Media Evaluation

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Media Evaluation

  • 1. EvaluationSean Leonard

2. Front Cover
I have made my masthead the full width of the top ofthe page making it stand out more. I then decided to have it behind the band members heads giving the cover depth and fullness.
My magazine cover does not follow the usual conventions of a front cover as neither of the people on the cover are making eye contact. I decided to so this so that it was more original, and even though there is not eye contact it still jumps out and grabs your attention, as I placed the two band members over the mastheadgiving the cover more depth.
I have used emotive language such as secret to grab the readers attention and want to buy the magazine and find out more.
I specifically chose these images as they had a green tinge to them which followed my house style.
Even though I did not follow the conventions of the main cover image, I did follow other conventions such as the left hand third. I stuck with this as it gave my cover the best layout and when stacked on a news stand the Coverlines can be seen.
I have also made use of the Guttenberg diagram, with the beginning of the masthead and then the green disc with a chance to win festival tickets, drawing your eyes to these primary optical areas.
3. Contents Page
I decided that I would put my contents page into sections like most other magazines do. This helps to give the page a sense of order and organisation, making it easier to read. I put them into two categories, reviews and features.
I wanted to carry on the black and white imageidea which I used on the front cover, but then decided to put emphases on the girl therefore deciding to have her in colour, making her the first thing anyone looks at on this page. I also chose again to have her making no eye contact which although there is no contact between the reader and the image, yet it still manages to draw the reader in.
Like in most magazines that mention a music festival they use that festivals logo. After looking at this I decided to design my own music festival logo to make it look more realistic.
I carried on my house style throughout my magazine to give it unity and make the magazine flow.
4. Double Page Spread
I have made use of the Guttenberg diagram with the images on my double page spread this gives the page balance and splits the text up.
I used large letters to begin the text on each page this shows a clear divide between paragraphs. I then put pull quotes on both pages to grab the readers attention and break up the text making it look less daunting, and easier to read.
Whilst designing my Coverline I decided to position it in the top right hand corner leaving large areas of active white space
With my images again I decided to using black and white photos and then add colour to specific areas of the photo which I want to put emphases on.
5. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

  • My media product represents people from a working-class background. The style of music is mainly indie rock therefore is aimed at young people that enjoy listening to that genre of music. I have purposely chosen my models to wear clothes which fit in with the indie scene, such as a denim jacket and long tartan coat. This style is very chic and vintage, which again targets another audience. The house style of the magazine has a very unique colour scheme which runs throughout the magazine giving it unity and order, this relates to this audience as it has its own style and rules, which in turn make it work in a way.The magazine then has reviews of festival which could target different types of audiences but all of these represent one social group of indie. My audience will listen to modern music which has 80s inspiration.

What kind of Media institution might distribute your magazine?

  • My magazine is very similar to Q magazine and therefore would have the same target audience. So I would approach Bauer Media Group about distributing my magazine as they already now the relevant information about my target audience, and know which outlets my target audience purchase this style of magazine in. effectively giving my magazine the best chance of success.