MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter

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Transcript of MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter

  • 8/9/2019 MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter


    OSKAYAK News

    Page 2The Tepee is up!

    Page 3The Plight o the Salmon

    Pulling Together

    Page 4Reel Youth

    AYC Events

    May 2010 Issue

    Richmond Youth Service Agency, Pathways Aboriginal

    Centre and Vancouver Coastal Health are thrilled to oer

    a 12 month program or Aboriginal amilies living in


    The Healthy Families, Healthy Children will run rom May

    2010 through to March 2011 and will provide Aboriginal

    amilies living in Richmond with opportunities to participate

    in cultural activities that will work towards improvingand promoting health, cultural pride and knowledge o

    local health and wellness resources and opportunities or

    amilies to connect.

    A ew o the activities that the Healthy Families, Healthy

    Children program will cover are: traditional cedar bark

    harvesting and weaving o the bark; a day o blueberry

    picking ollowed by a day o canning and preserving;

    a winter ice skating party; an Elder lead beach walk; a

    recreational day o outdoor games and kite ying; and 2

    inormation sessions with a nutritionist rom VancouverCoastal Health and bi-monthly potlucks.

    The cost o the program is ree and has limited spaces so

    register early or beore the deadline May 14th 2010. I you

    are interested in registering or this program please contact

    Rhiannon at 604-271-7600ext.150 or by email at

    Check out or a ull registration package

    and calendar o events.

    Follow us on Twitter @RichmondYouth

    June 21st 2010 is National Aboriginal Day! Pathway

    Aboriginal Centre and Richmond Youth Servic

    Agency invite the public to join our team o voluntee

    to help make the day as special as the previou


    I you are interested in helping out on Nation

    Aboriginal Day, would like to have a vendors table

    participate as an exhibitor please contact:

    Rhiannon Bennett at 604-271-7600 or by ema

    Pathways Aboriginal Centre - Richmond Youth Service Agenc

    100-7900 Alderbridge Way

    Richmond, BC V6X2A5

    Phone: 604.271.7600

    Hours o Operation:

    Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:30am-4:30pm

    Thursdays & Fridays 12pm - 7pm

    Check out or a special events and activitie

  • 8/9/2019 MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter


    On April 10th 2010 a group o 25 community members

    and youth gathered at the Terra Nova Sharing Farm where

    Tony Solomon rom Mukwa Teepees lead an interactive

    workshop teaching the participants the traditional

    protocol o raising and using a Teepee.

    Once the Teepee was raised and the traditional protocol

    were explained all o the participants entered the Teepee

    in a clockwise manner. RYSA member, Jelica Shaw

    recognized Marlene Hale with an oering o a silver and

    abalone brooch that was locally carved at the Vancouver

    Friendship Centre. We thank her or the generous

    donation o the Teepee, or all o her time and teachings

    that she shares with the youth and their amilies at

    Pathways Aboriginal Centre.

    The RALLY participants oered Tony a traditional shell

    rattle rom the Queen Charlotte Islands or his time,

    energy, and sharing o traditions around the Teepee.

    Rally participants then moved to the garden where they

    oered the soil a prayer and some medicines beore the

    rst planting.

    Feel ree to check out the Teepee anytime it is located

    in the back o the Terra Nova Sharing arm.

    I you would like to arrange to use the Teepee or a

    workshop or or a get together please eel ree to contactJelica at 604-271-7600ext.102 or email at

    A big thanks to Arzeena Hamir or her tireless advocacy and support with fnding a home or our Teepee a home!

  • 8/9/2019 MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter



    A group o paddlers are going to paddle rom

    Hope to Victoria with a stop in Steveston May the6th (time TBA).

    The goal o the journey is to raise awareness about

    the plight o the Salmon. This touches everyone

    rom First Nations, to sherman, to anyone who

    believes in a sustainable salmon shery.

    They group will be making a stop in Steveston May

    6th and would love a greeting by our community.A group will be gathering at Pathways on May the

    6th and makeing their way to Steveston. I you

    would like to join the group please contact:

    604-271-7600 ext.102 or

    For more inormation on the time and location,

    theres a Facebook group started at:!/event.php? eid=113091198714261&re=ts

    This year Pathways Aboriginal Centre will

    joining the PULLING IT TOGETHER CANOE JOURNsponsored by the Collingwood Canoe Group.

    The canoe journey is one week long and consists

    local Aboriginal groups and local R.C.M.P ofce

    The goal o the journey is to strengthen ties an

    relationships between both Aboriginal Youth an

    the R.C.M.P Ofcers in our community.

    Pathways is currently accepting donation o ten

    sleeping bags and mattresses to ensure that oyouth have a warm, dry and antastic time on th

    canoe journey.

    I you have any extra camping gear in goo

    condition please gives us a call at:

    604-271-7600 ext102.

    Pulling Together

  • 8/9/2019 MAYOSKAYAK_Pathways May Newsletter


    CHIMO Crisis Line: 604-279-7070 or

    Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868VACFASS-Vancouver Aboriginal Children and Family Services

    Society: 604-872-6723

    The Healthy Aboriginal, is a non-prot website promoting o

    health, literacy and wellness:

    Agencies & Organizations: Individuals:

    Mukwa Teepee

    Arzeena Hamir

    REEL Youth

    Marlene Hale

    Kids Up Front

    The OSKAYAK Youth

    Advisory Council

    May 1& 2

    Open Doors Richmond

    Come and meet Pathways sta and the OSKAYAK Youth

    Council, try some resh bannock and make a medicine bag10-4pm

    May 6,13,20 & 27

    OSKAYAK Youth Council

    Pathways 5-7pm

    Aboriginal youth between the ages 11-24

    May 6, 13, 20 & 27

    Drop in

    Pathways 2-4:30pm

    Aboriginal youth between the ages 11-24

    May 7, 14, 21 &27

    Movie Nights

    Meet at Pathways 4:30-7pm

    Aboriginal youth between the ages 11-24

    May 6

    Support the Salmon Rally

    Meeting at Pathways (time TBA)

    For a detailed calendar o events please check out

    School District #38


    A big thanks to REEL YOUTH or coming out to Pathways tolead a claymation workshop. Participants worked with REELYOUTH to come up with a short lm on issues) important tothe participants. The group chose technological isolation,environmental destruction, and sae houses or youth as their

    issues to make the shorts about.

    To view the 3 shorts go to: