McDONALD PRESBYTERIAN June 2020 CHURCH McPresby · people to gather in Trinity Fellowship Hall to...

Post on 29-May-2020

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Transcript of McDONALD PRESBYTERIAN June 2020 CHURCH McPresby · people to gather in Trinity Fellowship Hall to...

Special points of interest:

Pine Springs Camp Summer Update on Page 3.

Save the Date for FMSC Packing in September!

Pastor’s Page 2

Ministry Updates 3

Announcements 5

Joys and Concerns 6

MPC Puzzles 7

Inside this issue:

M c D O N A L D P R E S B Y T E R I A N



June 2020


We are pleased to say that after much careful consideration, we will begin hosting in person gatherings this Sunday May 31st. Our state governing officials have given varying guidance to churches, but they have also declared the work of churches to be "Essential" and even "Exempt" from their specific restrictions. They have given different guidelines to work with. One is recommending 25 people or less for gatherings and the second is recommending that large spaces be filled to 50% capacity. We will be using both principles as we reopen. Starting on Sunday May 31st, and continuing through the month of June, we will allow approximately 40 people to gather in Trinity Fellowship Hall to view our livestream worship service. We will also have the service streaming live in Trinity Parlor, and about 20 people can gather there to view the service. We will respond to attendance patterns and open more overflow rooms to view the service in one or both buildings as appropriate. Also Community Life Groups may resume in-person meetings at the timing and choice of the group leaders. Those who attend will be encouraged to use whatever social distancing practices they feel are appropriate. We are asking those who attend to enter directly through the outside door to the room where they will be worshiping or meeting in order to minimize contact with others. We have determined that the risks at the present time are acceptable for us to begin in-person worship. We will keep the livestream a priority by meeting in Trinity Fellowship Hall. We have not scheduled a communion service for the month of June. There are no plans to reopen in-person children's ministry at this time so any children that attend should be prepared to participate in the service of worship until further notice.

Worship will continue to be held at 10:45 throughout the month of June.

Page 2

Pastor’s Page



A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NLT)

This season has caught us all off guard and has left us collectively wondering what is going to happen next and what we should do in place of the things that are missing. We are thankful that our community has been more or less protected from the virus, and our hearts go out to those who have struggled or are struggling now. We have had our share of challenges in the Amsler house as Sarah valiantly takes a stab at educating three kids and caring for a two-year-old at the same time. Please pray for all of the moms and parents out there who are trying to manage children with very few opportunities to keep them busy!

We know how important it is to be active and to be involved with all sorts of activities. We know that God created us to be together. We make sacrifices for each other and go out of our way to be a part of healthy gatherings in more normal seasons of our lives. For us to be healthy, we need to continue to be connected and to love and serve as God enables us. What constitutes a healthy life has not changed because there is a virus. Our mental and physical well being depends upon us finding ways to continue to do the things that bless us. Our activities will certainly be different, but there are many things that can be done. It seems to me that as we move into yellow, it is the right time to expand gently our circles and pick a few people that we will be sharing life with over the next month or so. If restrictions need to be pulled back again, we will do that but for now my encouragement is to find a friend and bless them!

Plans are so difficult to make in this season, but for the month of June we will be opening our buildings ever so gently and setting up “watch parties” where small groups can gather together and watch the livestream service from one of the many different spaces we have available. It will be wonderful to have our buildings “full” in a different way of people safely worshiping together in small groups. Many of us will choose to continue participating in the livestream service from home, and we encourage you to do that as well. What God puts on your heart is probably the right thing for you and your family.

No one should be alone who desires to be connected, and we are committed to building upon the strength of the church by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Even while we are in quarantine.

Know that you are loved and that your chord has many more strands than three!

In his Grace,

Pastor Justin

Ministry Updates

JUNE 2020 Page 3

Dear Friends, We still have not been able to meet face-to-face, but God has given us a way to share Children’s Church lessons each week!!!! To enjoy each week’s lesson, go to the church’s website ( and at the top of the screen, click on “kids and students” and then “kids’ ministries.” There you will page down to the Children’s Church section. At the bottom of the paragraph, you will find the lesson for the week. Just click and you will see the invitation to open the lesson. In order to watch the videos, you will be asked to “enable” the video. That’s it! Enjoy!

Here are the upcoming lessons for June:

June 7th - Paul and the Shipwreck

June 14th - Job

June 21st - Noah and the Ark

June 28th - Gideon



reNEW will end for the summer on May 27th. We are hoping to go on a special reNEW outing as soon as the virus restrictions have lifted. Our youth have provided us with some wonderful outing ideas--Kennywood, Flight Trampoline Park, Raccoon State Park, to name a few. Stay tuned for details!!!!

We hope to do a VBS but

are unsure of a date at

this time.


Pine Springs Camp Closed for

the Summer of 2020

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Pine Springs had no choice but to cancel their ministry program for this summer. This is something that we never expected and many milestones in our kids lives are being put on hold. While it is impossible to replace what happens at Pine Springs we will do our best locally to bless our young people and to shape them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pine Springs Camp is in a severe financial situation,

having lost all spring retreating in the new dining hall plus virtually all resident camp revenue for the summer. If the Lord leads you to make a special gift to Pine

Springs Camp, that would be greatly appreciated.

Page 4

Ministry Updates (continued)



Small Stuffed Animals & 4-ply Yarn for Ida’s Hats

Current donation update below ~ Any donation at any time is appreciated!

Washcloths - 174 Bars of Soap - 106

Small stuffed animals - 110

Any questions, please feel free to contact Michelle Unruh (412-221-4143).


Ida Galicic has crocheted over 232 hats already! Thank you to everyone who continues to supply her with 4-ply yarn – solid and/or variegated - would be appreciated.


“THANK YOU” to the congregation for its loving support of our Lenten Mission Project. Even though you could not return those m&m

tubes in person, so many of you were faithful to mail in your donations. Thank you for thinking of the kids in the midst of the quarantine.

Your generous giving ($774.05) will supply over 3,500 life-saving meals through Feed My Starving Children!

God-willing, on September 12, 2020, volunteers will gather at South Fayette Intermediate School to pack MannaPack Rice meals to feed hungry kids around the world. Please SAVE the DATE and plan to join us when we pack.


McDonald Presbyterian Church (MPC) has taken the guidelines of our state and the CDC very seriously. We have held no in-person meetings and conducted virtually no in-person visitation since the quarantine has begun. Now that we are living into the yellow phase of this program, we expect that small groups will cautiously begin gathering for the purposes of worship and study. Please be advised that all church participation on or off church property is voluntary and anyone who participates in gatherings of any kind does so at their own risk. It is impossible to allow people to gather without some risk of infection. We are here as a congregation for the health and welfare of all, and we will welcome you back when our leaders and each individual feels comfortable with the risks involved. Large church services are likely a ways off but that is ok. We have other ways of connecting with each other. Thank you for your faith in Jesus Christ and for your participation in the body of Christ in this season.

Page 5


JUNE 2020


Life Community Groups via Zoom

With the weeks stacking up it seems like we should get moving with our community groups and attempt to do some meetings with Zoom or a similar system. Contact your group leader if that is something that you would like to get started. Our office staff and Pastor Justin can advise on how to make it happen

The Upper Room: We meet Sunday mornings 9:00-10:00 am via Zoom. Presently, we are studying the book of Judges. If you would like to join, please email Dana Motte at

Lamplighters: Lamplighters are Zooming! We are doing a study called Real-Life Discipleship: Equipping disciples who make disciples. We meet Monday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact Syndria or Patty for more information.


The McDonald Food Bank is unable to take food donations for the month of May. We are accepting cash and check donations. Please make checks payable to McDonald Presbyterian Church and indicate “Food Bank” on the memo line.

Please contact Ed Nalesnick with any questions. Thank you for helping to feed those in need.

A special thank you to all who donated to help our community

last month.

It is with heavy hearts, but also with much prayer and discussion, that we have decided to cancel our Summer Service Week scheduled for July. We cannot risk one person contacting the Covid19 virus by sending folks out into the communities. Thank you for your understanding.

We will look forward to resuming this mission project in 2021.

Page 6

Joys and Concerns

Elmer Brown Helen Catrain Hilda Glass Julie Hanzcar Dorothy Penberthy

Dorothy Alrutz, Genesis Healthcare

3590 Washington Pike, Room 713, Bridgeville PA 15017

Larry Doak, H. John Heinz III Progressive Center

First Floor South Hall, 1010 Delafield Road, Pittsburgh PA 15215

Peggy Hughey, Hawthorne Woods

791 Locust Avenue, Room 104, Washington PA 15301

Mary Ann Johnen, Presbyter ian Senior Care

Southmont Room 528, 835 South Main Street, Washington PA 15301

Laurain Lacotte, Vanadium Woods

Apt 118, 50 Vanadium Road, Bridgeville PA 15017

Connie Walker, Helen Purcell Home

1854 Norwood Boulevard, Health Care Unit, Zanesville OH 43701


Joann Gibbs 6/1 Alexander Nemec 6/17 Anthony Marin 6/25

Abigayle Goodwin 6/3 Lorraine Zombeck 6/17 Brenda Cischke 6/26

Cory Crawford 6/7 Julie Petito 6/19 Martin Ryan 6/27

Makenzie Kutcher-Marte 6/8 Della Endy 6/19 Jackie Bonds 6/28

Selah Amsler 6/12 Marlene Thomas 6/21 Rex Keslar 6/30

Shawn McMillen 6/16 Sandra McCloud 6/23 Summer Steele 6/30

Lynn & Jim Brockman 6/2 Kari & Ted Bair, Jr. 6/14

Diane & Bob Shepherd 6/6 Deborah & Cliff Elicker 6/14

Alice & Ron Todorowski 6/6 Marcia & Mike Jewell 6/18

Kara & Ryan Wockley 6/10 Lisa & Donn Carter 6/19

Jackie & Patrick Bonds 6/11 Brianne & Ed Eiler 6/20

Donna & Bob Klimas 6/11 Jennifer & Robert Guidice 6/21

Peggy & Dean Moore 6/11 Kathy & Rich McVicker 6/22

Rhonda & Randy Lauff 6/12 Teri & Jerri Runtas 6/23

Kris & David Hanczar 6/13 Kathy & Ray Morgan 6/26

Charlene & Robert Potts 6/13

JUNE 2020 Page 7


1. Hi Doug all lease sick

2. Cher ilk wren

3. Cay eight team ick towel

4. Al is toe door wow is key

5. Edna ails Nick

6. Joe deep Anne is hah

7. Ann deed I ohm and

8. Cay tease hump hack

9. Sun eek ill burr it

10. Mar she agile wool

11. Day numb art inn

12. Pay geese ham Aaron

13. Age tree an wear

14. Burr eye rank ocean

15. Jaw nick ace see

16. Bet tear eye inn

17. Dawn nab inn knit

18. Ten is caw hoop her

19. Gnaw antsy ill off

20. Lint dumb hatch hit

21. Cinder real oh

22. Sioux is Hank haze he

23. Dawn knuckle eye mass

24. Mare reek hath heron care rid

25. Hand debuted hash


Directions : Determine which MPC covenant partner is indicated

by each group of words


1. 26 = L of the A

2. 7 = D of the W

3. 1001 = AN

4. 12 = S of the Z

5. 54 = C in the (with J)

6. 9 = P in the SS

7. 88 = PK

8. 13 = S on the AF

9. 32 = DF at which WF

10. 18 = H on a GC

11. 90 = D in a RA

12. 200 = F for PG in M

13. 8 = S on a SS

14. 3 = BM (S H T R)

15. 4 = Q in a G

16. 24 = H in a D

17. 1 = W on a U

18. 57 = HV

19. 5 = D in a ZC

20. 11 = P on a FBT

21. 1000 = W that a P is W

22. 29 = D in F in a LY

23. 40 = D and N of the GF

24. 76 = T in the BP

25. 9 = J on the SC

26. 21 = D on a D

27. 60 = S in a M

28. 1 = H on a U

29. 7 = W of the AW

30. 15 = M on a DMC

Mad Gab Answers: 1. Ida Galicic 2. Shirl Krenn 3. Katie McDowell 4. Alice Todorowski 5. Ed Nalesnick 6. Jodie Panizza 7.Andy Diamond 8.Kate Zombeck 9. Sonny Gilbert 10. Marcia Jewell 11. Dana Martin 12. Peggy Samarin 13.Adrianne Ware 14. Brian Kocian 15. John Casey 16. Betty Ryan 17. Donna Bennett 18. Dennis Cooper 19. Nancy Lauff 20. Linda Matchett 21. Syndria Lowe 22. Suzanne Casey 23. Donna Klimas 24. Mary Catherine Garrett 25. Andy Budayz

Phrase Twister Answers: 1. Letters of the Alphabet 2. Days of the Week 3. Arabian Nights 4. Signs of the Zodiac 5. Cards in the Deck (with Joker) 6. Planets in the Solar System. 7. Piano Keys 8. Stripes on the American Flag 9. Degrees Fahrenheit at which Water Freezes 10. Holes on a Golf Course 11. Degrees in a Right Angle 12. Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly 13. Sides on a Stop Sign 14. Blind Mice (See How They Run) 15.Quarters in a Game 16. Hours in a Day 17. Wheel on a Unicycle 18. Heinz Varieties 19. Digits in a Zip Code 20. Players on a Football Team 21. Words that a Picture is Worth 22. Days in February in a Leap Year 23. Days and Nights of the Great Flood 24. Trombones in the Big Parade 25. Justices on the Supreme Court 26. Dots on a Die 27. Seconds in a Minute 28. horn on a Unicorn 29. Wonders of the Ancient World 30. Men on a Dead Man’s Chest

McDonald Presbyterian Church is a mid-sized congregation located in

McDonald, PA that exists to honor God by making more disciples for Jesus

Christ. Our worship, service and outreach are all focused on helping others

experience the love of God and the joy that comes from knowing Him. We

love what we do and who we are when we come together as a community of

God’s people. Our door is always open, and we look forward to meeting

you and welcoming you into our fellowship.

Worship Site: 202 West Lincoln Avenue

McDonald, PA 15057

Office Location: 119 Station Street

McDonald, PA 15057

Phone: (724) 926-8561

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday





Visit our website:

Non Profit Org.






on Facebook or in Trinity Center at 10:45am through the month of June


Joining a Community Life Group.


Contributing to the Cornerstone Capital Campaign or

Reaching out to a neighbor in need.

Pastor Rev. Justin Amsler (724) 699-0157

Catalyst for Children’s Ministries Dana Motte (Interim)

Choir Director Syndria Lowe

Assistant Choir Director Heidi Betschart

Administrative Assistant Malisa Silassy

Bookkeeper: Connie Buydasz

Operations Officer Tom Maxwell

Custodial Staff Pat Powell

Bob McDowell

Newsletter Editor: Malisa Silassy