Media communications storyboard project

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Media communications storyboard project

Larry Antoskiewicz

• Media Communications

• Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard

• Before I started the MCBS Program I was watching a lot movies and television shows, going back to what I really enjoyed doing

• I had worked retail and other jobs and not been satisfied with them.

• I had always thought that I wanted to get into film or television reviewing in some capacity, but realized its a tough field to get into and I did not have enough information to really get started.

• Film and television history and media has always been a big interest of mine.

• I was advised to go into a popular field where there is a large job market.

• But then I decided that I needed a new direction and some new career goals.

• I tried it the way others said and it just did not work for me.

• Because of that I decided to start looking for schools that could help me advance in social media and technology.

• I was browsing the net a lot looking up all kinds of film theory and communications degrees.

• Because of that I came across Full Sail, a school in which I had attended several years ago.

• I had remembered liking Full Sail, but just not being the right fit for me at the time.

• Because of that I started researching the different programs, as some new ones had been added since I previously attended the school.

• I looked at the Media Communications program and did some research on it.

• Until finally I decided I would enter the Media Communications program.

• I contacted Full Sail to inquire about reentering the school.

• And ever since I decided to pursue my passions for media communications, I have been much more motivated and doing a lot more research on my own.

• I feel that this was a great decision and look forward to learning a lot throughout the Media Communications program.