MeetMe video User Guide - BT Conferencing · Before your first meeting: Overview of MeetMe video...

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Transcript of MeetMe video User Guide - BT Conferencing · Before your first meeting: Overview of MeetMe video...

MeetMe video User GuideMarch 2016


Before your first meeting3 Overview of MeetMe video4 Setting up your invitation template5 First time users joining via Safari (iPad, iPhone, Mac)6 First time users joining via Internet ExplorerJoin your meeting7 Using Lync / Skype for Business8 Using an iPad or iPhone9 Using a browser10 Using an Android phone or tablet11 Using a room video system (most manufacturers)12 Using a legacy Polycom room video system13 Using a Cisco Immersive (Telepresence) video system14 Using a Jabber/Movi clientMore useful information 15 Browser controls16 Browser content management

Before your first meeting:Overview of MeetMe video conferences

1 Invite 3 Meet2 Join

Participants receive a conference invitation with the MeetMe video dial-in details in the email.

At the time of the conference, users click an address to join, or they can dial in using their phone.

The conference starts when thechairperson dials into the conference and enters the chairperson passcode.

Note that the addresses used by participants and chairperson are different. The chairperson passcode only works in conjunction with the chairperson address.

Before your first meeting:Setting up your invitation template

1Copy the “How to join the meeting” section of your Welcome Email

As a Signature, see: a Quick Part, see:

Locate the link for browsers

As the chairperson, you need to send the correct joining details to your participants. The joining details include video web links, URI or addresses, dial-in numbers and passcodes.

3Make it easy – save your selection as a Signature or Quick Part 2 Paste the section to a

calendar appointment

Before your first meeting:First time users joining via Safari (iPad, iPhone, or MAC)

You must return to Safari to join your conference.

Opening the “BT MeetMe video” app directly will not enable you to join conferences.

1 Tap or paste your linkCl ick your l ink or paste i t to the Safari navigation bar

5Return to Safari and click Join using the MMv app

2Enter your credentialsand click Join Conference to continue

Chairperson Participant

3Click Download App.You’ll be redirected to the App Store

4 Download and install the “BT MeetMe video” app

iOS device Mac

Before your first meeting:First time users joining via Internet Explorer or Firefox

You’l l join your conference automatically once the install is complete.

1 Click or paste your linkCl ick your l ink or copy and paste to the navigation bar 3

Click Continue to install the “BT MeetMe video” app and join

2Enter your credentialsand click Join Conference to continue

Chairperson Participant

Chairperson must enter the chairperson passcode.

Locate the link for browsers

• The link browser users looks like:

Join your meeting:Using Lync / Skype for Business

When joining as a chairperson, you will be prompted to enter the chairperson passcode. Type your passcode followed by #, the keypad should open automatically.

1Insert your addressCopy your joining address into the Lync/Skype for Business client search bar and press enter

3Chairperson onlyChairperson will be prompted

to enter their passcode fol lowed by #

Locate the address for Lync /Skype for Business

• The address for Lync / Skype for Business users looks like:

2 Join video callCl ick the Video button

Join your meeting:Using an iPad or iPhone

1 Tap or paste your linkTap your l ink or paste i t to the Safari navigation bar

Chairperson Participant

Chairperson must enter the chairperson passcode.

2 Enter your credentialsand click Join Conference

Locate the link for your device

• The link for iOS users looks like:

First time users joining via iPad or iPhone must download an app.

See the ‘Getting Started’ section for First Time users.

Join your meeting:Using a browser

1 Click or paste your linkCl ick your l ink or paste i t to the navigation bar

Chairperson Participant

Chairperson must enter the chairperson passcode.

2 Enter your credentialsand click Join Conference

Locate the link for your web browsers

• The link for Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsers looks like:

First time users joining via Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox must download an app.

See the ‘Getting Started’ section for First Time users.

Join your meeting:Using an Android phone or tablet

1 Tap or paste your linkTap your l ink or paste i t to the navigation bar

Chairperson Participant

Chairperson must enter the chairperson passcode.

2 Enter your credentialsand click Join Conference

Locate the link for your device

• The link for Android (Chrome) users looks like:

Join your meeting:Using a room video system (most manufacturers)

1 Enter the address 2 Join video callCl ick the Start or Call button 3

Chairperson onlyChairperson will be prompted to enter their passcode fol lowed by #

When joining as a chairperson, you will be

prompted to enter the chairperson passcode. Type your passcode followed by # to open the conference.

Locate the address for your device

• Most room video systems use a URI that looks like:

• Video room systems that do not support URI dialing can join using an alternate format listed on:

Join your meeting:Using a legacy Polycom room video system

1 Enter the dial string 2 Join video callCl ick the Start or Call button 3

Chairperson onlyChairperson will be prompted to enter their passcode fol lowed by #

When joining as a chairperson, you will be

prompted to enter the chairperson passcode. Type your passcode followed by # to open the conference.

Locate the dial string for your device

• Some legacy Polycom systems join using an address like:

• Video room systems may join using one of the alternate address formats listed on:


Join your meeting:Using a Cisco Immersive (TelePresence) video system

1Enter the prefix and access number then select Call 2

Enter a code when promptedChairperson: Room codeParticipant : Participant code

3Chairperson onlyChairperson will be prompted

to enter their passcode fol lowed by #

When joining as a chairperson, you will be prompted to enter the chairperson passcode. Type your passcode followed by # to open the conference.

Locate the dial-in number for your device

Cisco Immersive (TelePresence) devices use: • A calling prefix such as: 8 or 9• An access number such as: 13033057500 • Room & Chairperson codes or Participant code

Join your meeting:Using a Jabber / Movi client

1 Insert your addressCopy your address into the Jabber cl ient search bar 2 Join video call

Cl ick the Start button 3 Chairperson onlyChairperson will be prompted to enter their passcode

When joining as a chairperson, you will be prompted to enter the chairperson passcode. Select the keypad in the upper right and type your passcode followed by #.

Locate the address for Jabber or Movi

• Most Jabber/Movi clients join using an address that looks like:

• Jabber/ Movi clients that do not support URI dialing can join using an alternate format listed on:

More useful information:Browser controls

Note: Audio-only users are represented as one entry with the name “MeetMe Audio”.

Note: Your message will be seen by all conference attendees. Private messages are not supported.

Note: When “transferring video” to a different device, you must supply the address of the receiving device (such as ‘’ or ‘’). The sending device must have network connectivity to the receiving device.

Cl ick on the Bubble icon to send a

message to others who also have connected using the BT MeetMe Video App.


Cl ick on the Roster icon to view a

l i st of participants.Roster

Cl ick on the Display icon to choose video, video+content, or content. In addition you may transfer the video connection to another video device.


Cl ick on the Gear icon to select the des ired audio and video sources, and system settings including language.


Cl ick on the Dot icon to select how you would like to display the video and content.


More useful information:Browser content management

Exit: to leave the conference.Share Screen: Start sharing content.Screen Size: Full screen or shrink. Mute/Unmute Microphone: turn on/off your microphone. Blue means your microphone is off or muted.

Hide/Unhide self view: manage self view. Participants can still see you if you close your self view.

Mute/Unmute Camera: turn on/off video sent from your device.

Layout: Manage screen layout.Stop SharingMute/Unmute Microphone: manage your microphone.

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