Meezan Bank Abid

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Transcript of Meezan Bank Abid

Adul Wali Khan University Mardan

Business Internship Report On

Karkhano Branch peshawar

Submitted By:

Abid Ali Shah(MBA/149)

Cell No: 0314-9966033

SESSION: 2009-2011



Today the intrest based economic system has resulted in concentrating the wealth in the

hands of selected few creating monopolies and widening the gap between the rich and the

poor. In contrast Islam encourages circulation of wealth and regards its role as important

to an economy as the flow of blood to our human body.

Economic justice requires a workable economic system supported by an efficient banking

system. Interest based banking has proved to be inefficient as it fails to equitably

distribute wealth which is necessary for the well being of mankind.

On the other hand Islamic banking is efficient and ensures equitable distribution of

wealth.Thats why last few years have witnessed a dramatic increase in Islamic banking

the world over. At least two hundred Islamic banks and financial institutions have been

set up.

According to a research report, the growth rate of these institutions is 15% per annum. At

least two hundred billion US dollars are invested in this system. Many multinational

banks have opened Islamic banking windows or subsidiary of Islamic banking.

The information on Islamic banking is also available in books, CDs and websites in the

form of database, multimedia directories, and encyclopedias.

On the Shariah side, there are a number of scholars on Shariah boards of Islamic banks

who have compiled Fatwas, resolutions and articles on various issues of Islamic banking

and finance.

In Pakistan we have at least two very comprehensive reports on Islamic banking system

produced by Islamic Ideological Council 1980 and the Commission for Islamization of

Economy in 1992. Therefore Islamic banking is not a utopian idea. There is a need to

develop insight educate and train the bankers in the Islamic economic and banking




All praise to Almighty Allah, the most merciful and compassionate, who give me skills

and abilities to complete this report successfully. I am grateful to my parents who are

always been a source of encouragement for me throughout my life and from start to the

end of this report.

I feel deeply indebted to all my teachers for provision of inestimable, priceless and

valuable co operation and support.

I would also like to thanks Meezan Bank Limited for provision of valuable guidance and

information. I found every one very co-operative and helpful for providing me the

theoretical as well as practical knowledge about the function and operation of the bank.

Last but not least I would prefer to convey the credit to Hiast Authorities without whose

on time support and guidance it would be difficult for me to achieve this task


Abid Ali Shah




This Report is specially meant for the student of MBA. It is concerned to a brief study of

the operation, Function, tasks and services of Meezan Bank of Pakistan.

Banking play very important role in the commerce and economic development of a

country. Now-a-days banks are using different modern technologies, which influence the

managerial activities that are why I decided to do my internship Training in the bank.

Meezan Bank Limited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on January 27, 1997

and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In January, 2002 in a

historic initiative, Meezan Bank was granted the nation’s first full-fledged commercial

banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the State Bank of Pakistan. MBL is the

largest Islamic Bank in Pakistan with a network of 201 branches in 54 cities.

In preparation of this Report I have tried my best to provide all possible information

about the operation, function and tasks of MBL in brief and comprehensive form. The

report begins with the purpose of making such report than detailed introduction of MBL

discussed. It also includes management structure of MBL and different products and

services offered by MBL along with their features. It also includes a brief department

worked during internship and SWOT of MBL. I have also tried my best to use simple and

easy words.

To discuss the financial position of MBL financial statements and ratios are also shown.

The internship report ends with some recommendation after identification of some

problems observed during the course of internship.



Chapter – 1


Chapter – 1




The study is about the general operations and management of Meezan Bank Limited main saddar branch Hyderabad, and focuses on its function and operations, which was conducted through interviews in the branch.

Every student of MBA (Management of business administration) has to under go an internship program of six-eight weeks in any organization to get exposure to the real time business environment and to attain practical knowledge about daily operation of that entity. The real purpose of this internship program is to provide an opportunity to the students to see the practical applications of their background professional studies.

The repot is a reflection of my experience when I was internee in MBL, main saddar branch, Hyderabad. Meezan Bank Limited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on January 27, 1997 and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In January, 2002 in a historic initiative, Meezan Bank was granted the nation’s first full-fledged commercial banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the State Bank of Pakistan


It is necessary for the student of MBA that they should be acquainted with practical applications of business studies and should gain business experience. In this connection every student is required to undergo an internship of at least six weeks in any organization. It not only gives us a chance to interact with the people already working there this enable us to get to know the financial institutions concern’s atmosphere and business stature in Hyderabad. Purpose of the study was two pronged.

1.2.1 General Purpose


This study offers knowledge and experience of courses studied.

To improve the writing and analytical skills of students.

To familiarize the student with the practices and working environment during the


1.2.2 Specific Purpose:

A partial fulfillment as a requirement for the completion of MBA degree.

To objectively observe the operations of Meezan Bank of Ltd in general and the

operations of MBL, main saddar branch Hyderabad in specific.

To get acquaintance to the banking operations.

To make recommendations or implementation plans for the improvement of the

operations of MBL, main saddar branch Hyderabad in the light of our

professional studies.


The study covers two areas with its variables, which affects the operations of the branch directly, or indirectly. These two areas of variables are:

Branch specific variable.

Bank specific variable.

The branch specific variables are the variables under the control of the branch management and directly affect its operations e.g.

Layout of the branch.

Customers’ relations.

Departments in the branch


Online banking.

The bank specific variables are those variables, which are not in control of the branch management e.g.


History of MBL

Services provided by MBL

Role of MBL


Chapter – 2



Chapter – 2



2.Data Collection & Methedology:

During my internship while I was compiling I use the following research methodologies.

Data Sources:

Both primary and secondary have been used in the compilation of this report. The methodology used is as under:


During the compilation of this report, I relied mainly on the primary data. The tools used for the collection of primary data are interviews and observation. To get primary data I also performed some practical work.


The secondary data was mainly used for as a background material and for purpose of references. The major sources of secondary data were the annual report 2010, management accountant’s journals, newspaper, books, and MBL website.

2.3 Research Approaches

Keeping in view my limitations during and the nature of the study, two research approaches were adopted. These research approaches are:





The Study was subject to the following limitations, the absence of which could have made this report more accurate, systematic and factual:

The very limited period of time was available to conduct the detailed analysis,

which delayed procurement of comprehensive and complete per day visit, which

also cause some difficulties in obtaining adequate information.

The bank officials because of secrecy of the bank matters didn’t answer the

number of questions.

The non cooperative behavior of some staff members.



Chapter – 3



Chapter – 3





Islamic Finance:

Islamic finance was practiced predominantly in the Muslim world throughout the middle Ages, fostering trade and business activities with development of credit. In Spain and the Mediterranean and Baltic states , Islamic merchants became indispensable middleman for trading activities. In fact European financier and businessmen later adopted many concepts, techniques, and instruments of Islamic finance. The financial system is founded on the absolute prohibition of the payment or receipt of any predetermined. Granted rate of return .this closes the door to the concept of interest and precludes the use of debt- based instrument. The system encourages risk sharing promotes entrepreneurship, discourages speculative behavior, and emphasizes the sanctity of contracts.

3.2 The Islamic Economic System:

One of the forms of capitalism, which has been flourishing in non Islamic societies, is the interest based investment. There are normally two participants in such transaction. One is the investor who provides capital on loan and other manager who run the business. The investor has no concern whether the business run in to profit or loss he automatically get interest.

3.3 Riba:

Definition of Riba


The word Riba means excess, increase or addition, which correctly interpreted according to Shariah terminology, implies any excess compensation without due consideration .(This definition of Riba is derived from Quran and is unanimously accepted by all Islamic scholars)


There are two types of Riba .1. Riba An Nasiyah2. Riba Al Fadl

1. Riba An Nasiyah: Defined as excess, which result from predetermined interest which a lender receives over and above the principle (Ras ul Maal).

2. Riba Al Fadl: Defined as excess compensation without any consideration resulting from a sale of goods.

Commercial Interest And Usury:

In 17th century two new technical terms of interest emerged after the established of banking system.

Tijarti Sood :

Interest paid on loan taken for productive &profitable purposes.

Sarfi Sood :

Interest paid on loan taken for personal need and expenses.

3.4 Islamic banking:

The interest free system envisages the gainful use of one’s saving with other on the basis of profit and loss sharing in a defined manner. Effective from Jan 01, 1981, the Nationalized commercial banks and now all other commercial banks in Pakistan have introduced the profit and loss sharing (PLS) Deposit Scheme features of which as under .

PLS- Saving Accounts


PLS Term Deposit Accounts

Investment Of PLS Deposits

3.5 Modes of Islamic Banking :

MURABAHA Literally it means a sale on mutually agreed profit. Technically, it is a contract of sale in which the seller declares his cost and profit. Islamic banks have adopted this as a mode of financing. As a financing technique, it involves a request by the client to the bank to purchase certain goods for him. The bank does that for a definite profit over the cost, which is stipulated in advance.

IJARAH Ijarah is a contract of a known and proposed usufruct against a specified and lawful return or consideration for the service or return for the benefit proposed to be taken, or for the effort or work proposed to be expended. In other words, Ijarah or leasing is the transfer of usufruct for a consideration which is rent in case of hiring of assets or things and wage in case of hiring of persons.

IJARAH-WAL-IQTINAA contract under which an Islamic bank provides equipment, building or other assets to the client against an agreed rental together with a unilateral undertaking by the bank or the client that at the end of the lease period, the ownership in the asset would be transferred to the lessee. The undertaking or the promise does not become an integral part of the lease contract to make it conditional. The rentals as well as the purchase price are fixed in such manner that the bank gets back its principal sum alongwith with profit over the period of lease.

MUSAWAMAH Musawamah is a general and regular kind of sale in which price of the commodity to be traded is bargained between seller and the buyer without any reference to the price paid or cost incurred by the former. Thus, it is different from Murabaha in respect of pricing formula. Unlike Murabaha, seller in Musawamah is not obliged to reveal his cost. Both the parties negotiate on the price. All other conditions relevant to Murabaha are valid for


Musawamah as well. Musawamah can be used where the seller is not in a position to ascertain precisely the costs of commodities that he is offering to sell.

ISTISNA_A It is a contractual agreement for manufacturing goods and commodities, allowing cash payment in advance and future delivery or a future payment and future delivery. Istisna’a can be used for providing the facility of financing the manufacture or construction of houses, plants, projects and building of bridges, roads and highways.BAI MUAJJAL

Literally it means a credit sale. Technically, it is a financing technique adopted by Islamic banks that takes the form of Murabaha Muajjal. It is a contract in which the bank earns a profit margin on his purchase price and allows the buyer to pay the price of the commodity at a future date in a lump sum or in installments. It has to expressly mention cost of the commodity and the margin of profit is mutually agreed. The price fixed for the commodity in such a transaction can be the same as the spot price or higher or lower than the spot price.

MUDARABAH:A form of partnership where one party provides the funds while the other provides expertise and management. The latter is referred to as the Mudarib. Any profits accrued are shared between the two parties on a pre-agreed basis, while loss is borne only by the provider of the capital.

MUSHARAKAH: Musharakah means a relationship established under a contract by the mutual consent of the parties for sharing of profits and losses in the joint business. It is an agreement under which the Islamic bank provides funds, which are mixed with the funds of the business enterprise and others. All providers of capital are entitled to participate in management, but not necessarily required to do so. The profit is distributed among the partners in pre-agreed ratios, while the loss is borne by each partner strictly in proportion to respective capital contributions.


Salam means a contract in which advance payment is made for goods to be delivered later on. The seller undertakes to supply some specific goods to the buyer at a future date in exchange of an advance price fully paid at the time of contract. It is necessary that the quality of the commodity intended to be purchased is fully specified leaving no ambiguity leading to dispute. The objects of this sale are goods and cannot be gold, silver or currencies. Barring this, Bai?Salam covers almost everything, which is capable of being definitely described as to quantity, quality and workmanship.



Meezan Bank Limited, a publicly listed company, was incorporated on January 27, 1997 and started operations as an investment bank in August that year. In January, 2002 in a historic initiative, Meezan Bank was granted the nation’s first full-fledged commercial banking license as a dedicated Islamic Bank, by the State Bank of Pakistan.

Meezan Bank has clearly established itself as the largest Islamic Bank in Pakistan with the largest Islamic Banking branch network in the country. The banking sector is showing a significant paradigm shift away from traditional means of business and is catering to an increasingly astute and demanding financial consumer, who is also becoming keenly aware of Islamic Banking. Meezan Bank bears the critical responsibility of leading the way forward in establishing a stable and dynamic Islamic Banking system replete with dynamic and cutting-edge products and services.

During the eight years of its operations as an Islamic commercial bank offering universal banking services to customers, Meezan Bank has been one of the fastest growing banks in the history of Pakistan’s banking sector. Average growth in deposits has been 55% per annum during this period while the branch network grew from 4 to 201. The Bank has established a strong and credible management team comprised of experienced professionals, that have achieved a strong balance sheet with excellent operating profitability and strong ratios, which places the Bank at the top of the Islamic Banking industry. The Bank has been assigned a long-term entity rating of A+ with a ‘Stable’ outlook and a short-term entity rating of A1.

The Bank’s main shareholders are leading financial institutions of the Region namely, Noor Financial Investment Company, Kuwait, a leading investment company based in Kuwait; Pak-Kuwait Investment Company, a AAA rated financial entity in the country and the Islamic Development Bank of Jeddah. The established position, reputation, strength and stability, of these institutions add significant value to the Bank through Board representation and applied synergies.


The Bank has an internationally renowned Shariah Supervisory Board Chaired

by Justice (Retd.) Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani, an internationally renowned figure in the field of Shariah, particularly Islamic Finance. He holds the position of Deputy Chairman at the Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah and in his long and illustrious career has also served as a Judge in the Shariat Appellate Bench, Supreme Court of Pakistan. The Board also includes Sheikh Essam M. Ishaq (Bahrain), Dr. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah (Saudi Arabia) and Dr. Imran Usmani who is also the resident Shariah Advisor of the Bank. Dr. Imran is assisted by a team of professionals who strictly monitor the regular transactions of the Bank and are also responsible for Product Development.

The bank has developed an extraordinary research and development capability by combining investment bankers, commercial bankers, Shariah scholars and legal experts to develop innovative, viable, and competitive value propositions that not only meet the requirements of today’s complex financial world, but do so with world-class service excellence which our customers demand, all within the bounds of Shariah.

Meezan Bank has a strong technology focus. It has invested heavily in state-of-the-art software applications – namely Temenos T-24 and Oracle. It has also recently upgraded its hardware platform and also has a ‘hot’ disaster recovery site in place to cater to any unforeseen eventualities.

By implementing robust and aggressive strategic and tactical initiatives on the side of consumer banking, Meezan Bank aims to fulfill its prime target of providing customers accessibility and convenience, within an atmosphere and culture of dedicated service and recognition of their needs. The Bank has a rapidly growing branch network across all major cities nation-wide.

At Meezan Bank, we believe in adding value to our customers’ lives and businesses through dynamic and competitive products and services that fulfill their needs while conforming completely to the dictates of Shariah. At the same time, we endeavor to deliver competitive risk-adjusted returns to our stakeholders


1947The inception of Pakistan as the first Islamic Republic created in the name of Islam.


1980CII presents report on the elimination of Interest genuinely considered to be the first major comprehensive work in the world undertaken on Islamic banking and finance.

1985Commercial banks transformed their nomenclature stating all Rupee Saving Accounts as interest-free. However, foreign currency deposits in Pakistan and foreign loans continued as before.

1991Procedure adopted by banks in 1985 was declared un-Islamic by the Federal Shariat Court (FSC). The Government and some banks/DFIs made appeals to the Shariat Appellate Bench (SAB) of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.


1997Al-Meezan Investment Bank is established with a mandate to pursue Islamic Banking. Mr. Irfan Siddiqui appointed as first and founding Chief Executive Officer.

1999The Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan rejects the appeals and directs all laws on interest banking to cease. The government sets up a high level commission, task forces and committees to institute and promote Islamic banking on parallel basis with conventional system.

2001The Shariah Supervisory Board is established at Al-Meezan Investment Bank led by Justice (Retd.) Muhammad Taqi Usmani as chairman. State Bank of Pakistan sets criteria for establishment of Islamic commercial banks in private sector and subsidiaries and stand-alone branches by existing commercial banks to conduct Islamic banking in the country.2002Meezan Bank acquires the Pakistan operations of Societe Generale and concurrently Al Meezan Investment Bank converts itself into a full fledged Islamic commercial bank. The first Islamic banking licenseis issued to the Bank and it is renamed Meezan Bank. President General Pervez Musharraf inaugurates the new Islamic Commercial Bank at a formal ceremony in Karachi.



Meezan Bank establishes itself as the pioneer of Islamic Banking in Pakistan and quickly establishes branches in all major cities of the country. A wide range of products are developed and launched consolidating the Bank’s position as the premier Islamic Bank of the country Al Meezan Investment Management Limited (AMIM), the asset management arm of Meezan Bank, introduces Meezan Islamic Fund (MIF), the country’s first open-end Islamic Mutual Fund.2004The State Bank establishes a dedicated Islamic Banking Department (IBD) by merging the Islamic Economics Division of the Research Department with the Islamic Banking Division of the Banking Policy Department. A Shariah Board has been appointed to regulate and approve guidelines for the emerging Islamic Banking industry. The Government of Pakistan awards the mandate for debut of international Sukuk (Bond) offering for USD 500 million. The offering is a success and establishes a benchmark for Pakistan. Meezan Bank acts as the Shariah Structuring Advisor for this historic transaction.

2005Meezan Bank becomes the first customer of Islamic Insurance (Takaful) by signing the first Memorandum of Understanding MoU with Pak-Kuwait Takaful Company Limited (PKTCL). The signing of this MoU has ushered Pakistan into a new era of Islamic Insurance (Takaful).

2006A number of new dedicated Islamic Banks, namely Bank Islami and Dubai Islamic Bank, commence operations in Pakistan.Meezan continues its leadership position in the industry by more than doubling it branch network to a total of 62 branches in 21 cities, clearly establishing itself as the largest Islamic Bank of the country. Meezan Bank, becomes the first Islamic bank to introduce 8 am to 8 pm banking at selected branches in Karachi.

2007Meezan Bank opens up its 100th branch. Two new dedicated Islamic Banks start operations in Pakistan, namely Emirates Global Islamic Bank and Dawood Islamic Bank.

2008With 166 Branches (including 35 sub-branches) in 40 cities across Pakistan, Meezan Bank is clearly positioned as the leading Islamic Bank in the country. Work starts on the construction of Meezan Bank’s new Head Office building.The financing and investment portfolio of local Islamic banks reached Rs. 185 billion in December 2008 compared to Rs. 137.6 billion in December 2007. Market share in the overall banking increased to five per cent at end December 2008 compared with four per cent at end December 2007. Total assetsof Islamic banking reached Rs. 271.1 billion in December 2008 compared to Rs. 205.2 billion in December 2007.2009Branch network of six dedicated Islamic banks increases to 480 Branches (Including Sub-Branches) with Meezan Bank having a 42% share of the Islamic Banking branch network in the country with 201 branches in 54 cities accross the country. Islamic Banking's share grows to over 5.5% of the total Banking industry



Establish Islamic banking as banking of first choice to facilitate the implementation of an equitable economic system, providing a strong foundation for establishing a fair and just society for mankind.


To be a premier Islamic bank, offering a one-stop shop for innovative value added products and services to our customers within the bounds of Shariah, while optimizing the stakeholders value through an organizational culture based on learning, fairness, respect for individual enterprise and performance.



To develop a committed service culture which ensures the consistent delivery of our products and services within the highest quality service parameters, promoting Islamic values and ensuring recognition and a quality banking experience to our customers.

3.12 Meezan Bank entity rating of AA- for medium to long term and A-1 for short-term

Meezan Bank entity rating upgraded by JCR-VIS: Meezan Bank has received entity ratings of AA- (Double A Minus) for medium to long-term and A-1 (A-One) for short-term. These ratings have been assigned  by JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company, which has also set Meezan Bank’s outlook on medium to long-term rating as “Stable”.

Meezan Bank’s ratings are based on its shareholding with world-renowned financial institutions, pioneering role in the industry, strong management initiatives in continuously introducing various range of Islamic products.


Medium to Long Term Short Term

AA+, AA, AAHigh: High credit quality. Protection factors are strong. Risk is modest but may vary slightly from time to time because of economic conditions.

A-1: High certainity of timely payment.  Liquidity factors are excellent and supported by good fundamental protection factors. Risk factors are minor.


Alhamdolillah, Meezan Bank has established 201 branches in 54 cities across Pakistan. This is a milestone that is not only the success story of Meezan Bank but also the continuing success story of Islamic Banking in Pakistan. With this extensive network, our existing and potential customers are now closer than ever in attaining Islamic Banking at their doorstep. All branches provide real time online banking facilities to customers.


As the first and largest dedicated Islamic Bank in Pakistan, Meezan Bank team continues to build on its Vision of establishing "Islamic Banking the Banking of First Choice". One of the key objectives of the Bank is to have its footprint strategically placed throughout the country enabling the public to avail the benefits of Shariah Compliant Banking in their neighborhood.

The Bank is currently segmented into three Regions of Pakistan. The cities in which the Bank presently operates are as follows:

Southern Region Central Region Northern Region

Hub (Lasbela)Arifwala Abbottabad



Karachi Burewala Dera Ismail Khan

Mirpurkhas Chiniot Dina

Nawabshah Daska Gujar Khan

Quetta Dera Ghazi Khan Haripur

Sakrand Faisalabad Havelian



Tando Adam Gujranwala Jhelum

Tando-Allah-Yar Gujrat Kohat

Hafizabad Mansehra

Jhang Mardan



Khanpur Nowshera

Khushab Peshawar

Lahore Rawalpindi

Lalamusa Swat

Mandi Bahauddin

Mian Channu



Rahim Yar Khan






Meezan Bank Limited and Islamic Relief sign MOU for launching Islamic Microfinance: Meezan Bank signed an MOU with Islamic Relief, an independent International Relief and Development Organization founded in 1984 in UK with offices in more than 25 countries, for launching Islamic Microfinance in Pakistan. Under the MOU, Meezan Bank will assist Islamic Relief to enhance its Islamic Microfinance operations in Pakistan by capacity building, training and product development support.

Public awareness seminars on Islamic Banking: Meezan Bank conducted 24 Islamic Banking seminars in 14 cities across Pakistan during 2009. Customers appreciated this initiative by Meezan Bank and requested that such seminars should be held more frequently since these help them in gaining a better understanding of Islamic Banking.

Launch of MBA in Islamic Banking at Riphah University, Islamabad: Meezan Bank Limited and Riphah International University, Islamabad signed an MOU for jointly launching a programme on Islamic Business and Finance for students and finance professionals. Meezan Bank will provide expertise in structuring the course, provide faculty for conducting credit hour courses and for


conducting workshops & seminars and share case studies and proprietary research.


Chapter – 4


Chapter – 4



There are 5 main departments at the branch:







Account opening and closing is the function of customer services department. The bank’s customers includes individuals (single or joint), firm (partnership/proprietorship), Autonomous corporations, Limited companies, Charitable Institutions, associations, Educational Institutions or local bodies.

Brief Explanation of these accounts is as follows


4.1.1 Products offered by this department:

a) Riba Free Rupee Savings Account Current account Saving Account

b) Riba Free Dollar Savings Account Foreign Currency Account


Account opening is the basic and first relationship, which is established between Bank and the customer. In account opening extreme care has to be exercised in case of completion of account opening documentation.

Whenever a client comes in the bank in order to open an account the first information that is given to him/her about the types of accounts, which can be opened, so far this purpose the client is given detailed information about the accounts and their respective profit rates.





4.1.4 Sub-categories of Accounts and the Basic Requirements:

MINOR ACCOUNT Bay form and copy of passport minor

National Identity card of Guardian

Signature requirement of guardian


Copy of national identity card

Complete account opening form


Letter of introduction if required

Visiting Card (if the person is employed)


As evident from the name these accounts can be jointly opened by any number of persons. The minimum number of persons required to open a joint account is two but there is no maximum limit.


National Identity card of all Applicants.

Signature of all Applicants.

Zakat Affidavit of all Applicants (zakat Examption).

Operation of account clearly mentioned.

The options available to operate the account are:


Either or Survivor

Other(s)(Please specify)


Certified copy of resolution

Certified copy of rules

Copies of National Identity cards of all directors/passports

Completed account opening form

Specimen Signature Card


Completed account opening form

Specimen Signature Card

Certified copy of trust deed

Copy of rules/by laws

Copies of National Identity cards of all trustees




Declaration Letter

Copy of NIC/Passport of the proprietor

National Tax Certificate

Declaration of Sole Proprietor on company letterhead

Business registration Certificate

Specimen Signature Cards and completed account opening form.


Partnership Deed, certified copy.

Photocopies of NIC of all partners.

Partnership Mandate (Prescribed Format).


List of Directors of company.

NIC of all Directors.

Copy of certificate of Incorporation.

Memorandum of Association.

Article of Association.

Copy of Board Resolution.

Latest Copy of Form-29

Stamp of Company, which is to be affixed on the account opening form.

Certificate of Commencement of Business


These accounts can be opened individually or jointly.

For men, the right hand thumb impression and for women, the left hand thumb impression is taken on account opening form.

The customer is given advice to come to bank by himself in order to withdraw any cash or deposit the cheque.



Photocopy of NIC of Account Holder.

Two-three passport size photographs.


First of all, after inquiring from the customer what type of account he/she wants to open, the account opening form is got filled from the customer and signed it. Along with the account opening form, the customer is also signed two Specimen Signatures Cards.

After fulfilling all the formalities of account opening, the computer generated account number is given to the customer that is of special series depending on the type of account.

REQUISITION SLIPA requisition slip is given to the customer to sign it so that the customer can get chequebook. Chequebook is issued after one day of receiving the requisition slip.


After opening the account “A Letter Of Thanks” is send to the customer in order to thank the customer for opening an account in the Bank. This letter tells all the information regarding his/her accounts, which are kept very confidential.


After an account is opened, an entry is made in the account opening register, which has the following columns:


Account Number

Name & Address

Telephone Number

Initial Deposit

Customer Services/Relation Officer enters the new account opened in computer and the Specimen signature Cards are also scanned so that whenever a cheque of the respective account comes for encashment, the signatures can be verified.

4.1.6 Overall functions performed by Customer Services Department:







In clearing process, if the account holder of MBL receives the cheque of other bank like City Bank, Habib Bank Limited etc, and he submits it in MBL branch to be cashed. At the same time the clearing process starts. First the bank name, Cheque number and the amount are written in the register. After this three kind of stamps are required first bank name stamp, secondly clearing stamp of next date and If the cheque is not local then the inter city clearing stamp is required.

Some cheques are local and some are outstation. The institution N.I.F.T. provides the services in clearing the cheque. They send the different cheque to different banks. The N.I.F.T service is only in few cities, like Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi. The cheque of inter city is send through N.I.F.T. And where, the N.I.F.T service is not available so the cheque is sent through T.C.S.

The clearance of cheque is informed through advice. Some cheque is not passed so they should return so Rs. 100 is deducted and if the cheque is inter city then the postage charges is deducted. For this purpose the Debit & Credit voucher is used. When the cheque is cleared the today stamp is required. Some cheque is drawn on MBL. This is called outward clearing. These cheques will be entered in the outward clearing register. And the advice is sent for the clearance of cheques. The account holder account is credited.

Inward clearing

Outward clearing


In the morning, the bank receives its own cheques, which have been presented by the customers in some other bank to be deposited in their account. NIFT provides the facility


of bringing cheques for inward and also takes the cheques of outward clearing to other banks. The cheques received in inward clearing are the cheques drawn on bank and the bank has to pay for them. For this purpose the bank makes clearing in computer by checking the balances of the respective customer, if their balances are up to the mark then that cheque is cleared and the respective customer account is debited with the respective amount. If the balances are short then that cheque is bounced back to the related bank.

Reasons for returning a cheque: All required stamps of Clearing, Crossing and Endorsement are not present on


Cheque is post date.

Refer to drawer

Effects not cleared, may be presented again

Amounts in words and figures differ.

If any of these reasons exists then that cheque is returned through NIFT and deducts Rs. 300 from customer’ account as cheque returned charges.

Then the report of returning any cheque is sent through fax to the head office Karachi. After this put the entry in Cheque return register showing the following columns:


Title of account

Account number

Cheque number

Bank and Branch name

Reason to return


All the cheques of other banks which are deposited to MBL are presented in outward clearing. This is said as outward clearing because they are presented on the very next day after depositing a cheque.







If a customer holds two accounts in the bank and he/she wants to transfer money from one account to other account, customer writes a cheque and fills deposit slip in which he/she writes account number to which amount is to be transferred. After making transfer entry in the computer, affix transfer stamp in the middle of the cheque, crossing on the upper left and bank’s endorsement stamp on the backside of the cheque.


Whenever clearing officer receives phone call from the customer inquiring about his/her account balance after confirming the name, address and other information he tells the balance through computer.


It is also the duty of department to issue a chequebook when an officer receives request from the customer. REMITTANCE

Another important department in MBL is Remittances Department. The remittances department transfers the funds from one bank to other bank and from one place to another place.In remittances department the collection take place. The MBL made payment of only open cheques on the counter and prohibits the payment of crossed cheques. MBL transfers money from one place to another by the following means:

a) Pay order

b) Demand drafts

c) Inward collection

d) Outward collection


Pay order is an order to pay money but this payment is to be made within city. In other words it can be said that the payee and the payer should be in one city.In pay order the payment can be made in

A) Cash

B) Clearing

C) Transfer



In case of pay order first of all the customer has to fill a pay order application form in favoring section: name, account number, amount, beneficiary name, address, etc.The data is entered in already set format of pay order in computer and pay order print out is taken. An authorized person and manager operations are signed pay order.The original copy of the pay order is given to the customer and carbon copy is kept with bank for office record.


An order to pay money to the payee who is residing outside the city. DD can be for a customer who may or may not have an account in the bank but the other person’s account must be maintained with the bank for which the payer has demanded the DD.


When the bank receives cheques of any other bank from its any branch situated in the some other city, then those have been dealt as inward collection. OTHER FUNCTIONS UNDER OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT


Lockers operations shall not be permitted under power of attorney of a customer. A customer wishing to allow another person or agent may be requested to open a new locker account under joint names and close the existing account.In offering this facility branches have to be selective and should provide lockers to the customers whose identity and integrity is verified, who should maintain account with the branch and have potential for deposits and other banking business. It is reiterated that honesty, creditability and good reputation of the customer is of utmost importance in the selection of customer for lockers.


Available in selected branches

Available in 3 sizes (small, medium and large)

For all eligible Account Holders

Key security Deposit PKR 3000


Application on Prescribed Form duly filled

Saving/Current Account with MBL

02 Passport size Photographs

b) Cheque Books Handling



The following products are handled under the operation department.

Certificate of Islamic Investment

Monthly Mudarabah Certificates

Dollar Mudarabah Certificates

Meezan Amdan Certificates

Meezan Providence Certificat


The cash department is the most important department of the bank. It receives cash from customers and then deposits it into the accounts of the customers and maintained their balances. This is the most important and critical department in a Bank. There are two basic functions performed by the cash department. These are

4.3.1 Receipts

An individual who has account in the Bank can deposit money in his account. For deposit of the money the individual has to fill the deposit slip in which the account holder writes his name, Account number, amount of the money both in figures and in words.

After filling the deposit slip the Cash amount along with the deposit slip is submitted with the cashier. The cashier collects the cash and counts it and after verification the cashier stamps the deposit slip. One part of the deposit slip is given back to the customer and the other part of the deposit slip remains with the bank for the record purposes.The cashier also record the deposits made by the customers in credit sheets daily. The deposits of all customers of the bank are controlled by mean of ledger account. Every customer has its own ledger account and has separate ledger cards in which his / her total record is kept.

Bill collection is also one of the main functions of bank. Cashier has to prepare a list of bills’ serial number, a copy of which is to be sent to the corresponding organization.


4.3.2 Payments

The procedure of clearance of a cheque or payments is as following. First of all the customer presents his cheque to the cashier. The cashier records the account number and the amount, which is to be drawn. Then the cashier check the cheque number in the computer for the verification whether the account holder has such amount in his account which he is demanding or not. If the computer passes the cheque, the Passing officer signs the cheque and sent it to the cash counter then cashier pays the written amount to the customer and then in the end cashier records the amount paid in computer.

4.3.3 In cash department following books are maintained.

Scroll book

Paying book

Cash balance book


When cash is received at the customer it is recorded in the scroll book.


The cashier makes entry in the paying cashbook when cash is paid.


The consolidated figure of receipt and payment of cash is entered in cash balance book.


The basis function of the bank is to accept deposit and lend money to the borrowers against a spread so to be able to give some profit to the depositors as well as to earn profit for the bank. The main function of the credit department is to lend money to the customer. MBL lends money in the form of clean advances against promissory notes as well as secured advances against tangible and marketable securities.

Islamic Financing for the following:




4.4.1 Type of customer and products offered by MEEZAN BANK LIMITED

Consumer finance

Easy Home (housing finance)


Car Ijara (auto finance)

Corporate Banking

Working Capital Finance

Project Financing for existing Corporate having expansion or BMR


Islamic Export Refinance Facility (Part I and Part II)

Trade Related Services

Commercial Banking

Working Capital Finance

Project Financing, Expansion or BMR Requirements

Islamic Export Refinance Facility

Trade Related Services

SME Banking

Working Capital Finance

Project Financing, Expansion or BMR Requirments

Islamic Export Refinance Facility

Trade Related Services

Investment banking

Syndications & Structured Finance

Project Financing

Financial Advisory Services


The account dealing with the foreign currency is called foreign currency account. Meezan home Remittance provides Quick Remittance in major currencies i.e.









4.5.1 Product of MBL for foreign currency

Riba Free Dollar Savings Account

Foreign Currency Account

Meezan visa dibit card

Dollar Mudarabah Certificates

With a minimum of only $100 you can open a Dollar Saving Account with us under a Mudarabah arrangement that is strictly in conformity with the principles of Islamic Shariah. The return earned on the Mudarabah pool is calculated every month and the profit ratio for all investors is declared at the beginning of the month. If you maintain a minimum average monthly balance of $ 500, you shall be eligible to receive profits that shall be credited to your account every month.If any person wants to import goods from foreign, an account is required and for international trading the FC is needed. MBL provide foreign currency on Pak rupee at booking rate and the central office sent RatesIn foreign currency department the remittance is sent through Foreign Telegraphic Transfer. The account holder can sent the amount in foreign bank account. If any transaction is made the daily report is given to the central office Karachi daily.

Different accounts can be open like joint account or company account. The thankful letter is sent for opening the foreign currency account to account holder and introducer. When any transaction is made the bank inform stock exchange daily. The foreign currency note is counted and recorded in the cash memo book. The people in the foreign country sent the amount through S.W.I.F.T. Weekly and monthly report of all the transaction is given to the stock exchange. Cheque book is also issued to the account holder & the foreign currency Account number is given to him. In this FBC & FBR is done. Debit Credit Voucher is used. The charges are deducted while closing the foreign currency account. And the cheque book is return while closing the account.

The branch sent excess foreign currency to its main branch. If any branch needs foreign exchange they sent to this branch



The letter and spirit of Islamic Banking rest upon absolute adherence to the Shariah. The foundations of a strong Shariah underpinning at Meezan Bank were laid from the beginning. A world renowned Shariah Supervisory Board and a highly qualified and experienced in house Shariah Advisor are fundamental aspects of the Bank's core USP.


The primary role of this board is to maintain and further strengthen this commitment and to ensure strict Shariah compliance in all the Bank's operations. The members of the Shariah Supervisory Board of Meezan Bank are Internationally-renowned scholars, serving on the boards of many Islamic banks operating in different countries.

The members of the Board are:

Justice (Retd.) Muhammad Taqi Usmani (Chairman)

Dr. Abdul Sattar Abu Ghuddah

Sheikh Essam M. Ishaq

Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani (Advisor)


The Board of Directors of Meezan Bank are:

H. E. Sheikh Ebrahim Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa (Chairman)(Minister of

Housing, Ministry of Housing, Kingdom of Bahrain)

Mr. Naser Abdul Mohsen Al-Marri (Vice Chairman)

Mr. Jassar Dakheel Al-Jassar

Mr. Rana Ahmed Humayun

Mr. Mohammed Azzaroog Rajab


Mr. Ahmed Abdul Rahim Mohamed

Mr. Nawal Ahmed

Mr. Alaa A. Al-Sarawi

Mr. Mian Muhammad Younis

Mr. Irfan Siddiqui (President & Chief Executive Officer)

Mr. Ariful Islam (Chief Operating Officer)


Share Holders Rs. in million %

Noor Financial Investment Company, Kuwait

3,429 49.11

Pakistan Kuwait Investment Company   (Pvt.) Limited

2,095 30.00


Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah651 9.32

Others808 11.57

Paid up Capital 6,983 100 %


Meezan Bank is managed by a team of professional bankers committed to the cause of Islamic Banking. This single unifying factor unleashes the tremendous power of a dedicated and motivated team committed to fulfilling the Vision and Mission of this Bank.

The business segments of the Bank are:

Corporate Banking

Investment Banking

Commercial Banking and SME

Consumer Banking

Treasury & Financial Institutions

Asset Management (managed through a subsidiary Al Meezan Investment

Management Limited.)


Retail Banking is organized in seven regions across Pakistan, namely South-I

Region, South-II Region, South-III Region, Lahore Region, Faisalabad

Region, Multan Region, and North Region.




Chapter – 5


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report

Chapter – 5


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report



It was very good experience of internship at Meezan Bank . I was introduced to different

aspect of money , banking and finance and found this field very interesting .This report

comprises my eight weeks of internship at Meezan Bank . Now first of all I described the

job description of the branch employees and what I have learned from different

department .

5.1 1st week

I started my first day of internship with the introduction of bank employees and with

introduction of bank departments. In This week just know how work done in the various

departments in the bank Like:




Operation Management etc

I knew about the purpose of the bank and the functions of the bank and judge the

practical performance of the departments.

I started my second day of internship with the lecture of the bank officer. He told

us about Riba and its types:

Riba al Nasiah

Riba al Fadl

Then he told about important element Basic Mode of Financing in which

Mudaraba and Musharaka lies.

I learnt about characteristics and procedure of Mudaraba and Musharaka.

Then I moved to Accounts Department for learning something new.

I learnt about IBTDR (Islamic Bank Term Deposit Receipts) and knew what its

meaning and functions.

Basically IBTDR involves Accounts:

Saving Deposit accounts

Term Deposit accounts


I knew about different types of saving accounts like MBA (Meezan Bachat

Account), KMA (karobari Munafa Account), COII, MMC, MAC and etc. these

are MUDARABA based deposits products.

I learnt about the profit rates of the accounts and procedures to open these


I learnt about also CDR (Call Deposit Receipts) and its procedure and knew its purpose and how to fill it an proceed.

5.2 2nd & 3rd week

I started this week with the lectures of the Bank officer about bank and its performance. I

learnt the actual means of practical work in the bank. First of all I started my work in the

ACCOUNT OPPENING DEPARTMENT of the bank in which I learnt how an account

can be opened in a bank, which documents are necessary to attach it with the account

opening form and how many kinds of account are used in bank like


Joint personal

Sole proprietorship

The requirement for opening these types of a/c are

Select the nature of a/c

Attested photo of applicant

Then the permanent address

NIC copy.


The reference of any person who has already the a/c or any respected personality

The other information related to the a/c filled on choice of applicant.

The signatures are done on form as well as on the specimen signature card from

where the signature will be scanned as a record in computer


Limited company



Association etc.


The requirement for opening these types of a/c are

5.2.1 For partnership

Attested photocopy of CNIC of all partners

Attested copy of Partnership Deed duly signed by all partners of firm.

Attested copy of Registration Certificate with register of Firm. In case the

partnership is unregistered this fact should be clearly mentioned on the a/c

opening form

Authority letter, in original, in favor of the person authorized to operate on the a/c

of the firm.

5.2.2 For Joint Stock Company

Resolution of Board of Directors for opening of a/c specifying the person(s)

authorized to operate the company a/c

Memorandum and articles of association.

Certificate of incorporation

Certificate of Commencement of Business

Attested photocopies of CNIC of all directors

List of directors on Form 29 issued by the Registrar Joint Stock Company

5.2.3 For Clubs, societies and Associations

Certificate copies of Certificate of registration By- law / rules &regulations

Resolution of the Governing Body / Executive Committee for opening of a/c

authorized the person to operate the a/c and attested copy of the CNIC of the

authorized person(s)

As understanding signed by all authorized persons on behalf of the institute

mentioning that when any change takes place in the persons authorized to operate

on the a/c, the banker will be informed immediately.

5.2.4 For Agents a/c

Certificate of power of Attorney

Attested photocopy of CNIC of the agent.


5.2.5 Trusts a/c

Attested copy of Certificate of Registration

Attested photocopy of CNIC of all the trustees

Certified copy of instrument of Trust.

"The most difficult task related to bank for a common citizen is to open an a/c in any

bank" said Sir Tanveer.

Then the two applicant forms are filled in front of me. It took too much time to gather the

information from applicant.

I filled up some forms for practical practices and knew about the nature of the


I practically performed how letter of thanks attached to the forms and send to the


I learnt about the different types of stamps, which are necessary for the account

opening and learnt about the use of the stamps at the right place.

I learnt how to attach signature specimen card to the account opening form for

bank record.

5.3 4th Week

I started my week of internship with the daily lectures of the bank officer (Mr. Subtain

[OGII]) who is the organizer of internship program for internees in meezan bank.

I learnt about the role of STATE BANK OF PAKISTAN in Pakistan’s economy

from the lecture and know about the prudential regulations briefly not explanatory

which are

Regulation M-1 Know Your Customer (KYC)

Regulation M-2 Anti-Money Laundering Measures

Regulation M-3 Record Retention

Regulation M-4 Correspondent Banking

Regulation M-5 Suspicious Transactions

In account opening department I learnt the use of ATM card and learnt how to fill

ATM form.


Then I know how to receipts are filled.

I learnt how on line payments are made and how cash or receipts are transferred.

First of all I learnt about ATM PIN ISSUANCE procedure and knew why it is

necessary for customer or account holder.

Then he showed us module in computer that how he enters the data of customer

and how it proceeds.

After proceeding computer shows a pin number that is issued for that customer

who filled the form for ATM. And this work is done means pin issuance by Head


Then I learnt about the term ATM Cash Replenish. He told us that how it works and

what its procedure and why it is used.

5.4 5th Week

I started my working day with some work, which has to complete from the previous week

with account opening forms.

I learnt about inward and out ward clearing and learnt how the transactions are


I learnt how to write the inward clearing cheques in the transaction record book.

I learnt to deduct the return cheques from the added amount of all cheques.

I learnt the entry of pay orders in the record book.

Know how of employees.


I started my work again in Accounts Department. The officer also does/handle the other

work Like REMITTANCE department.


I learnt about the PAY ORDER and DEMAND DRAFT. He told us the difference

of Pay Order and DD.

I learnt also about the procedure of it. I also saw the Pay Order cheque and knew

about its attributes.

But DD is not made in Sahiwal Branch. But sometimes if necessary then they

made it. But mostly Pay Orders are made and send it to other cities also. Only

Meezan Bank provide this opportunity of Pay Order to send outside the city also.

I also learnt about the facility of LOCKERS and its functions.

Lockers have 3 types of it:

Small Size Lockers

Medium Size Lockers

Large Size Lockers

The officer told us its functions and charges and I knew about that how can hold

locker and which documents are required for getting the lockers. Lockers are the

fire proof.

I attended the weekly meeting of bank manager with employees and attended the

lecture about modern way of banking delivered by the bank manager for the

success if the branch’s business.

5.5 6th & 7th week

I started my day with the daily lecture and general discussion about banking and scope of

banking in Pakistan in coming years.

I revised all practices according to account opening departments and cleared

my all confusion related to that department trough got work in that field.

I gave my feedback as a internee about the environment of the bank and about

my work experience in that department

I started my day with the daily lecture about Bank.

After that I went to ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT and started my work. First

of all I cleared my all confusions about the previous topics then I started to

learn further.


I learnt about FTT (Foreign Telegraphy Transfer) also known as SWIFT


In it I knew that how can get and send money from and to foreign countries.

He told us its procedure and function. I knew about how the message can

create and what sources are used for it.

Then I learnt about SMS ALERTS. He told us its function and I knew about

that what information is required for its activation and what information it

gives to customer through SMS.

I learnt what are the Local Posting and Online Transferring and how it is


Then I learnt what Stop Payment is and how it is performing and what its

terms and conditions.

I knew about what Account Closing is and what its procedures to close it and

what charges are required for it.

Then I saw the module of daily Accounts and Expense Entries posting. And

knew about the reason of entering it.

5.6 8th Week

I started my 8th week of internship with the lecture of the Bank Manager who is Mr.

Shoaib, the lecture was about Islamic banking and its differences in convention banking.

I knew about the Shariah and the sources of Islamic Shariah.

Then I learnt about Islamic Banking and knew what its actual meaning.

In Islamic Banking a term Riba Free is used which means “Avoid Interest”.

Islamic Banking is a system of Trade where Goods and Services are sold and

Capital is invested to earn Halal profit by taking Risk.

Interest Free Banking is subset of Islamic Banking concept representing a number

of Banking Operations which avoid Interest.

I learnt about Convention Banking which is based on Pricing money and earning


Apparently Islamic and Convention Banking may look same but Islamic Banking

is permissible means “Allah has permitted trade and forbidden Riba”.


I learnt about difference b/w Islamic and Convention Banking up to some extent.

Then I moved to next department that was ACCOUNTS DEPRTMENT.(with the

hold of IT deptt, Remittance deptt)

I started my work in Accounts Department.

The Officer who is Mr. Faysal gave the overview of his working that he does.

I learnt about cheques how to fill them and knew about its functions.

I learnt that in banking cheque is known as Dr. Instrument.

Then I learnt about cross cheque and cross cheque has two types:

Simple crossing

Special crossing

I knew also another type of cheque that is Order Cheque and its purpose and

function. That day I learnt about cheque procedure and its use in different ways.


Chapter – 6


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report

Chapter – 6


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report



6.1 Strengths:

First exclusive Islamic bank.

The largest Islamic Bank in Pakistan with a network of over 204 branches in 54

cities. And ending this year they have increase his branches in Pakistan to 280


Strong growth of its Islamic banking SBU. The members of the Shariah Supervisory Board of Meezan Bank are

Internationally-renowned scholars, serving on the boards of many Islamic banks

operating in different countries.

Meezan Providence Certificate is a long-term investment certificate specially

designed to cater to the needs of corporate and business concerns for purposes of

investing their Provident, Pension and Gratuity Funds. As any prudent investor,

your main concerns would be total security along with the best returns possible,

especially as these funds are a trust from your employees and one that bears an

important responsibility.

Karachi, August 20, 2008: Meezan Bank, the largest Islamic Bank in Pakistan has

been conferred the Best Islamic Bank Award by Rawalpindi Chamber of

Commerce and Industry.

The Chief Minister of Punjab Mr. Shahbaz Sharif bestowed this award to Mr.

Saleem Khan Regional Manger - North, Meezan Bank at 21st RCCI achievement

awards ceremony held at the Convention Center in Islamabad.

Dedicated and professional staff

Shariah board of renowned scholars

Healthy working environment

Strong shareholding


6.2 Weaknesses:

High charges for different activities such as online or Demand Draft as compared to competitors.

lack of promotions and advertising of their products and services.

Lengthy & extensive documentation

Centralized procedures making process slow

Weak marketing strategy, Target market not identified

Offering fewer services than the competitors

Risk Averse, approach of Head office.

The Islamic economic system is not something that can work in isolation of the

geo-political and legislative system, as well as, and more importantly the society's

behaviors towards the injunctions of Islamic Shariah in personal and collective

matters. Accordingly, one can easily imagine that in an economy whereby most of

the businessmen are not honest in fairly presenting the financial statements of

their businesses, how difficult it is to introduce a profit-and-loss sharing based

financial solution.

Meezan Bank Limited has no Credit card facility

Restricted Shariah based policies

6.3 Opportunities:

House financing sector can be targeted to maximize the profit.

Growing demand of Islamic financial product and services.

Venturing into Islamic groups out side the countries as opportunity to expand business in UAE and Golf states. i-e financial institutions.

Coming up with. Products for the SME to targeting the medium level customers.


Doing business with companies having Islamic mindset. I-e Islamic financial


Increase branch network within the country.

6.4 Threats:

New competitors setting up their Islamic banking sections and they have the infrastructure, skill, ability, resources & attitude to capture the market more than the Meezan bank.

High Interest Rate from SBP

SBP has not special policy regarding Islamic Banking.

Disassociation of Maulana Taqi Usmani from the Shariah advisory board of Meezan Bank.

Govt. policies are mostly for conventional banking system not for specially designed for Islamic banking.

Change in Government's attitude towards Islamic banking.

Fears on the credibility of Islamic banking ethical compliance and monitoring systems.

Reviewing this SWOT analysis from time to time would help evaluate the bank's position. It would help the management in comparing their strengths of the past with those of the present and to what extent the management has been able to overcome the weaknesses.



Liquidity Ratio:

It is the relationship between the current assets and current liabilities of a concern.

Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009Current Assets 6812761 10212269 9373577 7108685Current liabilities 3242446 4848440 3607766 5065513Current Ratio 2.1 2.10 2.59 1.4

Solvency Ratio:


Liquidity Current Ratio

2.1 2.12.59






1 2 3 4

2006 2007 2008 2009

Debt equity Ratio = Debt liabilities/ Net assets

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009Debt liabilities 24408794 36826824 57864137 74325579Net assets 6812761 10212269 5706656 5974978Debt equity Ratio 3.58 3.60 10.13 12.4

Profitability ratio:


Debt Equity Ratio




2006 2007 2008 2009

Series1 3.58 3.6 10.13 12.4

1 2 3 4

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009Net Profit margin 18.5 17.80 16.27 8.27Gross profit margin 43.83 45.86 46.39 54.61Return on capital employed

.018 0.0020 .0022 .0024

Return on capital employed =(PBIT / Capital employed)*100

PBIT = Core banking income before provision

Capital Employed = Equity + Long term liabilities

2009 6341 + 11025091 = 11031432

2008 5720 + 57864137 = 57869857

2007 4763 + 36826824 = 36831587

2006 3821 + 24408794 = 24412615


Profitability ratio




2006 2007 2008 2009

Series1 0.018 0.002 0.0022 0.0024

1 2 3 4

Investment Ratio:

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009Earning Per Share 1.16 1.88 1.96 1.26Price Earning Ratio 15.92 10.51 15.2 17.03Dividend Per Share 16 10 20 8.6

In 2008the per share earning is good but it decreases in 2009 1.96 to 1.26 so the

management has to give attention here.


Earning Per Share




2006 2007 2008 2009

Series1 1.16 1.88 1.96 1.26

1 2 3 4

Here the management has recovered their position and improved.

The dividend has decreased 20 to 8.6 R.s. This is very bad for company’s good will or

stock market. Management has to focus over it other wise the company has to bear more

loss in future.


Price Earning Ratio


15.2 17.03




2006 2007 2008 2009

Series1 15.92 10.51 15.2 17.03

1 2 3 4

Dividend Per Share






1 2 3 4

2006 2007 2008 2009

Capital Adequacy Ratio (Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio):

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009Average Ratio 1.67 1.57 1.70 .82Average Equity 16.70 15.64 10.30 18.39


Average Ratio

1.67 1.57 1.7



1 2 3 4

2006 2007 2008 2009

Average Equity

16.7 15.6410.3



1 2 3 4

2006 2007 2008 2009


Chapter –7


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report

Chapter –7


Chapter – I

Introduction to Report



On the basis of my experience with bank during the course of internship, I recommend

following suggestions:


In the case of performance appraisal, management should evaluate the performance of the

employees on merit and recommend their increments and promotions only on the basis of

real performance. Employees should be treated unbiased and appraisal should be

performance based not favoritism and likeness based. This not only appreciates the

employee but also improves his work and satisfaction, his practice will surely encourage

and motivate the employees for improving their individual performances, which will lead

towards overall improve in the situation.


Employees should be rotated after certain periods in order to enhance their capabilities

and make them able to compete in the changing environment of the market. In this way,

they will feel interested during working in different departments. The best way to

improve employee’s performance is to revolve them within organization often a specified

period of time. They will not only have leaning and training opportunities butt also they

feel attractiveness in doing new job and his performance improves.


Although most of the employees are unsatisfied but even then turnover rate is low. This

is due to the reason that some of them are on contractual bases so that they cannot avail

market offered opportunities. On the other side they may not be getting better

opportunities. Although the return is low for them yet it is reasonable, that’s why they are


still hero. They should be awarded with more benefits to improve their performance and

overall productivity, as satisfaction of internal customers leads towards satisfaction of

external employees.


The problem, which I have noticed faced by the employees in absence of an employee,

can be removed by hiring two employees in each department. In absence of any of the

employee other will be able to do whole work and employee from other department have

not to interfere in this department This will decrease over load of work.

Problem of shortage of employees can also be removed by adopting the above-

mentioned recommendation.


Cheques, which are drawn on Meezan Bank branch and returned unpaid in clearing, are

not reflected in the statement of account of the customers. These cheques must be

reflected in the accounts so that credibility of the customers may be assessed.


Knowing the customers and their needs is the key to business success. By attitude the

manager can improve the relationship with the customers. By having the understanding,

what a customer wants, the manager can improve the relationship with the customers.

Meezan Bank should understand that the commitment to satisfy customer’s needs must

be fulfilled within a professional and ethical framework. They should observe a culture of

high ethical standards, based upon development of right attitude.

Although Meezan Bank has been improving its corporate behavior, even then they should

continue their effort for better corporate behavior. There is a need of improving customer

relations in Meezan Bank. For attitude improvement special courses should be arranged

under specialized teachers, through lectures, seminars and other interactive techniques. It

will cost the bank but will be more profitable for the bank in the long run.



Commitment is a function of empowerment down the line, therefore, the future of

Meezan Bank lies in the fact that they should remain committed and necessary

empowerment should flow regularly to lower levels of hierarchy, so that the performance

delivery is made more flexible. With the empowerment of lower level employees they

will feel secure in the organization and they will work with devotion for the betterment of

the organization.


The employees should be given special training for marketing. Proper action should be

taken for marketing so that the increased sale of different products will result in increase

of the profit of the bank. The employees of the bank should be trained with the basic

concepts of the marketing under the guidance of the experts.


There is lack of healthy and entertainment activities like excursions on weekend, parties

and other important days, celebration in their tidy life. Such activities should be

encouraged at once in a month.



One of the most important aims of the student life is to express him / her correctly and

adequately. This was believed in my mind when I first decided to go to Islamic Meezan

Bank Limited to complete my internship program.

The organization has been not growing both in size and profit for past few years

and but repute in the market is good. The employee turnover is very high which they

have to cut down as they are losing a number of good trained employees due to its poor

policy. The year 2008 is expected to offer increased competition in the secured assets

business as more Islamic banks are in the market. With their focused strategy and product

development initiatives planned for the year, Meezan Bank is strongly positioned to meet

these challenges. The bank has very well repute in the market. Overall bank is going well

and doing a good business but there are few problems for that I have tried to give few

recommendations that might help company to improve. So finally this internship program

has helped me a lot in gaining practical knowledge of job that will help me in the

practical life once I complete my MBA.



Decenzo. David, A. and Stephen P. Robbins, (2004,). Human Resource


USA: John Willey and Sons Inc.

Ohani, MA. (2008) Advanced Accounting, Lahore; PaR-Imperial Book Depot.

Meezan Bank Ltd. (2005). Credit Manual, Karachi.

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