Measure your app internals with InfluxDB and Symfony2

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Transcript of Measure your app internals with InfluxDB and Symfony2

Measure your app internals with InfluxDB(time-series database)Symfony Day 2015 - Reggio Emilia

Trust me

Why we measure things?

Measure - Learn - Build - Measure

Measure for a change

Measure for discovery

Measure for compare

What we need?* A data provider (our application)

* A database that will collects data

* A dashboard for representing information

What is a time-series database?A database optimized for handling time series data:

arrays of numbers indexed by time(a datetime or a datetime range)

sign elem is 4 -> @10:13 elem is 4

A time series is a sequence of data points, measured typically atsuccessive points in time spaced at uniform time intervals

Time series Databases

InfluxDBEasy to useWritten in Golang (no external dependencies)ready for bilion of rows (scalable)UDP/IP and HTTP network adaptersSeveral client libraries (PHP, Golang, etc...)Integrated query web panelReady for external dashboards (grafana, chronograf, etc...)

Write information in your InfluxDBcurl ­XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=mydb' \ ­d 'cpu load=2 1434055562000000000'

Read data back from InfluxDBcurl ­G http://localhost:8086/query?pretty=true ­­data­urlencode "db=mydb" \ ­­data­urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu WHERE host='server01' AND time < now() ­ 1d"

For example:

InfluxDB tagsYou can mark new points with a tag information

sign @10.32 key=value tag1=value tag2=value

sign @10.32 temperature=21.3 location=home env=test

sign @10.32 cpu=21.3,mem=123.3 location=eu­west­1 env=dev instance=i­a91afcd1

Use tags in your queriesExample

SELECT * FROM home_sensors WHERE location="home" AND temperature > 19.2 AND time >= now() ­ 10m

Example for websites:SELECT * FROM index_page WHERE env="prod" AND load_time > 19.2 AND time >= now() ­ 1d

Just use them like string column values

Play from the InfluxDB web consolehttp://your-domain.tld:8083/


An open source, feature rich, metrics dashboard and graph editorfor several time series databases (InfluxDB, Graphite, etc.)

Annotate your graphs

Thanks to annotations you can use a serieas an annotation list

Mark a new software release in your graph (Continuous Delivery)Mark any critic event in all your graphs (Information Point)


A new data visualization tool for InfluxDB.

How to send my application data?* Send every single point directly in real-time

* Collect data during the application life-cycle and send thosepoints once per request

InfluxDB supports two network adapters

HTTP or UDP/IPWhich one we should have to use?

UDP/IP must be enabled by configuration

HTTP* TCP/IP based

* Data point delivery guaranteed

* Error handling

* ~ 374 Ops/second (for compare with UDP/IP)

UDP/IP* No delivery guarantees

* No error handling

* ~ 22917 Ops/second (for compare with TCP/IP)

HTTP* Sensitive data

* Good for once at a time strategy (or if we do not care about monitor impact on our application)

UDP/IP* Good for immediate delivery

How it works$client­>mark("serie_name", [ "customer_name" => "walter", "item_price" => 100.12, //...]);

Concise Format (good for immediate delivery)

How it works (2)$client­>mark([ "points" => [ [ "measurement" => "instance", "fields" => [ "cpu" => 18.12, "free" => 712423, ], ], [ "measurement" => "page_load", "fields" => [ "listeners_speed" => 1.12, "counted_elements" => 341143, ], ], ]]);

Extended Format (good for a bulk strategy)

InfluxDB ClientUDP/IP + HTTP

$httpOptions = new Options();$reader = new Http\Reader($httpOptions);$udpOptions = new Options();$writer = new Udp\Writer($udpOptions);$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

HTTP only

$http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$options = new Options();$reader = new Http\Reader($http, $options);$writer = new Http\Writer($http, $options);$client = new Client($reader, $writer);

Supports Guzzle versions: ~4, ~5, ~6

Symfony: Dependency Injection Containerparameters: influxdb_host: "localhost" influxdb_port: 4444

services: influxdb: class: InfluxDB\Client arguments: ["@influxdb_reader", "@influxdb_writer"]

influxdb_writer: class: InfluxDB\Adapter\Writer\Udp arguments: ["@influxdb_udp_options"]

influxdb_reader: class: InfluxDB\Adapter\Http\Reader arguments: ["@influxdb_http_options"]

Symfony: Dependency Injection Container#Only options

influxdb_udp_options: class: InfluxDB\Options calls: ­ ["setHost", ["%influxdb_host%"]] # InfluxDB host ­ ["setPort", ["%influxdb_udp_port%"]] # UDP/IP Port ­ ["setTags", ["env": "%kernel.environment%"]] # tag every point with env

influxdb_http_options: class: InfluxDB\Options calls: ­ ["setHost", ["%influxdb_host%"]] # InfluxDB host ­ ["setPort", ["%influxdb_http_port%"]] # HTTP Port

parameters: influxdb_host: "influxdb.domain.tld" influxdb_udp_port: 4444 influxdb_http_port: 8086

Don't try this at homeclass DefaultController extends Controller public function indexAction(Request $request) $client = $this­>container­>get("influxdb");


Goals: single-responsibility, reduce coupling, simplifing testing

Controllers as a service?For a monitor? Make sense?

With eventsclass DefaultController extends Controller public function indexAction(Request $request) //... $dispatcher­>dispatch("my_event_name", $event);

Event listener

class MyMonitorAwareForMyEventListener public function __construct(Client $client) ...

public function onMyEvent(Event $event) $this­>client­>mark(...);

Deregister this listener in order to stop data collection

Compose your listenermonitor_listener: class: AppBundle\Listener\MonitorListener arguments: ["@influxdb", "@debug.stopwatch"] tags: ­ name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: startStopwatch ­ name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.response, method: stopStopwatch

The stopwatch will help us to collect page timing information

A listener example with stopwatchclass MonitorListener public function startStopwatch(GetResponseEvent $event) $routeName = $event­>getRequest()­>attributes­>get("_route"); $this­>stopwatch­>start($routeName); public function stopStopwatch(FilterResponseEvent $event) $routeName = $event­>getRequest()­>attributes­>get("_route"); $events = $this­>stopwatch­>stop($routeName); foreach ($events­>getPeriods() as $measure)

$this­>client­>mark($routeName, [ "memory" => $measure­>getMemory(), //... ]);

Check your data via InfluxDB

Prepare your dashboard with grafana

Checkout out the app example