Media 2.0 & social media

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Media 2.0 & social media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

media 2.0Matthew Buckland

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Converged mediaAll media powered by internet

Multiple digital platforms & formatsFragmented media environment

Everyone potentially a media playerRole of media changing

Information pollution & overload

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

web 2.0

and what it means for media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Harness user intelligence & contentCost-effective, participatory & inclusive

Build community & loyaltyA forgotten art in mass media age

Stick to your principlesDon’t abandon gatekeeping

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Get closer to your userDevelop sophisticated relationship with

userUser: Compare vs FacebookTargeted content & advertisingSocial network = publishing 2.0?

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Harness network effectBloggers do it betterSocial bookmarking a startLink, even to your

competitors!Don’t be a walled garden

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

putting the

Practical examples @ mail & guardian onlinesoci

alinto media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Own journalists, columnists, bloggers, up and coming writers, commentators, academics, CEOs, intellectuals and opinion makers across various industries and political spectrums all share a platform to provide thought-provoking, quality writing.

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

harness user intelligence, intelligently

Hybrid approach: media model & blog modelBest of both formats: Blogs with editorUGC from a select, closed network of usersEditor selects lead & homepage articlesArticles vetted and subbedFull moderation

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

the editorial blogTransplant addictive qualities of bloggingInstant feedback & stats & trackbacksBlogger ranking system to create competitionNetworking with other bloggers

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

insightsPeople dying to write & share ideas, just need a platformJournos want money for writing, non-journos don’t People write better when know it’s going through an editorBuild audience by making influential people part of your siteAs leaders in their fields, they bring their networks to you

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

some firstsFirst blogger at PolokwaneFirst blogger to be firedPeople blogging for first timeFirst SA media-blog hybrid modelFirst blog to be mentioned in ST leader pageFirst SA site to receive “Webby Honoree”

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

the stats3,900,000 reader words1,700,000 contributor words290,000 monthly page impressions70,000 monthly readers15,000 daily newsletter subscribers

All on a budget of virtually R0

...turning traditional media model on its head?

Media 2.0Matthew Buckland | GM: New Media

thank you & questions available @

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