Memorandum - Toronto Catholic District School Board · 2019-03-08 · From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing...

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Transcript of Memorandum - Toronto Catholic District School Board · 2019-03-08 · From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing...

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Adult Education Program

Memorandum To: Adult Education Program Staff From: Hanna Cabaj (Coordinator) and Jaime Puentes (Admin Assistant) Adult Education Program

Vol. 2018/2019 No. 270 March 2019

In This Issue

New/Important Information

T4 and T2200 Slips 1

2019-2020 LINC Fiscal Year 1

PBLA Implementation 1

TRPAE Adult Learner Surveys 2

Upcoming Webinars 2

Workshops for ECE 2

Outreach Report 3

AE Nursery Program 5-6

Tips for Classroom Instructors

Feature Resource of the Month 4

Inserts included this month

T4, T4A & T2200 2018 Tax Forms Information Sheets

New/Important Information

T4 and T2200 Slips — ESS

We are pleased to advise that the electronic distribution of the 2018 T4, T4A & T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment taxation slips are now available online in the Employee Self Service (ESS) Site.

Kindly review the inserts in this issue, which provides further information on how to access the online taxation slips. If you require any further information, please contact Payroll Services at

If you are experiencing technical issues, please contact the TCDSB Service Desk:

Self Service (from any device):

Phone (If Priority calling): (416) 222-8282 Ext. 4357 (HELP)

2019-2020 LINC Fiscal Year

TCDSB has finalized the third fiscal year of the 2017-2020 Contribution Agreement with IRCC for the delivery of LINC, April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020 with the budget at the status quo level. This ensures no major changes in the delivery of our LINC classes. Staff letters of assignment will be issued after March break, after the Payroll Department completes the next phase of the customization of the SAP Payroll for the Adult Education Program.

Maintenance, carpet cleaning and repair work at all the LINC sites will be done over March Break, as part of the 2018/19 budget allocations.

PBLA Implementation

TCDSB PBLA Leads and Program Consultants held a meeting at the beginning of March to review the ongoing implementation of PBLA in our programs, to devise a training plan for new staff, and to plan the PBLA refresher for the next school year. Towards this last initiative, during the months of May and June we will be collecting feedback from all staff on their needs and preferences for next year. Stand by for more information regarding this initiative.

Submission to: Jaime Puentes

Adult Education Program

80 Sheppard Avenue East

416-222-8282 Ext. 2513

Fax: 416-512-4992 Email:

New/Important Information TRPAE Adult Learner Surveys - Toronto Catholic DSB Results

During the fall of 2018, TCDSB participated in the adult learner survey conducted by the Toronto Region Partnerships for Adult Education Project funded by the Ministry of Education. The survey was conducted in two versions:

Credit and Higher Level Language Training (CHLL) - intended for all adult Credit programs and ESL > CLB 5

Lower Level Language Training (LLL) – intended for adult ESL/LINC learners <CLB 4

Please go to and take a look at the in depth statistics.

Upcoming Webinars (free)

Visit Tutela to register for the webinars below. Webinars with a star are for TESL Ontario members, who also join the TESL Ontario group on Tutela.

*March 24, 7-8 pm: Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway Learning- Blend-Sync ESL Classes (Dmitri Priven, Donald Moen)

*March 31, 7-8 pm: Task-Based Language Teaching - Theory to Practice (Leonardo Gomez, Michael Landry) *April 24, 7-8 pm: Dealing with Multi-Level ESL Classes (Maria Glass)

Upcoming TESL Toronto events

March 21, 6:30-8:30: TESL Toronto employment and professional development information event. Visit for details.

Call for Presentations: Proposals for presentations for the June 8th TESL Toronto spring conference (titled TOSCON19) closes on March 29. If you would like to apply to present at this conference, please apply at:

Workshops for Early Childhood Educators

Humber College, in collaboration with The City of Toronto Children's Services, offers workshops throughout the year for educators on a variety of topics related to the wellbeing of young children in safe and supportive environments in the field of Early Childhood Education. Some workshops are free of charge. Please log on to the Citywide training website for upcoming workshops at

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To: Adult Education Program Staff

From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing Education Department

Outreach Report for March 2019 Submitted by Kay Ham, Program Consultant

Community Engagement:

1. Toronto North Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) hosted a Faith & Welcoming Communities 2019 Forum at Korean Canadian Cultural Association on Tuesday, March 5, 2019. Our program directories, and flyers for Victoria Park and Our Lady of Mount Carmel were placed on the information table for the participants.

2. Toronto West LIP hosted its annual year-end event at York Recreation Centre on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. More than 30 organizations participated in this event.

3. Toronto East LIP (TEQ LIP) is engaged in the Newcomer Needs and Trends Reports Initiative in which members of TEQ LIP are collaborating to understand and respond to the needs of new immigrants in the Scarborough area. We are an active member of this project.

Social Media Posting:

Many thanks to the staff who sent pictures and videos for posting. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of followers on our Twitter and Instagram platforms, thanks to Gaby and Sharon. Your continuous support to promote our program through sharing posting materials as well as encouraging your learners to “react & follow” our platforms is much appreciated.

Our media handles are:

Facebook: @TorontoAdultEducation Instagram: TorontoAdultEducation Twitter: @AdultEdTCDSB

Upcoming Engagements:

1. COSTI Immigration Services is hosting ‘Education Information Fair’ at its Keele location on March 19, 2019. Our program will have a table to promote our unique programs as per the request of the organizers.

2. St. Andrew Catholic School (Kipling and Finch area) is hosting a ‘Newcomer Orientation Evening’ at the school on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. TCDSB Adult Ed has secured a table to promote our programs in the northwest corner of the city.

3. Toronto Newcomer Day 2019 will be held at Nathan Phillips Square on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Please make a plan to participate in this event and visit our booth! Our red visors will make a statement again.

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To: Adult Education Program Staff

From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing Education Department

Tips for Classroom Instructors

Resource of the Month Submitted by Anne-Marie Kaskens, Resources Consultant

PBLA Practice Guidelines, 2019 (online access)

The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB) leads and supports the implementation of PBLA across Canada with the implementation of a lead teacher training model, and PBLA Practice Guidelines. The Guidelines have recently been revised. The current version (PBLA Practice Guidelines 2019) replaces older versions, and includes updated information. It can be accessed online at the URL below, where it can also be printed. It is orga-nized into five sections, and includes the information below.

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To: Adult Education Program Staff

From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing Education Department


Historical origins for PBLA in Canada, PBLA and the CLB PBLA and Current Assessment Theory, Classroom-based Assessment Features of PBLA Supplements and References


The Language Companion Required Components of the PBLA Portfolio, Expectations for Portfolio Entries Feedback and Assessment, Portfolio Artefacts – Considerations The Multilevel Class, PBLA Management Supplements and References


Making Judgements about Portfolio Contents: Defining achievement, assigning benchmarks Reporting Progress – The Learner Progress Report Discussing Progress – Learner Progress Conferences Reporting Periods Supplements and References


PBLA Practice Review Framework Roles of Funder, Administrator, Lead Teacher, Classroom Teacher Supplements and References


Multilevel Modules Professional Learning Sessions List CLB and PBLA Training Courses for Teachers

AE Nursery Program Developmental Skills for 3 and 4-year-olds Submitted by Malika Noorbhai, Nursery Instructor-in-charge at Mary Ward LINC & ESL Centre

At a Glance

Three-year-olds usually get better at using fine motor skills to do things like draw with a crayon.

They may be able to use up to five or six words in a sentence as they approach age 4.

Kids this age may also start to be more interested in playing with other kids.

It can be hard not to compare your 3-year-old with other kids—or to listen when other people tell you what they think he should be doing at this age. If you’re not completely sure what skills are typical for 3-year-olds, check out these develop-mental milestones. You will get a better idea of which skills are typically expected to develop this year and also learn whether there are possible developmental trouble spots to discuss with the pediatrician.

Physical Milestones

This year children are working to get better at the gross and fine motor skills they developed as 2-year-olds. They start doing some new things, too. Most 3-year-olds learn to do things like these by the time they’re 4:

Gross Motor Skills

Run and walk without tripping over own feet

Jump, hop and stand on one foot

Walk backwards and climb stairs one foot after the other

Kick and throw a small ball; catch a bigger ball most of the time


Start pedaling a tricycle or bike

Fine Motor Skills

Draw a circle with a crayon, pencil or marker

Play with toys with small moving parts and buttons

Turn the pages of a book one at a time

Build with Mega Bloks and create towers of six or more blocks

Work door handles and twist-on bottle tops

Continued on the next page

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To: Adult Education Program Staff

From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing Education Department

Cognitive Milestones

This year, children start learning new things about the world. They often think of creative approaches to tasks and activ-

ities. By the end of this year, typical cognitive milestones include being able to do things like:

Name the eight colors in a crayon box (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, black)

Recite numbers to 10 and start counting groups of things

Start understanding time in terms of morning, night and days of the week

Remember and retell favorite stories

Follow simple three-step directions (“Brush your teeth, wash your face and put on your pajamas”.)

Language Milestones

By the end of the year, 3-year-olds typically have a lot to say. They also understand more of what you say—but may not always follow your directions. Kids this age typically use language like this:

Use the basic rules of grammar, but make mistakes with words that don’t follow the rules, like saying “mouses” in-stead of “mice”

Speak well enough that most strangers can understand what they’re saying

Use five or six words in a sentence and have a two- to three-sentence conversation

Tell you their name, the name of at least one friend and the names of most common objects

Understand words like “in,” “on,” “behind” and “next”

Ask “wh” questions, like “why”, to get more information about things

Social and Emotional Milestones

Three-year-olds are an interesting mix of independent, playful and fearful. By the end of their fourth year, most 3-year-olds do these things:

Be interested—although hesitant—about going new places and trying new things

Start to play with children (as opposed to only playing side-by-side)

Start being able to comfort and show concern for an unhappy friend without prompting

Take turns while playing (even if they don’t like to)

Play “real life” with toys like play kitchens

Start finding simple ways to solve arguments and disagreements

Remember that kids develop at different rates. If your child is late to do a few of these things, don’t panic. If your 3-year-old isn’t able to do many of these things as he approaches age 4, consider talking to his doctor about an evaluation to look at your child’s skills. .

Acknowledgement: Amanda Morin. She worked as a classroom teacher and as an early intervention specialist for 10 years. She has been working as an education writer since 2007 and played an integral role in launching in 2014.

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To: Adult Education Program Staff

From: Hanna Cabaj, Continuing Education Department