare—closed daycare,—Oliver born in 2005,—back to work part-time... Email: Blog: * On Facebook

Tina Horn Crawford I'm in love with the best little man to walk this earth. His name is Dalton and he is my 8 year old son. He makes all the pain this world can bring so worth it. I'm also still in love with horses. For those of you who knew him, I still have Jet. I'm now living up by Mt. Hood, but wanting to move to the valley some day. Not much has changed about me. I'm a school bus dispatcher for the local school district. Don't know exactly how I got here, but I do love my job. Most of the time. It's funny where life takes you and how you get there. My father passed away when Dalton was just 3 months old and his father left 10 months later. My mother moved up to my place 2 years later and then moved in with me last year when she became very ill. Now I take care of her. I'm single now and truly loving it. I have so many great friends that I wouldn't give up for the world. I have very little family so my friends are my family. Remember that saying "that which does not kill you..."? It is so true. I have become a much more confident, stronger woman for all that I have endured. I truly hope the rest of you are happy in your lives. I wish you all well.

Tina Mathews Clark ESTACADA,, OR Since high school I spent a lot of time traveling till I was 25 years old. Working as a ski instructor in the winter & traveling in the sum-mers. I lived in Idaho, Washington, Utah, Hawaii & different parts of Oregon. After returning to Oregon from Hawaii I went on my first blind date with a man from Germany, Ed. We hit it off & got mar-ried 6 months later in 1997. Ed & I have three wonderful children Vanessa age 12-she is a West Coast Extreme cheerleader. Logan age 10-he is a boy scout & loves his swim team. Oliver age 15 months-keeps us laughing all day long. Ed is a welder & fabricator & takes good care of me & the kids. As for me, I'm a stay at home mother that is addicted to volunteering for all the different things the kids do. I love to scrapbook. I'm still living in Estacada & love the small town living. I try to spend as much time with my family & my parents as possible. I have been taking a few classes at a time at CCC, but I still am trying to figure out what I will be when the kids grow up. For now I am very happy being a stay at home mother. Email: * On Facebook


Tracy Shobe He is the manager at Daily planet on SE Powell Blvd. He has bartended there for several years and took over as manager this summer. Tracy has been married to a super hot red head of the name Tracei for 17 years. Together they have produced two beautiful children, Shyanne 16 and Jared 11. In 2007 Tracy placed 3rd in the world series of poker, obtained his black belt in tae kwan do, and scaled the face of Mt Everest! * On Facebook

Travis Dutton EAGLE CREEK, OR As for me I am married and have two kids. I have a farm raising cattle and horses and I show at various fairs . I drive a delivery truck for a living. Live in Eagle Creek. Thats about it for me. Just had knee surgery, but if all goes well hope to make it the reunion! Email:

Tryphena Adams ALASKA My family and I are relocating from Alaska down to WA this month and settling on Whid-bey Island....So excited to live in America again!!! I plan many a drive down to hang out with my folks in Eagle Creek, would be great to see you sometime. Take care and give my best to everyone at the reunion. * On Facebook

Tobias pralle BERLIN, GERMANY * On Facebook


William Munds * On Facebook

William Crandell SPOKANE, WA I will not be attending the reunion as I am leaving to-night to go TDY 8/16. As for what I have been doing since high school... it's pretty simple... US Air Force. I obtained my Bachelors in accounting from Eastern Washington University and my MBA from Webster University. As you know, I am married and have chil-dren. I currently live in Spokane Wa and am stationed at Fairchild AFB. * On Facebook

Hi to all my Estacada class of 1990! I'm sorry to miss the reunion and will miss seeing you all. Here's what I've been up to over the last 20 years: I attended Ricks College(now BYU-Idaho) right after graduation for 2 years. Then went to New York City and worked as a nanny caring for two young children for a year. Then I came back and went on a mission to the beautiful state of Alaska for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a year and a half. It was such an amazing experience! When I came home I started attending BYU. I met my husband, Shawn Teare there and we got mar-ried in 1996. The following year I graduated from BYU in Elementary Education. We've been married 13 years now and have lived in Seattle, Utah, New York state for 5 years, and now southern Califor-nia for the last 5 years. We have 6 children. Brayton- age 12, Ethan- age 11, Orion- age 9, America- age 8, Jessica- age 6, and Zachary -age 16 months. I love being a stay-at-home mom most days (and am very grateful I can be. Shawn is a super smart guy and an aeronautical engineer. I've been teaching piano for the last several years and currently have 15 students. I'm also starting a pre-school this fall which I've been getting ready for and excited about. I also enjoy volun-teering in my kids classrooms and enjoy working with the 12/13 year old girls at church. We are a very active, happy family. Blog: Email I know I'm the only one not on facebook, but maybe I'll get there someday! For now, you are wel-come to look at our blog and I'd love to hear from you and hear how you are doing. And if you are ever coming to Disneyland, stop by and say hi! And Happy Reun-ion! 43