Media studies: Question 3) What have you learnt about technologies?

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media studies: Question 3) What have you learnt about technologies?

By Anita Ofori

I have learnt that Timetoast is a very effective form of technology when constructing my media product because, Timetoast helps me to plan and organise tasks according to specific dates and deadlines. Without Timetoast, my schedules and dates will be very unorganised resulting in me being at an disadvantage because work would not be uploaded on time.

This Print screen displays how Timetoast looks like and how, I’ve organised the deadlines for my tasks such as, Preliminary tasks, Audience feedback and Evaluation tasks and the Magazine newsstands task. The deadlines are arranged in order according to the earliest deadlines making it more easier for me to upload work on time.

I have also learnt that Prezi is a very effective form of technology when producing advanced presentations as, Prezi consists of various themes and templates to choose from than Microsoft PowerPoint such as, Music themes, The Stepping stone themes and the Prophecy themes. In addition to, with Prezi you can also select a theme that relates to your musical genre. My theme for instance is R&B, and through the help of Prezi I could change the layout to a Vinyl recorder which is suitable towards my theme.

Moreover, I have also learnt that when uploading media work Blogger is an extremely effective form of technology to use because, through the post settings Blogger enables its users to change the dates on specific work so that users can keep up to date with the deadlines posted on Timetoast. Blogger is also very beneficial when constructing my media product as while I edit my media work I can exploit pictures, links and videos to display a visual outlook on my media product making it appear more clearer and creative towards my viewers.

As you can view, with Bl0gger I can simply change the date and time via Post settings to avoid going against my deadlines.

These are some of the features I can add towards my work such as, Videos, Links, Images and Jump breaks creating a visual outlook towards my work.

I have also learnt that, Indesign and Photoshop are very useful forms of technologies when creating publications. This is because, with Photoshop through selecting the image file I can edit images and texts in a highly professional and advanced standard than Microsoft word making my media product appear more realistic. In addition to, with Indesign my media product can appear less amateur as I can alter the layout of my publication through clicking on the Interactive feature within the Window setting according to whether I am creating a double page spread, a front cover or a contents page.

Liquid layouts on Indesign are extremely beneficial specifically when creating a double page spread because, it gives you the agility to proficiently create and manage multiple page sizes, direction and rotation.

Liquid layouts are also very popular amongst Music magazines such as, XXL, Vibe and NME.

The technology of Photoshop also consists of detailed and advanced editing features towards texts than Microsoft word. Such examples include: adjustments in size, rotation features, frequency of text depth features, language features e.g. Whether the text should be written in English or within other languages.

This Printscreen displays such editing features Photoshop consists of when modifying an image.

Such editing photos which enables images to seem professional include: Trim, Duplicate, Auto Tone, Auto colour and Adjustments.

In comparison with Photoshop, the editing features towards a text in Microsoft word is very basic and conventional with very few options regarding the shape, rotation and the depth of a text. This further reinforces that, the technology of Microsoft is less enhanced (developed) in contrast to, Photoshop.

I have additionally learnt about important camera technologies during the process of constructing my media product. For instance, when using SRL cameras you must not look through the main camera screen as you will be unable to view your model clearly therefore, you must look through the view finder (the smaller hole) in order to visibly view your model well. Furthermore, through the White Balance settings I can make white objects appear white in my images, reducing the effect of any flash by any light sources. Such features on the White Balance settings which help reinforce this result include: Flash, Incandescent, Fluorescent and Direct sunlight. To further include, I have learned that in terms of achieving the 3 point lightening effect it would be useful to adjust the Key Light, the Rim Light and the Fill Light. The Key Light defines the most visible lightning and shadows whereas, the Fill Light softens the light emitted from the Key Light and the Rim Light on the other hand, helps to visually separate my model from the objects surrounding it.

By Anita Ofori