Mayor Charles J. Weaver, Of North Bergen, Delivers Speech ...David Burrell was the guest speaker. He...

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Transcript of Mayor Charles J. Weaver, Of North Bergen, Delivers Speech ...David Burrell was the guest speaker. He...

  • Vol. 20. No. M. Martin Turpanjian, Editor Entered as Second Class Matter W A L D W IC K , N. J., Friday, O CTO BE R 7, I960

    OLiver 2-5678 5 Cents Per CopyPublished Weekly < ^ ggsM $2.00 Y E A R L Y

    Mayor Charles J. Weaver, O f North Bergen, Delivers Speech Of Welcome At

    North Jersey Manufacturers Luncheon Meeting In Fairview Restaurant As

    "Newspaper W eek" Is Observed In Honoring Dispatch Publisher McMahon

    Jersey Journal Executive Editor Eugene Farrell And Hudson Dispatch Editor- In-Chief A. Bruce Cook Introduced To Gathering As Special Guests For Occasion As Publisher-President James J. McMahon Of Hudson Dispatch, Outstanding Morning Daily Newspaper Receives Wildest Ovation For His Keynote Speech In Urging Industrialists To Join In Forming Policy Of G o v e r n m e n t As He Deplores Apathy As Well As Indifference Of Citizens To The Difficulties Faced By Elected And The Appointed Officials O f The State And Throughout U. S. A.

    Area PBA No. 79


    Friday, October 21Petio'man Russell Litchult, Jr. Of Waldwick Is Chairman Of

    Arrangements CommitteeThe much-heralded recep

    tion and dance o f the Northwest Bergen County Patrolmen’ s Benevolent Association No. 79 will take place Friday night, O ctober 2 1 at Club 1 7, Ramsey.

    The follow ing police departments belong to the PBA No. 79:

    W aldw ick, Midland Park, W yckoff, Franklin Lakes, H o- hokus, A llendale, Ramsey, and Upper Saddle River. This year the arrangements are being handled by the W aldw ick P olice Deprtment o f which Patsy Pratico is the Chief and Francis M cGrogan is the Police Captain.

    Patrolman Russell Litchult, Jr. o f W aldw ick Police Department is chairman o f the arrangements com mittee. Subscription is $1 per person. A ll men and wom en o f northwest Bergen County are invited to attend. There will be a p rogram o f entertainment and many novelties will be introduced.

    A ll readers o f this newspapers are requested to patronize this worthy affair which is bound to be the crowning social e v e n t o f the season. Tickets may be purchased from all police Departments listed above.

    “Fabulous Decade”On Transportation Explained To Women

    New York Port Authority History and Responsibilities Portrayed By Special FilmThe W om an ’s Club of W ald

    wick met M onday night o f this week in Methodist Church Hall, Franklin Turnpike and W yckoff Avenue, W aldw ick, with President Mrs. Nicol presiding.

    David Burrell was the guest speaker. He introduced a film known as the “ Fabulius D ecade” describing transportation changes which have taken place in the Metropolitan area during the past ten years.

    The history, organization and responsibilities o f the New York Port Authority was ex-

    The North Jersey Manufacturers Association held its luncheon meeting last Thursday in Sauter’ s W aldschloss, Fairview. The occasion was the observance o f “ Newspaper W eek” which continues until tom orrow, Saturday. M ayor Charles J. W eaver, o f North Bergen, who is rated as being the best M ayor in the history of this township, delivered the speech o f welcom e. Carl F. Dieffenbach, Jr. presided at the organization’s first fall luncheon meeting. A m ong the guests introduced were Eugene Farrell, executive editor of Jersey Journal, o f Jersey City and A . Bruce C ook , editor-in- chief of Hudson Dispatch, of Union City as well as other Hudson and Bergen County newsmen.

    James J. M cM ahon, o f M ontclair, one o f New Jersey's top- ranking political luminaries,

    plained most effectively with a question and answer period following the film.

    The Eleventh district fall conference will be held M onday, O ctober I 7th at Bergen Mall, Paramus.

    State Demo Group £>rders Kennedy Buttons But Gets Nixon-Lodge Tags Instead

    The State Dem ocratic C om mittee had ordered Kennedy buttons to be worn by the huge throngs on the steps o f State House, Trenton, recently when John F. Kennedy was intro- dued by G ov. Robert B. Mey- ner to speak. There were no Kennedy buttons. A hurried phone call was put through requesting immediate delivery of the Kennedy buttons. The bundle was delivered while Kennedy was addressing the gathering but when it was opened there were only N IX O N -LO D G E buttons.

    was honored by the New Jersey manufacturers on his recent elevation to the presidency of the Hudson Dispatch, Union City morning newspaper. He is also the publisher of that publication.

    He received a wild ovation when introduced to speak. He was acclaimed as a man among men whose kindness is felt. He deplored the apathy and the indifferene o f the citizenry to the difficulties faced by elected and appointed officials in ad ministration o f their jobs here and there.

    He a dded : “ Join in forming the policy of your government. Examine your onsciences and see if you are just a critic of your public officials or whether you are giving o ff your ability, talent and experience to help them to do the job you want done. W e must rem ember that officials in every form o f gov

    Seton Hall College Of Medicine, Dentistry Gets $313,555 In Grants

    Research scientists at Seton Hall C ollege o f M edicine and Dentistry o f Jersey City, have received $313,555 in grants, it announced yesterday.

    Dr. V ictor W . Groisser, assistant professor o f medicine and director o f the Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Seton Hall College of Medicine, got grants totaling $202,000.

    The National Institute of Health o f the United States Public H e a l t h Service has awarded Dr. Groisser $125,- 000 to conduct a program of postgraduate training in gastroenterology which involves the diagnosis and treatment o f patients with disorders o f the esoph agus, stomach, gallblad-

    ernment operate under d ifficulties, finding it almost impossible to satisfy all citizens and w elcom e aid in the form of volunteers for committees set up to prom ote the welfare of the electerate they represent.

    W e all have an obligation to prosperity and it’ s up to us today to make a better world tom orrow. If we don ’ t make the sacrifice o f our time to do this, then we don ’ t have to criticize those who are trying to do their best.

    “ No man, no o fficial," he said, “ in any political job knows everything. It’s up to you to make the time to contact him personally, tell him what you think is wrong and v o lunteer to help correct it. D on ’ t leave it up to a committee, or your cham ber of com m erce or other organization. D o it yourself.”

    der, pancreas and the intestines.

    Other researchers have been awarded a total o f $1 1 1,555 for immunization studies and a study o f muscular dystrophy.

    Daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Dohm Gives Birth To Baby Daughter in The Good Samaritan Hospital

    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Con- Ion, o f 415 Kingston Street, W yckoff, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of their first child, a daughter, Keri Ann, on September 26, in G ood Samaritan Hospital, Suf- fern, N. Y.

    Mrs. Conlon is the former Carol Ann Dohm , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dohm , of 45 M onroe Street, W aldw ick. Mrs. Dohm is a former president of the W om an ’ s Club of W aldw ick and one of its charter members.

    N ixon and Johnson

    Tour in Various

    Jersey RegionsBoth Sides Claim Victory As Eorctempo Presides At Demo

    Nationalities Group ConfabVice-President Richard Nix

    on toured through North Jersey this week and addressed gatherings estimated at many thousands. State Senator W alter H. Jones o f Bergen as well as City Commissioner A u g u s t W . Heckman, o f Jersey City and Hudson G O P Chairman John B. Theurer accom panied Nixon in many areas.

    Lyndon Johnsosn, D em ocratic vice-presidential nominee was feted at Essex House at a luncheon sponsored by an industrialist. M ore than 1,000 persons were present.

    Hudson county D em o delegation was headed by John V. Kenny, State D e m o c r a t i c leader, maker o f congressmen, senators and governors.

    Spokesman o f both camps predicted victory for their favorite nominees.

    Public Hearing On Water Supply Lines of Waldwick To Be Held on Oct. 25

    f he W aldw ick B o r o u g h Council will conduct a public hearing and will have the second and final reading o f an ordinance calling for a $29,- 400 extension o f the local water supply system, at the Oct. 25 council session.

    The ordinance would provide funds for the installation of a water main running across the Erie Railroad tracks and W yckoff Avenue bridge supplying a better water pressure on the west side o f the borough. The ordinance would also provide monies for improvem ents on W ell Three which in turn would increase its supply.

    Board o f Adjustm ent Chairman Harry Taylor asked the council to investigate the con version o f a one-fam ily home to a two-family dwelling. He said the owner m ade the change without a variaance.

    A f t e r Borough Attorney Ludwig Smith hinted that the town could do nothing in the matter, Taylor remarked that a zoning cod e is then worthless. Nothing further was m entioned.

    Lawrence Truesdale, o f Sheridan Avenue was appointed to the Planning Board.

  • JERSEY PARADE Friday, OCTOBER 7, 1960Page2


    By ARCHBISHOP KAREK1N KHACHADOURIAN(T ranslated in to English by M. M artin T urpanjian)

    (Continued from Last W eek)FREE-BORN: “ I will explain by the words of your own

    mouth, A little while ago you said that “W here there is a master, there must be a slave also ’ and ‘When they take away your coat, let go your cloak also .' These are prejud ices.’

    SLAVE-BORN: “W hy so, was C h r i s t also superstitious? ”

    FREE-BORN: “According to your comprehension, yes. According to ours, no. The Christ wishing to emphasize a philantrophic thought, has b e e n m isinterpreted by slavish spirits. Our Christ saw the necessity of a sword also . . . ‘To perish with the impact of the sword’ . . . . In perverting the real meaning of a word by fau lty translation, lo this is p rejudice, which during the course of centuries has led to much superstitious blindness, and in a word to an unredeem able loss. You, 1 say, are irreligious, for the reason that you are unable to recognize the truth of the religion upon which the salvation of man is dependent. From these sayings of mine, it follows that the Revolution has also Conscience and heart, because conscience is there alone where there is liberty and heart, — where the affection of the truth ministers.

    You who call us irreligious, have you this conscience? H ave you such a heart? The openers of your m inds with a religious lexicology belong to a class of fanatics, who during years of hypocrisy that m islead you with vu lgar accounts of the Christ, by which even the modern man woul be repelled.

    SLAVE-BORN: “A ye, I heard you enough. You also are against the church and clerygm en .”

    FREE-BORN: “First of all, perm it me to say, that I am talk ing in the name of Revolution, not in the name of this or that Revolutional body. W e are neither for nor against the clergy. W e do, however, despite all those spirituals who instead of m aking an effort to create a living belief in it, do just the opposite. A few spirituals who have the conscience of their eminent appeal, are different. 1 do not wish to enter into a discussion on this subject, for if I did 1 m ight find m yself proclaim ing corruption and im purities which I would like to forget. I can only say that if the Revolution is against the church, its reason is that M aterialism with which we are im peached, is the cause. Formalism in such rites and ceremonies where a senseless and spiritless aspects are the words upon the lips of the clergym en, we detest.

    Self-w illedness in a ll those manners where the evangelical hum ility and sim plicity are exchanged for t i t l e s and glories, are an abomination. Jesus lived very close to the people, but none of the disciples of Jesus are wishing to create an interval between them and ord inary mortals. They condem ned the g r e a t Nazarene Revolutionist and the great Tarsian Reformer. W e do not deny however, that there are true spirituals who are endeavoring to redeem the dishonored pearl.

    A little while ago you rem arked that I frighten you about revolution, but what about tyranny?

    SLAVE-BO RN: “ It is necessary to obey the tyrant, — you obey and live .’ ’

    FREE-BORN: "Is not that a horrible cond ition?”SLAVE-BORN: “At least, it is bearab le ."FREE-BORN: “ It is bearab le? Again I do not b lam e you,

    for the reason that you have never yet had a taste of freedom and you have no idea of the benefits which the freeborn alone can enjoy. M oreover, all those crimes perpetrated in the name of tyranny are unfam iliar to you. Shall I mention a few of them to yo u ?"

    SLAVE-BORN: "1 wish you would."FREE-BORN: “You are the owner of a small plot of

    land which is the only source of your living. You plough it by shedding bloody sweat all d ay under the burning rays of the sun. The obtained seed you sow hopefully. It springs up and ripens. You m ake haste to the field with sickle in hand. As soon as it is ready , you and your entire fam ily work night and day to garner it in. You reap, m ake up the sheaves, thresh, and m entally ca lcu late just what it is worth to you. A las, after a ll this drudgery, when you get ready to en joy the fruit of your labor, the Kurd descends like a fierce beast of famine, and as if the rightful owner of you and your possessions, he plunders and despoils the product of your entire y e a r ’s endeavor. You are left shelterless, and if your little ones are

    (Continued on Page 4 )

    WITH A STEP-SAVING TABLE phon e—Makes busy days easier. Comes in nine colors. Extension phones do so much, cost so little.

    NEWTo order, call your Telephone Business Office or ask your telephone serviceman, JERSEY


    WITH A NEW PRINCESS PHONE—It’s little, it’slovely, it lights. Comes in five smart new colors. Goes beautifully —practically anywhere.

    WITH A HANDY W A L Lphone — Hangs up, easy to reach when you’re busy doing things. Saves counter space. Comes in eight colors.

    J(,lij»:chJournolpated in the fam ily service at9 :30 a.m.

    Thirteen-year-old G e o r g e Ackerm an of 2 L afayette

    W aldw ick Methodist Church Place, suffered a possible frac- united with the C h r i s t i a n ture of the right wrist and of W orld last Sunday in celebrat- the left ankle. Police said he ing worldw ide communion at was hit by a car driven by Paul both 6 :3 0 and 11 a.m . serv- W eisner, of 19 Squawbrook ices. The Junior Choir partici- A ve., Paterson, while riding

    Ig tia M M M W M Mn w ii iK M W w w K x t i iim H iin i i ii i iu ii io i iM ii ii iH a m M w u iim H tu M a n iii i i i ia i iH M — p w w ih ih ii

    Gilbert 5 -01563 HOUR CLEANING SERVICE

    Ridgewood Cleaners, Inc.“ Cleaner* of Q uality”

    168 E. Ridgewood Avenue R idgewood, N. J .

    FIRST NATIONAL BANKA l l e n d a l e W a l d w i c k

    EVERY MODERN BANKING SERVICE M ortgages and Loans on Home R epairs — Personal Loans

    A ppliance Financing — Auto, New and Used •

    AM PLE FREE PARKING Drive-In W indow at W aldw ick Branch

    ALSO BANKING BY MAIL A T BOTH OFFICES M ember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    + — — — ------

    This Winter Service Can Be Your Best friend

    OUNG&B o r t ic

    Ceal - Fuel Oil - Coke Gas and (HI Boilers

    call—Mr. George Young about our BUDGET PLAN and your heating problem*.

    Gl. 4-4700 9 Franklin Ave., RMgeweedWe Install the Famous TIMKEN Burner.

    his b icycle at the intersection of W yckoff Ave. and W alter Hammond P lace at 12:45 p.m. He was taken to The V alley Hospital, R idgewood, by the Volunteer Am bulance Corps.

    Robert D. Glynn, C.L.U ., 85 M oore Avenue, has qualified as a member of the 1959- 60 Top Club of New York Life Insurance Company, according to D o n a l d W . Smith, C .L.U ., general m anager of the com pany’s Park East general office.

    As a member of the Top Club Glynn also attended an educational conference October 4-7, in Quebec, Canada.

    A pproxim ately 230 persons attended recently the season's first meeting of the Ju lia A. Traphagen PTA and back-to- school night for parents.

    Prior to parents visiting their cFiildren’s classrooms, Mrs. M ary Ellen Barrett, president, conducted the brief PTA business meeting, at which time she explained the PT A ’s objectives. The 1960-61 budget was introduced by Mr.s E. E. Lind, and was adopted.

    M ichael Elia, school principal and honorary vice-president of the PTA, outlined the program and introduced the teaching staff to John J . Fin- nessy, educational superintendent, who spoke briefly about the group’s Oct. 88 fair. Mr. Elia was introduced by Mrs. Barrett.


    The Postmaster at W ald wick, N. J ., is accepting bids to paint 31 street letter boxes. B idding w ill close at 3 p.m. Oct. 20, 1 960.

    Bid forms and specifications are availab le from the Postmaster, W aldw ick, N. J.

  • Friday, OCTOBER 7, 1960 JERSEY PARADE Page3


    ARTHUR E. SMITHA sp h a lt D r iv e w a y s

    C rushed Stone — S an d an d G ravel S now P lo w in g — P arking Lots

    B u lld ozin gScreened Top S oil — Top S o il — M anure

    C in ders — Fill Dirt




    150 E. Ridgewood Avenue Ridgewood, New JerseyPhone: Gilbert 4-3700


    And You Will Be As Happy As A "Lark Mercedes Benz



    SUBURBAN AUTO BODYFender - B o d y R ep a ir in g - P ainting:

    C o llis io n R ep a irs

    CARLOUGH ROAD Upper Saddle River, N. J.

    DAvis 7-0202



    And Rebuilt Repairs on all Make Cars959 LINCOLN AVENUE

    Glen Rock, N. J.Tel. Oliver 2-9683

    •Branch: MORGAN’S

    Service Center531 PROSPECT STREET

    C o m er R o c k R oad

    Glen Rock, N. J. OLiver 2-9730

    H O L L Y ’ S G A R A G EArthur L. Holly, Prop.

    Auto Supplies - Auto Accessories 12 WEST PROSPECT ST.

    WALDWICK, N. J.Tel. OLiver 2-5823


    Flying A Service StationRoute 1 7 and Ridgewood Ave.

    Paramus, N. J.TRIPLE “S” STAMPS

    Tel. OLiver 2-9897Repairs on all makes of cars Tires, Tubes, Batteries, Brake

    and Tune-Up Jobs Also Sodas with low, low prices

    by Case or Cartons 7 Up, Root Beer, Veep Lemon

    Coca Cola Orange


    AUTO, HOME & GARDENAwto, R ad io , H o m e it G arden S u p p lie s H ardw are, T o y * & B ic y c le s . T ir e s an d Tubes, K ays M ade w h ile y o u w a it. Bargain p r ic e s a t a ll t im e s .

    Open S u n d a y s fo r Y o u r C o n v e n ien ce 9 :3 0 A .M . to 1 2 :3 0 P .M .


    T elep h o n e: G ilb er t 4 -0 3 4 0

    A. J. LAWRENCEClocks Repaired - All Kinds

    O pen M o n d a y T h ru S a t.


    Wyckoff, N. J.Tel. Twin Brook 1-1607


    S a u l Z. S te in w e is s , R eg . P h ar.

    1 SHERIDAN AVENUE Ho-Ho Kus, N. J.

    G ilb e r t 4 -1 5 6 5


    F r esh E g g s , C h ick en s an d T u rk ey s S e r v in g B erg en an d P a s s a ic C o u n tie s

    234 POMPTON ROAD Wayne Township, N. J.

    ARmory 8-1099

    Electrical Contractor

    Dana Electrical ContractorC o m p lete E le c tr ic a l S e r v ic e of M o st

    d ep en d a b le an d r e lia b le n a tu r eIndustrial - Commercial

    Residential Wiring

    EDWARD M. DANAE l e c t r i c i a n

    124 FRANKLIN TURNPIKE Waldwick, N. J.

    Phone: OLiver 2-5546


    j o h n i. M cK i n n o n , P rop .“ E v er y F lo w e r a F o r -G e t-M e -N o t“

    63 NO. VAN DIEN AVENUE Ridgewood, N. J.

    G ilb er t 4 -4 7 6 0


    Thermex The Heating Oil A Product of Stewart Warner

    Distributor of Winkler’s LP Advanced

    • Oil Burners• Oil Boilers


    471 Doremus Avenue GLEN ROCK, N. J.

    GI 5-6000At Night Call GI 5-6573


    306 E. RIDGEWOOD AVE. Ridgewood, N. J.

    Gilbert 5-0344

    John J. Feeney & SonsFuneral Home


    GI 4-7650Newest and Most Modern

    ChapelsServing Bergen

    and Passaic Counties Established 1920

    Also At:385 PARK AVENUE

    PATERSON, N. J.Tel. MU 4-4396

    Nearly 46 years of friendly, Dignified, Personalized

    Service at moderate cost.


    — L A N D S C A P E C O N TR A C TO R — G R A D IN G an d P L A N T IN G

    N u r se ry S to c k

    114 W. CRESCENT AVE. Waldwick, New Jersey

    G ilb er t 4 -8 9 1 2


    W ith O ne P ic k -U p of D ry C lean in g an d L au n d ry

    R ug S h a m p o o in gC A R M IN E G. CAR1NO


    Waldwick, New JerseyO L iver 2 -5 8 9 4



    4 West Prospect StreetWALDWICK, N. J.

    Tel. Gilbert 5-9149



    1208 E. RIDGEWOOD AVE. Ridgewood, N. J.

    O L iver 2 -2 7 0 0


    Vitamin "D” Homogenied High Mountain Avenue

    FRANKLIN LAKEST el: Twin Brook 1-0400


    Finest Milk and Milk Products SICOMAC AVENUE

    Wyckoff, N. J.Tel: Twin Brook 1-1284

    WESTBROOK FARMSFinest and Best Milk

    and Milk Products Office and Creamery

    Johnsonburg, N. J.GA 5-3077

    Depot: Midland Park, N. J.Gilbert 4-8753


    Walter W. Hoffman, Inc.ST O R A G E — W A R E H O U S E S

    C O M P L E T E N A T IO N W ID E M O VIN G R u g and C arp et C lean in g

    76 Lake Ave. Midland Park, N. J. 23 Chestnut St. Ridgewood, N. J.

    G ilb er t 5 -2 3 8 0


    The Finest and Best In Photography

    We Produce Glossy Photos In All Sizes


    “Photographs That Tell The Story”

    451 Market Street Paterson, N. J.

    MUlberry 4-1882

    Finest and best



    kor Pickup and Delivery Call:

    LAmbert 5-2940

    A C EPhoto-Engraving Corp.




    A N D K IT C H E N S

    237 Diamond Bridge Ave.HAWTHORNE, N. J.T el. H A w th o r n e 7 -1 6 1 8



    Sales and ServiceSatisfied Customers Are Our

    Best AdvertisementsWe Repare AH Makes Of

    Radios And Televisions

    26 E. PROSPECT STREET WALDWICK, N. J.Phone: OLiver 2-5171


    PAUL’S ROD & GUN SHOP 26B E. Prospect Street Waldwick, New Jersey Phone: Gilbert 5-4636

    O pen T h u rsd ay a n d F r id ay Evenings G u n s, A m m unition , F ish in g E quipm ent,

    Sporting G ood s an d C am p in g Equipm entG unsm ith ing a n d R epairs

    Christian Science Radio Hour



    StationWNEW (1130) WNBC (660 kc) WOR-TV (9)

    Sundays6:45 A.M. 7:45 A.M.

    12:30 P.M.


    Demartini Coal & Lumber Co.Lumber — Coal — Hardware

    Mason's Materials, Paint, Wallpapers Glass — Storm Sash

    45 W. Prospect StreetCorner Maple AvenueWALDWICK, N. J.

    O Liver 2-5010

    MODERN RUG CLEANERS Felix VerPorter, Prop

    We clean — store an d repair rugs—carpets in your hom e or a t our factory. Domestic and O riental rugs cleaned and stored. Furn itu re , wall to wall carpet, sham pooing s k i l f u l l y done. G uaran teed w orkm anship by m aster craftsm en a t m ost re a sonable prices.MODERN RUG CLEANERS

    64 U n i o n A v e n u e Upper Saddle River, N. J.Call us: DAvis 7-2146


    Where Dining Is An Art Open Daily - Air Conditionea

    Ample Park ingA R estau ran t of rare excellence offering a host of palate pleasing Chinese an d Am erican foods

    for your dining pleasure32 FRANKLIN TURNPIKE

    WALDWICK, N. J.Tel: OLiver 2-55 77

    A L G O R D O N ’ SChinese & American Restaurant

    T astiest Foods In State Orders To Take Out

    Route 17, Ramsey, N. J. (PAST SWISS CHALET)

    DAvis 7-9884


    METROPOLITAN Shoe Rebuilding and Hat

    Cleaning Co.7 East Ridgewood Ave.

    n ea r 5 & 10RIDGEWOOD, N. J.



    Sales — Service — Supplies12 West Ridgewood Ave.

    RIDGEWOOD, N. J. Telephone: Gilbert 4-4461


    LISTINGSTo sell or buy property let us

    assist you w ith patience and consideration.

    At The Crossroads of Ridgewood

    HOWARD A. DAY, Realtor61 NO. MAPLE AVE.

    Ridgewood, N. J. G ilbert 5-2377

    W. H. Mac Donald & SonReal Estate - Insurance400 Franklin Avenue

    WYCKOFF, N. J.TW 1-2211

    ACE REALTY COMPANYL i s t i n g s W a n t e d

    Real Estate Insurance

    I I 2 WYCKOFF AVENUE Waldwick, N. J.

    Tel. OLiver 2-5678

  • J E R S E Y P A R A D E F r id a y , O C T O B E R 7, I960

    FREE-BORN, SLAVE-BORN, ARMENIAN-BORN( C o n t in u e d f ro m P a g e 2 )

    s p a re d , y o u a re u n a b le to h e e d th e ir w e e p in g s fo r ‘B re a d ! T h e r e is no m ilk , n o t e v e n a d r y c ru s t o f b r e a d fo r th e m . T h e m o th e r gaz es a t y o u im p lo r in g ly . Is this n o t a c r im e, th a t e v e n th e G o d w o u ld a b h o r ? ”

    S L A V E - B O R N : “ Yes, it is a n u n c o n s c io u s c rue l ty . B u t w h a t else is p o ss ib le to d o ? T h e will o f the L o rd b e b le ssed !

    F R E E - B O R N : “ T h e will o f the L o rd b e b le s se d . . .! If th e re is D iv in e will in such a th ing , th e n G o d is a c r im in a l .”

    S L A V E - B O R N : “ G o d 1 h a v e s in n e d . . . !” F R E E - B O R N : “ Y o u rea l ly d id sin a g a in s t G o d ! It is

    th e sp ir i t o f s la v e ry w h ich sees th e f in g e r o f G o d in e v e r y th ing , in s te a d of o b se rv in g th e n a tu ra l law . M a n is m a s te r of his d es t in y . H e a lo n e is th e c a u se o f h is h a p p in e s s o r m is fo r tu n e .

    " Y o u a re o w n e r of p r o p e r ty , w e will say, a n d m o d e r a t e w ea l th . Y o u live as a m o d e s t c i tizen , la b o r in g h o n o r a b ly in fr ing ing u p o n th e r igh ts o f no n e . L o , th e g o v e r n m e n ta l u su re r o f f ice rs com e . W i th a th o u s a n d m e a n s of f r a u d u le n t p re te n ses , th r e a te n in g a n d o p p ress io n s , th e y seize y o u r land . T h e y ta k e y o u b e f o r e u n ju s t t r ib u n a ls , accu s in g y o u w ro n g fu l ly . B r ib e ry is y o u r o n ly h o p e . If y o u will b u t fill th e ir g r e e d y m o u th s , th e y m a y le t y o u go. Is n o t this a c r i m e ? ”

    S L A V E - B O R N : "Y e s , it is s a v a g e ry . B u t w h a t is p o s s ib le to d o ? 1 he will o f th e L o r d b e b le s s e d ! ”

    F R E E - B O R N : W o e o n a n a t io n th a t res ts h e r c o n sc ie n ce a n d seeks h e r c o m f o r t in such a m a n n e r . W h a t is p o ss ib le to d o ? W h y it is n e c e s sa ry to kill th e b e a s t e i th e r in his d e n , o r a t th e p la ce of r a v is h m e n t . F a n c y the f a th e r o f a fam i ly w h o has a wife, sons, d a u g h te r s , d a u g h te r s - in - l a w a n d sons- in law . U n d e r a m o d e s t g a r r e t w in d o w a f te r th e toil o f th e d a y , th e y sit r o u n d the h e a r t s to n e , th e ir in n o c e n t l i t t le c h i ld r e n d i s p o r t ing th e m se lv e s n e a r b y . T h e fires o f a f f e c t io n w a r m all the ir h ea r ts . G r a n d m o t h e r r e la te s fo lk - lo re , m ix in g h e r ta le w ith jokes . P le a s a n t r ie s a r e e x c h a n g e d . It is a l i t t l e p a r a d i s e w h e re in they dw ell .

    “ B ut b e h o ld ! E v e r y th in g o v e r th r o w n . P a r a d i s e b e c o m e s a hell. B lo o d - s h e d d in g K u rd s o n o n e side, Turkish o f f ice rs on th e o the r . A b lo w here , a r e v i l e m e n t th e re . B la s p h e m o u s a n d u n h e a r d of insults to th e a g e d p a t r i a rc h , a n d to all th e m e m b e r s o f th e fam ily . T h e g r a n d f a t h e r is w o u n d e d . T he g r a n d m o th e r is b e a te n in to insensib il i ty . T h e m o th e r sh o u ts ‘H e lp !

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    on ly to rec e iv e b lo w s f ro m c rue l fists o n h e r m o u th . T h e m e n - f o lk a r e m u r d e r e d . . . T h e h o m e - n e s t is ru in ed , d e s p o i le d b y m o n s t ro u s ru ff ians . Is n o t this a c r im e, f r ie n d ? Y o u seek in v a in h e r e fo r th e will of th e L o rd . T h is s t r a n g e th e o lo g y of y o u r s is p e c u l ia r o n ly to the p s y c h o lo g y of th e Jew s . I say, is n o t this a c r i m e ? "

    S L A V E - B O R N : “ A y e , v e r i ly it is a c r im e. B u t w h a t is left p o s s ib le to d o ? ”

    F R E E - B O R N : “ T o res is t to th e lim it o f th e law ! T h e w o u n d e d lion m a n g le s his e n e m y . W e a re all w o u n d e d lions. W e m u s t c ru sh th e e n e m y . . . th e e n e m ie s of o u r F a th e r l a n d . H o w lo n g will y o u u n c o m p la in in g ly b e a r this p a in fu l yo k e , c o n s e c ra te d n e i th e r b y G o d or L aw , a n d im p o s e d on ly b y y o u r e ro t ic w ill? T h e sh a c k l in g of th e m in d , r ep re ss io n of the to n g u e , v io le n c e of r igh t a n d h o n o r , se izu re of possess ions , a b o l i t io n of all fee lings of in d iv id u a l i ty , o b s t r u c t io n o f f ra n k ac tiv i ty , in a w o rd , s u p p re s s io n of all th o se th ings w h ic h c h a r ac te r iz e th e M A N , — this is n o t C h r is t ian i ty . G o d o r d a in e d th e m a n as m a s te r o v e r his pass ions , a n d t o d a y it is m a n w h o ru les o v e r a n o t h e r m a n . T h is is all w ro n g . S w o rd , o p p re s s io n , sac r i lege , — th e se a re th e b u r d e n s of th e s l a v e ’s life. T e a r s a re f o r b id d e n also. S e l f d e f e n c e ? T h a t is r es is tance , a n d n o t p e rm is sa b le . No, no, c a p t iv i ty a n d h u m a n i ty c a n n o t b e c o n c i l ia ted , E i th e r l ib e r ty o r d e a th . . .’

    A R M E N I A N - B O R N : ( E n t e r s ) “ G o o d m o r n in g . ”F R E E - B O R N : “ G o o d m o rn in g , b r a v e A r m e n ia n - b o r n !

    W h e n c e d o y o u c o m e ? ”

    A R M E N I A N - B O R N : “ F r o m o f fe r in g a m a n -sa c r i f ic e to th e A r m e n ia n G o d . ”

    F R E E - B O R N : “ W a s y o u r sacr if ice a c c e p t a b l e ? ”( T o Be C o n t in u e d )

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    Any a n d a ll b onds req u ired to be subm itted m ust com ply w ith the povisions of the s ta tu te s of the S ta te of N ew Jersey-

    The Jersey C ity Inc inera to r Authority of the City of Jersey C ity re se rv es the right to re ject a n y a n d a ll p ro p o sa ls shbmitted-

    By order of the Jersey C ity Incinerator of the C ty of Jersey City.DATED: Office of the S ec re ta ry of the Jer-

    sey City Inc inera to r A hthority , Jersey City, N. J. S ep tem ber 27, 1960.

    JOSEPH W. LEVY C hairm an

    Sept. 30, Oct. 7. 14, 1960