Memes on my Facebook wall

Post on 12-May-2015

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This is a short look at some of the memes I've shared on my Facebook wall. I collect all sorts of kitsch ... how could I possibly not like these memes?

Transcript of Memes on my Facebook wall

Memes on my FB wall

Here is a slideshow of some of my favourite memes. I sometimes overthink whether I should post them on my Facebook wall but sometimes I don’t think about it enough

Facebook Friends … ‘n stuff

What is a slideshow about memes on Facebook without the trusty Facebook friends meme collection?

The political stuff ….

A large number of my shared memes are political … not about a particular party unless it’s really funny, but usually a cynical reflection of how I now view the world

Image retrieved from Facebook (private page) Original Annoyed Picard memes available from

On getting older …

Getting older supposedly has benefits … I’m still waiting … so far the changes wrought by time include, but are not limited to, excessive cynicism, a lack of patience, chronic disregard for pleasantries … I could go on, but you get the picture

Once upon a time I would have thought sharing nude men on my wall was wrong *blush, blush*

Image retrieved from

… and in closing, as I approach another life-changing milestone (I’m not rushing it) … this is what I shall keep in mind

Image retrieved from


I could have made a feature-length movie out of my favourite memes, so many memes, so little time. If you enjoy memes, there’s no shortage of them online. If you don’t like them, please, don’t start a campaign to get them blacklisted. How would I get through my day without my daily dose of meme?