Media and Relations

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Media and Relations Lecture

Transcript of Media and Relations

Dia 1


Seeing, understanding, describingObservation Lecture road to research

Qualitative research The word quality refers to the nature of the data you collect

It does not refer to quality in an evaluative sense qualitative research does not imply good research

Today: Seeing, understanding, describingSeeing perception and optical illusion

Understanding interpretation of the meaning of what you see

Describing reporting and justification 1) Seeing

How well can you count? Students on the left: How often is the ball tossed between youth with a white shirt?

Students on the right: How often is the ball tossed between youth with a black shirt?

Students who already know the answer, wont say a thing What happens? Look at the screen for 20 seconds.

Notice anything? Did you see it properly? You dont always see what is there

You dont always know what you see

You dont always see everything selective perception Test your knowledge What is perception in psychology?

A) Receiving visual stimuli B) Perception is a process in which people select, categorize and interpret to form a meaningful image of this world C) Everything is perception

10Answer B; It is a proces. See also: Kotlers Principles of MarketingTheres a difference between receiving stimuli and perceiving something. Perception is also about the interpretation of these stimuli. Everything is perception as a statement can only be true if you believe that outside of human experience, there is no world. This is a classic theme in philosophy, even though it is of course subject to a lot of debate.Test your knowledge What is perception in psychology?

A) Receiving visual stimuli B) Perception is a process in which people select, categorize and interpret to form a meaningful image of this world C) Everything is perception

11Answer B; It is a proces. See also: Kotlers Principles of MarketingTheres a difference between receiving stimuli and perceiving something. Perception is also about the interpretation of these stimuli. Everything is perception as a statement can only be true if you believe that outside of human experience, there is no world. This is a classic theme in philosophy, even though it is of course subject to a lot of debate.2) Understanding

If you were a martian, would you understand the following images?

Holland Casino commercial

Purpose of observation A research method that involves the systematic observation, recording, description, analysis and interpretation of peoples behavior (Saunders, 2012)

So we can make reliable statements about that behavior Theory and model A model is a very short way to summarize a theory

For instance: M S (motivation influences success) L M (leadership influences motivation)Theory and model L M S (this would mean leadership eventually leads to success, unless motivation is also caused by other factors, such as personality)

L M S P Theory and model A theory contains a number of statements about the world that are connected with one another and that we can test to be true or false

What statements belong to the theme your group has picked? Symbolic interactionism This world already has meaning, before we enter it

You begin to understand peoples actions, once you know which meaning they attribute to them

Participant observation is a way to do this Social process through which the individual derives a sense of identity from interaction and communication with others. Through this process of interaction and communication the individual responds to others and adjusts his or her understandings and behavior as a shared sense of order and reality is negotiated with others (Saunders, 2007, p. 613)

20Participant observationGaining trust, Becoming a member of the group Understanding group processes, rituals and meaning through experience

Systematically document observations and experiences systematically

21Typology pf participant observation researcher roles Participant as observer Complete participant

Observer as participant Complete observer You participate in the activities and you make your own role as a research known. 22Test your knowledgeWhat is an important difference between participant observation and structured observation?

A) In participant observation, the researchers distance is larger B)In structured observation, the researchers distance is largerC) Structured observation is reliable, participant observation is not

23Answer B: because the researcher is not part of the group or the activities. Participant observation does run a higher risk of subjective account, yet that does not mean the research cant be reliable. I dont see any What is not there, is a conclusion you draw on the basis of what you did see and what you would expect to see (theoretically) 3) Describing reporting Introduction (problem statement: context, main question, purpose) Theory (theoretical framework - Robbins, Judge & Campbell; Saunders) Method (advantages and disadvantages) Resultaten (description and analysis) Conclusion & discussion (answer to your question) Literature

Method & methodology Method The way in which you perform research and the means you use for it

(How to ) Methodology The theory about how research should be performed

(Why so and not differently) There is no perfect research What can go wrong? Observer error Systematic errors made by observers, as a result of tiredness for instance

Observer bias This may occur when observers give inaccurate responses in order to distort the results of the research

Observer effect The impact of being observed on how people act

Test your knowledge (3) What is meant with validity?

The amount in which the instrument used for research measures what it is intended to measure

B) The amount in which the instrument used for research measures the same thing under similar circumstances it

C) The amount in which there is an even spread of data among members of the population

28A) Saunders. B is gericht op betrouwbaarheid. Antwoord C) is een omschrijving van spreiding .

Test your knowledge (3) What is meant with validity?

The amount in which the instrument used for research measures what it is intended to measure

B) The amount in which the instrument used for research measures the same thing under similar circumstances it

C) The amount in which there is an even spread of data among members of the population

29A) Saunders. B is gericht op betrouwbaarheid. Antwoord C) is een omschrijving van spreiding .

Reliability Reliability is a precondition for validity

A scale can be reliable, but its not a valid instrument to measure length It is a small study You bake a small cookie, but not a whole supply for all students in Stenden

Avoid questions like: what is the influence of Keep it small and manageable describe a couple of instances carefully and connect them to the theory