Media evaluation

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Media evaluation

Media Evaluation

James Clark

Looking back on your preminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

• Looking back on my primary task I have come on well and have learnt how to make a good magazine, and how to use Photoshop and feel confident using it.

• Also I have learnt the conventions used in this type of media and how use them well.

• Also I have learnt how to upload and down load pieces of work properly.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

• A media institution is an organisation usually a business responsible for the production, marketing, distribution or regulations of media for example the BBC, ITV, Sky and CNN. These are all examples of key media groups in the UK.• I think that my magazine would fit in at Breuer media as it could a be a extra inside of kerrang! which is how kerrang started, this would also be good as Breuer have experience in the rock audience and would be very helpful to the magazine and they also know what sort of thing should be included in order to get to my target audience as they have a wide spread of audiences.• My magazine could extend into other areas as it could have it own radio station or a part on kerrang! Radio for an hour or so and have its own website, it could also have its own tour and stage somewhere in Britain this would be done through advertisement.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• Here some examples of software and hardware I have used in my project. E.g. blogger , PowerPoint , Photoshop , Microsoft word

• the hardware I used in my project e.g. Memory stick, computers and cameras.

• I learnt how to use Photo shop in using this project socially on my front cover and Double page spread, as I have to do alot of editing with my pictures and placement of text and cover lines.

• I have also learnt hoe to upload images to a blog and also how to structure a blog and how to present it well.

• The Hardware I have learnt to use in the camera I learnt how to take a picture in certain formats. I also learnt how to use a memory stick carefully and how to remove it from the computer with out damaging the files.

• I also learnt how to download from I used this to download the fonts for all my pages.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

• I think my magazine hits the audience I was aiming for which was 14-18 year old, I have done this with the picture as it will connect with my audience as the photos are of people there age so will connect, this is because the reader will have something in common and will feel a connection to the rockstar in the image.

• My magazine also has hits its target audience as it looks like a rock magazine its a little bit bright but that makes it stand out like rock should as its loud. Also the pieces of it that are dark keep with the theme of rock plus the bands I have featured connect with a rock audience and my target audience.

How did you attract/address your audience ?

• I attracted my audience with my bright colour scheme this attracted my audience as it made it easy to find and easy to pick out among other brands that use darker colours.

• I used big bold fonts to attract my audience this made it easy to read so that they didn’t have too read through the magazine to find what band are featured .

• I addressed my audience with the picture and back ground colours and the style I arranged my visual images. For example on the DPS I made some photos look like picture with some backing.

In what ways does your media product use , develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(Front cover)

• Conventions are rules used by media companies to make media products e.g. All magazines have to have a masthead.

• Some examples of media conventions used in magazines are Barcodes, Photos and style of photos, text in the form of articles and contents page.

• Looking at my front cover and a kerrang! front cover you can see there are some major differences such as the back grounding in the photos this comes into photo style in which I haven’t followed Kerrang!’s conventions , the fonts I used follow the conventions used by Bauer on Kerrang!

• But I think I have progressed with my colour scheme as it stands out more than kerrang! , also I think my font is the better of the too so I have progressed there as well.

• I have also challenged kerrang with my Masthead as I have a block colour back ground were as Kerrang do not this shows I have challenged the conventions of Kerrang!

• I have also challenged Kerrang! With my cover lines/exclusives as i have lade mine out different mines is places in the top left of my magazines Kerrang!’s is at the bottom .

In what ways does your media product use , develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(Contents Page)

• In my contents page I have followed the conventions Kerrang! In respects of the backing of the contents title, yet I used a more brighter colour scheme this challenges Kerrang!’s conventions of black and white, In my product I have also progressed from Kerrang! With my layout mine is more free in picture layout were as Kerrang!’s looks very organised.

• He is an example of my magazine following Kerrang! And adapting the colour scheme to make it stand out my audience and make it easy to see and read.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

• The class of my characters is middle class and are all male this is because the rock audience is mainly male and white also all my characters are this is due too where I live as there are not many different groups around me so I could only use white characters.

• The age of my characters also adds as it will help me to connect with my audience as they are the same age so this is something people there age can aspire to, something they dream about.

• The ethnic group my magazine aims at is white males as all my characters are white and male as this the audience of most rock magazines.

• The clothes my characters where show they are middle class as they are wearing fox huddies and jeans from bench this shows they are middle class like the audience of rock magazines as it shows they have money to spend of these top brands of clothes.