Meeting The Lover Within online webinar schedule

Post on 11-May-2015

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The power point presentation for the 12 week online course and lecture series Meeting the Lover Witin; the faces of Romantic Love

Transcript of Meeting The Lover Within online webinar schedule

Meeting the Lover Within -

Online lecture and interactive workshop


Angeliqueenergy Healing

Human needs psychology


Jungian Depth Psychology

Family & organizational constellations


Tax Lawyer Big Four

International Executive Search


About me

is this course for you?

Meet the Archetypes

the tools, processes

Weekly schedule

The lecture - interactive workshop


“Love” an unconscious “battle” field?

Destructive patterns.

Stuck. Living in the past

Continuous triggered unconscious beliefs.

Negative emotions; indicators of “love” or something else?

A new dawn

I AM the common denominator in all relationships.

How am I at cause in my love-life.

My inner world; and how the unconscious affects me.

Practice for the week

Dynamic meditation, visualization

Journaling - active imagination

Manifestation processes

Raising your vibrations, clearing blocks

Collective Wisdom work

ArchetypesThe Lover

Anima - Animus


(Infinite) Self

Deliberate Co-Creator

Sovereign, Magician, Warrior


The Lover

Wounded or Inspired


(Unconscious) Identity

(Un)Conscious Beliefs

Vision (Focus)

Ways of Being

Healing the Lover’s heart

Toxic thinking, belief restructuring

Dysfunctional patterns - unconscious attractions

Redefine Self & Love

Answer Higher Love’s calling

Fall in love with a New Vision

Deliberately co-create your future

The Beloved within

The Anima / Animus

Captivated or Free?

Parental complexes

The Beloved “Other” within - without

Falling in Love

The Anima / Animus

Unconscious Projections

Who in you falls in Love?

Who is the Beloved in the Outer World.

Who is the Beloved in the Inner World.

Relationship Dynamics

The inner - outer world

Unfinished Business - Unconscious archetypall


Rescuer/Saviour/Rebel/Victim/Helpless Maiden

Dysfunctional unhealthy attractions

Blind Love - Higher Love

Week 1

Connecting with your Heart’s Desire

Fall in Love with the new Vision

Entering the inner world

A sacred Union

Using your emotions as higher guidance

Week 2

The Call of a Higher Love

How to recognize Blind Love?

Free the Wounded Lover from illusions

Free Self from the identificationbondage with the Wounded Lover.

Meeting the Inspired Lover.

Toxic ways of being

Week 3

The Anima - The Animus

Withdrawing projections for conscious healthy attractions to the “Other”

Freeing the Captivated Animus/Anima

Healing the Splits in Anima/Animus

Parental complexes

Unfinished Business - The system’s unhealed wound

Week 4

The Missing archetypes

The (Golden) Shadow

The Hero(ine) as a mediator

Which archetype is missing in your Love-Life?

Inviting in the Gifts of the missing archetypes

Mining the Gold, transforming outworn patterns

Week 5

Wholeness and Deliberate Co-Creation

Integrating the new archetypes in your life

How to relate consciously to the “free” Anima- Animus

How to tap into the wisdom of archetypes within

Transforming your love-life joyfully and creatively with the help of the archetypes

Co-creating a new love-life with the archetypes

Week 6

Wholeness and Deliberate Co-Creation

Revisiting the concepts

Applying LOA into your life


Art of allowing

Focus - Mental Olympics

Week 7

Stepping into a New Love with Love

Love in all its forms in your life

Love in vibrational reality

How to stop separating your Self from Love

Opening up and Allowing Love

Week 8

Allowing Love and Self to carry you downstream

Stop going upstream chasing Love

The Art of going downstream and chilling

The Art of Allowing


Trusting Divine timing and the How

Love in the Eternal Now

Let Love and Miracles surprise you

Week 9


Attracting who we are

Being a Vibrational Match to our Hearts desire

Right Focus

Grounded and Centered with the “Other”

Inspire your Self by Being the Oneso you are open to the “reality” of the


Stop projecting onto the “Other”, start appreciating

Week 10


Attracting who we are

Being a Vibrational Match to our Hearts desire

Right Focus

Dealing with contrast in relationships

Week 11

Consciousness and Choice, a path to Love

Self-Love , Self-honouring

Recognizing Compatibility and appreciating differences in relationhips

Vibrational matchmaking

Winning the game of Love by being playful but committed to your highest vision

To thine own Self be true

Week 12

Loving with an open Heart

Dating - Relating - Appreciating

Self and the “Other”

Inspired Loving and Living

Relationships from the Vortex

Interactive workshop Weekly review new practice

Group sharing

Collective wisdom work

More individual focus, accountability

Each week chapters of book: Sandra Anne Taylor - Secrets of Attraction, the Universal

Laws of Love, Sex and Romance

Webcam & headset required

Q&A12 weeks

1 hour lectures - recorded

£15,- per lecture or £100,- prepaid

Interactive workshop in closed group - 2 hours

(interview required)

£50,- per week, £550,- early bird

Tonights 24hr offer - £550,- for the full course plus 2 coaching sessions with me of

an hour.

Prepayment £200,-. required.

More inspiration



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