Medoll.Me Issue 2

Post on 22-May-2015

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This is issue 2 of Enjoy!

Transcript of Medoll.Me Issue 2

StarryeyeRead all about this months covergirl on page 3.

The suite life of….PRINCESSAMAANILady LookalikeRecreate Lady Gagas make up on your medoll.

Editors letter.Hey readers, As you can see I have changed the way you see the magazine. I now give out links to people and post it on stardoll. So in a way this is the first real magazine of I hope you like it. My cover girl this month is Starryeye she is a great person and has an fantastic medoll and suite. You can read all about her on page 3 . There is also a chance to look around my suite and I will tell you all about it on page 7. So I hope you enjoy this issue and have fun reading it.Princessamaani.xxxx

StarryeyeThe cover girl.


Starryeye is an 18 year old girl from the United States and has been a member on stardoll since 2008-02-09. She is an owner of 3 groups and the manager of 5 groups including!PART ONE:PA: Tell me a little about yourself.SE: I’m American and I model in real life. My real name is Alyson and I love Aly and Aj and Taylor and Avril. I also like singing, dancing, exercising, science, and painting and drawing. A lot I know!PA: What would be the three words that describe you the best?SE: Can I get someone to answer that for me as they know me better. PA: Yeah sure.SE: Ok he’s here. Pretty, organized and creative.PA: What’s you style in real life and on stardoll?SE: Oh that a tough one because I am pretty mixed. I mean one day I am scene the nest plain funk and then casual. Best of ALL worlds.PA: Yeah me too real life I am just jeans and t-shirt But stardoll I just explore. So do you buy a magazine every month?SE: More like 3 times a week. I buy mostly gossip mags. I buy vogue but it depends what’s in it.PART TWO:After a break Starry eye comes back with some news. She took a while because she tripped and hurt her ankle before the interveiw. After the usual are you ok? How are you now? They start chatting again. Princessamaani decides to move onto Starryeye's fashion shoot.PA: I can’t help but notice you have a lot of DKNY. Do you like it?SE: NO.... I LOVE IT!PA: So other than DKNY who else do you like?SE: On stardoll there is kinkywitz. She is an amazing designer. I love the tights made buy her in this fashion shoot.The girls discuss clothes and outfits during suite chat and come out with 3 amazing outfits. >

PA: So now I have chosen some it’s your turn. Pick an outfit of your choice.SE: Gosh this is tough I don’t know what to wear.PA: Anything.Starryeye pulls out loads of garments and the suite looks like a jumble sale. She finally settles with her beloved DKNY.PA: Thanks for talking with me. It’s been great fun.SE: It should be me thanking you. I have had sooooooo much fun. XXXXXXXXXX

The suite of Princessamaani

Princessamaani is the owner of and writes in the magazine. Here she talks about her suite and her favourite belongings in her suite.

I love my suite. I have worked really hard on it. Ok its not filled to the brim in every room. But I am working on it. The style is fashion.

I love this sofa. It is one of the first things I bought when I became superstar.

This lamp was a gift from my sister safiaiscool. It matches my bed.

My dressing table is very crowded it reflects me in real life.

My pier is not my best part of my suite. I need to work on it. Its on my to do list.

My balcony doors are absolutely lovely. I think windows add something special to your suite. I put them everywhere!

I LOVE this print I want it everywhere!

I got this chair for free from random house. It fills up any room.


Give your medoll the gaga look with white and blue makeup from dot. Follow the steps in order.




Black and White




KOHLSStardoll has a brand new shop and people from all over the world are rushing to buy the top NON-SUPERSTAR clothes. They are affordable and match with anything. They great designs come from Britney and Avril plus Mudd. So what you waiting for go BUY BUY BUY!

Is it fair?LE and Antidote are to stores on stardoll that only sell clothes for superstars. But even superstars aren't buying the clothes because they are at ridiculous prices. They cheapest are starting at 35 and that's only for a shelve. The question is: IS IT FAIR? Comment in my guestbook.

Like this?If you like this magazine and want more then join for updates on the magazine and also to take part in tasks to compete to be the top medoll in the whole of stardoll. Also when you join you are automatically entered into a competition to be the next cover girl of Plus when you join you will never miss an issue of this magazine. So join for lots more fun!


This month medollThis months medoll is MissSwilli1997. Do you love or hate this outfit? What do you think? Reply in the guestbook of Princessamaani.

We have sadly came to the end of magazine. But don't be sad because there's a new issue coming next month so never fear. Plus it will be bigger and better. There are always room for improvements. But if you can’t wait till next month. Join for comps and reminders when the next issue is out. Also when you join you get the chance to be cover girl.