Media front cover double page and contents.

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Media front cover double page and contents.


The Genre what I have chosen for my magazine is Rhythm and Beats , Hip hop category this is a personal interest of mine and I believe people would read this style of magazine.

The R&B genre can be classed a variety of genres put together this includes blues, soul, funk, pop, hip hop and dance. This Genre was created in the1960s. It all started with basic acoustic drums and saxophone and now has developed electronically. Now using synthesizers and smooth lush vocal arrangements, this improves the genre to and makes it more attractive and creates a wider audience.

Front covers

This picture is quite symbolic because Kayne West is a rapper and usually mainstream rappers choose the appearance of being covered in bling and jewelry he challenges the stereotype and appears to be quite formal with his polo shirt.

The typography is very sans the reason is because it seems very funky and the Kanye west logo is at a slant showing a childlike form, this is aimed towards at an younger audience. This links to the color and also shows that both genders blue for the boys and pink for girls.

Make up on his face is noticeable because his face is smooth and clear this signifies that he wants to present a flawless image of himself to represent rap artist with s positive image.

Also the camera has edited the image and gave the rapper a very strong glow to the face. This was done to make him appear more attractive, he did this so he can attract a female audience as well as male audience. This image could have been improved by well organized lighting.

This picture is a mid shot an it is iconic because you can see that usher is looking quite relaxed and cool he fits the stereotype of an general rnb artist. His posture is very up front cocky this is shown by his finger this is indexical because there is hint of aggressiveness as the finger could link as a swear gestures this oppositional reading as the audience would only want the information and not the attitude with artist.

The colours are very colourful and vibrant put also sets a cool tone linked to the previous side

Contents pages

This contents page is very iconic as the jacket is stylish and signifies that he is going for posed camera shot and does not look naturalistic. He dressed similarly to fashion model then a music artist.

The colors have been dulled down with tints of black a white to make grey this is a more mature approach in comparison to the cover page. This photograph could attract a more older audience as it also shows fashion.

The prop bag in his hand is indexical as it is unnecessary for it to be in the image this illustrator of the magazine wanted the bag and the stylish coat to draw in a wider audience and possibly more fans as he can also represent fashion. This links to long shot taken to fit in the whole outfit.

This is preferred reading as the director of the magazine wants to send multiple messages to audience showing him as and artist and his fashion sense.

The typography is small and has been positioned all along the left hand side in white to not clash with the background. Even though the writing is small it stands out with the white font being used.

The colors in the image are dull with just blacks and white. The only thing what is colored is a red love heart this is an iconic sign as the audience was meant to see it. This also makes the image symbolic as it could represent love and something which Kanye West wants. Another thing is that the picture seem seductive for something as he is being grappled by a female hand from over his shoulder to grab the heart.

Indexical signs are visible here is could mean that he wants a female women to take his heart and he wants to fall in love.

At the same time his face is very serious and tilt at a angle, this suggest that he thinks he's the big package and because he is rapper he can grab anyone he wants. He is also looking extremely well dressed in the photograph to once again break that stereotype.

The body language is very firm and is posed in a certain position to give a seductive flair to the audience.

Double page spreadThe picture looks very cliché because it is very common for a RnB genre with artist not looking directly at the character, this creates a bad boy impression to the audience this is an iconic sign

The typography is formal as its been put into paragraph sections .

The photograph on the left is more eye-catching than the writing on the right due to the color and the actual symbolism of the image.

The difference to the other double page is that the image is on the right this time but it still attracts the audience attention more then the written speech.

The suit he is wearing is very formal and this is iconic. Also the subheading of his name is very interesting as his name appears in bold on the other words are in a smaller informal font with makes the audience know that his name wants to be recognized.

Also there is an indexical sign with the French speech in pink this was purposely pink so that it can be noticed, this indicates that this magazine is international and RnB is popular in France and around the globe. And this also suggest that a French publicist has co edited the magazine