Melb Uni Internship Directory 2011 by Country

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Transcript of Melb Uni Internship Directory 2011 by Country

Prepared by the: Office of the Associate Dean International

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences The University of Melbourne

April 2011


Directory 2011

A Guide for International Medical Students at the University of Melbourne >

Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication was collated from many different sources and was accurate at the time of printing, as far as can be ascertained by the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, the University of Melbourne. The Faculty does not take any responsibility for omissions or errors. It is important that you check websites for the latest application closing dates.

Internship Directory • 2011



Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................ iii Introduction ......................................................................................................................... iv Internships in Australia for International Medical Students………………………..………………v Preparing Your Curriculum Vitae ....................................................................................... viii Internship Mentoring Scheme ............................................................................................... x Internship Information, by Country:

Australia ........................................................................................................................... 1 Victoria ........................................................................................................................ 4 Australian Capital Territory .......................................................................................... 5 New South Wales ........................................................................................................ 5 Northern Territory ........................................................................................................ 6 Queensland ................................................................................................................. 6 South Australia ............................................................................................................ 7 Tasmania .................................................................................................................... 8 Western Australia ........................................................................................................ 9 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 10 Rural Recruitment Schemes ...................................................................................... 12

Canada .......................................................................................................................... 15 Information for Canadian Citizens/PRs ...................................................................... 16

Information for Non-Canadian Citizens/PRs .............................................................. 18

Further Training ......................................................................................................... 19 Physician Recruitment to Under-Serviced Areas ........................................................ 20 Deans of Postgraduate Programs .............................................................................. 21

Medical Licensing Authorities .................................................................................... 23 Map of Canada .......................................................................................................... 25

Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ................................................................. 26 Information for Hong Kong Citizens/PRs ................................................................... 26

Information for Non-Hong Kong Citizens/PRs ............................................................ 27 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 28 Map of Hong Kong .................................................................................................... 29

Malaysia ........................................................................................................................ 30 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 31 Map of Malaysia ........................................................................................................ 31

New Zealand .................................................................................................................. 32 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 33 Area of Need Scheme ............................................................................................... 34 Map of New Zealand ................................................................................................. 34

Singapore ...................................................................................................................... 35 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 36 Map of Singapore ...................................................................................................... 38

United Kingdom ............................................................................................................. 39 Specialist Training ..................................................................................................... 42 Postgraduate Medical Deans ..................................................................................... 45 Map of the United Kingdom ....................................................................................... 49

ii The University of Melbourne

United States of America ............................................................................................... 50 Physician Recruitment to Under-Serviced Areas ....................................................... 59 Further Training ........................................................................................................ 59 Medical Licensing Authorities .................................................................................... 61 Map of the Unites States ............................................................................................ 66

Other Countries ............................................................................................................. 67 Botswana .................................................................................................................. 68 Brunei Darussalam ................................................................................................... 68 Fiji ............................................................................................................................. 69 Mauritius ................................................................................................................... 69 India .......................................................................................................................... 70

State Medical Councils ......................................................................................... 71 Indonesia, Republic of .............................................................................................. 74 Ireland, Republic of ................................................................................................... 75

Specialist Training ................................................................................................ 76 Norway ..................................................................................................................... 78

Specialist Training ................................................................................................ 79 Papua New Guinea .................................................................................................... 80 Sri Lanka ................................................................................................................... 81

Further Training .................................................................................................... 82 Thailand ..................................................................................................................... 83

International Career and Other Postgraduate Training Opportunities ................................. 84

Internship Directory • 2011 iii


This directory was prepared by the Office of Associate Dean (International) of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences to assist University of Melbourne international medical students to locate and apply for intern positions in Australia and around the world. The Faculty would like to acknowledge the many sources from which this information was compiled, including relevant medical councils, registration boards, departments of health and professional bodies. In many instances, whole sections of information have been directly incorporated from the relevant websites, brochures and documents. Full details are available on request.

iv The University of Melbourne


The Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences recognises the importance of final year students finding the right internship or house officer position. Following preliminary initiatives carried out in 1999 by the International Medical Student Society, with the assistance of the Clinical Schools, the Faculty determined to provide a higher level of support to international students seeking internships. This is now the thirteenth edition of the directory. The Internship Directory is intended to provide an initial reference point for international medical students applying for internship/house officer positions in Australia and overseas. We recognise that finding and applying for internship positions is not always an easy task, as up-to-date information about specific positions and vacancies is required and this information is subject to constant change. Therefore, this publication aims to point you in the right direction with websites and contact details to supplement “word-of-mouth” information, to assist you in locating an appropriate position. The information contained in this directory was largely sourced from official publications, websites and government and/or professional bodies. We have strived to ensure it is as accurate as possible; however, information changes and we strongly encourage you to go to the original information source yourself, wherever possible. The Faculty has also been working for the past few years to improve the internship support provided to international students by offering the Internship Mentoring Scheme. Some of last year’s graduating students have volunteered to advise students on how they found their positions, and to answer other queries on their experience as interns in particular hospitals and countries. We hope that you will find this helpful. Please let us know if you have any comments. Finally, a request from us. If you find a good source of accurate, up-to-date information, please let us know so that we can pass this on to other students. In this way we hope that this directory can continue to develop as a really useful and informative guide to internships around the world. With thanks

Alison Langley & Anna Song International Relations Managers Office of the Associate Dean International Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences The University of Melbourne April 2011

Internship Directory • 2011 v


MEDICAL STUDENTS Many international students are concerned they will have difficulty in securing Australian PGY1 places, should they wish to stay. The following FAQ’s are designed to assist you in understanding the current policy context. Q1. Am I guaranteed an internship after I finish my medical studies in Australia? No. International students are not guaranteed Australian internships at this stage. However in 2009 an estimated 70% of graduating international students were offered internships for 2010, including 100% of qualified students who applied. The Medical Deans of Australasia are currently engaged in dialogue with the Australian government on this issue. They hope in the future it will be possible for all medical students qualifying in Australia to complete their pre-registration training here. However to date there has been no policy decision made on this issue. As you know, the situation is complex. Australia has opened 10 new medical schools in recent years. In 2007 1,537 domestic students required internship places. In 2012 this number will rise to 2,945 people. The second issue is that more international students are applying for places. In 1996 fewer than 1,000 international students were studying medicine in Australia. That figure is now over 3,000. Q2. How many University of Melbourne medical graduates got internships in Australia this year? We know 73% of our recent international student medical graduates accepted internships in the State of Victoria alone for 2010, and 70% for 2011. Based on our experience of the past 10 years, a small number are also likely to have accepted internship offers in other states which made offers. Q3. Where do University of Melbourne medical graduates go to? Do they all have to take internships outside of Melbourne? As you can see from the tables below based on our Faculty’s annual audit, large numbers of our recent international medical student graduates have gained internships in Melbourne, as well as in regional hospital sites. Research suggests a substantial number secure PGY2 places in Melbourne, should they remain on a temporary or permanent resident basis.

Table: Result of internship match in VIC for 2010 intake*

Hospital / Health Service University of Melbourne Alfred Health - Austin/Northern 18 Ballarat Health - Barwon Health 4 Bendigo Health 2 Eastern Health 4 Gippsland 1 Goulburn Valley 4 Melbourne Health 9 Mildura - Peninsula Health 5 Southern Health 4 St Vincent’s 8 Western Health 4 Wodonga Regional Health - Total 63

vi The University of Melbourne

*There were 560 internship positions for 2010, of these 371 were allocated to Permanent Resident Victorian Graduate of a Victorian Medical Faculty. There were 140 International Full Fee candidates participated in the Match, 81 candidates were matched in the first round of offer in late July 2009. A total of 114 candidates accepted an intern position after subsequent rounds of offer.

Table: Result of internship match in VIC for 2011 intake*

Hospital / Health Service University of Melbourne Albury Wodonga Health - Alfred Health - Austin/Northern 19 Ballarat Health 1 Barwon Health 1 Bendigo Health 1 Eastern Health 7 Gippsland - Goulburn Valley 5 Melbourne Health 6 Mildura - Peninsula Health 6 Southern Health 1 St Vincent’s 7 Western Health 7 Total 61

*There are 621 internship positions for 2011, of these 392 were allocated to Permanent Resident Victorian Graduate of a Victorian Medical Faculty. There were 184 International Full Fee candidates participated in the Match, 102 candidates were matched in the first round of offer in late July 2010. A total of 128 candidates accepted an intern position after subsequent rounds of offer.

Q4. How do I know what to do to apply for an internship place in Australia? Our faculty provides an exceptional level of assistance with this. The Internship Directory: A Guide for International Medical Students at the University of Melbourne, provides all the dates, places, and background information you need for the internship selection process in each Australian state. We also provide information on internship application for a wide range of international destinations (noting the complexity of global as well as Australian options at this time). The Faculty’s five Clinical Schools can also provide information and assistance with the internship application process. The Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria website is the main source of up to date information and deadline dates for internship applications to Victoria and the Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) publishes an extremely useful booklet each year called the Interns and Residents Guide. We urge you to access these sources. We will also provide you with information on any important issues. Q5. I’ve heard it’s going to become harder to get an Australian internship. Is this true? Yes. The main reason is described above. All Australian citizens and permanent residents currently get priority for internship access. (The situation is the same in most countries globally). The situation will vary from state to state. However international medical students who qualify in Australia are highly regarded, and generally get second priority for selection in most states. Q6. Where will it be hardest to get internships? It is likely to be very difficult for international students to get internships in New South Wales in the coming years. Four new medical schools have recently been opened at:

• University of Western Sydney • Notre Dame University • Australian National University (in Canberra) • Wollongong University

The number of local medical students graduating will close to double in NSW. Competition for internships is therefore going to be very intense in that state, with domestic students given priority.

Internship Directory • 2011 vii

Q7. What about other states? The scale of competition will vary significantly across states. In Queensland three new medical schools have opened, at Bond University, James Cook University and Griffith University. By contrast no new medical schools have opened in Tasmania or South Australia, and just one new medical school has opened in Victoria (Deakin University). Access to internships is likely to be difficult in Western Australia, where intakes have risen from around 140 per year (University of Western Australia) to around 300 (UWA and Notre Dame). Q8. How difficult will it be for University of Melbourne medical graduates to get internships in Victoria in the next few years? Deakin medical school only commenced accepting students a few years back, starting with a fairly small intake. It is enrolling local rather than international medical students. Competition should therefore not be so severe in this state.

viii The University of Melbourne


A good CV (curriculum vitae) can help you secure a job and give you an edge over others applying for the same position. This is just as true in applying for an internship in a hospital as for a job in the commercial sector. Therefore, it is important to prepare your CV so that it fully reflects your experience, qualifications, skills and achievements, recognising this is an increasingly competitive process.


Given that many of you will be applying across Australia, and may not have the opportunity to present in person for an interview, it is very important to present all your strong points on your curriculum vitae. So prepare it well! It is also worthwhile doing a bit of research on how to prepare a CV. The University's Careers and Employment Office (C&E) can assist you in preparing your CV and application letter.

Careers and Employment First floor, Baldwin Spencer Building (Corner of Tin Alley and Union Road) THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE VIC 3010 Tel: 8344 0100 Fax: 9348 1237 Email: Web:

Careers and Employment publishes information fliers which cover a wide range of career and employment related topics which you can download via their website at Although these information sources are general and not specifically targeted at medical graduates, they may assist you in preparing your CV and getting ready for an interview (if required). Previously C&E published "Wise up for Work" (2008) on an annual basis. However, it has not been updated since 2008. While hard copies are available from the office and students are welcomed to take them, some information especially regarding employment law are now out of date.


Use a style of CV that suits you and presents information about you in the most appropriate way. There are many models, but a chronological CV is most often used by new graduates. Whichever way you present your CV, you should consider it from the employer's perspective and keep the following points in mind: Presentation

1. Your CV should look professional and "good to the eye" 2. Fonts should be easy to read, and not smaller than size 12 - it must be legible,

especially if you are intending to fax it 3. Format - don't use too many different fonts or features, keep it clean and consistent 4. Print on one side only of good quality white paper 5. Language should be concise and easy to read, with adequate text spacing 6. Important information should be easily scanned and able to be quickly read 7. Use dot points rather than sentences 8. Layout should be clear and logical, with headings descriptive of content 9. Spelling and grammar should be accurate - don't be shy about seeking help! 10. Make sure there are no typing errors 11. Length should be no more than 2-3 pages (have your name and a page number on each

page) 12. Don't overcrowd the page with information 13. Your CV alone is not an application! You should attach a covering letter of 1- 2 pages,

addressing any specific selection criteria

Internship Directory • 2011 ix

14. If possible, find out the name and position of the person to whom you need to address your application - this shows interest in the position and organisation

Content You may consider including all or most of the following information:

1. Personal details: • Name • Address (both in Australia and your home country) - including dates you will be at each

address so you can be easily contacted • Phone, fax and email (for both addresses, if available) • Date / place of birth, age and nationality • Residential status (e.g. note you are eligible to apply to remain in Australia) • Gender • You may also wish to attach a photograph

2. Education

• Undergraduate, graduate, medical (secondary and even primary education may also be required in some countries) - attach transcripts detailing your results

• Honours, awards prizes and achievements, including scholarships, Dean's List, etc 3. Work experience

• Include position, duration and brief description of the duties and responsibilities • Research • Clinical and elective • Volunteer work and community service

4. Applicable work experience

• Memberships and committees • Highlight leadership roles, achievements and responsibilities

5. Publications 6. Professional affiliations 7. Special skills: such as fluency in other languages 8. Extracurricular activities and other interests and hobbies 9. Referees - include the names and contact details for 2-3 referees (make sure that you

have asked them first!) Application Forms It is advisable to check to see if the hospital or position you are applying for requires an application form to be completed. Remember that an application form will also show your written communication skills. So as with your CV and cover letter, you should exercise particular care in completing the form:

Draft answers before completing the form - corrected errors do not look good! Photocopy the application form and practice writing in your answers! Proofread carefully to ensure no errors have crept in or remain!

x The University of Melbourne


The Internship Mentoring Scheme aims to puts 6th year international medical students in contact with last year's final year students, to discuss issues related to obtaining internships in particular countries, working conditions in particular hospitals and about the lifestyle of the area and country, etc. Some graduating students from 2010 have volunteered to act as mentors. For privacy reasons we cannot publish their contact details here, but many have found intern positions in Australia, particularly in Victoria. If you would like to be put in touch with one of last year’s graduates, please contact the International Relations Manager in the office of the Associate Dean International, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences:

Phone: 8344 9148 Email: or (from June 2011)

Internship Directory • 2011

AUSTRALIA A 12-month, full-time internship (PGY1) at a recognised hospital is necessary to secure full or unconditional registration as a medical practitioner in Australia. It is also a pre-condition of eligibility for skilled migration (two years professional experience usually being a baseline requirement). The number of internships and funding for these positions is broadly controlled by the Department of Health or Human Services in each state/territory, and reflects the service needs of the intern training institutions (hospitals) and the number of graduates in each state who are Australian citizens or have permanent residence status. Each state varies as to whether application for internship is made to the Health department, a postgraduate medical council or individual hospitals. Every year the Australian Medical Students' Association (AMSA) produces an extremely useful booklet called the “Intern and Residents' Guide" (IRG) which has up-to-date information and is recommended as the main source of information about internships and residencies in Australia. This guide contains relevant information on every Australian hospital offering internship places, along with information on the bodies that allocate internship places - the postgraduate medical council, or its equivalent - and the application process for each state. This chapter draws extensively from the information contained in the AMSA Guide. If you are interested in applying for intern positions in Australia, it is highly recommended that you obtain a copy from AMSA, or download it from their website. It is revised around April to June each year.

Australian Medical Students' Association PO Box 6099 Kingston, 2604, ACT Phone +612 6270 5435 Fax +612 6270 5499 Email: Web:

Intern and Residents’ Guide 2010 is available for download at:


As noted at the start of this Directory, the past decade has coincided with the opening of eight new medical schools in Australia. This has resulted in dramatic increases in medical graduates nationally – according to the South Australian Institute of Medical Education and Training (SA IMET) rising from 1587 local doctors graduating in 2005 to an estimated 3430 graduates in 2012. By 2006, 47 per cent of all doctors in Australia were overseas-born. At that time, Australia had a substantial shortage of medical practitioners, including in junior doctor public hospital positions. Due to this shortage, around 5,000 visas were being issued per year for overseas-born doctors to work in Australian positions located in ‘areas of need’, and in public hospital city and regional sites. This number included large numbers of recent international medical students who had completed Australian degrees. In 2009 100% of these students who applied for Australian PGY 1 places were offered them, so long as they were suitably qualified. As described at the start of this section however, the domestic supply situation is rapidly changing. It is now more difficult for international students to secure Australian PGY 1 places – particularly in states where a range of new medical students have opened (such as NSW and Queensland). It is therefore very important to strategic and meticulous in applying:

o Start early o Be flexible

2 The University of Melbourne

o Apply to all choices of interest o Include regional hospitals and other states

Former International students have a number of visa options. First, they can remain in Australia up to 18 months, including for work or study purposes, on the Graduate (Temporary) visa (subclass 485). Second, they can seek employer or state/ territory nomination to secure a Long-Stay Employment visa (457) for up to 4 years, in which they can work for one or two different employers. (Many medical graduates use this to cover internship training.) The requirements for the 457 visa include sponsorship by the prospective employer and the visa allows the visa holder to work in Australia for a period between one day and four years or for the duration of the job, whichever is the shorter period. However, it is anticipated that in the first instance students would be granted a visa for one year – the duration of the intern year. Hospitals which offer PGY 1 places are usually very willing to sponsor. Other specific visas used for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) include:

• Subclass 422 – Medical Practitioner (Temporary) visa • Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 856) • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 857) • Occupation Trainee visa (subclass 442) •

(source: Visa Options for Doctors -

You should contact the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for further information. Your host hospital will also assist you. Department of Immigration and Citizenship can be contacted at:

Tel: 131 881 (national inquiry line) Web - General:

– Medical Migration Website: – Permanent Residency Sponsorship Options:

The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) effective from 1 July 2010 can be found at: Please note that the ENSOL list is used for temporary employer and state/territory sponsorship. It is your responsibility to ensure that if you remain in Australia for your internship you are eligible for registration in your home country once you return.


Since 2005, according to the National Uniform Allocation period, all states and territories in Australia make first round offers at the same time. In 2011 this will be between 18-29 July national. After the first national round, offers could be mid through to mid-August and later, depending on the state.


In Australia, national registration came into effect on 1 July 2010. Medical practitioners with general registration can practise in any state or territory in Australia. The recently established national medical board (the Medical Board of Australia) oversees the medical registration in Australia supported by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in relation

Internship Directory • 2011 3

to registration matters. Information about AHPRA and the Medical Board of Australia is available at Interns must obtain provisional registration prior to commencing work. A detailed set of information (including downloadable form) about provisional registration is available at Application progress can start 1 month before the end of your medical studies. For provisional registration, the application fee is waived. Students will be eligible for full registration following the successful completion of the intern year.


The starting date for internships will be either the first or second week in January 2012 depending on the state you are undertaking your internship. NSW has two intakes with the first starting in January and the second in June (see below in NSW for more details).


If you are a sponsored or scholarship student you may be required to have clearance from the funding organisation that you may remain in Australia for the duration of the internship. You may need to show this clearance at the time of application, so it would be advisable to arrange this early, if required. Please note that AusAID-sponsored students are not eligible to apply for internships in Australia, under the terms of the AusAID scholarship.


Australian Medical Council PO Box 4810 KINGSTON ACT 2604 Tel: (02) 6270 9777 (automated) Fax: (02) 6270 9799 Email: Web: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency GPO Box 9958 In your capital city Tel: 1300 419 495 Web:

Australian Medical Association PO Box 6090 KINGSTON ACT 2604 Tel: (02) 6270 5400 Fax: (02) 6270 5499 Email: Web:

Medical Board of Australia Australian Department of Health and Ageing

Southern Doctor – offers information on medical jobs in Australia and NZ

Doctor Connect – provides a starting point for overseas trained doctors in Australia.

4 The University of Melbourne


There are 14 hospitals in Victoria that offer internship training. All Victorian hospitals offer their intern positions to applicants through the Intern Computer Matching Service, conducted by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) on behalf of the Department of Human Services. In 2010, 61 international medical students from the University of Melbourne found an internship placement in a Victorian hospital for 2011. This represents approximately 73% of the total number of international medical students who graduated from the University of Melbourne at the end of last year. (Source: PMCV) If you are considering applying for an intern position in Victoria, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the application procedures, schedule of dates and information on all hospitals accepting interns on PMCV’s website: . If you are not familiar with all the hospitals, another useful booklet is the AMSA Guide (see page 1 for further details). Information on individual hospital information sessions regarding the intern matching service and information on the number of intern places being offered at individual hospitals can be found on the PMCV website or . Please note that at the time of publishing this guide, the hospital directory was still being updated. The closing date in 2011 for applications from international students who are interested in internships in Victoria in 2011 is early June 2011. Please check the PMCV website for the exact date once published. You will be required to contact each accepting hospital to obtain an application kit. You must apply directly to each of those hospitals in which you are interested, as well as completing a "Candidates' Priority List" and submitting this to the PMCV along with 3 “Referee Assessment Forms”. Selection is based primarily on academic results, but may also take into account referee reports, knowledge of the applicant and an interview. By participating in the match, applicants agree to abide by the results and regulations of the Match. Essential dates and deadlines will also be clearly indicated on the PMCV website.

Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria PO Box 2900, St Vincent's Hospital 41 Victoria Parade FITZROY VIC 3065 Tel: (03) 9419 1217 Fax: (03) 9419 1261 Email: Web:

The following sites provide information on employment opportunities in Victorian public hospitals and may be useful to you in the future:

Internship Directory • 2011 5


Internships in the Australian Capital Territory were previously processed by NSW Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET). Currently however, they are managed by ACT Health. The Canberra Hospital is the only hospital network/primary allocation centre in the ACT, with Calvary hospital sometimes taking relief interns. The opening date for applications is the 6th May and closing date is the 10th June 2011. The selection is based on CV, application form, referee report and an interview. For application form and further details check the website below: ACT Health

Medical Appointments and Training Unit (MATU) PO Box 11 WODEN ACT 2606

Tel: (02) 6244 3374 Fax: (02) 6285 3574 Email: Web:


The NSW Clinical Education and Training Institute (CETI) allocates students to prevocational training positions in New South Wales. The formerly known Institute of Medical Education and Training (NSW IMET) is now part of CETI’s Medical Division. There are 14 public hospital networks in NSW. The term "Junior Medical Officer" (JMO) refers to trainees in the first two years of prevocational training (also known as Postgraduate Year 1s – PGY1 and PGY2s). Applications for JMO positions will open in early May and close in early June 2011. In NSW, there are two intakes with the first commencing in January and the second (limited) intake commencing in June 2012. Applicants may only apply for one intake. The Prevocational Training Application Directory for 2012 will be available shortly from the CETI website and will provide all relevant information about internship in NSW for the 2012 clinical year: International students applying for prevocational training in NSW are required to pay an application bond of AUD$440, which will be refunded if the applicant is successful in completing their internship year in NSW. When applying for special consideration, there is a non-refundable fee of $170. Special consideration is allowed when there is a proven medical condition that can be treated in only specific locations or if there is a separation of the dependant which impacts the internship. The selection process in NSW does not take your academic grades into account as long as you have received pass grades. There are no interviews and no referees needed. You are not required to prepare a CV, however, a student must submit a letter from their university to confirm their enrolment and to confirm that the applicant is expected to successfully complete their studies in 2011.

NSW Clinical Education and Training Institute (CETI)

6 The University of Melbourne

Locked Bag 5022 GLADESVILLE NSW 1675

Tel: (02) 9844 6551 or (02) 9844 6562 (prevocational training enquiries) Fax: (02) 9844 6544 Email: or Web:


There are only 2 hospitals offering intern placements in the Northern Territory. Applications should be made to the Northern Territory Hospitals Network and can be made online. The application process will open at the beginning of June and close at the end of June 2011. More information can be found at . There are no medical schools in the Northern Territory and therefore all interns come from interstate medical schools. Flinders University students, Northern Territory residents and Northern Territory scholarship-holders are regarded as "locals", and are given preference. For example Flinders University has established a branch medical school in the Northern Territory. Selection is based on a combination of CV, academic merit, referees and interview. We believe that hospitals in the Northern Territory look for applications with previous experience in the area, for example an elective taken in the Northern Territory. Contact information for both hospitals are as follows:

Alice Springs Hospital (approx. 10 positions in total)

Manager, Medical & Clinical Services PO Box 2234 ALICE SPRINGS NT 0841

Tel: (08) 8951 7777 (switchboard) Fax: (08) 8951 7844 Web:

Royal Darwin Hospital (approx. 25 positions in total)

Medical Recruitment Officer PO Box 41326 CASUARINA NT 0811

Tel: (08) 8922 8888 Fax: (08) 8922 8959 Web:


There are 15 hospitals offering intern places in Queensland. If you are considering an internship position in Queensland, you should complete an online application through the recruitment and placement program of Queensland Health . Applications open on the 7th June 2011 and close on 22nd June 2011 (midnight). Please note that PMCQ does not match or allocate interns. The Queensland Health ‘Work for Us’ website has detailed information on employment in Queensland.

Internship Directory • 2011 7

There are no interviews required when applying for internship placement in Queensland, but providing details of two referees is mandatory to the application process. It is highly recommended that organisational email addresses are provided by your referees rather than their personal email addresses. The best sources of information on Queensland hospitals are the AMSA Guide (see page 1 for further details) and Queensland Health:

Tel: 07 3234 0111 Web:

For comprehensive information on the training program for interns in Queensland, please see:

Intern Recruitment Campaign – Queensland Health Email: Web:


There are 6 networks offering intern places in South Australia. An online application for internship in 2012 will be available to all applicants from the South Australian Institute of Medical Education and Training (SA IMET), from 21st May 2011 . The closing date for applications is the 17th June 2011. The selection process involves submission of a CV and three referee reports with no interview required. The SA IMET has some very useful information on their website for international medical students trained in Australia seeking internships in South Australia. Please see for more information. On the SA IMET website there are also information sheets on each of the hospitals. For further information you can contact:

South Australian Institute of Medical Education and Training PO Box 287 Rundle Mall ADELAIDE SA 5000 Tel: (08) 8226 7231 Fax: (08) 8226 6610 Email: Web:

Information on the hospitals offering intern placements can be found on the following websites:

Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Lyell McEwin Health Service (LMH) Modbury Public Hospital (Mod) no url – see SAIMET hospital

information sheet for more details

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH)

Mt Gambier & Districts Health Service (MGDHS) no url – see SAIMET hospital information sheet for more details

8 The University of Melbourne

Other information can be found at:

South Australian Department of Health PO Box 287 Rundle Mall ADELAIDE SA 5000 Tel: (08) 8226 6000 Fax: (08) 8226 6899 Web:


There are 3 hospitals offering intern places in Tasmania. Applications are encouraged to be made online via the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services where positions will be advertised in June/July 2011. Selection is based on clinical preferences, CV, academic transcript and two referee reports, but as this may change, please see the website of the Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services as provided below: If you are considering applying for an internship position in Tasmania, you should contact:

Launceston General Hospital

Medical Staffing Unit PO Box 1963 LAUNCESTON TAS 7250

Tel: (03) 6348 7008 Email: Web:

North West Regional Hospital

Medical Staffing Coordinator Tel: (03) 6440 8000 Web:

Royal Hobart Hospital

Medical Staff Coordinator GPO Box 1061 HOBART TAS 7001

Tel: (03) 6222 8114 Email: Web:

Detailed information on the training program for interns in Tasmania is available from:

Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Tasmania GPO Box 1916 HOBART TAS 7001 Tel: (03) 6222 8106 Fax: (03) 6222 7548

Internship Directory • 2011 9

Email: Web:


The Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia (PMCWA) publishes detailed information about eligibility, selection and starting dates on their website. There are 3 hospitals offering intern places in Western Australia. If you are considering applying for an internship position in Western Australia, please consider the information available on the above website in the first instance. Applications will open on 10 May 2011 and close at 5pm (WAST) on 7 June 2011. Selection is based on submission of CV, academic transcript and two referees. There is no interview required.

Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia PO Box 8172 Perth Business Centre WA 6849 Tel: (08) 9222 2175 Fax: (08) 9222 2108 Email: Web:

Although the PMCWA coordinates the application process, selection and recruitment is undertaken by the Primary Allocation Centres (hospitals). For information about the hospitals offering internship placements, please check the information and hospital information sheets available at or contact:

Fremantle Hospital

Medical Education Officer PO Box 480 FREMANTLE WA 6959

Tel: (08) 9431 2870 Email: Web:

Royal Perth Hospital

Medical Education Officer GPO Box X2213 PERTH WA 6001 Tel: (08) 9224 7077 Email: or Web:

Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Medical Education Officer Hospital Avenue, Nedlands PERTH WA 6009 Tel: (08) 9346 3381 Email: Web:

10 The University of Melbourne


Australian universities do not have responsibility for the training for medical practitioners wishing to become specialists. Programs of training, examinations and the standards of performance to be achieved are set and administered individually by the recognised specialist medical colleges. Specialist training and practice in Australia generally follow the United Kingdom model of postgraduate advanced clinical training and examination. Entry to the various specialties requires the completion of an accredited internship, postgraduate study, experience in approved hospitals and the passing of examinations, administered by the specialist Colleges, e.g. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Also, it is worth noting that training, depending on the speciality, can be in 2 stages or parts. Successful completion of Part 1 may not automatically guarantee admittance to Part 2. In line with global practice, it is extremely difficult for temporary residents to secure specialist training places, particularly in high demand fields. For a summary of the specialist medical training in Australia, please see:

AVANT Careers in Medicine Handbook, Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute

AMA(QLD) Training Information Handbook contains information relevant to Postgraduate Medical Training

AMC Recognition of Medical Specialties

You should contact individual hospitals or the relevant College (contact information is available on below) if you are interested in future opportunities to undertake specialist or postgraduate training in Australia and/or New Zealand. A majority of the specialist medical colleges are Australasian, and offer training programs that span both Australia and the Asian region. The best sources for contact information on individual training hospitals is:

AMSA Guide


Addiction Medicine Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Anaesthesia: Including - Intensive Care and Pain Medicine

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Dermatology: Australasian College of Dermatologists

Emergency Medicine: Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

General Practice: Including - Rural Health

Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners

Internship Directory • 2011 11

Intensive Care Medicine: College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand

Internal Medicine: Internal Medicine Society of Australia & New Zealand

Medical Administration: Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Occupational Medicine: Australasian Faculty of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Ophthalmology: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists

Paediatrics: Australasian Chapter of Community & Child Health Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Palliative Medicine: Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Pathology: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Physician Training: Including - Internal Medicine, Addiction

Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Medicine, General Medicine, Cardiology, Clinical Genetics, Gastroenterology, Intensive Care Medicine, Public Health Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Palliative Medicine, Medical Oncology, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Haematology, Paediatrics (Community and Child Health), and more

Psychiatry: Including Psychological Medicine

Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Public Health Medicine: Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Radiology: Including - Radiation Oncology

Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Radiologists

12 The University of Melbourne

Rehabilitation Medicine: Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Surgery: Including - General, Cardiothoracic,

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons

Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck, Paediatric, Plastic and Reconstructive, Urological, Vascular


Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine

Rural and Remote Medicine: Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Sexual Health Australasian Chapter of Sexual Health Medicine

Sports Medicine Australian College of Sports Physicians

Tropical Medicine: Including - Travel Medicine

Australasian College of Tropical Medicine


Many areas in Australia are currently experiencing difficulties in attracting or retaining sufficient general practitioners and specialists to provide for the basic health care needs of the community. These are designated "areas of need' and are almost exclusively in rural, remote or regional areas. The Commonwealth and State governments are trying to arrest this trend by developing initiatives to attract Australian medical graduates to rural practice. An example of such development is the inquiry into Registration Processes and Support for Overseas Trained Doctors undertaken by the Parliamentary Committee at the Minister of Health’s request in November 2010. Another initiative is the recruitment of international medical graduates (IMGs) or former overseas medical students who can work in Australia on either a temporary basis (temporary resident doctors) or as permanent residents to fill the breach. In 2008-09, about 3,000 IMG’s were granted temporary visas to work in "areas of need", compared with 1209 in 1997/98 and just 664 in 1993/94. The state health departments are able to provide details of the requirements in their state or territory (see contact details below). However it is a condition of appointment that applicants are fully registered, and have completed at least two years of professional experience. In general, in return for agreeing to practice in a district of workforce shortage for a specified number of years (usually 5 years with a minimum of 2 years if located in concessional location), IMGs will be eligible for permanent residency (PR) and a Medicare provider number restricted to the agreed rural, remote or regional location. This is dependent on doctors being able to satisfy

Internship Directory • 2011 13

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners requirements. At the end of the set period, the Commonwealth will waive the balance of the 10-year moratorium (whereby immigrants who are Medical Practitioners are not able to work as doctors for 10 years after entry to Australia) and allow successful applicants to practice anywhere in Australia as a GP, with access to full Medicare provider numbers. IMGs who do not qualify for full registration or who have not completed the standard pathway for specialist assessment or the standard pathway for GP assessment must work in an “area of need”. IMGs can also apply under the Employer Nomination Scheme and the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme. For details, visit the DIAC website on Employer Nomination Scheme and/or the relevant state government websites as listed below in Useful Contacts. It is important for new medical graduates to check their eligibility for a range of regional shortage programs, as well as permanent skill migration. See relevant websites below for information relating to each jurisdiction and note that there is a classification system of the locations called the Australian Geographical Classification (ASGC) and Remoteness Area (RA) System.


Federal Health Workforce Department of Health and Ageing GPO Box 9848 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Web: Rural Health Workforce Australia Web: Victoria Rural Workforce Agency Victoria PO Box 7382 St Kilda Road, VIC 8004 Tel: (61 3) 9349 7800 Fax: (61 3) 9820 0401 Email: Web: International Medical Graduates in Victoria Department of Human Services Web:


New South Wales NSW Rural Doctors Network Level 3, 133 King Street NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 Tel: (61 2) 4924 8000 Fax: (61 2) 4924 8010 Web: Area of Need Program for Overseas Trained

Health Professionals NSW Health Web: South Australia Rural Doctors Workforce Agency 63 Henley Beach Road Mile End, SA 5031 Tel: (61 8) 8234 8277 Fax: (61 8) 8234 0002 Email: Web: Australian Capital Territory National Rural Health Alliance PO Box 280 DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600 Tel: (61 2) 6285 4660

Permanent and Temporary Migration Regional Sponsored Migration

Scheme Skilled Designed Area Sponsored

Scheme State Rural Recruitment Schemes

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) Tel: 131 881 (national inquiry line) Web:

14 The University of Melbourne

Queensland Health Workforce Queensland GPO Box 2523 BRISBANE QLD 4000 Tel: (61 7) 3105 7800 Fax: (61 7) 3105 7801 Email: Web: Northern Territory General Practice Network NT Ltd PO Box 1195 ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871 Tel: (61 8) 8950 4800 Fax: (61 8) 8952 3536 Email: Web:

Fax: (61 2) 6285 4670 Email: Web: Tasmania General Practice Workforce PO Box 104 NEWSTEAD TAS 7250 Tel: (61 3) 6334 2355 Fax: (61 3) 6334 3851 Email: Web: Western Australia Rural Health West PO Box 433 NEDLANDS WA 6909 Tel: (61 8) 6389 4500 Fax: (61 8) 6389 4501 Web:

Australian Department of Health and Ageing, General Advice to IMGs Wishing to Practice Medicine in Australia Victorian Government's Skilled Migration Unit Australian Medical Council

Internship Directory • 2011 15

CANADA In Canada and the USA, medical graduates are required to undertake a period of additional or postgraduate training in an area of specific focus (such as paediatrics, family medicine, surgery, internal medicine, etc). This training is referred to as a "residency". The term "intern" is no longer used, except to apply to someone in their first year of residency. Residencies vary in duration from 2 - 7 years, depending on the field. All applicants for Canadian residency programs are considered international medical graduates (IMGs) if they have graduated from a medical school outside Canada, including Canadian citizens and landed immigrants (permanent residents).


In Canada, the medical licensing authorities in each of the 13 provinces/ territories are responsible for licensing physicians to practice medicine within their own boundaries. Requirements for licensure can vary between the provinces. The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) was established in 1912 to establish and promote a qualification in medicine, known as the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC), such that LMCC holders are acceptable to the provincial medical licensing authorities for the issuance of a license to practice medicine. It should be noted that in itself, the LMCC is not a licence to practice medicine. The LMCC qualification is granted to graduate physicians who have passed the Qualifying Examination Parts I and II conducted by the MCC and who have completed satisfactorily at least one year of postgraduate medical training acceptable to the MCC, whether they are graduates of Canadian medical schools or medical schools outside Canada (international medical graduates). This postgraduate medical training can be served anywhere in the world. The MCC does not publish the examination outcomes by country of training. It is important to be aware however that the overall pass rate is deflated by the fact that the great majority of applicants to the MCC have trained in countries characterised by very different language and academic systems (including China, India, the Philippines, Pakistan). Many such candidates secure far lower pass rates than those who have qualified in systems highly comparable to Australia. The MCC has useful information on their website directed at international medical graduates looking to begin the process of obtaining a licence to practice medicine in Canada:

The University of Melbourne MBBS qualification is listed on the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) which is an acceptable qualification for application for licensure in Canada.


It is an absolute prerequisite for IMGs applying for residency programs to have passed the MCC Evaluating Examination (MCCEE) and Part 1 of the MCC Qualifying Examination (MCCQE), and to have achieved an acceptable IELTS or TOEFL score. If you intend to practice in Canada, you will need to complete MCCQE Part 2 early on in your residency. The MCCEE is offered up to five times a year in many parts of the world, as well as in Canada. Examinations are conducted in January, March, May, September and November during two- to three-week testing windows. To be eligible to sit the MCCEE you must be in your final year and are fully expected to complete all requirements to graduate and receive the final medical degree within nine months following the administration of the MCCEE session applied for. The MCCEE

16 The University of Melbourne

is only offered as a computer-based test and there are fees involved. The MCCQE Parts 1 and 2 are only conducted in Canada. For information about the MCCEE and MCCQE examinations, you should contact:

Medical Council of Canada PO Box 8234, Station T OTTAWA ON K1G 3H7 CANADA

Tel: (1 613) 521 6012 Fax: (1 613) 521 9509 Email: Web:

The MCC has no role in the certification or registration of physicians as specialists. Candidates who possess specialty certification are NOT exempted from the MCCQE Part I and Part II to obtain the LMCC and enrolment in the Canadian Medical Register. Enquiries regarding the training and certification of specialists should be made to the Director of Training and Education at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada or the provincial medical licensing authority concerned (see the section on Further Training below on page 19). International medical graduates are encouraged to visit the Working in Canada website which features province and territory-specific information relating to positions available, wages and more:


Finding and applying for a residency in Canada can be a long, complex and potentially expensive process. Not all medical schools participating in the matching service accept graduates of foreign medical schools into their postgraduate medical training programs, but some do have quotas specifically for IMGs. Information concerning provincial and/or university policies and requirements should be sought from the Registrar of the appropriate provincial medical licensing authority or the Dean of Postgraduate Medical Programs at the Canadian universities (please see contact details on pages 21 – 24).


Canadian Resident Matching Service (CARMS) The Canadian Resident Matching Service matches prospective physicians to a training program. If you are considering a residency in Canada, you should visit the CaRMS website to check the CaRMS Program Information. This is an up-to-date and frequently revised listing of postgraduate programs available at all 17 Canadian medical schools.

Canadian Resident Matching Service 171 Nepean Street, Suite 300 OTTAWA ON K2P 0B4 CANADA

Tel: (1 613) 237-0075 or Toll Free: 1-877-227-6742 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 17

The CaRMS Match occurs in two iterations or stages. The First Iteration is now available to International Medical Graduates who meet the basic eligibility criteria. Prior to 2009, IMGs were only considered for the 2nd Iteration.

1st for all graduating students and graduates from Canada, the US, and International Medical Schools (IMGs) who meet the eligibility criteria of CaRMS.

2nd for positions and applicants who were not matched in the first iteration.

Second Iteration Match Results

International Medical School Graduates

Year # of IMGs in Match

# Matched %

2010 1232 106 8.6

2009 1099 98 8.9

2008 929 48 5.2

2007 1125 69 6.1

2006 932 111 11.9

2005 629 80 12.7

2004 657 87 13.2

2003 625 67 10.7

2002 496 83 16.7

2001 387 60 15.5

2000 294 39 13.3

1999 231 35 15.2

1998 205 19 9.3

1997 208 16 8.0

1996 236 11 4.6

1995 240 23 9.6

Source: CaRMS accessed March 2011

The IMG data for the R1 match is not available in the above format, however the CaRMS website states that for the 2010 First Iteration R-1 Match, 223 IMGs were matched to their first choice discipline, with another 47 IMGs matched to another discipline from a total of 1497 IMG applicants. This is a success rate of 18.3% with 1223 IMGs remaining unmatched after the first iteration. As noted earlier, the great majority of IMG’s applying for the CaRMS match have qualified in countries characterised by very dissimilar education systems. ( accessed 4th March 2011). It is important to be aware Canada has greatly increased its number of domestic medical students in recent years (comparable to the situation in Australia). These local students are given priority. An increasing proportion of Canadian students have enrolled in medical degrees in Ireland, Australia and the Caribbean in the past decade. It is proving challenging for Canada to meet the expectations of those who wish to return to be offered local residencies. While CaRMS does not restrict registration with the Matching Service, opportunities for IMGs to enter postgraduate medical training in Canada may be limited. However, anecdotal evidence from the University of Toronto, for example, suggests that western-trained graduates, such as

18 The University of Melbourne

those from the University of Melbourne, will not have excessive difficulties in passing the Medical Council examinations and obtaining residency positions. A comprehensive report titled Canadian Students Studying Medicine Abroad was conducted by CaRMS in 2010 and provides very interesting reading for Canadian students wishing to return home to work. The report can be accessed at the following website: The Registration Process The following information is covered in more detail on the CaRMS website..

1. To register, you must have passed the MCCEE 2. Request to register for the R-1 Match by:

submitting the online "Request for Registration" providing proof of MCC eligibility (ie. MCCEE) pay the appropriate fee for Verification of Credentials

3. Get your Electronic "Token" (received by email after step 2) 4. Sign onto the Applicant Webstation (AWS) and accept the electronic CaRMS contract

you will not be fully registered until you have used your token to start an electronic application in the online AWS - at this time you will also have to pay the registration fee

Once registered, you will be eligible to apply for the list of available or vacant positions. HealthForceOntario publish a very useful booklet for Canadian students who are studying medicine abroad and who wish to return to Ontario to practice medicine. The booklet is titled What You Need to Know to Return to Ontario and it contains specific advice on applying to CaRMS for medical graduates of Australian and New Zealand medical schools. They also run skills development and information sessions for Canadians currently studying medicine outside of Canada or the US. More information can be found at:

It is important to be aware that Canada and Australia are also in dialogue regarding future mutual recognition in medicine, given the similar quality of each others’ medical training programs. In April 2011 a Canada-Australia Round Table will be held in Melbourne to explore future options. Australia has greatly liberalised capacity for Canada-trained IMG’s to practice here without taking exams, in 2008 through the ‘competent authority pathway’.


In most Canadian provinces you must be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant (PR) to obtain postgraduate training in a provincial Ministry of Health funded position. Non-funded positions may or may not have these criteria. Not all medical schools participating in the matching service accept graduates of foreign medical schools into their postgraduate medical training programs, but some have quotas specifically for IMGs. You may also be required to have completed the internship overseas before being accepted into a residency program. Please see the information above for details on how to apply for residency programs in Canada.

Internship Directory • 2011 19


If you obtain a position in a residency program in Canada, you must obtain the appropriate visa. You should contact Citizenship and Immigration Canada or a Canadian Embassy for further details: Also, foreign-trained medical practitioners and specialist physicians must demonstrate their professional competence before their application for immigration can be approved. This means that, in most cases, you must pass the MCCEE before applying for a residency.


Health Canada

Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials

Working in Canada

Campbell Cohen Canadian Immigration Law Firm


Training for specialisation in Canada differs to that of Australia and the UK in that universities conduct the training programs (called residencies), and only those residency programs that are sponsored by a Canadian medical school are accredited by the respective specialist college. Family Medicine To receive certification by the College of Family Physicians of Canada in the past you must have completed a two-year family medicine training program and pass the College's certification examination. There is also now an alternative pathway (without examination) to certification in Family Medicine via having completed a recognised training and certification route in a jurisdiction outside Canada. This pathway is open to graduates of Australian General Practice Vocational Training Programs that have been accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and meet the standards of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and who also hold Fellowship in the RACGP. More information is available on the College of Family Physicians of Canada website. Detailed information about training and certification in family medicine may be obtained from:

The College of Family Physicians of Canada 2630 Skymark Avenue Mississauga ON L4W 5A4

CANADA Tel: (1 905) 629 0900 or 1800 387 6197 Fax: (1 905) 629 0893 Email: Web:

Specialties and Sub-Specialties other than Family Medicine The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) is the national body that certifies specialists in all branches of clinical and laboratory medicine and surgery, with the exception of family medicine. To respond to societal needs and to address the shortage of specialist physicians in Canada, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) has developed routes to certification so that qualified specialist physicians, including IMGs can attain full Royal College certification. Detailed information regarding these certification routes is available at the following link: .

20 The University of Melbourne

The RCPSC maintains a database of contact details for program directors in Canada who oversee specialty programs, other than family medicine. This is available as a searchable database on their website.

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada 774 Echo Drive Ottawa ON K1S 5N8

CANADA Tel: (1 613) 730 8177 or 1800 668 3740 Fax: (1 613) 730 8830 Email: Web:

Québec The province of Québec has its own certification system for specialists through the Collège des médecins du Québec. Students from a faculty of medicine situated outside of Québec must have a registration certificate issued by the Collège des médecins du Québec. Further details are available by contacting the college. For additional information on certification in Québec contact:

Collège des médecins du Québec 2170 René-Lévesque Boulevard West Montréal Québec H3H 2T8 CANADA Tel: (1 514) 933 4441 or 1800 633 3246 Fax: (1 514) 933 3112 Email: Web:


There is currently a shortage of specialist physicians across Canada, with particularly high demand in some provinces such as Ontario, Manitoba, Atlantic Canada and Nova Scotia (amongst other areas). This shortage is a result of an ageing population and a low number of Canadian medical graduates in relation to the number of positions available across the country. As a result of this, there are some initiatives (such as the Underserviced Area Program (UAP) in Ontario), that aim to attract and retain health care providers to specific regions. . For more information, please contact the appropriate medical licensing authority listed on pages 24-25).


Internship Directory • 2011 21


Eligibility for postgraduate medical training in Canada may vary from province to province. Please contact the Associate/Assistant Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education at the universities of your choice to obtain specific information.

Alberta Office of Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta 1-134 Katz Group Centre for Pharmacy &

Health Research EDMONTON AB T6G 2E1 Tel: (1 780) 492 9722 Fax: (1 780) 492 4144 Email: Web:

pgme/index.cfm Postgraduate Medical Education Office Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary G02, Heritage Medical Research Building 3330 Hospital Drive NW CALGARY AB T2N 4N1 Tel: (1 403) 210 7984 Fax: (1 403) 270 0178 Email: Web:


Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Medicine 260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Avenue University of Manitoba WINNIPEG MB R3E 3P5 Tel: (1 204) 789 3557 Fax: (1 204) 789 3928 Web: education/postgrad.html/

Newfoundland and Labrador Postgraduate Medical Education Memorial University of Newfoundland Tel: (1 709) 777-6680 Fax: (1 709) 777-8377 Email: Web:

British Columbia Department of Family Practice Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia 3rd Floor David Strangway Building 5950 University Boulevard VANCOUVER BC V6T 1Z3 Tel: (1 604) 822 5450 Fax: (1 604) 822 6950 Web:

tm Postgraduate Medical Education Office Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre 11th Floor, 2775 Laurel Street University of British Columbia VANCOUVER BC V5Z 1M9 Tel: (1 604) 875 4834 Fax: (1 604) 875 4847 Email:


Nova Scotia Postgraduate Medical Education Office Faculty of Medicine Dalhousie University Room C-234, Clinical Research Centre 5849 University Avenue HALIFAX Nova Scotia B3H 4H7 Tel: (1 902) 494 8321 Fax: (1 902) 494 3644 Web:

Saskatchewan Postgraduate Medical Education Office College of Medicine University of Saskatchewan B-103 Health Sciences Building 107 Wiggins Road SASKATOON SK S7N 5E5 Tel: (1 306) 966 8555 / 1864 Fax: (1 306) 966 2601 Web:

22 The University of Melbourne


Centre for the Evaluation of Health Professionals Educated Abroad (CEHPEA) 80 Bloor Street West 9th Floor - Suite 902 Toronto ON M5S 2V1 Tel: (1 416) 924 8622 Fax: (1 416) 924 8921 Email: Web: Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Health Sciences McMaster University 1280 Main Street West, HAMILTON ON L8S 4L8 Tel: (1 905) 525 9140 Web: Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa Room 2115, 451 Smyth Road OTTAWA ON K1H 8M5 Tel: (1 613) 562 5413 Fax: (1 613) 562 5420 Email: Web: postgraduate/eng/ Postgraduate Medical Education School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences Queen's University 70 Barrie Street KINGSTON ON K7L 3N6 Tel: (1 613) 533 2543 Fax: (1 613) 533 2132 Email: Web: Postgraduate Medical Education Office Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto 500 University Avenue, Suite 602 TORONTO ON M5G 1V7 Tel: (1 416) 978 6976 Fax: (1 416) 9781 7144 Email: Web:

Postgraduate Medical Education Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Room M103, Medical Sciences Building, The University of Western Ontario LONDON ON N6A 5C1 Tel: (1 519) 661 2019 Fax: (1 519) 850 2492 Web:

Québec Postgraduate Medical Education Faculty of Medicine McGill University 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler MONTRÉAL QC H3G 1Y6 Tel: (1 514) 398 1458 Email: Web: Faculté de médecine Université de Sherbrooke Pièce 2132, 3001 12e avenue nord SHERBROOKE QC J1H 5N4 Tel: (1 819) 821 8000 Web: Bureau des études médicales post-md Faculté de médecine Université Laval Local 4623, Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry 1050, Avenue de la medecineUniversite Laval QUÉBEC QC G1V 0A6 Tel: (1 418) 656 5955 Fax: (1 418) 656 2915 Web: Université de Montréal Faculté de médecine CP 6128, succursale Centre-ville MONTRÉAL QC H3C 3J7 Tel: (1 514) 343 6269 Fax: (1 514) 343 5850 Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 23


The Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC) is the national association of all provincial and territorial medical licensing authorities in Canada. General inquiries regarding medical licence in Canada may be directed to:

Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada 2283 St. Laurent Boulevard, Suite 103 OTTAWA ON K1G 5A2

CANADA Tel: (1 613) 738 0372 Fax: (1 613) 738 9169 Email: Web:

However, as requirements for licensure can vary from province to province, specific inquiries should be directed to the Registrar at the medical licensing authorities listed below.

College of Physicians and Surgeons of

Alberta 2700-10020 100 Street NW EDMONTON AB T5J 0N3 Tel: (1 780) 423 4764 (Switch) Fax: (1 780) 420 0651 Email: Web:

College of Physicians and Surgeons of British

Columbia 400 - 858 Beatty Street VANCOUVER BC V6B 1C1 Tel: (1 604) 733 7758 Fax: (1 604) 733 3503 Email: Web:

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

1000 - 1661 Portage Avenue WINNIPEG MB R3J 3T7 Tel: (1 204) 774 4344 Fax: (1 204) 774 0750 Email: Web: College of Physicians and Surgeons of New

Brunswick 1 Hampton Road, Suite 300 ROTHESAY NB E2E 5K8 Tel: (1 506) 849 5050 Fax: (1 506) 849 5069 Email: Web: College of Physicians and Surgeons of

Newfoundland & Labrador Suite 603,139 Water Street ST JOHN'S NL A1C 1B2 Tel: (1 709) 726 8546 Fax: (1 709) 726 4725 Email: Web:

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 80 College Street TORONTO ON M5G 2E2 Tel: (1 416) 967 2603 Fax: (1 416) 961-3330 Email: Web: College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince

Edward Island 199 Grafton Street CHARLOTTETOWN PE C1A 1L2 Tel: (1 902) 566 3861 Fax: (1 902) 566 3986 Web: Collège des médecins du Québec 2170, René-Lévesque Boulevard West MONTRÉAL Québec H3H 2T8 Tel: (1 514) 933 4441 Fax: (1 514) 933 3112 Email: Web:

24 The University of Melbourne

Registrar, Professional Licensing Department of Health and Social Services Government of Northwest Territories PO Box 1320 YELLOWKNIFE NT X1A 2L9 Tel: (1 867) 920 8058 Fax: (1 867) 873 0484 Email: Web

College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova

Scotia Suite 5005 – 7051 Bayers Road HALIFAX NS B3L 2C2 Tel: (1 902) 422 5823 Fax: (1 902) 422 5035 Email: Web: Registrar, Professional Licensing Department of Health and Social Services Government of Nunavut Box 390 Kugluktuk NU X0B 0E0 Tel: (1 867) 982 7672 Fax: (1 867) 982 3256 Email: Web: http://www.nunavut-

College of Physicians and Surgeons of

Saskatchewan 500-321A – 21st Street East SASKATOON SK S7K 0C1 Tel: (1 306) 244 7355 Fax: (1 306) 244 0090 Email: Web:

Yukon Medical Council Registrar of Medical Practitioners PO Box 2703 (C-18) WHITEHORSE YT Y1A 2C6 Tel: (1 867) 667 3774 Fax: (1 867) 393 6483 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 25


Source: Natural Resources Canada

accessed March 2011

26 The University of Melbourne


There are 2 medical schools in Hong Kong, which produce about 250 - 300 graduates each year. Recent information suggests that Hong Kong is experiencing an oversupply of doctors, and the number of places for students entering medical programs was reduced to about 140 places from 2004. This resulted in fewer internship places being available for overseas-trained medical graduates. There are 10 approved hospitals in Hong Kong which provide internship training. Intern places are allocated twice per year, in May/June for students who graduate in May, and again in December for December graduates. May graduates commence their internship on 1 July and December graduates commence on 1 January. Most Hong Kong medical graduates will have graduated in May. Overseas graduates are only able to fill posts not already assigned to local graduates.


The Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) is responsible for maintaining the register of eligible medical practitioners and specialists and administering the Licensing Examination for all non-local medical graduates. The Council requires all foreign graduates to sit this examination before applying for registration in Hong Kong. For further information, please contact:

The Medical Council of Hong Kong Secretariat 4/F Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Jockey Club Building 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road ABERDEEN, HONG KONG

Tel: (852) 2873 5131 Fax: (852) 2554 0577 Email: Web:

Application forms for registration can be downloaded from the MCHK website.


In 1995, legislation was passed to remove the practice of allowing graduates from certain recognised UK and Commonwealth medical schools to register as medical practitioners in Hong Kong without the need for passing the Licensing Examination. Transitional arrangements were established to allow for Hong Kong students who were then (ie. mid-1996) studying in or who had been enrolled by these medical schools, to allow them to register as medical practitioners without taking the Licensing Examinations. The transitional arrangement does not apply to non-Hong Hong students. However, students who commenced medical training after 1 September 1996 will be required to sit the Licensing Examinations. As a graduate of the University of Melbourne, you may apply for exemption from the Proficiency Test in Medical English, on the basis that English was the medium of instruction. You will still be required to sit the Professional Knowledge and Clinical Examination components of the Licensing Examinations, which are held annually in March/April and September respectively. For Guidance Notes to Candidates of Licensing Examination, visit the website of the Medical Council of Hong Kong listed above.

Internship Directory • 2011 27


Medical graduates of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong are allocated to interns positions via the Intern Matching Program. All interns complete 2 x 6-month rotations, one with a medical and the other a surgical orientation. In general, each of the 6-month rotations consists of 2 x 3-month placements to make up the 6 months. You are required to be provisionally registered with the MCHK during your intern year. The Council will only grant an overseas graduate provisional registration after the application for internship has been approved by the Central Internship Committee of the Hospital Authority. You should apply to either the Chinese University of Hong Kong or the University of Hong Kong for an internship and your eligibility to undertake an internship in Hong Kong (see below). They will require your CV, a copy of your Hong Kong Identity Card and a certified copy of your academic transcript.


Office of Educational Services Faculty of Medicine Chinese University of Hong Kong Flat A, 9/F, Block B, Staff Qtrs Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin NT HONG KONG SAR

Tel: (852) 2145 5232 Fax: (852) 2635 2521 Email: Web: Faculty Office University of Hong Kong 6/F, William MW Mong Block Faculty of Medicine Building, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam HONG KONG SAR Tel: (852) 2819 9212 Email: or Web:


It will be extremely difficult for non-Hong Kong Permanent residents to obtain an internship in Hong Kong. However, if you are interested in an internship in Hong Kong, please see the procedures detailed above.

28 The University of Melbourne


The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) is responsible for setting standards for training specialists within the medical and dental professions. The Academy functions in partnership with its 15 Academy Colleges, providing training for 46 medical and dental specialties. The regular training period is a minimum of 6 years after internship (the duration may vary according to the specialty), with 3 years general training and 3 years higher professional training. Successful trainees are awarded Fellowship of their respective College and subsequently Fellowship of the Academy, upon which they can register as a specialist with the Hong Kong Medical Council. Many of the Colleges hold their examinations jointly with an overseas Royal College, and successful candidates are therefore granted double Fellowship. For further information and details of the Colleges, please contact:

Hong Kong Academy of Medicine 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road HONG KONG

Tel: (852) 2871 8888 Fax: (852) 2505 5577 Email: Web:

Contact details and information on training programs for the 14 medical specialty Academy Colleges can be found on their websites below, or on the AKAM website:

Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists Hong Kong College of Community Medicine Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine Hong Kong College of Family Physicians Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Hong Kong College of Pathologists Hong Kong College of Physicians Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists Hong Kong College of Radiologists The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong

Internship Directory • 2011 29


Source: University of Texas Library On-line

accessed March 2011

30 The University of Melbourne

MALAYSIA Intern training (or housemanships) can be undertaken only within the 38 training hospitals in Malaysia approved by the Medical Qualifying Board. These positions are open to all Malaysian citizens who are graduates of overseas medical institutions recognized by the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). It should be noted that access to housemanship positions by late 2010 was increasingly competitive, given the number of new (including private sector) medical schools which have opened in Malaysia in recent years. The University of Melbourne MBBS degree is recognized by the Malaysian Medical Council for "provisional" registration purposes under the Second Schedule to the Medical Act 1971. Also, Malaysian citizens who have completed their housemanship overseas are eligible to apply for full registration with the Malaysian Medical Council provided this meets with the satisfaction of the MMC Evaluation Committee. Housemanships run for two years and consist of 4-monthly rotations in medicine, paediatrics, surgery, orthopaedics, obstetrics & gynaecology and emergency medicine. On satisfactory completion of their posting, the houseman is eligible for full registration with the Malaysian Medical Council. Upon completion of Housemanship training, doctors are required to serve a continuous total period of not less than 3 years within the public services (governmental hospitals) upon being given full registration. This is required before doctors can commence private practice, and they may not leave to pursue postgraduate training overseas during this time. The Malaysian Medical Council publishes the useful A Guidebook for House Officers which contains detailed information on undertaking a housemanship in Malaysia. It can be downloaded from:


Applications for internship positions can be made upon graduation. The application forms can be obtained from the Public Services Commission of Malaysia:

Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) Web:

NB: At the time of publication of this directory, the following information could not be verified. Please check for updated information when applying for Houseman positions: The completed application form should be sent to the Ministry of Health which will then forward it to the SPA for consideration. The time between submission of application and employment as a house officer is usually about 2 months. The Ministry of Health can be contacted as follows:

Bahagian Perkembangan Perubatan (Medical Development Division) Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Ministry of Health) Tel: 603-8883 3888 Web:


The Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) is responsible for maintaining the register of medical practitioners in Malaysia. The MBBS from the University of Melbourne is recognised under Schedule II, Section 12 (1) (a) (I) o the Medical Act 1971 for registration with the MMC.

Internship Directory • 2011 31

Medical graduates must apply to the MMC for provisional registration before commencing their housemanship. For further information and application forms, please contact:

Malaysian Medical Council Level 2, Block E1, Parcel E, Precinct 1 Federal Government Administrative Centre 62590 Putrajaya MALAYSIA Tel: (60 3) 8883 1400 (5) Fax: (60 3) 8883 1406 Email: Web:

The Malaysian Medical Association website also has useful information regarding applying for full registration with the MMC, particularly if you have undertaken your housemanship overseas:


The post after housemanship is the Medical Officer. Medical Officers serve for about 3 years in various departments of general and district hospitals. The next step is Registrar (about 2 - 3 years) enabling you to train as a specialist. After the appropriate training and passing postgraduate examination you will have completed the formal education and will be eligible to be a Consultant (Specialist).


Source: University of Texas Library On-line accessed March 2011

32 The University of Melbourne

NEW ZEALAND The recruitment of overseas graduates to work in New Zealand as house officers began in 1985, and about 28% of house officers in 2009 were graduates of overseas medical schools. The proportion of doctors working in New Zealand who initially qualified from overseas universities was 52% in 2009, the highest proportion of any developed country. By 2009, New Zealand was registering 1,141 international medical graduates per year to practise, compared to just over 300 local graduates. Demand is therefore strong. However retention is a serious problem – only around half of all IMG’s retained for more than one year. (Source: Zurn, P & Dumont, J-C (2008), Health Workforce and International Migration: Can New Zealand Compete?, World Health Organization and OECD, OECD Health Working Papers, DELSA/HEA/WD/HWP(2008)3, Paris. & Medical Council of New Zealand (2009), Medical Council of New Zealand Annual Report 2009, Medical Council of New Zealand, Wellington). Public hospitals in New Zealand are run by the 21 District Health Boards (DHB). Some DHBs have 1 hospital, others have several. There are 29 hospitals in New Zealand which are accredited by the Medical Council to provide PGY1 training, ie first year house officer placements. You can also find information on the DHBs on the following websites:

District Health Boards New Zealand

Health Careers

NZ Ministry of Health

The Health Careers website also has comprehensive information about first year house officer placements (please see section ‘Applying for Internships’ below).


The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) is responsible for maintaining the register of medical practitioners and specialists in New Zealand. Through a joint accreditation program of Australian and New Zealand medical schools, graduates of these schools are automatically eligible for registration in New Zealand without examination (ie. the NZREX) or fulfilling any further requirements. Once registered, doctors are required to re-license every year by applying for an Annual Practicing Certificate. First year house officers must have probationary registration during their 12-month intern year which is administered through their hospitals. Further information on registration can be found at MCNZ website.

Medical Council of New Zealand PO Box 11649, Manners Street Wellington 6142 NEW ZEALAND Tel: (64 4) 384 7635 Fax: (64 4) 385 8902 Email: Web:


Since 2003, the recruitment process for first year house officers has been based on an Advanced Choice of Employment (ACE) system. Applications can be sent electronically through the ACE website

Internship Directory • 2011 33

Applications should be submitted along a numbered ranked order list of District Health Boards (DHBs) to the ACE Centre. For details on the application documents needed, see the FAQs page on first year House Officer positions on the Health Careers website. All Australian medical graduates are eligible to work in New Zealand without having to sit further examination.

For the 2012 intake, the closing date is 27 June 2011 5pm NZT.

ACE Scheme Co-ordinator ACE Health Careers Website Email:

You may also find the following websites listing job vacancies (including house officer positions) useful:

New Zealand Medical Students Association

New Zealand Doctor

Southern Doctor


Health Pages

Association of Salaried Medical Specialists


For information on work permits and visas, and also for a list of New Zealand Embassies and Consulates around the world, please consult the NZ Immigration Service:


Specialist training is through the New Zealand and/or Australian specialist colleges. A majority of the specialist medical colleges are Australasian, and offer training programs that span both countries. Entry to the various specialties requires postgraduate study, experience in approved hospitals and the passing of examinations leading to membership of the appropriate professional College, many of which are headquartered in Australia, with Divisions or Chapters in New Zealand. The Medical Council of New Zealand website provides links to the branches of medicine and the New Zealand committee/organisation responsible for vocational registration and training in that field NZ-BASED SPECIALIST MEDICAL COLLEGES

General Practice: The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Public Health Medicine: Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine

(New Zealand Office) The Royal Australasian College of Physicians

34 The University of Melbourne

You should also check the hospital and DHB websites for information on registrar and specialist vacancies.


Like Australia, New Zealand is experiencing shortages of medical practitioners in most areas, and is recruiting medical practitioners and specialists from overseas. Unfortunately, we do not have any further information on the specific schemes to recruit doctors to areas of need. Please contact the District Health Boards for further information on specific employment opportunities. You should also access the New Zealand Immigration website, which contains significant information on temporary as well as permanent skilled migration entry schemes. Around 88% of skilled migrants selected by New Zealand first enter the country on a temporary labour basis – transferring to PR status through ‘two-step migration’. As you will see, there are many bonus points available for high demand areas.


Source: New Zealand Government accessed March 2011

Internship Directory • 2011 35

SINGAPORE The Ministry of Health Holdings (MOHH) is the holding company of Singapore’s public healthcare assets and it is responsible for the recruitment of junior doctors to Singapore’s public health system. Healthcare institutions within MOHH are divided into five broad clusters which include the National Healthcare Group, Singapore Health Services and the National University Health System. These are clusters of hospitals, specialty centres and polyclinics offering a wide spectrum of clinical specialties for training specialists and family physicians in Singapore. The Ministry of Health (MOH) Holdings Clinical Manpower division has a very useful website for physicians, that contains detailed information about practicing as a doctor in Singapore:


The Singapore Medical Council (SMC) registers qualified medical practitioners for practice and maintains the Register of Medical Practitioners. The University of Melbourne MBBS degree is a recognised qualification for the purposes of registration as a medical practitioner in Singapore, however please note that Singapore requires graduates from recognised medical schools outside of Singapore to pass the relevant national licensing examinations in that country before being able to apply for registration in Singapore. In order to practice as a House officer (intern) in an approved hospital in Singapore, you must obtain Provisional Registration with the SMC. If you have already completed the equivalent of a housemanship in Australia, you will be required to obtain Conditional Registration in Singapore. Full registration can be obtained after completion of a specified period of conditional registration.

Singapore Medical Council College of Medicine Building 16 College Road #01-01 SINGAPORE 169854

Tel: (65) 6372 3061/2/3/4/5 Fax: (65) 6221 0558 Email: Web:

Applications for registration with the Singapore Medical Council must be sent to the SMC through the local employer whose hospitals are accredited for the training of house officers in Singapore. TEMPORARY REGISTRATION FOR DOCTORS WITHOUT REGISTRABLE MEDICAL QUALIFICATIONS TO WORK IN AREAS OF NEED There is a shortage of doctors in Singapore, which has an active skilled migration policy. From April 2009, the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) advised that doctors from medical schools outside the current Schedule are permitted to be employed to practice under supervision in public healthcare institutions under the Ministry of Health Holdings in the following areas: Emergency Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Renal Medicine, Neonatology, Paediatric Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery and Child Development. Doctors employed under this scheme will be granted temporary medical registration for 12 months in the first instance, subject to the conditions stipulated by the SMC. Their performance must be consistently good before they can extend their registration with SMC. These doctors will not be eligible for conditional registration unless they acquire a postgraduate qualification recognised by SMC.

36 The University of Melbourne


House officer training in Singapore lasts for one year and consists of three or more clinical postings ranging from 2 – 6 months each. Applications for internships can be made at any time during the final year of medical studies. Based on the latest advice we have received, the Singaporean government will be interested in recruiting a significant number of international medical students who have completed their qualifications in Australia. For information about house officer positions and career opportunities with the Ministry of Health in Singapore, please contact:

Director Human Resources & Talent Development Division MOH Holdings Pte Ltd 1 Maritime Square #11-25 HarbourFront Centre SINGAPORE 099253 Fax: (65) 6720 0980 Email: Web:


There are a number of career paths for medical graduates, one of which is to train to become a specialist. Specialist (postgraduate) training in Singapore, on average, takes 6 years and is divided into basic and advanced phases. Basic Specialty Training usually takes 3 years and applicants should be serving Medical Officers and have a minimum of 9-months post-housemanship experience. Advanced Specialty Training (AST) takes 3 ~ 4 years (depending on the specialty).

Internship Directory • 2011 37 accessed March 2011


The Singapore Medical Registration Act 1997 requires medical practitioners to be registered on the Register of Specialists before they can be designated as "specialists" and use the respective specialist titles. The Specialists Accreditation Board (SAB) determines the qualifications, experience and other conditions for accreditation and registration as specialists. Medical practitioners who wish to be registered as specialists must obtain the Certificate of Specialist Accreditation from the SAB. Only doctors accredited by the SAB can be registered as such with the SMC. Enquiries regarding specialist accreditation should be directed the SAB:

Specialists Accreditation Board Ministry of Health College of Medicine Building 16 College Road SINGAPORE 169854 Tel: (65) 6325 9491 Fax: (65) 6325 9211 Email: Web:

Doctors trained and certified in Australia/ New Zealand are generally eligible for specialist accreditation in Singapore if they have more than two years of working experience as a specialist, are certified by one of the National Specialist Medical Colleges and are listed on a state medical board’s specialist registry.


Specialist training programs are overseen by the Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST) and fall into 3 broad categories: Internal Medicine-related, General Surgery-related and Single-track specialist training programs. Specialist training in Singapore is administered by the 35 Specialist Training Committees (STCs) who administer programs for basic and advanced specialist trainees..The JCST oversees the accreditation of training departments and institutions and is serviced jointly by the Academy of Medicine, Singapore and the Division of Graduate Medical Studies (DGMS), National University of Singapore. The STCs report to the JCST and are responsible for conducting specialist exit assessments and examinations. More information and contact details for the specialties can be found at the following link:


If you a citizen of an ASEAN nation, you may be eligible for the NUS Graduate Scholarship for ASEAN Nationals (NUS GSA). This scholarship is open to all ASEAN* nationals, except Singaporeans/Singapore PRs. Each year, the National University of Singapore offers 40 scholarships to enable a successful scholar to pursue full-time coursework in certain specialties or clinical attachment/ training in a Singapore hospital leading to the relevant Master of Medicine examinations. More information regarding these scholarships can be obtained at:

38 The University of Melbourne (*NB. ASEAN is the Association of South East Asian Nations and comprises Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)


Source: University of Texas Library On-line

accessed March 2011

Internship Directory • 2011 39


From 2005 the UK National Health Service implemented a new training program for medical graduates. Under the new curriculum trainee doctors have to demonstrate they are competent in a number of areas including communication and consultation skills, patient safety and team working as well as the more traditional elements of medical training.


The Foundation Programme is a two-year planned program of general training which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/general practice training. It gives trainees exposure to a range of career placements across a broad spectrum of specialties including accident & emergency, obstetrics & gynaecology and anaesthetics. The program aims to give each trainee the opportunity to have experience in primary care and provide opportunities for experience in smaller specialties and academic medicine. More information about the program can be found on the Modernising Medical Careers website: The National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education (NACPME) is an information service for overseas qualified doctors and medical graduates who wish to train in the UK, and provides comprehensive information on everything you may need, either before going to the UK or during their stay there. NACPME provides information in the following main areas:

Registration with the General Medical Council Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test and Categories of

Exemption International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Overseas Doctors Training Scheme (ODTS) Specialist training General information on immigration, employment, postgraduate courses and Royal

College examinations NACPME can be contacted at:

The National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education Tel: (44 117) 915 7069 Fax: (44 117) 850 8866 Email: Web:

All British Council offices overseas hold information on medical training in Britain. They operate from 220 towns and cities in 110 countries worldwide. For contact details, please see the British Council website: An increasing number of students from European Union countries are choosing to study in UK universities. By agreement with the European Commission, these students are treated in a similar fashion to the UK-born in relation to many issues. The Home Office and Department of Health in the UK announced some years back that overseas doctors (from Non European Economic Area [EEA]) seeking training posts in the UK would require a work permit from July 2006. More information can be obtained from the British Council and NACPME. International medical students who have completed UK medical degrees are not currently eligible to complete internships in the UK. St. Andrews University in Scotland, for example, says very clearly in its brochure that students "are not eligible for inclusion in the clinical postgraduate training program in the UK." (source: CBC News -

40 The University of Melbourne


If you are interested in spending your intern year(s) in a UK hospital, you should consult the Foundation Applicant’s Handbook from the UK Foundation Programme Office and contact the Postgraduate Deanery office in the area in which you want to work (contact details are listed at the end of this chapter). Please note however the UK has tightened up the potential for international students to remain in the UK through a variety of skilled migration options following course completion. As you will be aware, the global financial crisis has had significant impact on UK employment, and the medical workforce shortages which existed in the National Health Service some years back have largely been resolved. The online Foundation Programme Application System (FPAS) is used for allocating places across the UK, covering England, Wales Northern Ireland and Scotland. Some Deanery office website also has online recruitment system, as mentioned below. To be eligible for the Foundation Programme, international applicants (outside the EEA) require the right to work as a doctor in training in the UK. International applicants who are unable to submit a valid right to work will only be considered if there are insufficient suitable applicants who have the right to work in the UK. You could also consult the job vacancies section of medical journals, where posts may be advertised.

British Medical Journal (BMJ) Careers

The Lancet Health Service Journal PersonnelNet Health

The normal order for the processing of applications for trainee positions in the UK is:

1. Apply to your preferred hospitals Deaneries are divided into two groups, those that accept direct applications, and those that use a joint web-based system. Extensive information on how to apply can be obtained at:

2. Check immigration requirements Once you have been appointed to a training post you should seek advice from the Immigration Authorities.

3. Register with the General Medical Council You are required to be registered with the GMC prior to starting work. Please see the section on Licensure and Registration below.


To be eligible for appointment to any training post in the UK a doctor must be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC).

General Medical Council Regent’s Place, 350 Euston Road London NW1 3JN, UK Tel: (44 161) 923 6602 Web:

Due to recent changes for International Medical Graduates applying for posts in the UK, we strongly recommend that before you apply for the PLAB test (see below) or registration that you find out whether you have a realistic chance of obtaining the kind of job you want. As noted,

Internship Directory • 2011 41

above, the job market in the UK is very competitive and you should think very carefully about whether you are willing to take the risks involved in competing for posts. Information about the number of applicants for posts categorised by specialty and location can be found at the British Medical Journal Careers website (listed above). IMG doctors are eligible for two types of registration: provisional and full. Until recently, if you had completed an acceptable internship either overseas or in the UK you would be eligible for full registration. However in the context of recent policy changes, this may be challenging to secure. If you have not completed an acceptable internship you will be eligible for provisional registration, if visas are being allocated for temporary entrant medical trainees (again noting there are current policy changes). This type of registration is granted for the purpose of completing an acceptable program for provisionally registered doctors but not further. In the UK, the acceptable program for provisionally registered doctors is the Foundation Programme Year 1 (F1). Any practice undertaken outside an acceptable program for provisionally registered doctors would be counted as technically unregistered practice and will not count as experience to move to full registration. Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) Test The PLAB test assesses a doctor’s professional knowledge and skill. The test consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Consists of a 3-hour examination, covering core knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to conditions commonly seen by Senior House Officers, generic management of life-threatening situations and to rare, but important problems. Part 1 is available in some overseas countries (currently Australia, Bulgaria, Egypt, India, Iran, Nigeria, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and the West Indies).

Part 2: Is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), testing clinical and communication skills. It is only available in the UK. You must pass Part 1 before attempting Part 2.

The GMC recommends that, prior to undertaking the PLAB, doctors have completed at least 12-months postgraduate clinical training (internship) in teaching or other hospitals approved by the appropriate medical registration organisation in that country. It is possible for newly qualified doctors to take the PLAB test without this experience, but only for employment as a junior house officer. It can take at least 8 months to complete both parts of the PLAB. It is recommended that you allow at least 4 months from the time of submitting an application to getting a place on test date. English Language Proficiency Since 1999, applicants for registration with the GMC who hold overseas qualifications are required to satisfy English Language requirements stipulated by the Medical Act. (NB. if you are an EEA national, you should seek advice from the GMC. If you have a grandparent who was born in the UK it should also be possible for you to apply for a UK passport.) You will need to attain an overall International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 7.0, with a minimum of 6.0 in the Listening, Academic Reading and Academic Writing sections and a score of 7.0 in the Speaking section. Please note also that if you are applying for Specialist Training Programs, some Royal Colleges require a higher score for the IELTS. IELTS can be undertaken locally at the University of Melbourne's English Language Centre at Hawthorn or at RMIT. Both Centres also run IELTS Preparation courses. Tests are offered about 2 x per month. The results are available within about 2 weeks. For further information on sitting an IELTS test please contact:

42 The University of Melbourne

Hawthorn English Language Centre 442 Auburn Road HAWTHORN VIC 3122 Tel: (03) 9815 4001 Fax: (03) 9810 3242 Web:

RMIT English Worldwide RMIT Building 36 Level 6, 393 Swanston Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Tel: (03) 9657 5800 Fax: (03) 9663 8504 Web:

For more information on IELTS and testing sites worldwide:


For matters relating to immigration, and working in the UK, you should contact the British Embassy/Consulate in Australia or in your home country. Contact details are available on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website: The following websites may also be useful in determining if you require a visa and or work permit for the UK:

UK Visas UK Border Agency


The following useful publications are available for download from the UK Department of Health. Please note that they were published before the recent changes in the Medical Act. You can search for these in the publications and statistics section under publications library:

"The Recruitment of Doctors and Dentists in Training" "Medical Training in the United Kingdom: a Guide for International Graduates" "A Guide to Immigration and Employment of Overseas Medical and Dental Students, Doctors

and Dentists in the United Kingdom"


New specialty training programs were introduced from August 2007 when the first cohort of foundation doctors completed the Foundation Programme.

The overall aim of the program is to develop high quality, well trained and accredited doctors who can deliver the care patients need in the modern NHS. This will be delivered through structured, “run-through” training programs which follow directly from the Foundation Programme. The number of years that a trainee spends in training will vary from program to program. After a doctor receives a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), they will be legally eligible for entry to the Specialist or GP Register held by the GMC and can then apply for an appropriate senior medical appointment. Entry to specialist training is by a competitive process. Doctors must apply for posts as they are advertised. It is not possible to have a guaranteed move from basic to higher specialist training. Once again, the allocation of places to UK-born doctors, then those derived from the EEA area, are prioritised.

Internship Directory • 2011 43

You will be required to sit the PLAB test prior to entering a training program. For further information, you should contact the GMC (details are in the registration section above). The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) is the UK competent authority for postgraduate medical training in the UK. It awards Certificates of Completion of Training (CCTs) and approves doctors for entry to the Specialist Register held by the General Medical Council. For general information on training as a specialist in the UK you should contact:

The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) Hercules House Hercules Road London SE1 7DU ENGLAND

Tel: (44 207) 160 6100 Fax: (44 207) 160 6102 Email: Web:

Overseas Doctors Training Scheme (ODTS) At present, most Royal Colleges offer sponsorship schemes (in certain specialties) whose aim is to enable overseas-qualified doctors (non- EEA) to continue or complete their specialist training in the UK. These doctors must be of high calibre and be recommended by a senior medical body. Most ODTS places are in great demand and have long waiting lists. It should be noted that each Royal College has its individual policy concerning training posts. You should contact the relevant Royal College for information and advice. THE ROYAL COLLEGES The medical Royal Colleges are independent professional bodies governed by councils elected by the members. Membership of the Colleges is obtained by examination and is a virtually essential prerequisite for hospital specialist practice in the UK National Health Service. The Royal Colleges have a role in the quality of practice of their specialty recognised by government. They carry out this role by conducting their examinations, accrediting hospital training posts and providing some teaching and research. Doctors wishing to become specialists in the UK must undertake a training program approved by the relevant college. Please note (as in Australia) some specialities are more competitive to be selected into than others. It is worth seeking advice on this in advance.

Accident and Emergency Medicine: Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and the Royal College of Anaesthetists

Anaesthesia: Royal College of Anaesthetists

General Practice: Royal College of General Practitioners

44 The University of Melbourne

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

Occupational Medicine: Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians

Ophthalmology: Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Paediatrics: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Pathology: Royal College of Pathologists

Pharmaceutical Medicine: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK

Physician Training: Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Psychiatry: Royal College of Psychiatrists

Public Health Medicine: Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK

Radiology: Royal College of Radiologists

Surgery: Including - dental surgery

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

Internship Directory • 2011 45


Postgraduate training in the UK is managed through the Postgraduate Medical and Dental Deaneries. Most deaneries have Associate Deans specifically for Overseas Doctors and for Flexible Training. In some deaneries there are Associate Deans with responsibility for SHOs or F1-2 trainees or specific groups of specialties. You should contact the individual deaneries for further information. Many deaneries have their own matching services, and it is recommended that you contact them as soon as possible, as recruitment to trainee positions occurs about a year in advance. The Postgraduate Deaneries are also responsible for recruitment to specialist posts and training programs. So, please contact them in the future if you are interested in vacant specialist positions and further training opportunities. We note Australian medical qualifications are highly regarded in the UK, with the University of Melbourne well known. However the key issue is the policy requirement to provide training places first to suitably qualified UK and EEA-born applicants.

46 The University of Melbourne

ENGLAND (East of England Multi-Professional

Deanery) East of England Multi-Professional Deanery CPC1 Capital Park Fulbourn Cambridge CB21 5XE Tel: (44 1223) 743 300 Fax: (44 1223) 743 301 Web: (Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery) Director of Postgraduate General Practice Education KSS Deanery 7 Bermondsey Street LONDON SE1 2DD Tel: (44 20) 7415 3400 Web: (East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery)

Medical Recruitment East Midlands Healthcare Workforce Deanery Headquarters Office University of Nottingham Kings Meadow Campus Lenton Lane NOTTINGHAM NG7 2NR Tel: (44 115) 846 7165 Fax: (44 115) 846 7111 Web: (London Deanery) Medical Recruitment London Deanery Stewart House, 32 Russell Square LONDON WC1B 5DN Tel: (44 20) 7866 3100 Web:

(Mersey Deanery) Mersey Postgraduate Medical and Dental

Education Regatta Place, Brunswick Business Park Summers Road LIVERPOOL L3 4BL Tel: (44 151)

e/ (Northern Deanery) Specialty Dean Director Northern Deanery 10-12 Framlington Place NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE2 4AB Tel: (44 191) 275 4693 Fax: (44 191) 221 1049 Web: (North Western Deanery) Medical Personnel Manager North Western Deanery Three Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN Tel: (44 845) 050 0194 Fax: (44 161) 625 7502 Web: (Oxford Deanery) Medical Personnel Manager Oxford Deanery Postgraduate Medical

and Dental Education The Triangle, Roosevelt Drive Headington OXFORD OX3 7XP Tel: (44 1865) 740 601 Fax: (44 1865) 740 636 Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 47

(South West Peninsula Postgraduate Deanery) Associate Postgraduate Dean The John Bull Building, Tamar Science Park, Derriford Plymouth PL6 8BU Tel: (44 1752) 676 100 Web: (Yorkshire and the Humber Deanery) The Department for NHS Postgraduate

Medical and Dental Education Willow Terrace Road, University of Leeds LEEDS LS2 9JT Tel: (44 113) 343 1557 Web:

(Wessex Deanery) Wessex Deanery Southern House Otterbourne, Winchester Hampshire SO21 2RU Tel: (44 1962) 718 400 Fax: (44 1962) 718 401 Web: (West Midlands Multi-Professional

Workforce Deanery) West Midlands Deanery St. Chads Court 213 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9RG Tel: (44 121) 695 2222 Fax: (44 121) 695 2233 Web:

48 The University of Melbourne

SCOTLAND The main route to finding a PRHO post in Scotland is through the annual Scottish Foundation Allocation Scheme (SFAS) scheme. SFAS/default.asp See also Scottish Medical Training (NHS Education for Scotland – NES) The NES has overall responsibility for the management of postgraduate medical and dental training in Scotland. 2nd Floor, Hanover Buildings 66 Rose Street EDINBURGH EH2 2NN Tel: (44 131) 225 4365 Fax: (44 131) 225 5891 Email: Web: (Northern Deanery) Aberdeen Office: Forest Grove House Foresterhill Road Aberdeen AB25 2ZP Tel: (44 122) 455 4365 Inverness Office: NHS Education for Scotland Centre for Health Science Old Perth Road Inverness IV2 6JH Tel: (44 146) 325 5000 Web:

(South East Deanery) The Lister 11 Hill Square EDINBURGH EH8 9DR Tel: (44 131) 650 2609 Fax: (44 131) 662 0580

(East Deanery) Postgraduate Medical Office Level 7, Ninewells Hospital & Medical School DUNDEE DD1 9SY Tel: (44 1382) 496 516 Web: (West of Scotland Deanery) 3rd Floor, 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street GLASGOW G3 8BW Tel: (44 141) 223 1400


For information on the Pre Registration Matching Scheme in Wales

Section of Hospital Practice Postgraduate Medical & Dental Education 1st, 8th & 9th Floors Neuadd Meirionnydd Heath Park, Cardiff University Cardiff CF14 4YS Tel: (44 29) 2068 7419 Email: Web:


For further information please contact the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) Beechill House 42 Beechill Road BELFAST BT8 7RL Tel: (44 28) 9040 0000 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 49


Source: Merriam-Webster, Inc

accessed March 2011

50 The University of Melbourne

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In Canada and the USA, medical graduates are required to undertake a period of additional training or graduate medical education in an area of specific focus (such as paediatrics, family medicine, surgery, internal medicine, etc). This training is referred to as a "residency". The term "intern" is no longer used except to apply to someone in their first year of residency. Residencies vary in duration from 3-7 years, depending on the field. Finding and applying for a residency in the USA can be a long, complex and potentially expensive process. There are a number of broad stages to the process:

• Certification by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), including Steps 1, 2CK and 2 CS of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)

• Document verification by ECFMG

• Immigration and Visas (if you are not a citizen of the US or Canada) The International Medical Graduate's Guide to US Medicine and Residency Training, published by the American College of Physicians (ACP) in collaboration with ECFMG, is a valuable resource for international medical graduates and for residency program staff involved in graduate medical education. The book includes information on all aspects of the processes by which international medical graduates can achieve ECFMG Certification, secure positions in U.S. graduate medical education programs, obtain appropriate immigration status, understand and function within the U.S. medical education and health care delivery systems, and adjust to living and working in the United States.


An International Medical Graduate (IMG) or Foreign Medical Graduate (FMG) is any doctor who graduated from a medical school outside the USA or Canada. You are considered an IMG if your basic medical degree or qualification was conferred by a medical school located outside of the US, Canada and Puerto Rico, regardless of citizenship or nationality. The medical school must be listed at the time of your graduation in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED) of the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). The University of Melbourne Medical School is a recognised institution for this purpose. US citizens who graduate from Australian medical schools are also considered IMGs and must fulfil all the requirements applicable to all other graduates with foreign qualifications. IMGs are required to complete many examination and documentary requirements before taking up training positions, jobs and medical practice in the United States. Residencies The majority of residency places are allocated by an electronic matching service, known as the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). IMGs who want to undertake residency training in the United States must be certified by the Educational Commission on Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) to participate in the match for residency positions (Standard ECFMG Certificate). To be certified by ECFMG, you must take Steps 1, 2CK (Clinical Knowledge) and 2CS (Clinical Skills) of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) within a few months of completing your Australian medical degree. Please note that if you wish to participate in the 2012 Match, you should apply for step 2CS now. The deadline for completing all the requirements to participate in the match is usually the last day of November the year prior to the match (usually held the following February/March).

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Because the school year runs from February to December in Australia, you will complete your medical studies in December, or approximately 6 months before starting a residency in June. In order for graduates of foreign medical schools to actually begin their residency training in an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited residency program to which they have gained acceptance, there are two basic requirements which must be met by the start date of the residency:

1. Individuals must apply for and receive a valid ECFMG Certificate. This means that they must have met all ECFMG examination requirements, be graduates of a medical school listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), and satisfy all of the ECFMG medical education credential requirements, including verification of credentials with the applicant's medical school (you should not have any difficulty satisfying the ECFMG Certification requirements)

2. Individuals must possess legal status within the United States that allows participation in

graduate medical education, eg. J-1, H-1B, permanent resident status (green card) or other legally permissible visa option

Residencies are offered in 24 core medical specialties recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). The duration of required residency training varies from one specialty to another but is usually constant within each specialty. Most residencies begin at the Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) level. PGY1 positions that are clearly intended to be the first of several years within a specific residency program are designated as "categorical". Categorical positions are offered by programs that expect applicants who enter in graduate year one to continue until completion of training required for specialty certification, provided their performance is satisfactory. In contrast, other positions are classified as "preliminary". Preliminary positions provide one or two years of prerequisite training for entry into advanced programs that require one or more years of clinical training. Internal medicine, surgery and transitional year programs commonly offer preliminary positions. IMGs should note that progression beyond the PGY1 year in preliminary programs into specialty residency programs, may be quite competitive, and that a relatively small number of positions may be available. There are special considerations regarding these programs applicable to J-1 Exchange Visitor Physician Visas. A more detailed explanation of the different tracks can be found in the "Graduate Medical Education Directory", which can be purchased through the American Medical Association (AMA), or online from the AMA's Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA). Licensure Licences to practice medicine are granted only by the individual medical licensing authorities (state medical boards) of the various states and territories in the US. Each medical licensing authority sets its own rules and regulations and requires, as part of the licensing process, successful completion of an examination or other certification demonstrating qualification for licensure. However, all states require that applicants take and pass USMLE Steps 1 - 3 to obtain a full, unrestricted licence to practice medicine. In addition, all states require some GME training before a full, unrestricted medical licence will be issued, although the requirements vary considerably among the states. Because the decisions regarding acceptance of USMLE results are made by the individual licensing authorities, you are advised to contact the jurisdiction where you intend to apply for residency/licensure to obtain complete information. Contact details for each medical licensing authority are listed at the end of this chapter.

52 The University of Melbourne

Also, licensure requirements can differ considerably from one state to another, so it is important for you as a graduate of a foreign medical school contemplating entry into any GME or residency program to ascertain the specific licensure requirements of the state in which the program is offered. You should be certain that all state licensure requirements can be met within the time necessary to permit entry into and progression through the GME program under consideration. Training programs are often good sources of information about the licensure requirements in the state where they are located. The American Medical Association (AMA) publishes annually, a book titled State Medical Licensure Requirements and Statistics. It is available for purchase via the AMA. Steps Involved in Obtaining a Position in a Residency Training Programs In contrast to countries such as the UK or Australia where you do not need to decide until a few years out what specialty you would like to undertake, medical graduates in the US must decide relatively early on what they would like to specialise in. The steps involved in applying for a position on a residency training program in the US are detailed below.

1. Select a medical specialty for training - this is best done with the help of advisors, after speaking with physicians practicing in the specialties under consideration, and after determining what specialty would be most professionally satisfying. It may also be useful to research the overall number of positions available, the degree of competition in obtaining a position, and the experience of prior graduates of foreign medical schools, particularly graduates of your medical school, in obtaining residency positions in the specialties under consideration. The following guides will give you detailed information on the residencies available: "Graduate Medical Education Directory" (The Green Guide) "Careers in Medicine", Association of American Medical Colleges

American College of Physicians On-line Residency Database Residency Review Database, Scutwork

US News Best Hospitals Rankings

US News and World Report Graduate School Rankings

2. Compile a list of specific residency programs to which you would like to apply - using the Graduate Medical Education Directory or the online FREIDA on the AMA website; identify a number of residency programs in each specialty under consideration for submission of applications. Take into consideration the factors listed under selection of a specialty, as well as the location of individual programs, their hospital affiliations, the performance of their graduates and other issues. On-line FREIDA

3. Submit an Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) application - instructions for completing ERAS applications and a password for submitting the application via the

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Internet can be obtained from ECFMG. A critical part of the ERAS application is the listing of residency programs to which copies of the application will be transmitted. Note, however, that this list can be added to at any time, even after the NRMP final Rank Order List (ROL) date.

4. Submit an NRMP Match application - although not all residency positions are offered through the Match, the vast majority are, and it is wise for all graduates of foreign medical schools to at least enter the Match. If a position is subsequently offered outside the Match that is acceptable, it is possible to accept the position and withdraw from the Match without submitting a final ROL.

5. Participate in interviews when invited - most Program Directors consider the interview to be a critical part of the selection process and candidates are well advised to participate in interviews with any residency program that they are seriously considering.

6. Carefully consider any offers made during interviews - applicants may occasionally be offered a position at the time of the interview. Since accepting such an offer precludes participation in the NRMP Match, careful consideration should be given to the decision to accept or decline any position offered under such circumstances.

7. If applicable, investigate the various visa options available which would allow you to participate in graduate medical education programs in the United States.

8. Assuming no position has been accepted outside the Match, compile a final Rank Order List (ROL) and submit it to NRMP using the Rank Order List Input Confirmation System (ROLIC) via the Web using NRMP code and password by the designated final ROL date. All programs that are being considered may be ranked by the applicant, even if no interview was granted. However, most programs tend not to rank applicants who have not been interviewed. The applicant's ROL should take into consideration any indications that Program Directors have given as to the likelihood of being highly ranked. However, these indications should not be interpreted as commitments and other factors including the competitiveness of various programs should also be considered. Also, since it is possible to match with any program ranked, even if ranked very low, never rank programs where you definitely do not want to go.

9. Check the NRMP website on the date designated for announcement of your Match results, i.e. matched or unmatched.

10. Successfully matched applicants will receive letters of appointment from programs to which they have matched - letters should be signed and returned to the Program Director as soon as possible.

11. Applicants not matching should go to the NRMP website and click on Main Match where they can identify the locations of unfilled positions - those programs may then be contacted either directly or through ERAS in attempts to find unfilled positions, the so-called "scramble." This may require re-contacting ECFMG to request that additional ERAS forms be sent to the additional programs being contacted.

12. Graduates of foreign medical schools obtaining positions, by whatever route, who require visas to begin training should contact ECFMG for J-1 Exchange Visitor visas or the program offering the position for H-1B and other visas.

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IMGs are required to get the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certification before they can enter residency programs in the US. The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) is sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) of the United States, and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). It is a 3-step examination for medical licensure in the United States. Results of the USMLE are reported to medical licensing authorities in the United States and its territories for use in granting the initial license to practice medicine. Please note that from September 2010, international medical graduates must also submit an Application for ECFMG Certification BEFORE they can apply to ECFMG for examination. This application requires applicants to confirm their identity, contact information and graduation from or enrolment in a medical school listed on the IMED. Applicants must also confirm their understanding of the purpose of ECFMG Certification and consent to release of legal claims. More information is available from the ECFMG.

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)

To be certified by ECFMG you will need to have your medical diploma approved by ECFMG and pass all Steps 1, 2CK and 2CS of the USMLE. Please note that Step 3 is taken during residency by American students or international students who are planning to migrate. For certification by ECFMG you will NOT need to take Step 3 :

Step 1 assesses your knowledge and understanding of key concepts of basic biomedical science, emphasising principles and mechanisms of health, disease and modes of therapy. To be eligible for Step 1 you must have completed at least 2 years of medical school.

Step 2CK assesses your medical knowledge and understanding of clinical science, including

health promotion and disease prevention. It is recommended that before you take Step 2CK you complete your core clinical rotations. Applicants must pass both Step 1 and Step 2CK within a specified period of time.

Step 2CS assesses whether you can obtain a relevant medical history, perform a focused

physical exam, communicate effectively with the patient and clearly and accurately write up the patient encounter. You are also required to demonstrate proficiency in spoken English. To be eligible for Step 2CS you must have passed USMLE Step 1. Specific time limits for passing Step 2 CS may apply.

Step 3 Assesses whether you can apply medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical

science essential for the unsupervised practice of medicine. To be eligible for Step 3 you must have passed USMLE Steps 1, 2CK and 2CS. Step 3 is taken to obtain full unrestricted licence to practise. You will not need to take this step for ECFMG certification.

The USMLE Steps 1 and 2CK are offered by computer at over 500 test centres around the world and are administered by Prometric. Step 2CS is administered in the USA. Further information on testing centres can be found on their website There are 3 Testing Centres in Australia, located in:

SYDNEY Tel: 02 9267 8589 MELBOURNE Tel: 03 9682 6887

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PERTH Tel: 08 6254 2756 The fee for Step 1 and Step 2CK is US$780 in 2011 for each exam, plus you will be charged an additional International Test Delivery Surcharge of about US$140 for Step 1 and US$155 for Step 2 if taken outside the USA. The Step 2CS fee is US$1,355 in 2011. Please note that from 2011, Prometric will charge a fee if USMLE examinees change testing appointments <30 days prior to their scheduled test date. A free Information Booklet is available from the ECFMG and can also be downloaded from their website. Applicants for examination are required to read the relevant the ECFMG Information Booklet as well as the USMLE Bulletin of Information (available from the USMLE website):

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates 3624 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19104-2685 USA Tel: (1 215) 386 5900 Fax: (1 215) 386-9196 Email: Web:

Application information for Step 3 is available from the FSMB: Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300 Euless, TX 76039 USA Tel: (1 817) 868 4000 Fax: (1 817) 868 4099 Email: Web:

For examination content descriptions, sample test materials, performance data, and the latest information about the USMLE, you should go to the USMLE website:

USMLE Secretariat 3750 Market Street Philadelphia PA 19104-3190 USA Tel: (1 215) 590 9700 Fax: (1 215) 590 9457 Email: Web:

Another option regarding document verification for physicians applying for licensure is the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS). The FCVS was created in 1996 by the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States (FSMB) to provide a centralised, uniform process for state medical boards as well as private, governmental and commercial entities, to obtain a verified, primary source record of a physician's core credentials. The FCVS repository of information allows a physician to establish a confidential, lifetime professional portfolio that can be forwarded, at the physician's request, to any entity that has established an agreement with FCVS. Currently, the majority of licensing authorities accept FCVS-verified documents for licensure.

56 The University of Melbourne


The Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) is operated by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and provides a standard application form for all participating residencies, which currently includes most of the specialties with high numbers of applicants. ECFMG serves as the designated Dean’s office for all IMGs and is your primary contact for assistance and information throughout the ERAS application process. Almost all residencies begin on or about 1 July each year. To access the ERAS application software, a token must be requested via ECFMG;s OASIS which will allow you to access the AAMC MyERAS website to complete your residency application. A single application can then be completed which is then submitted electronically. Supporting documents (Dean's letters, medical school transcripts, letters of reference, etc) must be sent to ECFMG Support Services to be scanned and transmitted to the ERAS PostOffice. The application and supporting documents will then be automatically downloaded to all programs that the applicant has indicated. There are two separate fees for using the ERAS system: Students and graduates of foreign medical schools are charged a non-refundable ECFMG Application Fee (US$90) when they request their "token" from ECFMG. All applicants are charged the AAMC Processing Fee when they complete their application on the AAMC's ERAS website. This fee covers registration and includes application to up to 10 programs in each discipline (approx US$75). You should note that applying to ERAS is a separate and distinct process from applying to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) which is discussed in the next section. Many hospitals in the United States rely upon the NRMP for their trainees and do not select applicants who do not participate in the "Match." Applicants must apply directly to residency programs in addition to registering for the match. Applicants must register with both NRMP and ERAS to participate in the services of each. All ERAS applicants, including graduates of foreign medical schools, may apply to as many programs and as many specialties as they desire. However, additional fees beyond the initial ERAS Program Fee are required if applications are to be sent to more than 10 programs. The list of ERAS participating specialties and programs is published on the ERAS website. Detailed information regarding ERAS can be obtained on the ECFMG website:

ECFMG/ERAS Program PO Box 11746 Philadelphia PA 19101-0746 USA Tel: (1 215) 966 3520 Also- Email: Email: Web: Web:


The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) is also administered by the AAMC, and provides a uniform date of appointment to positions in graduate medical education (GME). The NRMP is not an application processing service; rather, it provides an impartial venue for matching applicants' and programs' preferences for each other consistently. The annual NRMP Match is the system by which applicants are matched with available residency positions in GME programs. Participants submit to the NRMP a list of residency programs, in order of preference. A final Rank Order List (ROL) must be submitted to NRMP via the Internet by a designated date, usually the third week in February. Ranked lists of preferred residency candidates are likewise submitted by the GME programs with available

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positions. The matching of applicants to available positions is performed by computer algorithm. The Match results announced in March of each year are typically for GME programs beginning the following July. Not all accredited programs participate in the NRMP, and not all positions in a particular residency program may be entered into the Match. However, applicants and residency programs participating in the Match to the point of submitting final Rank Order Lists (ROL) are bound by the outcome of that process. The 2011 Match Results - Largest Match in History According to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), this was the largest Match in history: 37,735 applicants participated which was only marginally more than in 2010 and approximately 12.000 more than in 2004. . Just under half the participants in the 2011 Match were U.S. medical school seniors (16,559), 489 more than in 2010. There were 3,769 participants who were US citizens and students from international medical schools with 50 percent of these matching to positions. This was the first year that the number of successful matches for US seniors exceeded 15,000 with slightly more than 94 percent of US medical school seniors matched to a first-year residency position. The number of non-US citizen IMGs who participated in the Match declined from 2010. However despite this, 41 percent were matched to positions. Other Information As noted above, not all programs participate in the NRMP Match, nor is any program required to offer all its positions through the Match. Some medical specialties have their own limited matching programs separate from the NRMP and applicants seeking entry into those residency programs would need to enter those match programs separately. In other cases, program directors may opt to offer all or some of their positions outside of the NRMP Match and instead directly offer contracts to applicants. These offers may be made at any time, but if offered and accepted then the applicant is no longer eligible to participate in the NRMP Match. Applicants who have not matched and programs that have not filled have a second opportunity to negotiate to find positions for the unmatched applicants and to fill open positions in residency programs. This is done using ERAS to contact the programs with unfilled positions directly and is sometimes referred to as "the Scramble."

National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) 2450 N Street NW Washington DC 20037-1127 USA Tel: (1 202) 828 0566 (Main match applicants) Fax: (1 202) 828 4797 Email: Web:


The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) is responsible for the accreditation of post-MD medical training programs within the United States. Individual medical educational institutions (universities, medical schools, hospitals) are free to offer as many residency training programs in as many medical specialties as they choose. However, only those programs that meet ACGME requirements receive ACGME accreditation, and that accreditation also limits the number of positions that can be offered in each program. Foreign nationals participating in the Exchange Visitor Program on J-1 visas are only eligible to enter into those residency positions that are accredited by ACGME.

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There are no formal restrictions on entry of graduates of foreign medical schools into any ACGME-accredited residency training programs, nor are there any quotas by programs or overall. However, various specialties and programs within those specialties vary in their competitiveness, and highly competitive specialties and programs have historically not offered as many positions to graduates of foreign medical schools.


If you are not a US permanent resident or US citizen, you can only enter a US residency program on a J-1 visa, unless you take USMLE Step 3 prior to coming to the US which will give you the additional option of entering your residency on an H-1B visa. If you hold a valid ECFMG certificate you are eligible to take USMLE Step 3 which is a clinical competency test. Step 3 is the national licencing test that most residents typically take after one year of training in the US. In fact, only certain states in the US will let you take Step 3 without doing the necessary one year of training in the US. J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa The ECFMG is authorized by the US Department of State (DOS) to sponsor foreign national physicians as Exchange Visitors in accredited programs of graduate medical education or training or advanced research programs (involving primarily observation, consultation, teaching or research). This is known as the Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program (EVSP). The objectives of this program are to enhance international exchange in the field of medicine and to promote mutual understanding between the people of the US and other countries through the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Exchange Visitors sponsored by ECFMG receive a Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1 Visa) Status (Form DS-2019). This document is used to apply for the J-1 visa. The J-1 visa permits completion of an accredited residency or fellowship program of up to 7 years, which leads to board certification. Following this however, you must return to your home country for at least 2 years once your training in the US is completed. More information can be found on the ECFMG website: H-1B Visa for College Educated Professionals The H-1B visa has no such restriction and allows a resident to look for a staff position anywhere in the US once their training is completed. An advantage of the H-1B visa is that you can convert to permanent resident status if you qualify through some other means (ie. visa lottery/spouse) at any time. However, you are only allowed to be in the US on a H-1B visa for a total of 6 consecutive years, after which you must exit for 1 year before re-entering. The H-1B visa holder can apply for a Green Card if a company wants to sponsor their application. E-3 Treaty Professional Visa If you hold Australian citizenship, the E-3 visa is a new temporary work visa category available only to Australian citizens. It is usually issued for 2 years at a time for work in a specialty occupation and has the same requirement definition as the H-1B work visa. The annual quota for E-3 visas is 10,500 (for Australians only), whereas the annual cap for H-1B visas is 65,000 globally. The E-3 visa can be renewed indefinitely, in 2-year extensions. You may find further useful information on immigration and visas on the following sites:

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Overseas Career Duke Visa Services

Carl Shusterman, Immigration Services The Visa Law Portal of Siskind, Susser,

Internship Directory • 2011 59


American Medical Association Publications "Graduate Medical Education Directories: 2011-2012" ("The Green Guide") "Graduate Medical Education Library on CD-ROM, 2011-2012" "Health Care Careers Directory 2011-2012" "State Medical Licensure Requirements and Statistics 2011"

Various Books available from

“The Successful IMG: Obtaining a US Residency”, Anagh A. Vora "The IMG's Guide to Mastering the USMLE and Residency", Keshav Chander "The International Medical Graduates' Guide to U.S. Medicine: Negotiating the Maze", Louise

B. Ball "Iserson’s Getting into a Residency: A Guide for Medical Students, 7th Edition", Kenneth V Iserson "The Residency Handbook", Lyle D Victor "First Aid for the International Medical Graduate”, Keshav Chander "From Medical School to Residency: How to Compete Successfully in the Residency Match

Program (Book with CD-ROM)", Roger P. Smith “The Successful Match: 200 Rules to Succeed in the Residency Match”, Rajani Katta &

Samir Desai Residency Guide for Foreign Medical Graduates

Behnam Medical Institute

International Medical Graduate Institute International Medical Placement Ltd


In the USA most states have areas of under service by physicians and specialists, called Medically Underserved Areas/Medically Underserved Populations (MUA/MUP). The National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3R Net) is made up of state organisations such as State Offices of Rural Health, AHECs, Cooperative Agreement Agencies and State Primary Care Associations. These not-for-profit organisations help health professionals locate practice sites in rural areas throughout the country. Each organisation has information regarding rural practice sites in their respective states. They will be able to assist health professionals and their families identify the resources necessary to meet the personal and professional requirements they seek. IMGs with J-1 or other visas should contact the state agencies listed on the 3R Net. For information regarding Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) the Bureau of Primary Health Care of the US Department of Health and Human Services has a searchable database of MUA/MUPs.

Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3R Net) Primary Health Care: The Health Center Program Rural Assistance Center


To practice as a specialist in the United States - including general practice or family medicine - you must have a medical licence in the state where you wish to practice and be recognised by

60 The University of Melbourne

the appropriate US specialty board. Each individual state has its own requirements for medical licensure, but all mandate that you must have passed all 3 steps of the USMLE. All physicians must have residency training in a particular medical specialty, and many practicing physicians go on to specialise in a particular area of medicine. A resident is trained to undertake independent medical practice within a chosen specialty on the satisfactory completion of a residency. Residents in a program accredited by the ACGME typically complete the education requirements for certification by a specialty board recognised by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Unfortunately, training and experience outside the US and Canada are rarely automatically recognised by any states or specialty boards. Therefore, to ultimately practice medicine in the US you should first do the required residency training in your specialty of choice in the US. All of the primary medical specialties and most of the recognised medical sub-specialties offer certification under the auspices of the ABMS, which has 24 member boards. Each medical specialty board has its own process of evaluation and assessment and specific information should be obtained from the individual specialty board or from ABMS. For a list of the member specialty boards, please contact:

American Board of Medical Specialties 222 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1500 Chicago, Illinois 60601, USA Tel: (1 312) 436 2600 Web:


The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) also conducts matches for advanced residency or fellowship positions in 43 sub-specialties, through its Specialties Matching Services (SMS). These positions involve further training after completion of the initial residency program and lead to certification in a specialty. These fellowship matches are made throughout the year and require separate registration materials. Contact the NRMP to obtain the proper enrolment materials:

Fellowships National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) 2450 N Street NW Washington DC 20037-1127 USA Tel: (1 202) 862 6077 Fax: (1 202) 828 4797 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 61


General inquiries for information on medical licensure and USMLE Step 3 may be directed to:

Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc (FSMB) 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Suite 300 Euless TX 76039 USA Tel: (1 817) 868 4000 Fax: (1 817) 868 4099 Email: Web:

Specific inquiries on medical licensure in each state should be directed to the medical licensing authorities listed below.

Alabama State Board of Medical Examiners PO Box 946 MONTGOMERY AL 36101-0946 Tel: (1 334) 242 4116 Fax: (1 334) 242 4155 Email: Web: Alaska State Medical Board 550 West Seventh Avenue, Suite 1500 Anchorage AK 99501 Tel: (1 907) 269 8163 Fax: (1 907) 269 8196 Email:

htm Arizona Medical Board 9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road SCOTTSDALE AZ 85258-5514 Tel: (1 480) 551 2700 Fax: (1 480) 551 2704 Web: Arkansas State Medical Board 2100 Riverfront Dr LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-1793 Tel: (1 501) 296 1802 Fax: (1 501) 603 3555 Email: Web:

Medical Board of California 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200 SACRAMENTO CA 95815 Tel: (1 916) 263 2382 Fax: (1 916) 263 2944 Web: Colorado Medical Board 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350 DENVER CO 80202 Tel: (1 303) 894 7690 Fax: (1 303) 894 7692 Email: Web: District of Columbia Board of Medicine 899 North Capitol Street, NE, First Floor WASHINGTON DC 20002 Tel: (1 877) 672 2174 Fax: (1 202) 727 8471 Web: Connecticut Medical Examining Board Department of Public Health Practitioner Licensing PO Box 340308 HARTFORD CT 06134-0308 Tel: (1 860) 509 7590 Web:

62 The University of Melbourne

Delaware Board of Medical Practice Division of Professional Regulation 861 Silver Lake Rlvd., Suite 203, Cannon Building DOVER DE 19904 Tel: (1 302) 744 4500 Fax: (1 302) 739 2711 Email: Web: Florida Board of Medicine Division of Medical Quality Assurance Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C01 TALLAHASSEE FL 32399-3251 Tel: (1 850) 488-0595 Fax: (1 850) 487 9626 Email: Web: Georgia Composite Medica Board 2 Peachtree Street NW, 36th Floor ATLANTA GA 30303-3465 Tel: (1 404) 656 3913 Fax: (1 404) 656 9723 Email: Web:

Illinois Division of Financial and Professional Regulation

320 West Washington Street, SPRINGFIELD IL 62786 Tel: (1 217) 785 0800 Fax: (1 217) 782 7645 Web: Professional Licensing Agency Medical Licensing Board of Indiana 402 W Washington Street, Room W072 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Tel: (1 317) 232 2960 Fax: (1 317) 233 4236 Web: Iowa Board of Medicine 400 SW 8th Street, Suite C DES MOINES IA 50309-4686 Tel: (1 515) 281 6641 Fax: (1 515) 242 5908 Web: Kansas State Board of Healing Arts 800 SW Jackson, Lower Level, Suite ! TOPEKA KS 66612 Tel: (1 785) 296 7413 Fax: (1 785) 296 0852 Web:

Hawaii Medical Board DCCA - PVL PO Box 3469 HONOLULU HI 96801 Tel: (1 808) 586 3000 Fax: (1 808) 586 2874 Email: Web: Idaho Board of Medicine 1755 Westgate Drive, Suite 140 PO Box 83720 BOISE ID 83704 Tel: (1 208) 327 7000 Fax: (1 208) 327 7005 Email: Web:

Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure 310 Whittington Parkway, Suite 1B LOUISVILLE KY 40222 Tel: (1 502) 429 7150 Fax: (1 502) 429 7158 Web: Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners PO Box 30250 NEW ORLEANS LA 70190-0250 Tel: (1 504) 568 6820 Fax: (1 504) 568 8893 Email: Web: Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine 161 Capitol Street, 137 State House Station AUGUSTA Maine 04333-0137 Tel: (1 207) 287 3601 Fax: (1 207) 287 6590 Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 63

Maryland Board of Physicians Dept of Health & Mental Hygiene 4201 Patterson Avenue BALTIMORE MD 21215 Tel: (1 410) 764 4777 Email: Web: Massachusetts Board of Registration in

Medicine 200 Harvard Mill Square, Suite 330 Wakefield, MA 01880 Tel (1 781) 876 8200 Fax: (1 781) 876 8383 Web: Michigan Board of Medicine Bureau of Health Professions, Licensing

for Health Care Professionals PO Box 30670 LANSING MI 48909 Tel: (1 517) 335 0918 Fax: (1 517) 373 2179 Web:

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice University Park Plaza 2829 University Avenue SE, Suite 500 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55414-3246 Tel: (1 612) 617 2130 Fax: (1 612) 617 2166 Email: Web: Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure 1867 Crane Ridge Drive, Suite 200-B JACKSON MI 39216 Tel: (1 601) 987 3079 Fax: (1 601) 987 4159 Web: Missouri Board of Registration for the

Healing Arts, Division of Professional Registration

3605 Missouri Blvd, PO Box 4 JEFFERSON CITY MO 65102 Tel: (1 573) 751 0098 Fax: (1 573) 751 3166 Email: Web:

Montana Board of Medical Examiners 301 South Park, 4th Floor, PO Box 200513 HELENA MT 59620-0513 Tel: (1 406) 841 2360 Fax: (1 406) 841 2305 Email: Web:

Nebraska Department of Health & Human

Services 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 95026 LINCOLN NE 68509-5026 Tel: (1 402) 471 3121 Web: Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners 105 Terminal Way, Suite 301 RENO NV 89502 Tel: (1 775) 688 2559 Fax: (1 775) 688 2321 Email: Web: New Hampshire Board of Medicine 2 Industrial Park Drive, # 8 CONCORD NH 03301 Tel: (1 603) 271 1203 Web: New Jersey State Board of Medical

Examiners PO Box 183 TRENTON NJ 08625 Tel: (1 609) 826 7100 Fax: (1 609) 826 7117 Email: Web: New Mexico Medical Board 2055 S. Pacheco Street Building 400 SANTA FE NM 87505 Tel: (1 505) 476 7220 Fax: (1 505) 476 7237 Web:

64 The University of Melbourne

New York State Board for Medicine Office of the Professions New York State Education Department 89 Washington Avenue ALBANY NY 12234 Tel: (1 518) 474 3817 Web:

Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine Bureau of Professional and Occupational

Affairs PO Box 2649 HARRISBURG PA 17105 Tel: (1 717) 787 8503

North Carolina Medical Board PO Box 20007 RALEIGH NC 27619-0007 Tel: (1 919) 326 1100 / 1109 Fax: (1 919) 326 1130/ 1131 Web:

Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline

Department of Health 3 Capitol Hill PROVIDENCE RI 02908-5097 Tel: (1 401) 222 5960 Web:

North Dakota State Board of Medical Examiners

418 E. Broadway Avenue, Suite 12 BISMARCK ND 58501 Tel: (1 701) 328 6500 Fax: (1 701) 328 6505 Web: State Medical Board of Ohio 30 E.Broad Street, 3rd Floor COLUMBUS OH 43215-6127 Tel: (1 614) 466 3934 Fax: (1 614) 728 5946 Web: Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure

and Supervision PO Box 18256 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73154-0256 Tel: (1 405) 962 1400 Fax: (1 405) 962 1440 Web: Oregon Medical Board 1500 SW First Avenue, Suite 620 PORTLAND OR 97201-5847 Tel: (1 971) 673 2700 Fax: (1 971) 673 2670 Email: Web:

South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation PO Box 11289 COLUMBIA SC 29211-1289 Tel: (1 803) 896 4500 Web: South Dakota State Board of Medical and

Osteopathic Examiners 101 N. Main Avenue, Suite 301 SIOUX FALLS SD 57104 Tel: (1 605) 367 7781 Fax: (1 605) 367 7786 Email: Web: Tennessee Department of Health Board of Medical Examiners Heritage Place Metro Center 227 French Landing, Suite 300 NASHVILLE TN 37243 Tel: (1 800) 778 4123 Fax: (1 615) 253 4484 Web: Texas Medical Board Physician Licensure PO Box 2029 AUSTIN TX 78768-2029 Tel: (1 512) 305 7010 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 65

Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

Physicians Licensing Board 160 East, 300 South SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 Tel: (1 801) 530 6628 Fax: (1 801) 530 6511 Web: Vermont Department of Health Board of Medical Practice 101 Cherry Street, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 70 BURLINGTON VT 05402-0070 Tel: (1 802) 657 4220 Fax: (1 802) 657 4227 Web: med_board/bmp.aspx Virginia Board of Medicine Department of Health Professions Perimeter Center 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300 HENRICO VA 23233-1463 Tel: (1 804) 367 4600 Fax: (1 804) 527 4426 Email: Web: Washington State Medical Quality

Assurance Commission Health Professions Quality Assurance PO Box 47866 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7866 Tel: (1 360) 236 2750 Fax: (1 360) 236 2795 Web: West Virginia Board of Medicine 101 Dee Drive, Suite 103 CHARLESTON WV 25311 Tel: (1 304) 558 2921 Fax: (1 304) 558 2084


Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing

Medical Examining Board PO Box 8935 MADISON WI 53708-8935 Tel: (1 877) 617 1565 Email: Web: Wyoming Board of Medicine 320 W. 25th Street, Suite 200 CHEYENNE WY 82002 Tel: (1 307) 778 7053 Fax: (1 307) 778 2069 Web: OTHER Guam Board of Medical Examiners Health Professionals Licensing Office 123 Chalan Kareta South Route 10 Margilao GU 96913-6304 Tel: (1 671) 735 7406-8 Fax: (1 671) 735 7413 Northern Mariana Islands HealthCare

Professions Licensing Board PO Box 502078 SAIPAN MP 96950 Tel: (1 670) 664 4809 Fax: (1 670) 664 4814 Puerto Rico Board of Medical Licensure and

Discipline Edificio GM Group – tercer piso Calle Ponce de Leon #1590 Marginal Carretera No. 1 (de Rio

Piedras a Caguas) Rio Piedras, PR 00926 Tel: (1 787) 782-8989 Ext. 6582 Fax: (1 787) 792 4436 Virgin Islands Board of Medical Examiners Department of Health 48 Sugar Estate ST THOMAS VI 00802 Tel: (1 340) 774 0117 Fax: (1 340) 777 4001

For information on State Medical and Osteopathic Medical Boards, you could also try the Administrators in Medicine (AIM) website:

66 The University of Melbourne


Source: Rural Recruitment and Retention Network

accessed March 2011

Internship Directory • 2011 67

OTHER COUNTRIES The University of Melbourne has no experience with internship applications in many other countries, and to comment on the processes for obtaining internships in these countries at this time is difficult. However, if you are interested in internships or registration in the countries listed below, we have included limited information as a guide:


If you would like information about specific countries not included here, please let us know and we will try to assist you.

68 The University of Melbourne



Registration is obligatory with the Botswana Health Professional Council.


Botswana Health Professions Council P/Bag 0038 Gaborone BOTSWANA Tel: (267) 391 4672


It is our understanding that internships are not available in Brunei hospitals, however postgraduate education and training are available through the Universiti Brunei Darussalam Institute of Medicine and the Medical Education Centre, RIPAS Hospital.


If you wish to practice in Brunei, we understand that you must be registered with the Ministry of Health, have General Medical Council (UK) or equivalent registration and your name must appear on the Register of Medical/Dental Practitioners and Dentists in the Brunei Government Gazette.


Director Medical and Health Services Ministry of Health Commonwealth Drive Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910 NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Tel: +673 238 1640 Email: Web: Brunei Medical Association PO Box 481 MPC Berakas, BB3577 NEGARA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Email:

USEFUL LINKS: Brunei Doctors Mess Club

Internship Directory • 2011 69



A licence to practice medicine is granted to graduates of recognised medical schools who have completed a 1-year internship. Those who have graduated abroad must hold a contract with the Government. Graduates are also obliged to work in government service after graduation. Registration is obligatory with the Fiji Medical Council.


Fiji Medical Council 1 Brown St Suva FIJI Tel: (679) 330 3647 Fax: (679) 330 4201 Email:



A licence to practice medicine is granted to graduates of recognised medical schools who have completed a 1-year internship, either in Mauritius or in the country of graduation.


Medical Council of Mauritius One way Floreal Road Cite Mangalkhan Floreal MAURITIUS Tel: (230) 698 8403 / 8340 Fax: (230) 698 8004 Email: Web:

70 The University of Melbourne



The Medical Council of India (MCI) issues Conditional Provisional Registration under Section 25(1) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 to candidates possessing recognised foreign medical qualifications to undergo one year internship training. Candidates must submit a copy of their medical degree, passport and 10+2 mark sheet or its equivalent (in original form) with the required fee (currently Rs.1000/-). You will be eligible for Permanent Registration on successful completion of the internship training. Our understanding is that the MBBS from the University of Melbourne is recognised by the MCI for this purpose. Please contact the MCI for further information:

Medical Council of India Pocket – 14, Sector – 8 , Dwarka Phase– 1 New Delhi 110077 INDIA Tel: (91 11) 2536 7033 / 7035 / 7036 / 7037 Fax: (91 11) 2536 7024 / 7028 Email: Web:

Please note that the President of India dissolved the Medical Council of India as it stood in May 2010 due to corruption charges received by the then President of the MCI, Ketan Desai. A six member Board of Governors was then appointed to take over the functioning of the MCI executive council for a period of one year. We are currently awaiting news of further developments in regards to the future functioning of the MCI. At the time of publication, our understanding is that the information provided in this directory regarding medical practice in India remains up to date. Since March 2002, Indian citizens possessing a primary medical qualification from overseas institutions must sit a screening test (Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FGME)), under Section 13 of the Act, in order to get provisional or permanent registration with the MCI or any State Medical Council. The screening test is conducted twice a year and consists of 3 x papers of multiple choice questions in: Pre-Clinical, Para-Clinical and Clinical Medicine and its allied subjects, including Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The test is conducted in English, and the duration of each paper is 3 hours. Candidate must achieve a minimum of 50% in each paper to pass. The MCI has delegated responsibility for the Screening Test to the National Board of Examiners in New Delhi. We understand that the test exempts those doctors having completed an internship and obtained board certification from five English-speaking countries including Australia. The Medical Council of India or the State Medical Councils issues provisional registration to successful candidates, who are yet to undergo one year internship in an approved institution and permanent registration to eligible candidates who have already undergone one year internship.


The process for obtaining an internship is as follows:

a. Contact the Medical Council of India in New Delhi (not the State Councils) for permission to do an internship in India;

Internship Directory • 2011 71

b. MCI reviews the syllabi after verifying the genuineness of the university (normally, universities in Commonwealth countries which are recognised in those countries are accepted);

c. After receiving MCI approval, identify a university in a state where you wish to do an internship and contact the Vice Chancellor's office to obtain permission;

d. Once the VC consents, contact the local State Government's Department of Medicine or Secretary of Education based at the Secretariat for consent;

e. After obtaining all these approvals, write to the Dean of any approved medical college affiliated with the respective university (there are currently more than 150 recognised medical colleges in India) seeking to be placed in an appropriate hospital for an internship. The Dean supervises and places you in a hospital with which they are associated, depending on places available and grades.

You will need to arrange to sit the MCI Screening Test prior to commencing your internship. Please note that the process may be lengthy and take as long as 5 ~ 6 months to complete.


72 The University of Melbourne


(Jammu and Kashmir) Jammu and Kashmir State Medical Council House No. 8, Sector-4, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu Tawi Tel: +91 194 245 2052

(Himachal Pradesh)

Himachal Pradesh Medical Council Old Dental Building, Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla – 1 Tel: +91 177 262 8046

(Punjab) Punjab Medical Council SCO No 25, Phase-I SAS Nagar, Mohali-160055 CHANDIGARH Tel: +91 172 226 6913 Email:


Uttaranchal Medical Council 107, Chander Nagar DEHRADUN-248001


(Andhra Pradesh) Andhra Pradesh Medical Council P.B.523, Sultan Bazar HYDERABAD – 500 095 Tel: +91 40 4657639 Email: Web:

(Goa) Goa Medical Council c/o Goa Medical College Bambolim, GOA 403202 Tel: +91 832 245 8723 Email:

(Karnataka) State Medical Council #70, 2nd Floor, “Vaidyakeeya Bhavana”, K.R. Road, H.B. Samaja Road Corner, Opp Basavanagudi Post Office, Basavanagudi, BANGALORE – 560004 Tel: +91 80 2662 0292 Email:

(Kerala) T.C. Medical Council of Kerala & Nurses & Midwifery & Dental Council, Red Cross Road THIRUVANTHAPURAM – 695035 Tel: +91 471 230 7227


Maharashtra Medical Council 189-A Anand Complex, 2nd Floor Sane Guruji Marg, Arthur Road Naka, Mahalaxmi, MUMBAI, 400011 Tel: +91 22 2305 3043

(Tamil Nadu) Tamil Nadu State Medical Council D-Block, 1st floor. TNHB Complex 100ft Inner Ring Road, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai Vadapalani CHENNAI – 600026 Tel: +91 421 2472 7603 Web:


(Arunachal Pradesh) Arunachal Pradesh Medical Council Directorate of Health Services Complex Room No. 321 & 322, 2nd Floor Naharlagun – 79110 Tel: +91 360 224 6708 Email: Web:

(Jharkhand) Jarkhand State Medical Council Bariatu Road, Ranchi-834 009 JHARKHAND Tel: +91 651 254 1316

(Orissa) Orissa Council of Medical Registration Health Education Bureau Block Bhubaneshwar ORISSA 751003 Tel: +91 647 240 2847 Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 73

(Assam) Registrar Medical Council of Registration Hengerabari GUWAHATI – 36 Tel: +91 361 226 1630

(Bihar) Bihar Council of Medical Registration Road No. 11D, Rajendra Nagar PATNA – 800016 Tel: +91 612 267 0913

(Chhattisgarh) Chhattisgarh Medical Council 1st Floor Above Dr. Balqamukund Sharma’s Clinic, Kankalipara, Near Nagar Nigam Ayurvedic Hospital Raipur, Chhattisgarh Tel: +91 771 222 5618 Email:

(Sikkim) Sikkim Medical Council Library Building, STNM Hospital Complex, PO Gangtok, East Sikkim – 737101 Tel: +91 3592 204 915 Email:

(West Bengal) West Bengal Medical Council 8, Lyons Range, 3rd Floor, KOLKATA, 760001 Tel: +91 33 2230 2674 Email:


(Delhi) Delhi Medical Council Room No 356, 357 & 368 3rd Floor, Pathology Block Maulana Azad Medical College Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI - 110 002 Tel: (91 11) 2323 5177/ 7962 / 7982 Fax: (91 11) 2323 4416 Email : Web:

(Haryana) Haryana Medical Council SCO No 3, Sector 20-D CHANDIGARH Tel: +91 172 270 6094

(Madhya Pradesh)

Madhya Pradesh Medical Council F-7, Sanchi Complex, Opp Board Office BHOPAL (MP) 462011 (MP) Tel: +91 755 276 7786 Fax: +91 755 255 1568 Email:

(Uttar Pradesh) Uttar Pradesh Medical Council 5, Sarvapalli Mall, Avenue Road LUCKNOW 226001 Tel: +91 522 223 8846 Email:


(Gujarat) Gujarat Medical Council ”Council House” Opp. Maniben Aruvedic Hospital B/s. New Civil Hospital Post Office Behind F.S.L. Building, Old Cariology Bldg AHMEDABAD – 380016 Tel: +91 79 2268 0534 Email:


Rajasthan Medical Council Sardar Patel Marg Opp. Residency C-Scheme JAIPUR – 302001 Tel: +91 141 222 5102

74 The University of Melbourne



A licence to practice medicine is granted by the provincial health authorities to graduates from recognised medical schools. Indonesian nationals with foreign medical qualifications are required to have their degree accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. All practicing medical practitioners must register with IDI or Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (Indonesian Medical Association). They then receive a letter or recommendation which is required for registration by the provincial or local medical authorities under the Ministry of Health.


Directorate General of Higher Education Department of National Education Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Jakarta 10270 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Tel: (62 21) 573 1436 or (62 21) 537 1466 Web: Ministry of Health Jalan H R Rasuna Said Blok X.5, Kav 4-9 Jakarta 12950 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Web: IDI - Ikatan Dokter Indonesian (Indonesian Medical Association) Jalan Dr G.S.S.Y Ratulangi No 29, Menteng Jakarta 10350 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Tel: (62 21) 315 0679 or 390 0277 Fax: (62 21) 390 0473 Email: Web: Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia Salemba Raya 6, Jakarta 10430 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Tel: (62 21) 3193 0373 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Farmako Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281 REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA Tel: (62 274) 560 300 Fax: (62 274) 581 876 Email:

Internship Directory • 2011 75



The Medical Practitioners Act 1978 requires interns to have provisional registration with the Medical Council of Ireland (MCI) during their intern training, and the training must be in a recognised intern training post.

The Medical Council of Ireland Medical Council Kingram House Kingram Place Dublin 2 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Tel: (353 1) 498 3100 Fax: (353 1) 498 3102 Email: Web:

Medical practitioners from outside the European Union may be temporarily registered with the Medical Council for a maximum period of 7 years. The purpose of temporary registration is to offer postgraduate training opportunities in Ireland to doctors who have qualified in medical schools outside the EU. Temporary registration can be a route to full registration, which allows unrestricted practice. Applicants will be required to successfully complete the Temporary Registration Assessment Scheme (TRAS) which includes clinical and language components. The language assessment is an international one (IELTS) and requires a minimum standard of 7.0. The clinical section includes Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) and OSCE (objective clinical structured examination) components. The IELTS can be taken in many centres around the world; the MCQ can be taken in centres in Egypt, India, Pakistan and Ireland and the OSCE clinical component must be taken in Ireland.


All internships in Ireland must include a minimum of three months in general medicine and a minimum of three months in general surgery. In 2002 the Medical Council approved the specialties of obstetrics & gynaecology, emergency medicine, paediatrics and psychiatry for internship training for the first time; each of these new specialties may be held for a minimum of two months and a maximum of three months. At the end of the internship each graduate will receive a Certificate of Experience in order to become eligible for full registration. Graduates should contact the individual hospitals for intern positions. Useful sites for information on hospitals and employment opportunities are:

The Ireland Medical Council

Irish Medical Directory (Hospital Directory)

List of Public Hospitals


Information on visas can be obtained from an Irish Embassy. Nationals of many countries do not require visas, however, the granting of a visa for Ireland is only a form of pre-entry clearance. It does not mean that you are granted permission to enter Ireland. With a visa you

76 The University of Melbourne

are only allowed to present yourself at the port of your arrival in Ireland. Immigration officers have authority to grant or deny your admission to the country. You should always carry the original documents or copies of the documents that you have submitted with your application, because the immigration officers might ask to see them before they decide whether to allow your entry to Ireland. A non-EU national must have a work permit (which is confirmed to the Department of Foreign Affairs by the Department of Enterprise and Employment) as well as a letter of appointment from an Irish hospital before a visa application will be granted. If you are granted a visa and you propose to stay in Ireland for more that 3 months, you are required to register with the Gardaí (Police) in the area in which you reside. This will be your permission to reside in Ireland, and you will be given a Certificate of Registration (Green Book). Information on visas and Consulates/Embassies around the world is available from the following websites:

Irish Embassies, Department of Foreign Affairs

Working in Ireland


To practice independently in Ireland doctors must complete recognised specialist training. The Medical Council recognises 13 postgraduate training bodies responsible for the provision of a wide range of postgraduate training programs. The period of postgraduate training ranges from 3 to 8.5 years, depending on the specialty. Following internship, training is divided into two periods, referred to as Basic Professional Training and Higher Specialist Training. The National Hospital Office of the Health Service Executive is the body responsible to regulate the number and type of appointments of consultant medical staff in hospitals providing services under the Health Acts, and to specify qualifications for such appointments.


Irish Medical News Irish Medical Times HPSS Jobs

The Irish Medical Council website has a list of approved specialties and sub-specialties and the appropriate training College, or visit the College websites listed below.

Anaesthesia College of Anaesthetists of Ireland

Emergency Medicine Irish Surgical Postgraduate Training Committee Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

General Practice Irish College of General Practitioners

Internship Directory • 2011 77

Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Occupational Medicine Faculty of Occupational Medicine Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Ophthalmology Irish College of Ophthalmologists

Paediatrics Faculty of Paediatrics Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Pathology Faculty of Pathology Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Physician Training and Medical Sub-specialties

Irish Committee on Higher Medical Training Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Psychiatry Irish Psychiatric Training Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists UK

Irish Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Public Health Medicine Faculty of Public Health Medicine Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Radiology Faculty of Radiologists Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland

Surgery Irish Surgical Postgraduate Training Committee Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

78 The University of Melbourne



Registration is obligatory with the Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel (Statens autorisasjonskontor for helsepersonell) (SAFH). Graduates must complete 1.5 years of internship (turnustjeneste) before being granted "authorisation" or unconditional registration.

Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel Postboks 8053 Dep Oslo NO 0031 NORWAY Tel: (47 21) 529 700 Fax: (47 21) 529 703 Email: Web:

Graduates with foreign medical qualifications must first have their degree recognised as equivalent of the Norwegian medical degree. Graduates from medical schools outside the EU/EEA must, as a rule, complete supplementary courses and exams, and a pre-practice period in order to have their foreign medical degree recognised as the equivalent of the medical degree conferred by the University of Oslo. Proficiency in Norwegian is also a requirement. Thereafter they must complete an internship of 18 months' duration before applying for permanent authorisation to practise as a medical doctor in Norway. While undertaking your internship, you must have a "turnus" (practical service) licence. This is required for practicing as medical practitioner in a subordinate capacity at a hospital, work in a casualty unit, etc. during state organised "turnus". The licence is necessary for accumulating experience counting towards authorisation. This assessment and testing is undertaken by the University of Oslo. You will need to contact the following for further information:

Secretariat for Foreign Medical Doctors Faculty of Medicine University of Oslo PO Box 1078 Blindern, 0316 Oslo NORWAY Tel: (47 8) 2284 0500 Email: Web:

For further information on registration and licensure, you should contact:

Norwegian Board of Health Supervision PO Box 8128 Dep Oslo NO 0032 NORWAY Tel: (47 21) 529 900 Fax: (47 21) 529 999 Email: Web:

Internship Directory • 2011 79


The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo does not arrange practical year placements or internships for students from other universities. Placements must be arranged directly between the student and a hospital.


Information about vacancies in the health sector may be found on the English website of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation:


Postgraduate medical education leading to Norwegian specialisation requires approximately 5 ~ 6 years of study/work in Norwegian hospitals. It consists of special courses, participating in the educational program of the institution where one is employed, and working as a doctor in various junior positions at recognised hospitals or hospital departments. There is strong competition for these positions. Specialist training positions are only available to candidates who can document an excellent command of the Norwegian language. An applicant must be authorised as a medical practitioner by the Norwegian Registration Authority for Health Personnel before beginning studies leading to specialisation, and they must reside permanently in Norway Postgraduate medical programs are administrated by the Norwegian Medical Association.

Norwegian Medical Association Postboks 1152 Sentrum NO-0107 Oslo NORWAY Tel: (47 23) 109 000 Web:

80 The University of Melbourne



The Papua New Guinea Medical Board was established under the Medical Registration Act of 1980. It reports directly to the Ministry of Health, and deals with the registration and discipline of medical practitioners. Medical graduates can apply for provisional registration at the end of their medical course. Please note that the length the internship program in PNG is 2 years. Graduates should also contact the individual hospitals to discuss opportunities to find intern positions. For information about registration, please contact:

Papua New Guinea Medical Board The Registrar of the PNG Medical Board Free Mail Bag, Port Moresby PAPUA NEW GUINEA Tel: (675) 301 3813 or 321 3784 Email


Department of Health PO BOX 807 Waigani National Capital District Papua New Guinea Tel: (675) 325 3827/ 301 3826 Fax: (675) 301 3742 Web: Medical Society of Papua New Guinea P.O. Box 6665 Boroko National Capital District Papua New Guinea Phone/Fax: (675) 320 2353 Email: A list of hospitals is available on the MedicsTravel website:

Internship Directory • 2011 81




A licence to practice medicine is granted to graduates who have completed a 1-year internship in general medicine. Nationals who have qualified abroad must take a special examination, the "Act 16" qualifying examination. Foreigners who have qualified abroad may practise temporarily by special invitation only. (ref: WHO website - /Sri_Lanka.pdf) Registration is compulsory with the Sri Lankan Medical Council (SLMC), under section 29 of the Medical Act:

Sri Lankan Medical Council 31 Norris Canal Road Colombo 10 SRI LANKA Tel: (94 1) 2691848 Fax: (94 1) 2674787 Email:


For information about internship you should contact the Sri Lanka Medical Association. Sri Lankan Medical Association Wijerama House, 6 Wijerama Mawatha Colombo 7 SRI LANKA Tel: (94 1) 1 269 3324 Fax: (94 1) 1 269 8802 Email: Web:


Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition

Postgraduate Institute of Medicine

82 The University of Melbourne

FURTHER TRAINING Professional Medical Colleges

Anaesthesia College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka

Dermatology Sri Lanka College of Dermatologists

General Practice College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka

Haematology Sri Lanka College of Haematologists

Medical Administration College of Medical Administrators

Microbiology Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

Oncology Sri Lanka College of Oncologists

Otorhinolaryngology College of Otorhinolaryngologists of Sri Lanka & Head and Neck Surgeons of Sri Lanka

Ophthalmology College of Ophthalmologists of Sri Lanka

Paediatrics Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians

Pathology College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka

College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka

Physician Training Ceylon College of Physicians

Radiology College of Radiologists

Surgery College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka

Venereology (Genitourinary) College of Venereologists of Sri Lanka

Internship Directory • 2011 83



International medical graduates wishing to practice in Thailand must provide proof of Thai residency and also pass the national medical licensing examination conducted by the Medical Licensing Board. The examination is held twice per year and has 3 parts Part 1 is a MCQ test in basic medical science Part 2 is a MCQ test in clinical science Part 3 consists of a modified essay question test plus an OSCE exam Part 2 and 3 can be taken after completion of the medical course, and applicants must have a license to practice in the country where they completed their medical education. Internships in Thailand are for one year, and doctors are required to spend a further two years in a rural area before they are eligible for specialised training. For more information about licensing and registration, please contact:

The Medical Council of Thailand Office of Permanent Secretary Building No. 6, 7th Floor Ministry of Public Health Thivanon Road, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel: (66 2) 590 1880 / 1 / 3 Email: Web:


Specialist training programs are administered by medical faculties across the country, and must be approved by the Medical Council of Thailand. Candidates who fulfil the Medical Council’s requirements are eligible for training and can enter the matching scheme organised by the Medical Council. For more information please contact the Thai Medical Council and/or the medical faculties. A list of some of the Thai medical schools is available on the MedicsTravel website:

84 The University of Melbourne


The following links may be useful to you in the future if you are looking to pursue employment or other training opportunities internationally.


Medics Travel "The Medics' Guide to Work and Electives Around The World" [book], available from the Hammicks BMA Medical bookshop "Medicine and Medical Education in Europe: The Eurodoctor" [book], available from Global Physician Recruitment and Consulting Global Recruitment UK Medecins Sans Frontieres Locumotion International Medical Sabbaticals (locum placements) Omni Jobs – Global Job Board


WHO "World Directory of Medical Schools" [electronic version] – final version December 2007 Has been replaced with the Avicenna Directory for Medicine


The Overseas Career


The Health Systems in Transition (HiTs) country series is produced by the European Observatory on Health Care Systems. They analyse health systems in 40 European countries, as well as New Zealand, Canada and the United States