Media evaluation 1

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media evaluation 1

Normally in Indie Music videos such as Coldplay The Scientist (to the right) the Lead singer is seen Lip syncing, However in my music video I wanted the narrative to be more important as it was good clear and strong, I felt that having lip syncing would take away the effectiveness and confuse the viewer there for I decided to just have live band shots as this looked effective and their was a clear contrast to the narrative. I also choose not to have the actors in the narrative lip-syncing because I felt it looked better without.

I used an Establishing Shot in my music video, one to show the viewer where the scene is set and two because it is another typical element of a music video as you can see from the image (top right)taken from U2s video for beautiful day. The image taken from my video (bottom right is very similar. Also these images give Another meaning of the sky showing that its above looking down at everything going on.

• I choose to have live band shots again because it is typical indie music video convention as you can see from the 2 shot to the right my video and U2s Video are fairly similar.

‘Your out of luck’ as you can see from the top right image taken from U2s music video the actor has missed the cab and is running after it linking with the lyrics ‘out of luck’ I decided to use the same idea in my music video. ‘Has brought us to an end’ as you can see from the bottom right image that the couple fade away linking to the lyrics ‘has brought us to an end’. This technique makes it easier for the audience to understand an follow the narrative.

I Choose to reverse footage in my music video I took the idea from Michael Jacksons famous music video ‘ Earth song’ where as you can see from the top right image the smoke is going back into the chimneys I choose to use this technique in my music video also I reversed the couple holding hands to show the relationship breaking apart.

I choose to use relationship in my narrative when I saw it in U2s music video when doing my research so I decided to take this idea and use it as you can see from the too image to right one from my video and one from U2s music video they both show relationships and tell a story.

I choose to film my music video in an everyday location as I saw this done in many indie music videos so the audience can relate to the video I saw this done in Coldplay's music video (top right) and choose to use the same in my music video (Bottom right).

As you can see my magazine advert is effective and fits the indie theme well. It has a clear narrative and links to the title of the song ‘out of time’. It has all the conventions of a magazine advert clear and simple font style that fits the indie audience, reviews and how to find out more about the group, its not too crowed but pleasing to the eye, I am happy with my final Magazine advert and believe it tells and shows the audience the things it needs to. I got the idea for my magazine advert from the Maccabees an indie bands advert as you can see from the two images to the right and left they have the same conventions such as a clear simple font with the band name at the top a centre image and then the name of the album at the bottom with other details.

My Digipak has an indie theme and links to the film and the magazine advert. I also took my idea from the Maccabees Digipak and used the conviction, images from the music video, clear font, clear image and typical indie fell.