MBO Partners ACA Webinar Slides

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of MBO Partners ACA Webinar Slides

The Affordable Care Act: What Independent Consultants Need to Know

Presented by Independent Worker Experts Gene Zaino and Dave Putt December 2013


Gene Zaino President and CEO

Dave Putt VP, Consultant and Client Services


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Affordable Care Act

Coverage Options for Independents

Tax and Financial Impacts

MBO’s Approach to Healthcare for ICs


The Affordable Care Act Defined

Goal: To Increase the Number of American’s with a minimum level of health Insurance coverage

•  Individual Mandate (effective 1-1-2014) –  Must have health insurance or face a penalty

•  Employer Mandate (effective 1-1-2015) –  Provide health insurance to all full-time employees or face a penalty

•  Public “Marketplace Exchange” –  Created to find and choose insurance coverage –  Impacts ICs private health insurance and medical HRAs


Options for Independents to Acquire Insurance Independent consultants can obtain minimally qualifying coverage (the coverage required to avoid an IRS penalty) in a number of ways including:

§  The new Health Insurance Marketplace §  Employer-sponsored plans (through a company

like MBO Partners or through a spouse or parent’s employer)

§  Government sponsored plan such as Medicaid §  Individual or Family Health Plan

Looking for coverage?

Public Marketplace Insurance Exchange

•  Marketplace is intended to be a competitive online insurance shop which provides government-regulated and standardized health insurance plans

•  Design is intended to help individuals and businesses compare and chose insurance options


ü  States can elect to have their own Marketplaces

ü  Broad participation in health insurance is critical; allows expensive medical treatment costs to be spread across a large group instead of just a few

ü  Links to all Marketplaces can be found at www.healthcare.gov

Marketplace Insurance Plans •  Plans are separated into categories based on the % of costs they

cover or “actuarial value”

• Categories are Bronze, , Gold, or Platinum


Plan Type  





Out- of- Pocket

Maximum   Bronze  
















Catastrophic Up to age 30  




Tax Impacts of the ACA for ICs

• Premiums through the Marketplace are after-tax only –  Tax credit for those with household income between 100% and

400% of the poverty line –  Generally, subsidy immaterial once income surpasses $28K

• Private Individual Plan Premiums –  May be deductible but have 7.5% AGI limitation

Unintended Consequences and Nuances Affecting ICs

•  Decline of Private Insurance Market –  State specific

•  Arbitrary Cancellation of Qualifying Plans –  Despite extended deadline

•  Spousal Penalty/Carve-out –  Denial of access –  Higher spousal premium

•  Tax deductibility of premiums –  Insurance bought on the marketplace vs. privately –  Employer cannot pay pre-tax premium payment on plan bought on

the marketplace on behalf of an employee

MBO’s Approach to Healthcare

• Provide Group Plan Coverage • Premiums are Pre-tax • No Spousal Penalties • Coupled with HRA up to $10,000 • Annually review insurance carrier to

ensure best rates

**MBO Associates are professionals whose primary occupation is an independent consultant.**

Additional Benefits MBO Offers

• Retirement Planning • Business Administration –  Personal business manager and online business center

• Tax Withholdings • Business Insurances


•  Private Plans will go away if Marketplaces succeed

•  Large employer plans are more attractive – more stable

•  Continuing court cases on aspects of the ACA for years to come

•  ICs will be forced into Marketplace or need large employer plans

•  Exchanges will continue to struggle for the next few years

•  Government subsidy to Insurers goes away and premiums rise

•  Income Taxes will go up to fund the ACA program

Additional Information on MBO Partners

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