Md. Abdur Rahim Khan - 20th AASSREC Biennial …. Abdur Rahim Khan Social Science Research Council...

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Transcript of Md. Abdur Rahim Khan - 20th AASSREC Biennial …. Abdur Rahim Khan Social Science Research Council...

Ageing in Bangladesh: Tasks and Challenges AheadAgeing in Bangladesh: Tasks and Challenges Ahead

Md. Abdur Rahim KhanMd. Abdur Rahim Khan

Social Science Research Council Social Science Research Council BangladeshBangladesh

Introduction: The Contrast between Introduction: The Contrast between

Developed and Developing CountriesDeveloped and Developing Countries

MostMost developeddeveloped nationsnations willwill havehave moremore grandgrand parentsparents thanthan grandgrand childrenchildren;;

TheThe developingdeveloping world,world, byby contrast,contrast, stillstill hashas aa highhigh proportionproportion

ofof childrenchildren ((3535 percentpercent underunder ageage 1515)) andand aa relativelyrelatively lowlow proportionproportion ofof olderolder peoplepeople ((1010 percentpercent agedaged 6060 andand over)over);;

WhatWhat isis lessless widelywidely appreciatedappreciated isis thatthat absoluteabsolute numbersnumbers ofof

elderlyelderly inin developingdeveloping nationsnations oftenoften areare largelarge andand everywhereeverywhere areare increasingincreasing;;

TheThe effectseffects willwill bebe feltfelt notnot justjust withinwithin individualindividual nationsnations butbut

throughoutthroughout thethe globalglobal economyeconomy;; ThereThere isis aa seriousserious needneed toto understandunderstand thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof olderolder populations,populations, theirtheir strengths,strengths, andand theirtheir requirementsrequirements;;

UnderstandingUnderstanding thethe dynamicsdynamics ofof ageingageing interrelatedinterrelated perspectivesperspectives includingincluding demographic,demographic, social,social, economic,economic, medicalmedical andand increasingly,increasingly, biologicbiologic andand geneticgenetic isis seriouslyseriously neededneeded..

In 1982 World Assembly in Vienna made 62 In 1982 World Assembly in Vienna made 62 recommendations and encouraged full social participation recommendations and encouraged full social participation by all ages on the basis of an equitable distribution of by all ages on the basis of an equitable distribution of resources;resources;

The Madrid The Madrid Second World Assembly in 2002 set 3 priorities:Second World Assembly in 2002 set 3 priorities: -- older persons and developmentolder persons and development -- advancing health and welladvancing health and well--being and being and -- enabling supportive environments;enabling supportive environments; ESCAP added a fourth category, ESCAP added a fourth category, “implementation and follow“implementation and follow--up.” up.” Taken together, these recommendations are known as the Taken together, these recommendations are known as the

Shanghai Implementation Strategy .Shanghai Implementation Strategy .

Historical and Conceptual IssuesHistorical and Conceptual Issues


World Health Organization in the late 1990s also adopted the term

“active ageing” as the process of optimizing opportunities for health participation and security in order to enhance quality of life

as people age .


Most of the scholarly discourse on ageing revolves around four areas of ageing:

- Biological Ageing - Psychological Ageing - Social Ageing and - Chronological Ageing Biological ageing encompasses all the chronological changes that

occur over a lifetime – increase in height throughout childhood, onset and cessation of menstruation, changes in the muscular and sensory systems, and shaping of the young adult and middle-aged body.

It shifts strategic planning away from a “needs-based” approach (which assumes that older people are passive targets) to a “rights- based” approach that recognizes the rights of people to equality of opportunity and treatment in all aspects of life as they grow older.

Psychological ageing is changes in:

- sensory and perceptual processes - mental functioning processes - personality and - drives and motives


Social ageing refers to an individual’s changing roles and relationships in the social structure:

a) With family and friends; b) With the work world; and c) Within organizations ( religious and political groups)

Chronological ageing is the definition of ageing on the basis of a person’s years from birth. After a long debate, the experts come to the conclusion that a person should be taken into account as an older only on the basis of chronological ageing.

Bangladesh PerspectiveBangladesh Perspective

ReductionReduction ofof fertilityfertility andand decreasedecrease inin mortalitymortality havehave ledled towardstowards increaseincrease inin populationpopulation agedaged 6060 andand overover;;

AccordingAccording toto anan officialofficial estimateestimate atat presentpresent thethe numbernumber ofof olderolder personspersons isis aroundaround 88%%.. itit isis aa hugehuge numbernumber beingbeing 1212..55 millionmillion;;

Approximately,Approximately, 8080,,000000 newnew elderlyelderly peoplepeople areare alsoalso enteringentering intointo thisthis agingaging populationpopulation everyevery yearyear;;

ThisThis hugehuge numbernumber hashas alreadyalready raisedraised formidableformidable socialsocial andand economiceconomic challengeschallenges relatedrelated toto financialfinancial supportsupport ofof elderlyelderly peoplepeople andand toto thethe provisionprovision ofof carecare forfor frailfrail elderlyelderly..

Table 1: Percentage of Elderly People for Different Age Table 1: Percentage of Elderly People for Different Age

Groups in Bangladesh.Groups in Bangladesh.

Age Age GroupGroup

19501950 19601960 19701970 19801980 19901990 20002000 20102010 20202020 20302030 20402040 20502050

6060--6464 2.522.52 2.452.45 2.562.56 1.831.83 1.731.73 1.891.89 2.302.30 2.992.99 3.623.62 5.365.36 6.146.14

6565--6969 1.751.75 1.761.76 1.501.50 1.491.49 1.281.28 1.341.34 1.631.63 2.222.22 2.732.73 4.144.14 5.695.69

7070--7474 1.071.07 1.101.10 1.081.08 1.031.03 0.870.87 0.940.94 1.091.09 1.441.44 1.981.98 2.532.53 3.973.97

7575--7979 0.570.57 0.580.58 0.600.60 0.630.63 0.560.56 0.550.55 0.610.61 0.830.83 1.201.20 1.591.59 2.592.59

80+80+ 0.240.24 0.270.27 0.330.33 0.290.29 0.420.42 0.380.38 0.430.43 0.550.55 0.790.79 1.201.20 1.761.76

TotalTotal 6.156.15 6.166.16 6.076.07 5.275.27 4.864.86 5.105.10 6.066.06 8.038.03 10.310.3 14.814.8 20.220.2

RuralRural--Urban Differential and Poverty InterfaceUrban Differential and Poverty Interface

The majority of the older people live in absolute povertyThe majority of the older people live in absolute poverty

They lack the resources to fulfill their most basic needsThey lack the resources to fulfill their most basic needs

They are also deprived from income generating They are also deprived from income generating opportunitiesopportunities

The majority (about 78 per cent) of older people live in The majority (about 78 per cent) of older people live in rural areas where services, healthcare provision and access rural areas where services, healthcare provision and access to clean water are more precarious. to clean water are more precarious.

Help Age International in 2000 highlighted that:Help Age International in 2000 highlighted that:

“poverty sets the context for everything “poverty sets the context for everything

else older people experience” “Although families else older people experience” “Although families

remain a primary source of support, but family remain a primary source of support, but family

support is undermined by poverty”.support is undermined by poverty”.

Classification in terms of Life SituationClassification in terms of Life Situation

Rural elderly and urban older population.Rural elderly and urban older population.

These two can further be classified into two andThese two can further be classified into two and

three types respectively (a) rural poor and (b)three types respectively (a) rural poor and (b)

rural affluent; (c) urban poor, (d) urban middlerural affluent; (c) urban poor, (d) urban middle

class, and (e) urban rich. class, and (e) urban rich.

There is one more group for older women,There is one more group for older women,

handicapped, widowed, divorced etc.handicapped, widowed, divorced etc.

ContinueContinue The condition of rural and urban older people is very bad. They The condition of rural and urban older people is very bad. They

live in abject and absolute poverty, and do not have their regular live in abject and absolute poverty, and do not have their regular sources of income with ill health, illiteracy and malnutrition as the sources of income with ill health, illiteracy and malnutrition as the common phenomena.common phenomena.

Rural affluent older people generally live in extended family. They Rural affluent older people generally live in extended family. They

live in society with full dignity as they are engaged in some sorts live in society with full dignity as they are engaged in some sorts of social works. of social works.

Urban middle class older persons,also live in extended family, Urban middle class older persons,also live in extended family,

enjoy almost the same facilities as of the rural affluent, in spite of enjoy almost the same facilities as of the rural affluent, in spite of the urban political and administrative complexities, anxiety, the urban political and administrative complexities, anxiety, exclusion, economic hardship that they face. exclusion, economic hardship that they face.

Urban riches are highly educated, retired high officials, owners of Urban riches are highly educated, retired high officials, owners of

big trading houses, assets, savings etc. Although these people do big trading houses, assets, savings etc. Although these people do not have any financial problems or acute health problem, they not have any financial problems or acute health problem, they have very few numbers of descendants to take care off them Most have very few numbers of descendants to take care off them Most of their successors are migrated to other countries or another of their successors are migrated to other countries or another places.places.

Feminization of Poverty Correlated with Feminization of Poverty Correlated with

AgeingAgeing The majority of older women (68%) are widowed compared The majority of older women (68%) are widowed compared

to 7% of men. Widowed women have no security, are more to 7% of men. Widowed women have no security, are more dependent on family and face worse socioeconomic condition dependent on family and face worse socioeconomic condition compared to men which increases their vulnerability. While compared to men which increases their vulnerability. While older men face age barriers to employment opportunities, older men face age barriers to employment opportunities, older women face both age and gender barriers. Being a older women face both age and gender barriers. Being a sufferer of gender discrimination, the older women firstly lose sufferer of gender discrimination, the older women firstly lose their rights, power and honor in their own family and then their rights, power and honor in their own family and then they become helpless.they become helpless.

In northern part of Bangladesh it has been observed that the old In northern part of Bangladesh it has been observed that the old

widows are living absolutely alone are bound to earn their widows are living absolutely alone are bound to earn their livelihood by themselves. On the same courtyard young sons are livelihood by themselves. On the same courtyard young sons are living with their own families without caring their aged parents. living with their own families without caring their aged parents. Those who are still living with their married young sons are facing Those who are still living with their married young sons are facing discrimination in all respect of their lives. They don’t enjoy any discrimination in all respect of their lives. They don’t enjoy any decision making power within the families.decision making power within the families.

SocioSocio--Cultural MilieuCultural Milieu

Traditionally and religiously the elderly people of Bangladesh are very Traditionally and religiously the elderly people of Bangladesh are very much respectable both in family and community.much respectable both in family and community.

But this familial support for caring about the elderly may not be available But this familial support for caring about the elderly may not be available

due to lack of economic solvency of the society.due to lack of economic solvency of the society. The women empowerment of the country is increasing, and their The women empowerment of the country is increasing, and their

participation in the working sector is rising day by day.participation in the working sector is rising day by day. The family ties are being relaxed and losing the bonds between the The family ties are being relaxed and losing the bonds between the

members. From extended to joint family, and then to nuclear family pulls members. From extended to joint family, and then to nuclear family pulls and pushes young family members to live separate from the aged and pushes young family members to live separate from the aged members. members.

Mainly due to urbanization the economy has been shifted from informal Mainly due to urbanization the economy has been shifted from informal

to a formal economy the elderly are hardly finding any opportunity to a formal economy the elderly are hardly finding any opportunity productive engagement.productive engagement.

Physical separation may also reduce the financial support in terms of Physical separation may also reduce the financial support in terms of

remittances, partly because of the high cost of urban living or the loss of remittances, partly because of the high cost of urban living or the loss of emotional ties between parents and children as a consequence of emotional ties between parents and children as a consequence of prolonged absence. prolonged absence.


younger memberslike to provide support to their elderly, but find younger memberslike to provide support to their elderly, but find it increasingly difficult to live with elderly members in joint it increasingly difficult to live with elderly members in joint households.households.

Increasing rural/urban migration has also resulted in the Increasing rural/urban migration has also resulted in the development of squatter and shanty towns next to conglomerates development of squatter and shanty towns next to conglomerates in many of the big cities. The elderly in such situations have to be in many of the big cities. The elderly in such situations have to be totally responsible for themselves and depend on external support totally responsible for themselves and depend on external support since the living expenses are prohibitively high. since the living expenses are prohibitively high.

Adult children, particularly sons, are considered to be the main Adult children, particularly sons, are considered to be the main source of security and economic support to their parents, However source of security and economic support to their parents, However since married children would often have other kins to support since married children would often have other kins to support (spouse, children, in(spouse, children, in--laws), they are not the best source of laws), they are not the best source of support for their elderly parents Rather economically productive support for their elderly parents Rather economically productive unmarried children would seem to be the best source of support unmarried children would seem to be the best source of support for their elderly parents. for their elderly parents.

Prevailing social norms, values and customs do not permit to live Prevailing social norms, values and customs do not permit to live with married daughter’s house may be the case that parents have with married daughter’s house may be the case that parents have

no sons at sons at all.


A significant portion of the young and middle aged A significant portion of the young and middle aged members have started to symbolize the older generation as members have started to symbolize the older generation as disease, disability and death.disease, disability and death.

These types of social changing along with the economic These types of social changing along with the economic hardship are creating serious threat to the elderly support hardship are creating serious threat to the elderly support system of Bangladesh. Thus most of the older people in the system of Bangladesh. Thus most of the older people in the country are suffering from: lack of sufficient income and country are suffering from: lack of sufficient income and employment opportunities, absolute poverty, senile employment opportunities, absolute poverty, senile diseases and absence of proper health and medicare diseases and absence of proper health and medicare facilities, exclusion, negligence, deprivation, sociofacilities, exclusion, negligence, deprivation, socio--economic economic insecurity, etc.insecurity, etc.

Rahman(2002) identified some of the major problems as mentioned by Rahman(2002) identified some of the major problems as mentioned by

the older persons. These are:the older persons. These are:

Physical illnessPhysical illness 92.392.3 87.587.5

Lack of Medicare and special health serviceLack of Medicare and special health service 90.090.0 81.281.2

Poverty and financial insecuritiyPoverty and financial insecuritiy 86.186.1 79.479.4

Lack of employment and income opportunityLack of employment and income opportunity 52.252.2 68.468.4

Exclusion and lonelinessExclusion and loneliness 35.935.9 57.357.3

Mental incongruity and social stressMental incongruity and social stress 19.519.5 48.048.0

Concern over family affairsConcern over family affairs 20.320.3 37.237.2

OtherOther 18.018.0 13.213.2

TotalTotal N= 250N= 250 N= 250 N= 250

* More than one answer possible* More than one answer possible

Policies, Plans, Programs and Actions Initiated Policies, Plans, Programs and Actions Initiated

for the Agedfor the Aged

The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh ensures every rights and privileges of the elderly people ensures every rights and privileges of the elderly people

along with other citizen.along with other citizen.

The Ministry of Social Welfare has already finalized the The Ministry of Social Welfare has already finalized the National Policy on Ageing in line with Madrid International National Policy on Ageing in line with Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA).Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA).

Programmes Run By the Governmnt:Programmes Run By the Governmnt:

•• Old Age Allownce ProgramOld Age Allownce Program

In the year 2010, 2.2 million elderly people received Taka 8100 In the year 2010, 2.2 million elderly people received Taka 8100

million at the rate of Tk. 300 per month.million at the rate of Tk. 300 per month.


Social Safety NetsSocial Safety Nets

•• Food for works programmesFood for works programmes

• • Cash for works programmesCash for works programmes

• • Vulnerable group feedingVulnerable group feeding

• • Gratuitous relief fundGratuitous relief fund

• • Emergency fund for risk mitigation during Emergency fund for risk mitigation during natural natural disasterdisaster

• • Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)

• • Fund for Housing of DistressedFund for Housing of Distressed


Old Age Allowance covers a small fraction of the vulnerable Old Age Allowance covers a small fraction of the vulnerable elderly population in rural Bangladesh.elderly population in rural Bangladesh.

Yet with this allowance many elderly people have been able Yet with this allowance many elderly people have been able to utilize it for buying food, clothes and medicines for to utilize it for buying food, clothes and medicines for treatment.treatment.

The recipients face several difficulties: The recipients face several difficulties:

need to move long distance upto the Upazila bank need to move long distance upto the Upazila bank

distributed quarterly and in a fixed day of a month remain for the distributed quarterly and in a fixed day of a month remain for the whole day without food in the bank without toilet facilities for the whole day without food in the bank without toilet facilities for the elderly women. elderly women.

deprived from receiving other benefits such as they loose deprived from receiving other benefits such as they loose

eligibility of receiving relief and other benefits.eligibility of receiving relief and other benefits.

Pension,Pension, Health Services and other Welfare BenefitsHealth Services and other Welfare Benefits About 1.2 million people work in the Government are entitled to About 1.2 million people work in the Government are entitled to

get pension as retirement benefit.get pension as retirement benefit.

Majority of the labour force in Bangladesh lives in rural areas and Majority of the labour force in Bangladesh lives in rural areas and most of them serves in non Government organizations, in most of most of them serves in non Government organizations, in most of the cases there is no provision for pension facilities. In practical the cases there is no provision for pension facilities. In practical terms, high unemployment or low wages in this country can terms, high unemployment or low wages in this country can render it impossible to provide a universal pension scheme.render it impossible to provide a universal pension scheme.

Although 92.3% of the rural and 87.5% urban population suffer Although 92.3% of the rural and 87.5% urban population suffer from physical illness yet efforts for providing health care, and from physical illness yet efforts for providing health care, and other supports to the elderly people were not taken at other supports to the elderly people were not taken at government and private levels.government and private levels.

The government is only able to provide acute hospital care in The government is only able to provide acute hospital care in cities.cities.

The Government runs advocacy program through observing International The Government runs advocacy program through observing International Day of Older Persons, International Family Day etc.Day of Older Persons, International Family Day etc.

NonNon--Government InitiativesGovernment Initiatives 1. Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric 1. Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric

Medicine (BAAIGM)Medicine (BAAIGM)

Provides health care services, recreational and socioProvides health care services, recreational and socio--economic economic activities, 50 bed geriatric hospital with outactivities, 50 bed geriatric hospital with out--door programs and door programs and pathological services, 50 capacity dormitory for the elderly, recreation pathological services, 50 capacity dormitory for the elderly, recreation and library programs, vocational training and management of revolving and library programs, vocational training and management of revolving funds and research and publication. funds and research and publication.

2. 2. Elders and Children Rehabilitation CentreElders and Children Rehabilitation Centre

where destitute older people (60+) from any religious faith can live. At where destitute older people (60+) from any religious faith can live. At present 50 elders (25 male and 25 female) of age 60+ are residing here present 50 elders (25 male and 25 female) of age 60+ are residing here and enjoying free accommodation, food, and clothing and medicare and enjoying free accommodation, food, and clothing and medicare facilities. The elders are involved in gardening, farming, pisciculture and facilities. The elders are involved in gardening, farming, pisciculture and other recreational activities.other recreational activities.

ContinueContinue 3. Resource Integration Center (RIC)3. Resource Integration Center (RIC) Provide community based habitation for elderly people, Provide community based habitation for elderly people,

credit and medical services through housing grants, elders credit and medical services through housing grants, elders club, day care center, monthly pension and funeral support. club, day care center, monthly pension and funeral support. Credit programs help older persons to become financially Credit programs help older persons to become financially solvent and independent and to play amore prominent role solvent and independent and to play amore prominent role in the community. in the community.

4. Service Center for Elderly People (SCEP)4. Service Center for Elderly People (SCEP) SCEP provides health service and recreational facilities for SCEP provides health service and recreational facilities for

their social and emotional peace. their social and emotional peace.


5. Elderly Development Initiatives (EDI)5. Elderly Development Initiatives (EDI)

Is a community based selfIs a community based self--help organization and has somehelp organization and has some

programs for the development of elderly.programs for the development of elderly.

6. Bangladesh Retired Government Employees Welfare 6. Bangladesh Retired Government Employees Welfare

Association, DhakaAssociation, Dhaka

Offers medical services to members and provides welfare Offers medical services to members and provides welfare services to retired employees and their families. It provides services to retired employees and their families. It provides some financial support (grant) programs such as, medical some financial support (grant) programs such as, medical grant, education grant and lump grant. This association grant, education grant and lump grant. This association also provides interestalso provides interest--free loan to the elderly. 62 district free loan to the elderly. 62 district level branches are working as its affiliated bodies.level branches are working as its affiliated bodies.


7. Bangladesh Retired Police Officers Welfare Association, Dhaka7. Bangladesh Retired Police Officers Welfare Association, Dhaka Offers socioOffers socio--economic services to retired police officials and theireconomic services to retired police officials and their families.families.

8. Defense Personal Welfare Trust, Dhaka8. Defense Personal Welfare Trust, Dhaka This trust provides socioThis trust provides socio--economic and medical services for employees of economic and medical services for employees of

the defensethe defense

Very recently, Bangladesh Womens Health Coalition (BWHC), Bangladesh Very recently, Bangladesh Womens Health Coalition (BWHC), Bangladesh

Girl GuidesGirl Guides Association, Bangladesh Education Board Retired Employee Welfare Association, Bangladesh Education Board Retired Employee Welfare

Association, Mother and Baby Home, Old Home and Bangladesh Society of Association, Mother and Baby Home, Old Home and Bangladesh Society of Gerontology and forum for the rights of the elderly are also working for Gerontology and forum for the rights of the elderly are also working for welfare of elderly.welfare of elderly.

Thus, limited number of NGOs and professional associations are working Thus, limited number of NGOs and professional associations are working

for the welfarefor the welfare of the elderly.of the elderly.

Tasks and Challenges AheadTasks and Challenges Ahead

It is observed that a very few number of initiatives have so far It is observed that a very few number of initiatives have so far been taken for the welfare of the elderly people.been taken for the welfare of the elderly people.

In view of the overall poverty scenario the best approach will be to In view of the overall poverty scenario the best approach will be to increase their selfincrease their self--reliance through income earning opportunitiesreliance through income earning opportunities

They lack income earning opportunities because of physical They lack income earning opportunities because of physical limitations, cultural barriers and lack of micro credit. If they are limitations, cultural barriers and lack of micro credit. If they are given the training and micro credit they could earn their livelihood.given the training and micro credit they could earn their livelihood.

The Government and NGOs need to run health centers for The Government and NGOs need to run health centers for treatment of geriatric diseases. The Health Ministry and the Ministry treatment of geriatric diseases. The Health Ministry and the Ministry of Social Welfare should establish a separate cells to deal with the of Social Welfare should establish a separate cells to deal with the elderly population problems. Separate national health policy should elderly population problems. Separate national health policy should

also be considered for the elderly population.also be considered for the elderly population.


Since family values still remain strong in Since family values still remain strong in

Bangladesh Bangladesh aging in placeaging in place should become an should become an

explicit policy.explicit policy.

84% rural and more than 76% urban elderly reported 84% rural and more than 76% urban elderly reported

their preference for living with theirtheir preference for living with their

own family.own family.

About 91% of the rural and84% of the urban olderAbout 91% of the rural and84% of the urban older

persons had their expectation to live inpersons had their expectation to live in

joint /extended family.joint /extended family.

Table 03: Percentage distribution of older persons by their Table 03: Percentage distribution of older persons by their

choice of living placechoice of living place

ChoiceChoice RuralRural UrbanUrban

%% ff %% ff

Own FamilyOwn Family

60.060.0 150150 76.476.4 191191

SonSon 31.631.6 7979 10.410.4 2626

Daughter/RelativesDaughter/Relatives 2.42.4 66 3.23.2 88

Old HomeOld Home ---- ---- 7.67.6 1919

No ResponseNo Response 6.06.0 1515 2.42.4 66

TotalTotal 100.0100.0 250250 100.0100.0 250250

Table 04: Percentage distribution of older persons by the Table 04: Percentage distribution of older persons by the

type of family they expect more to live, if possibletype of family they expect more to live, if possible

Family TypeFamily Type RuralRural UrbanUrban

%% ff %% ff

Extended/Joint FamilyExtended/Joint Family 91.291.2 228228 83.683.6 209209

NuclearNuclear ---- ---- 5.25.2 1313

AloneAlone ---- ---- 7.27.2 1818

No ResponseNo Response 8.88.8 2222 4.04.0 1010

TotalTotal 100.0100.0 250250 100.0100.0 250250

What Government & NGOs can do?What Government & NGOs can do?

can provide direct or indirect subsidies for living at home, can provide direct or indirect subsidies for living at home, lowlow--cost apartments or rental discounts, and reserves cost apartments or rental discounts, and reserves groundground--floor units for older people. floor units for older people.

The family members who looks after his/her aged The family members who looks after his/her aged parents/grand parents should be exempted from all kinds of parents/grand parents should be exempted from all kinds of

direct and indirect taxes such as income tax, holding tax and indirect taxes such as income tax, holding tax etc.

NGOs, government as well as the international organizations NGOs, government as well as the international organizations should come forward to arrange motivational and awareness should come forward to arrange motivational and awareness developing program for the young generation so that they developing program for the young generation so that they don’t hesitate to look after the old aged members of the don’t hesitate to look after the old aged members of the

Through Government & NGOs Intervention Through Government & NGOs Intervention

the Following Result can be Achievedthe Following Result can be Achieved

It would provide economic, social and mental It would provide economic, social and mental

security and enhance the selfsecurity and enhance the self--esteem of the agedesteem of the aged


It would also act as economic incentive for the youngerIt would also act as economic incentive for the younger

members to look after their senior members; andmembers to look after their senior members; and

It would be instrumental for revival of family values,It would be instrumental for revival of family values,

interdependence as well as intergenerational solidarityinterdependence as well as intergenerational solidarity

(two(two--way giving and receiving between individuals as wellway giving and receiving between individuals as well

as older and younger generations).as older and younger generations).


The younger generations should remember that The younger generations should remember that

they are living in a biological process of ageing. they are living in a biological process of ageing. Therefore my last words, on behalf of older Therefore my last words, on behalf of older generation towards younger generations: generation towards younger generations:

Who you are, we were;Who you are, we were;

Who we are, you will be!Who we are, you will be!

So . . . .So . . . .