May 7, 2012

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Transcript of May 7, 2012

Hollande is president of Franceand he must be respected," theoutgoing leader told an emo-tional crowd of supporters,adding that he had wished hissuccessor well.

"In this new era, I will re-main one of you, but my placewill no longer be the same. Myengagement with the life of mycountry will now be different,but time will never strain thebonds between us," he toldsupporters.

Sarkozy stopped short ofconfirming his retirement, butleaders in his right-wing UMPparty told AFP that he had toldthem he would not lead theminto June's parliamentary elec-tions.

The French vote coincideswith an election in Greece,where exit polls showed thecountry's two main parties suf-fering big losses for landingthe country in its bleak eco-nomic state.

PARIS (AFP) - Francois Hol-lande was elected France's firstSocialist president in nearlytwo decades yesterday, dealinga humiliating defeat to incum-bent Nicolas Sarkozy andshaking up European politics.

The result will have majorimplications for Europe as itstruggles to emerge from a fi-nancial crisis and for France,the eurozone's second-largesteconomy and a nuclear-armedpermanent member of the UNSecurity Council.

Hollande won the vote withabout 52 percent, according toseveral estimates from pollingfirms based on ballot samples,becoming France's first Social-ist president since FrancoisMitterrand left office in 1995.

Sarkozy quickly concededdefeat and signalled that he in-tends to step back from front-line politics.

"The French people havemade their choice... Francois

During the first week of De-cember, 2011, Aruba hostedthe inaugural Happy Com-munity Conference, a three-program dedicated to theconcepts and mechanics ofcommunity-building. Aruba’sPrime Mi nister Mike Emanhas expressed his belief thatCommunitarianism, andstimulating wide participa-tion in civic networks willgenerate the productivity andcooperation nee ded from allArubans in the attainment ofeconomic and social sustain-ability for the island.

The next step in theprocess begins today at 3:30PM at the University ofAruba with the opening ofthe Culturalization of Citi-zenship Seminar-Compara-tive Perspectives, which isaimed at understanding andembracing all the various na-tionalities and ethnic groupsof which the Aruban popula-tion is now comprised. Deanof the Faculty of Arts andSciences (FAS) of the U of A,Dr. Paula Kibbelaar, in an-nouncing the upcoming sem-inar remarked that the subjectneeded to be addressed andelevated beyond casual con-versation, as it is a topic verymuch on the mind of most is-landers. This is also an NWO(Dutch Scientific Organiza-tion) research project con-ducted within the Kingdomof the Netherlands. The fin -dings of this research projectwill be presented during theday sessions of the confer-ence to the invited partici-pants, which will beconducted in “roundtable”workshop, fashion.

The 2010 Census revealedthat nearly 1/3 of Aruba’spermanent population,among those legally regis-tered, are not born here. Cul-turalization of Citizenship isnot only a concept of allow-ing the migrant population tolive on the island, but instill-ing a sense of welcome,country and community that

will tap into their desire tocontribute and be involved,so to utilize what they bringto Aruba to better insure itsfuture prosperity, economi-cally and socially.

Guest speakers includeProfessor Dr. EvelienTonkens of the University ofAmsterdam, who was a verywell received presenter at theHappy Community Confer-ence in December, ProfessorDr. Peter Geschiere, RogerVan Ree kum, MA, and Dr.Francio Guadaloupe, alsofrom the University of Ams-terdam, and Chris Huinder,MA, from the Forum Institutefor Multicultural Affairs,Utrecht.

Local presenters during thetwo-day conference endingtomorrow evening are Profes-

sor Dr. Ryan Peterson of the Uof A, Benny Sevinger, Minis-ter of Integration, Infrastruc-ture and Environment, Drs.Martijn Balkstein, Acting Di-rector of the Central Bureau ofStatistics, Dr. Luc Alofs,anthropo logist and historian,and Aruba’s Prime Minister,Mike Eman. University ofAruba Rector Glenn Thodeexpressed the faculty’s enthu-siasm for being a part of thiscooperative effort and itsgoals for the island commu-nity.

The day time sessions areby invitation only, but organi -zers encourage all interestedparties to attend a final publicevent beginning tomorrow at7:00 PM in university’s mainauditorium.

Continued on page 3

Monday, May 7, 2012

Culturalization of Citizenship

Conference begins today

PM Mike Eman, Dr Glenn Thode and Dr Paula Kibbelaar

Socialist Hollande ousts

Sarkozy in French vote

seven times a year to a homehe has here, and been a loyalvisitor for 17 years,” re-counted Mr. Palmer. “He toldme he has been lobbying forthis direct service and is de-lighted we now provide it.”

WestJet, is the second-largest Canadian air carrier,behind Air Canada, operatingan average of 425 flights andcarrying over 45,000 passen-gers per day. Aruba has thedistinction of now being theirsouthernmost destination.

Mr. Palmer and a contin-gent of Canadian travelagents on the flight were of-ficially welcomed by theMinister along with CEO of

the Aruba Airport Authority,Peter Steinmetz, Ronella TjinAsjoe-Croes, CEO of theAruba Tourism Authority andJim Hepple, CEO of theAruba Hotel and Tourism As-sociation, AHATA along withColleen LesSard, ATA SalesManager for Canada. Follow-ing the ribbon cutting, therewas an exchange of gifts, atradition with inaugural serv-ices, and a toast of blue col-ored champagne, thecompany co lors of WestJet.

Continued on page 4

to a man from Canada whohas been traveling to Aruba

Aruba’s Minister of Eco-nomic & Social Affairs &Culture, Michelle Hooyboer-Winklaar, was very pleasedto stand in for Minister ofTourism Transport & Labor,Otmar Oduber, while cuttingthe ribbon for the inauguralarrival of WestJet Airlinesyesterday afternoon in theVIP Lounge of the ReinaBeatrix International Airport.

Sharing the honors withher was WestJet Manager ofMedia Relations, RobertPalmer, who was proud to an-nounce their inaugural flightof weekly Sunday non-stopser vice from Toronto, Canadaon a 166-seat Boeing 737-800, was booked to capacity.

“I have just been listening

Aruba during the summer.With the support of the

Aruban community, Art RulesAruba has been able to offerworkshops in 10 different ArtDisciplines, thought by morethan 20 professional artistsfrom 10 different cities aroundthe world, to almost 400Aruban teens!

Workshops were offered inDJ, Theater, Dance, Rap & Po-etry, Painting & Fine Arts,Photography, Fashion Designand Mural Painting, which alsomeant that Art Rules Arubafound a way to reach all typesof individuals from differentbackgrounds, cultures, ages,and interests. Art Rules Arubahas become a place for theyouth to cultivate their artistictalent, learn new skills and per-spectives, all the while shapingtheir identity in the most hard-working, disciplined yet funand exiting way.

Continued on page 3

On July 6th, 2012 the biggestand most successful Arts Pro-gram Art Rules Aruba will re-turn to the Island off Arubawith its 3rd edition.

Summer is around the cor-ner and for the youth on the Is-land of Aruba this can onlymean one thing……..Getready guys, Art Rules Aruba isback!

As the biggest and mostsuccessful Educational ArtProgram of Aruba returns forthe 3rd time, RBC Royal Bankand The Pancake GalleryFoundation welcome all ofAruba’s young aspiring talentsto come and experience themost exhilarating summer Artsproject ever!

Art Rules Aruba alsoknown as ARA launched in2010, soon becoming the num-ber one Arts project for teensbetween 13-26 has since thengrown to become the most par-ticipated youth program on

2 Monday, May 7 , 2012

RBC Royal Bank presentsArt Rules Aruba #3

Aruba welcomes WestJet

Minister Hooyboer-Winklaar and Robert Palmer cut theribbon

A gift from WestJet to Aruba

followed by an informal dis-cussion period during thefarewell reception in the uni-versity courtyard.

The entire program will beconducted in English; those in-terested in the agenda andlearning more about the speak-ers and their qualifications canview this at:

by Rosalie Klein

Culturalization of CitizenshipConference begins Continued from page 1

The topic for the evening willbe “Perils and Pearls of Be-longing.” There will be a shortwelcome reception with re-freshments prior to the paneldiscussion by Prof. Dr. PeterGeschiere, Dr. Francio Guada -loupe, Dr. Luck Alofs andAruba’s Minister of Social andEconomic Affairs and Culture,Michelle Hooyboer-Winklaar,which will be chaired byEvelien Tonkens, ending withan audience Q & A. It will be

covered by Idols’ Randy Jack-son) to offer this years newestBonus Workshop “Music &Performing”.

The program that launcheson the 6th of July will runthrough July 20th with a spe-cial final showcase at Cas DiCultura on July 21st.

For information on the pro-gram, the disciplines, how toapply and more, andmake sure to like the Art RulesAruba Facebook page for dailyupdates, diaries and exclu-sives.

Produced by Ira Kipand Ayra Kip, alsoknow as The Pan-cake Gallery Foun-dation, the twinsisters are returningthis year with whatthey say “our bestteam ever”!

“We wanted thebest for the youth ofAruba, offeringthem as much of ourresources as wecan”. This year weare not holdingback, we went fromAruba, to London,Canada, New York,San Francisco, Suri-name even Swedenand back, to get thebest people to the Island andteach our youth, our future, thebest which we can offer them”.

With the signature supportof RBC Royal Bank, this yearsArt Rules Aruba is indeed ex-pected to be the best yet. ThePancake Gallery confirms tohave locked in designers fromCalvin Klein, top dancers fromEurope and Canada, Awardwinning actors and one ofAmerica’s most watched fineartist and painter just to namea few. This year Art RulesAruba also adds a very specialnew edition and teacher (dis-

Monday, May 7, 2012 3

Art Rules Aruba #3Continued from page 2

BVI Deputy Premier DrKedrick Pickering said re-gional cooperation, particularlybetween overseas territories inthe Caribbean, was “very im-portant and necessary,” givenchanging global economic con-ditions and the small size of theterritories individually

guilla, Aruba, Bonaire, Cay-man, Curacao, Montserrat andSint Maarten as members, withSaba and Sint Eustatius in-ducted as associate members.

Curacao will be the chairmanof the executive body of thecouncil, with Cayman as vicechair and the BVI as secretariat.

-- The British Virgin Islandshas signed an agreement toform a new body aimed at fos-tering greater cooperation be-tween the British and Dutchterritories in the Caribbean.

The Caribbean OverseasCountries and TerritoriesCouncil includes the BVI, An-

British Virgin Islands forms new council withEuropean’s Caribbean territories

Since the island govern-ment's installation two yearsago, the secret service has beenrocked by a number of scan-dals. Secret documents wereleaked to the media in one case.In another, it emerged that in2010 there had been plans todestroy certain dossiers.

The prime minister accusedthe opposition of orchestratingthe coup plot but he refused tomention any names. He urgedthe parliamentary parties toorder a parliamentary inquiry.

Curaçao has been a separatecountry within the Kingdom ofthe Netherlands since 2010.

its members planned to stage acoup in 2010.

On Friday, Prime MinisterGerrit Schotte announced thatall secret service staff had beensent home but would remainon stand-by. A crisis team is toinvestigate the Caribbean is-land's secret service, the VDC,with the help of the Dutch in-telligence service, the AIVD,the prime minister said.

Mr Schotte stressed that theVDC was not being placedunder AIVD supervision. TheDutch service confirmed itwould only provide “profes-sional assistance.”

WILLEMSTAD -- Curaçao’sgovernment has suspended itssecret service saying some of

by Rosalie Klein

All parties in-volved expressedtheir optimism forthe success of thenew service, andthe potential andinterest of theCanadian marketfor regular serviceto Aruba.

Mr. Palmer ex-pressed he hopedto see manyArubans take ad-vantage of thisservice and cometo discover Ca -nada’s charms aswell. Some excel-lent introductoryrates are now beingoffered, and inter-ested parties can inquire withtheir travel agent or at

A photographer cameand took my pictureTo be placed in a calen-dar, she saidSo now I am immortal-ized among shabbyfences and misspelledwarning signsGreatFirst, you take my dig-nityThen you wound myvanity

I have a brother wholives in OranjestadI have never met himBut they say we lookalike

Lately, I think of himoftenThere are just two of uson this island, you now

Just two Water Towers, stranded in time

In my dreams, I see him and talk to himI tell him that he is lofty and majesticI tell him not to waverI tell him that he is not aloneI tell him that I, too, am standing firm

Today May 7th 2012Finally after being stranded in timethere is movement around meThey have scratched my skinand closed my woundsRest assured your water towerhas never trembledand will always standfirm to serve you.

During the day, I standAt night, I loom

Once, I toweredHigh and mighty, proudand powerfulFor I was neededI was appreciatedI was seen

War was waged andwonAnd I stood, firmly

Passersby stopped andlanguished in myshadow, swappingjuicy tales of hearsayand gossipAnd I stood, unper-turbed

But, then, as the sunrose and setAs the moon waxed and wanedAs the tides ebbed and flowedSomething changed

People no longer looked at meThey looked passed meI became part of the backgroundI became … obsoleteIgnoredDiscardedSold for one florin

One morning, men came and erected afence around meA shabby, sloppy fence, with somemessy, ugly signsThey said that I was dangerousThey said that I was falling apart

Ah, my heart cries outBut I won’t let them sense my sorrowI may shed some of my plasterBut I will not trembleI will stand firm

I realize now that when you get old,and are no longer needed, you passinto oblivionYou pass into the netherworld ofneglect and dilapidation, into thelimbo of despair

4 Monday, May 7 , 2012

Stranded in Timeby Roland W. Peterson

Aruba welcomes WestJet Continued from page 2

Curaçao suspends secret serviceover coup

House inOranjestad

Property LandFor info call5643713 or6607469


Peter Steinmetz, Robert Palmer, Minister Hooyboer,Ronellas Tjin Asjoe and Jim Hepple

A gift from Aruba Tourism Authority toWestJet

100kW and 160Nm, and theclutch is light and the shifter-throw not too long.

The 2012 Suzuki SwiftSport is available at UltimateAutomobiles, exclusive dea lers on Aruba for Suzuki cars.

For more information andto view them, visit the Ulti-mate Automobiles showroomat Sabana Blanco #35, or call583-9800.

Sport picks up cleanly fromlow rpm and sings all the wayto a 7000rpm redline. Youcan feel the effect of the vari-able-length manifold be-tween 4000 and 4500rpm,but aside from that little‘step’ the power delivery isvery linear.

The six-speed gearbox hasclosely-spaced ratios to helpmake the most of the engine’s

interior quality.The dashboard, door cards

and headliner are shared withthe Swift GLX, but the Sportgets its own unique instru-ment cluster, alloy pedals,red-stitched leather steeringwheel and heavily-bolsteredfront sports seats.

The Swift Sport is speccedquite well, and comes stan-dard with a proximity key,push-button starter, HIDheadlamps, foglamps, cruisecontrol, Bluetooth, climatecontrol, a six-speaker audiosystem with a USB input andiPod integration, and a tripcomputer.

In order to save weight,the space saver spare wheelof the regular Swift has beenswapped for an inflator kit.The Drive

The new M16A enginemight be small, but it’s got arev-happy personality and areasonably strong mid range.

It features variable valve-timing and a variable-lengthinlet manifold, and the func-tion of both is to fatten thetorque curve without com-promising top-end power.

They definitely work; the

much, but the new ZC32SSwift Sport is also 30kglighter than the car it re-places. That boosts its power-to-weight ratio from11.8kg/kW to 10.6kg/kW - arespectable improvement.

The outgoing car’s five-speed manual has also beenreplaced with a six-speed,and, for the first time ever,the Swift Sport is also avail-able with an automatic - aCVT with seven ‘virtual’ ra-tios and paddle shifters.

There’s also an enhancedstandard equipment list, notto mention greatly improved

At first glance, it looks likenot much has changed withSuzuki’s Swift Sport. It’s stillpowered by a naturally-aspi-rated 1.6 litre engine, stillfront-wheel-drive only andstill dressed in a retina-sea -ring yellow.

But delve a little deeper,and the changes becomemore apparent - and moresignificant.

That 1.6 liter petrol four-pot is a new design, and pro-duces 100kW and 160Nm -8kW and 12Nm more thanthe old motor.

It doesn’t sound like

Monday, May 7, 2012 5

Ultimate Automobiles introduces the 2012 Suzuki Swift Sport

ration ceremony today .(AFP PHoTo)

nous tone ahead of hisglitzy presidential inaugu-

INDIA, srinagar : Veterinarians and assistants performsterilisation surgery on a street dog in srinagar. The sri-nagar Municipal corporation, in collaboration with theAnimal welfare board of India, is conducting a sterilisa-tion drive for dogs in the Kashmiri capital where an es-timated 100,000 canines roam the streets. (AFP PHoTo)

Moscow : Russian Policeofficers detain oppositionsupporters during a rally inMoscow on May 6, 2012.

Russian riot police vio-lently clashed with protest-ers at a rally on the eve ofstrongman VladimirPutin's return for a thirdKremlin term, arrestingover 250 people includingopposition leaders.

The clashes just overthe river from the Kremlinwere the most violentsince the first ralliesagainst the Russianstrongman began in De-cember and set an omi-

austerity can no longer be theonly option."And this is the mis-sion that is now mine -- to givethe European project a dimen-sion of growth, employment,prosperity, in short, a future."

"This is what I will say assoon as possible to our Euro-pean partners and first of all toGermany, in the name of thefriendship that links us and inthe name of our shared respon-sibility. We are not just anycountry on the planet, just anynation in the world, we areFrance."

TULLE (AFP) - France's pre -sident-elect Francois Hollandewarned fellow European lea -ders yesterday that he wouldpush ahead with his vow to re-focus EU fiscal efforts fromausterity to growth.

"Europe is watching us,"Hollande told cheering sup-porters shortly after his defeatof right-wing incumbent Nico-las Sarkozy was confirmed.

"I am sure that when the re-sult was announced, in many Eu-ropean countries there was relief,hope and the notion that finally

tique last week that the admin-istration had mishandled theChen affair by allowing thedissident to leave the embassybefore it was completely clearthat he and his family faced nothreat of retaliation and trulywanted to stay in China.

"This is a dark day for free-dom and it's a day of shame forthe Obama administration. Weare a place of freedom, hereand around the world, and weshould stand up and defendfreedom wherever it is underattack," Romney said lastweek.

But speaking on ABC tele-vision Sunday, PresidentBarack Obama's campaignstrategist David Axelrod dis-missed the criticism, saying"we want to help Mr Chenachieve his goal, which is tocome here, and we want to doit in accordance with our va -lues, and we want to be suc-cessful in doing that. Andwe're making some progress inthat regard," Axelrod said.

have prevented him from com-pleting the necessary formali-ties to leave.

Chen yesterday appealedfor official help to leave China,saying he was effectivelyblocked in his hospital bed inBeijing.

"Now I have notified thehospital to invite them (gov-ernment officials) to help medo the procedures. I reallydon't have a way," he told AFPin a telephone interview.

"It's even difficult for me toget out of bed and my otherfriends cannot come, so I haveno way. They (US diplomats)have come, but they can't seeme."

The delicate diplomaticstandoff over Chen's move toseek sanctuary in the US em-bassy in Beijing and his laterrequest to leave China, becamefodder on the presidential cam-paign trail.

The president's presumedWhite House rival, Mitt Rom-ney suggested in a sharp cri-

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheUnited States will grant Chi-nese activist Chen Guang -cheng a visa as soon as heapplies for one, and expectsBeijing to stand by its pro -mises, Vice President JoeBiden said Sunday.

Biden told NBC televisionthat Washington wanted tohelp Chen take up the offer ofa fellowship from New YorkUniversity.

"We're prepared to give avisa right away. He's going tobe able to take his family. Weexpect the Chinese to stick tothat commitment," Biden said.

Chen is at the center of amajor diplomatic wrangle be-tween China and the UnitedStates after he escaped harshhouse arrest in the easternprovince of Shandong late lastmonth and sought refuge at theUS embassy in Beijing.

He has been offered the fel-lowship but injuries sustainedduring his flight and officialrestrictions on access to him

crat stressed.So far Clinton, who ran a

tight campaign against Obamain 2008 in a failed bid to winthe Democratic Party nomina-tion, has so far strenuouslyruled out making any furtherbid for the White House.

What he can declare with100 percent certainty, Bidensaid, is that he will be Obama's2012 running mate, despitespeculation the presidentwould try to strengthen theticket's appeal by choosingClinton instead.

"There is no question aboutit. There's no way out. They'vealready printed Obama-Biden(campaign posters)" he said."You are looking at the vicepresidential candidate of theUnited States of America."

WASHINGTON (AFP) - VicePresident Joe Biden, who ispreparing to embark on the2012 re-election campaigntrail, suggested yestderday hemight be interested in runningin 2016 -- paired on a ticketwith Secretary of State HillaryClinton.

"I think we may run as ateam," Biden teased in an in-terview on NBC television todiscuss his political future asPresident Barack Obama'sright hand man in the WhiteHouse, during the campaignleading to November's presi-dential election, and beyond.

"I'm only joking obviously.I don't know. I don't knowwhether I'm going to run andHillary doesn't know whethershe's going to run," the Demo-

6 Monday, May 7, 2012


Biden dangles prospect ofteaming with Hillary in ‘16

Biden: US ready to expedite Chinese

activist's visa

Hollande: Austerity no longer'only option' for Europe

rescued since the Seti burst itsbanks near the city of Pokhara,a popular tourist hub, on Satur-day, sweeping away an entirevillage, and swamping familiesenjoying picnics on the riverbanks. Most of the missingare thought to be local.

Sniffer dogs have been sent200 kilometres (125 miles)from the capital Kathmandu tosearch for bodies along thebanks of the river, which hasnow subsided, while policeand army personnel hunted forsurvivors.

KATHMANDU (AFP) - Res-cuers scouring Nepal's centralAnnapurna region after severeflash flooding said yesterdaythat there was almost no hopeof finding survivors and thatthe final death toll could bemore than 60.

The bodies of 17 peoplehave been recovered but dis-trict police superintendentSailesh Thapa told AFP that 47missing people, includingthree Ukrainian tourists, werefeared dead.

Just eight people have been

Hope fades for Nepal flood

victims, toll may hit 60

who threw it escaped in a van,but he did not specify a mo-tive, saying police were wor -king on two possibilities. Hedid not identify any group be-hind the attack.

He said the government'sintelligence arm was assessingsecurity threats across thecountry and was on constantalert.

Iligan lies on the north coastof Mindanao island. The re-gion has been mired in adecades-long Muslim insur-gency as well as bombings andkidnappings by Abu Sayyaf, agroup founded with seedmoney from late Al-Qaedachief Osama bin Laden in the1990s.

Manila (AFP) - PhilippinePresident Benigno Aquinopromised yesterday securityforces would arrest the culpritsbehind a grenade attack thatleft two people dead and atleast 19 others hurt in the trou-bled south.

Aquino sought to allay pub-lic fears after the blast in apopular restaurant district inIligan city on Saturday.

"If you are listening rightnow, it's better that you surren-der now because we will notstop pursuing you and we willcatch you," Aquino told re-porters in a message to the at-tackers.

Aquino said a grenade wasused in the attack and the man

Aquino vows to arrestsuspects in Philippine blast

the Revolutionary ArmedForces of Colombia in thesouth of the country.


accompanying soldiers whodestroyed five cocaine produc-tion labs, went missing onApril 28, 2012 after a firefightbetween security forces and

COLOMBIA -- : Video grabshot on May 5, 2012 and re-leased on May 6 shows Revo-lutionary Armed Forces ofColombia (FARC) commanderAncizar, alias Monazo, readinga statement written on April30, confirming they have gotFrench journalist Romeo Lan-glois as a 'prisoner of war' andthat he indeed suffered a bulletwound to one of his arms buthas been treated and is out ofdanger, somewhere in theColombian jungle in the south-ern province of Caqueta.

Langlois, a 35-year-old re-porter for global television net-work France 24 who had been

from their foundations, over-turned cars in muddy debrisand fallen concrete powerpoles.

Aerial images showed pos-sibly hundreds of houses andapartments with shattered glasswindows, many of them withtheir roofs blown away.

Japan's weather agency is-sued warnings for a wide re-gion in the east of the country,urging people to seek shelter incase of sudden winds andthunder.

The severe winds caused apower outage for nearly20,000 households in the re-gion, said a spokeswoman forTokyo Electric Power.

Tochigi prefecture reportedone injury and damage to 132buildings after it was hit by aseparate apparent tornado.

A number of minor injurieswere also reported in Tochigi,while a swathe of easternJapan was battered by strongwinds, hail, lightning andheavy rain.

In total, tornadoes damagedroughly 500 houses and build-ings in the Kanto region, in-cluding Ibaraki and Tochigi,said the online editions of na-tional broadcaster NHK andthe mass-circulation YomiuriShimbun newspaper.

Television footage fromTsukuba showed houses swept

TOKYO (AFP) - A tornadoripped through eastern Japanyesterday, killing a teenager,destroying dozens of homesand cutting power to around20,000 households.

"A 14-year-old male died"as a result of the tornado, saida spokesman at the disasterheadquarters of Tsukuba cityin Ibaraki prefecture, roughly60 kilometres (37 miles) north-east of Tokyo.

The exact cause of thedeath was not immediatelyclear, but he was among 15people whom rescue workersrushed to hospitals immedi-ately after the twister, the citygovernment said.

It added that 21 other peo-ple also sought medical carefor tornado-related injuries inthe city, and said it had askedSelf Defense Force troops tohelp with rescue and relief op-erations.

"The figure is only a tempo-rary tally. We believe the num-ber for injuries could rise," thespokesman said.

The Tsukuba fire and emer-gency bureau said 30 to 50houses were destroyed by thetornado, with many more dam-aged.

Moka city in neighbouring

Tornado kills teenager in Japan

Monday, May 7, 2012 7


FARC confirm taking French reporterhostage

8 Monday, May 7, 2012

Exercise controlsweightExercise can help pre-vent excess weight gainor help maintain weightloss. When you engagein physical activity, youburn calories. The moreintense the activity, themore calories you burn.You don't need to set

aside large chunks of time for exercise to reap weight-lossbenefits. If you can't do an actual workout, get more activethroughout the day in simple ways — by taking the stairs in-stead of the elevator or revving up your household chores.Exercise combats health conditions and diseasesWorried about heart disease? Hoping to prevent high bloodpressure? No matter what your current weight, being activeboosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," choles-terol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-twopunch keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which decreasesyour risk of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, regular physicalactivity can help you prevent or manage a wide range ofhealth problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolicsyndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of can-cer, arthritis and falls.Exercise improves moodNeed an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some steam aftera stressful day? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minutewalk can help. Physical activity stimulates various brainchemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more re-laxed. Exercise boosts energyWinded by grocery shopping or household chores? Regularphysical activity can improve your muscle strength and boostyour endurance. Exercise promotes better sleepStruggling to fall asleep? Or to stay asleep? Regular physicalactivity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep.Just don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you may be tooenergized to fall asleep.Exercise puts the spark back into your sex lifeDo you feel too tired or too out of shape to enjoy physicalintimacy? Regular physical activity can leave you feeling en-ergized and looking better, which may have a positive effecton your sex life. But there's more to it than that. Regularphysical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women.And men who exercise regularly are less likely to have prob-lems with erectile dysfunction than are men who don't exer-cise.Exercise can be funExercise and physical activity can be a fun way to spendsome time. Find a physical activity you enjoy, and just do it.If you get bored, try something new.

Exercise can improve your mood,stamina and sex life

How many more reasons doyou need to get moving?

GERMANY--German phar-maceutical giant Bayer AGhas challenged a ground-breaking Indian ruling thatallowed a local firm to pro-duce a vastly cheaper copy ofits patented drug for kidneyand liver cancer.

India's patents chief ruledin March the price Bayercharged for the drug, Nex-avar, was "exorbitant" andordered the firm to give a so-called "compulsory licence"to make the medicine to In-dian company Natco Pharma.

"We will rigorously con-tinue to defend our intellec-tual property rights which area prerequisite for bringing in-novative medicines to pa-tients," Bayer spokesmanAloke Pradhan told AFP inan emailed statement thispast weekend.

Drug firms insist theyneed patent protection formedicines to recoup costs oflong years of research anddevelopment.

Under the World Trade Or-ganization's TRIPS Agree-ment, which governs tradeand intellectual property rules,compulsory licences are alegally recognised means toovercome barriers in access-ing affordable medicines.

The Indian ruling inMarch marked the first timea so-called "compulsory li-cence" for production of apatented drug had beengranted in the country of 1.2billion, known as a globalgenerics drug powerhouse.

But after a new patent lawwas introduced in 2005,newer medicines are increas-ingly being patented in India,keeping prices high.

Under the ruling, Natcowill pay Bayer a six percentroyalty on sales of the drugand sell the medicine for8,800 rupees ($165) a month-- compared to the 280,000rupees ($5,320) the companycharges, which is more than30 times as much.

Bayer challenges Indiacancer drug ruling

PARIS (AFP) - Children con-ceived with the aid of fertilitytreatments are more likely tobe born with serious physicaldefects, according an Aus-tralian study published re-cently.

Conception using treat-ments like ovulation induc-tion, in-vitro fertilisation orthe injection of sperm di-rectly into an egg, resulted inserious defects in 8.3 percentof cases studied, the researchteam said.

The corresponding ratio inspontaneous conceptions was5.8 percent -- a "very" signif-icant difference, lead re-searcher Michael Davies toldAFP of the University ofAdelaide study published inthe New England Journal ofMedicine.

"Something that is notoften talked about in theclinic, I suspect, is the risk ofhaving an abnormal baby.And so this emphasises this issomething that must betalked about between patientsand clinicians.

"They must discuss therisk for this when choosingthe treatment."

Davies, from the univer-sity's Robinson Institute forfertility, said the research hadfocused on serious defects,"things that either requiretreatment or if there is notreatment they are going to beconsidered handicapping",like a heart condition or cere-bral palsy.

The study covered 308,974births registered in South Aus-tralia between January 1986and December 2002, of which6,163 had resulted from as-sisted conception.

"I don't think there is anyreason it wouldn't be applica-ble to the majority of clinicsaround the world," said

Davies, calling forfurther research.

More than 3.7million babies areborn every year asa result of fertilitytreatment.

The survey,which researcherssaid was the most

comprehensive of its kindyet, found that not all treat-ments were equally risky.

The scientists noted birthdefects in 7.2 percent of chil-dren born from in-vitro fertil-isation (IVF) and 9.9 percentfrom intracytoplasmic sperminjection (ICSI).

For IVF, the percentagedropped significantly whentaking into consideration fac-tors like parental age, smok-ing and other factors, but forICSI it remained high.

ICSI, in which a spermcell is injected directly intoan egg, is a form of IVF --

which involves the fertilisa-tion of an egg outside thebody, in a laboratory.

Davies said there wereseveral theories on why ICSIwas more risky -- possibly in-volving the use of damagedsperm or damage caused bymanipulation of the spermand egg in the lab.

With IVF, the sperm en-tered the egg of its own ac-cord.

"There are factors associ-ated with ICSI that requirefurther research," he said.

The researchers alsofound a tripling of risk inwomen using clomiphene cit-rate, a drug for ovulation in-duction.

"While confined to a smallgroup in our study, this is ofparticular concern asclomiphene citrate is nowvery widely available at lowcost," said Davies.

Fertility treatment babies prone to serious defects HEALTH & LIVING

Monday, May 7, 2012 9

SYDNEY (AFP) - A 97-year-old retired Australian dentistwas to receive his masters de-gree in clinical science onFriday in what SouthernCross University said couldmake him the world's oldestnew graduate.

Allan Stewart, born onMarch 7, 1915, is already theholder of the Guinness WorldRecords title for being theoldest graduate after com-pleting a law degree in 2006at the age of 91.

It was not immediatelyclear whether anyone olderhad graduated since.

"I think I can hang up mymortar board and academicrobes after this one -- al-though I said that after mylast degree and then I gotbored," said Stewart, fromPort Stephens, north of Syd-ney, ahead of his graduationceremony.

"I have so much time onmy hands these days and Ilike to keep mentally active."

The clinical science mas-ters is the fourth degree forthe great-grandfather, whobegan his university studiesin the 1930s with a degree indentistry.

After a long career as a den-tist, during which time he be-came a Doctor of DentalSurgery on completion of hissecond degree, Stewart decidedin his eighties to study law tohelp keep his mind active.

"As I approached the age

of 90 I realised that time wasof the essence and I had bet-ter get a wriggle on in case Ididn't make my graduation,"he said.

"So I attended extra sum-mer schools and managed tocomplete the six-year coursein four-and-a-half years,graduating in 2006. Turns outI needn't have rushed."

Stewart, who walks dailyand meditates regularly, keepshis mind alert by readingmedical textbooks and crimenovels and playing bridge.

Stewart, has six childrenand now has 12 grandchil-dren and six great-grandchil-dren, is modest about hisachievements.

"Oh, it's nothing really, Ihave just been blessed withgood genes," he said.

"At this stage of my life Itruly live one day at a time."

Aussie, 97, becomes 'world's oldest graduate'

Elon Musk, the Internet en-trepreneur and owner ofSpaceX, which aims to be thefirst private firm to send acargo craft to the Interna-tional Space Station, admitshe has a case of pre-launchjitters.

In an interview with AFP,Musk described the oft-de-layed launch of his com-pany's cargo-loaded Dragonspacecraft -- now pushedback to May 19 -- as both"exciting" and "extremelydifficult," and expressed con-fidence in his team.

"It's just taking longerthan expected to analyze allthe data," Musk told AFP bytelephone. "We need to makesure that the software isgoing to make the right com-mands and not endanger thespace station."

SpaceX made history withits Dragon launch in Decem-ber 2010, becoming the firstcommercial outfit to send aspacecraft into orbit andback.

This time, the gumdrop-shaped Dragon capsule willcarry 521 kilograms (1,148pounds) of cargo for thespace lab and will also aim toreturn a 660-kilo load toEarth.

The attempt to send thespacecraft from CapeCanaveral, Florida to the or-biting research lab has been

eMusic Android appIf there was everan app thatworked exactlyhow it was in-tended, the eMu-sic app is it.

Every bit of the eMusic serviceis available in this app. You canbuy, download and streammusic, you can browse their en-tire library and sample songs,you can listen to special eMusicplaylists, and you can even sign-up for the service and manageyour account, all without everentering a web browser.If you're not familiar witheMusic, basically it's a sub-scription service for music.You pay a certain amount permonth, and you get to down-load that amount’s worth ofmusic. The key here is thatmost of the songs available onthe service are cheaper than oniTunes or Amazon, but thetrade off is that those serviceshave a much larger selection ofpopular music than eMusicdoes. You'd want to use eMu-sic for the indie stuff, essen-tially.

repeatedly delayed, most re-cently from a planned May 7launch date, and earlier onApril 30.

The latest delay is to en-sure that there are no glitchesin the craft's software.

SpaceX boss admits sleepelusive before ISS launch

Dubai plans underwater hotel made ofsubmerged discs

To say that the city of Dubai — located in the United Arab Emirates — is a playground for thewealthy would be a gross understatement. The urban wonderland is home to some of the mostextravagant displays of affluence on Earth, so a new hotel popping up wouldn't normally makeheadlines. But when the hotel will send guests to rooms located 10 meters below the sea, well,that changes things. Apparently bored with the blasé above-ground digs available all over thecity, a Deep Ocean Technology is making your submarine dreams a reality with "Discus," a re-sort for people who prefer look at some lush ocean life over a crowded cityscape. When con-struction is completed, Discus will feature a large, above-water disc — complete with a helipad,of course — where visitors can enjoy food, drink, and any other pleasure money can buy. Then,when night falls, guests can retreat down to the massive underwater portion of the resort wherethe extravagant suites reside. Rooms will feature floor-to-ceiling views of underwater splendor,and the wealthy tourists who can afford a room will be treated not only to aquatic plants andanimals, but also the calming quiet of being 10 meters below the hustle and bustle of oceansidelife. The Discus project doesn't have a firm completion date yet.

10 Monday, May 7, 2012

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objective, its chief MarioDraghi called Thursday forputting "growth back at thecentre of the agenda".

But he indicated that a fur-ther rate cut or special meas-ures like the massive onetrillion euro liquidity injectionwhich temporarily calmedmarkets are not currently onthe cards.

Special ECB action "cannotreplace ... either fiscal consoli-dation or reforms as the wayback to stability," added Draghi.

However analysts believethe ECB may reevaluate itsstance after the latest batch ofdata.

"In our view, the Mayround of business surveys willbe key to assess the risk ofconventional easing in thecoming months," said MarcoValli at UniCredit.

Draghi also detailed hisviews on a "growth compact",which has become the focus ofdiscussion following the sign-ing in March of the EU's newfiscal compact requiringgreater budget rigour.

"There is absolutely no con-tradiction between a growthcompact and a fiscal compact,"he said of the debate betweengrowth and austerity.

Draghi warned that a slow-down in painful budget cutswould "not be very much help"in restoring growth.

The stimulus camp got amajor boost with the electionas French president yesterdayof Francois Hollande, whomade an EU growth pact thesignature initiative of his cam-paign.

"Austerity is a powerfulmedicine," said BerenbergBank economist HolgerSchmie ding. "If applied intel-ligently, it lays the basis formore competitiveness andhigher growth in the future.

"But too much of a goodmedicine can weaken the pa-tient," he noted.

European Union officialsissue spring forecasts thisweek, and first-quarter growthdata possibly showing reces-sion the following week.

Leading indicators on Fri-day signalled that eurozoneprivate sector activity conti -nues to contract, just asprotests against budgetary re-forms and appeals for stimulusincrease in countries undergo-ing radical structural reformsto fight debt.

The "stimulus measures im-plemented by the EuropeanCentral Bank have not had alasting impact on the real eco -nomy", said Chris Williamson,chief economist at Markit re-search firm which publishedthe indicators.

While ensuring that low in-flation is the ECB's sole policy

PARIS (AFP) - The contoursof recession and recovery in-side the EU will be drawn withforecasts this week and a quar-terly snapshot next week, set-ting the scene for an informalsummit on growth likely bythe end of May.

The new data, together withleading indicators from euro-zone businesses, will keep fi-nancial markets on edge, theEuropean Central Bank onwatch and political contro-versy about austerity versusgrowth on the boil.

The austerity-growth di -lem ma has come to a head,pitching so-called supply-sideeconomics, based on soundbudgets and a drive for effi-ciency, against calls for extrastimulus to counter the drag ofcutbacks.

Growth is the question, reforms arethe key: EU analysts

Burlington Northern Santa Fein 2010.

It would have also dentedBerkshire's $37.83 billion cashhoard. Buffett said he wants tokeep $20 billion on hand.Berkshire has about 80 opera -ting units, which sell suchthings as car insurance, che -micals, clothing, furniture andice cream.

The question of who willsucceed Buffett, 81, as chiefexecutive became more of animperative after Buffett dis-closed the diagnosis on April17.

While Buffett called it "areally minor event," his early-stage prostate cancer was a re-minder that for all his successas an investor and all the plau-dits he gets, Buffett is mortaland would be hard to replace atthe company he has run since1965

OMAHA, Nebraska - WarrenBuffett tried to allay fears ofBerkshire Hathaway Inc share-holders about the company'sfuture after he was diagnosedwith prostate cancer, and re-vealed that he recently tried tomake one of the biggest acqui-sitions of his storied career.

Buffett on Saturday saidthat he recently considered amore than $20 billion acquisi-tion, and would have soldsome Berkshire stock holdingshe wanted to keep to get itdone.

"I wish we could havemade it," he said. "It couldhappen. I don't think it willhappen."

Buffett did not name thetarget. A takeover of that mag-nitude would have been closein size to Berkshire's biggesttakeover -- the $26.5 billionpurchase of railroad company

Monday, May 7, 2012 ` 11



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Buffett plays down healthconcern, mulled megadeal

Washington : View of the Facebook homepage taken inWashington yesterday. Facebook, already assured of be-coming one of the most valuable US firms when it goespublic later this month, now must convince investors inthe next two weeks that it is worth all the hype. Top ex-ecutives at the world's leading social network havekicked off their all-important road show on Wall Street -- an intense marketing drive ahead of the company's ex-pected trading launch on the tech-heavy Nasdaq on May18. (AFP PHOTO)

12 Monday, May 7, 2012

LOS ANGELES (AFP) -Actress Demi Moore, whoannounced late last year thatshe was ending her mar-riage to actor husband Ash-ton Kutcher, has finallymade the split official... bychanging her Twitter name.

"So hard finding a namethat was fun somewhatplayful and available. So fornow it will be @justdemi Itcould grow on me!" Mooresaid on the popular mi-croblogging site, dumpingher old user name --@mrskutcher.

"Thanks everyone foryour help in finding mynew name!" she tweeted toher more than five millionfollowers.

The 49-year-old Moorewas treated for "exhaustion"in January, two months afterthe couple split amid reportsof Kutcher's infidelity witha woman less than halfMoore's age.

A call to emergencyservices released in Januaryfeatures one woman tellingthe operator that Moore"smoked something, it's notmarijuana but it's similar toincense... and she seems tobe having convulsions ofsome sort."

Moore and Kutcher, 34,announced their separationin November, after monthsof media reports aboutproblems between the cou-ple, who married in 2005.She had earlier been mar-ried to actor Bruce Willisfor 13 years.

The actress made hername in movies including"Ghost" (1990), "A FewGood Men" (1992), "Inde-cent Proposal" (1993) and"G.I. Jane" (1997), as wellas for a 1991 Vanity Fairmagazine cover photo ofher naked and heavily preg-nant.

Kutcher is best knownfor TV shows including"That 70s Show" and"Punk'd," and last year re-placed troubled actor Char-lie Sheen in the popularcomedy "Two and a HalfMen."

Demi Moore nolonger Mrs

Kutcher onTwitter

NEW DELHI (AFP) - Bolly-wood superstar Aamir Khanmade a much-hyped televi-sion debut on Sunday, star-ring in a show dealing withreal-life stories aimed at in-spiring millions of Indians.

The weekly show is called"Satyamev Jayate" or "TruthAlone Triumphs", a patrioticphrase inscribed on India'snational emblem and all In-dian currency notes.

Satyamev Jayategot a thumbs upfrom the Hindi filmindustry.

The celebritiestook to their Twitteraccount and be-stowed their positivereactions about theshow that focused onsocial and real lifeissue.

"My dream is toimpact lives," said Khan,who has produced and di-rected the show.

The programme will beaired on state-run Doordar-shan late morning on Sunday,a slot which most families inIndia remember for serialsbased on Hindu epics whichwould bring the entire coun-try virtually to a standstill.

Khan's show has been cre-

ating a buzz even before thefirst episode, thanks to anovel promotional cross-country campaign in whichthe actor mingled with localsand shared their meals.

The show's teasers suggestthe content is likely to tug atheartstrings of average Indi-ans, who are struggling to

make ends meet with salariesfailing to keep pace withsoaring prices.

Khan, 47, has made aname for himself as one ofthe Indian film industry'sleading actor-producer-direc-tors, combining offbeat sub-jects with high-qualityproduction.

Bollywood star Khan wants to 'inspire' Indiawith TV show;gets a thumbs up from Bollywood

LOS ANGELES (AFP) -Earth's mightiest comic bookheroes brought to life in "TheAvengers" stomped the oppo-sition Sunday to storm victo-riously straight to the top ofthe North American box of-fice on their opening week-end.

Directed by screen cult fa-vorite Joss Whedon, the WaltDisney adventure moviebrings together MarvelComics heroes CaptainAmerica, The IncredibleHulk, Iron Man and Thor asthey help save Earth frombad guy, Loki.

"The Avengers" raked insome $200.3 million, zoom-

ing straight to the top of thebox-office leader board, in-dustry figures showed Sun-day, with Robert Downey Jr(Iron Man), Chris Evans(Captain America) and ChrisHemsworth (Thor) reprisingroles from their earlier stand-alone movies.

Romantic comedy "ThinkLike A Man," which hadtopped the North Americanbox office for two weeks in arow, was kicked into secondplace earning $8 million, ac-cording to Exhibitor Rela-tions. That brings itsthree-week total to $73.0 mil-lion, the box office trackersaid.

Smash action hit "TheHunger Games" remained inthird place in its seventh weekon the big screen. The movie,starring Jennifer Lawrence,earned $5.7 million and hasraked in more than $380 mil-lion since its opening.

4. Tearjerker drama "TheLucky One", 5."The Pirates!Band of Misfits," a children'sanimation film, 6. "The Five-Year Engagement," 7. "TheRaven" 8. "Safe" 9. "Chim-panzee," 10. "The ThreeStooges"

'Avengers' storm to topof US box office

UNITED KINGDOM, London : Visitors view a portrait ofBritain's Queen Elizabeth II by Jeff Stultiens after a pho-tocall for the Royal Society of Portrait Painters exhibitionat the Mall Galleries in central London on May 2, 2012. Theexhibition, which runs from May 3-18, includes paintingsby Royal Society members of Queen Elizabeth II, PrincePhilip, Duke of Edinburgh and other prominent figures.(AFP PHOTO)

Monday, May 7, 2012 13

and drop-off; they even boasta shopping service to stockyour shelves before arrival.

Gold Coast accommoda-tions are elegant and spa-cious, offering privacy forparents or a few couples.

Beautifully appointedkitchens and bathrooms graceeach abode; barbecues andlounges are provided forfriendly cookouts and trulysavoring the island life. Allhomes come with cable TV,

high-speed fiber-optic Inter-net connection, individualwasher/dryer, and are fullyair-conditioned. Cribs, highchairs and hair dryers areavailable for a modest fee.Concierge ser vices to arrange

rental cars, spa appointments,activities and restaurant reser-vations are all part of thepackage.

Check-in for your holidayescape is conducted in thecomfort of your vacationhome, not while waiting online at check-in desk. In everyway, Gold Coast seeks topamper their guests whileproviding them with the feel-ing of being in a cozy com-munity, not the normallybustling resort, particularlyexperienced during the majorholidays. If you wish an opti-mal vacation experience withgreat savings, visit their web-site: to get acquainted withthe community and the lay-out, details and availability ofaccommodations, or call 586-2200 to talk personally to aGold Coast representative.

Aruba’s newest and most in-novative gated communityhas enjoyed steady sales sincebreaking ground, as many arefinding the secure surround-ings and outstanding ameni-ties are just what they werelooking for before conside -ring purchasing property onthe island. Some owners areusing the villas or townhomes as vacation retreatsrather than full time and aretaking advantage of GoldCoast’s rental services to turntheir investment into ready in-come.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the is-land,” noted Gold Coast de-veloper Fito Croes. To assistin the demand for more com-plete facilities for groupsand fa mi- lies, famed hote-lier Ed Ma-lone has beenplaced in charge of the rentalprogram.

Staying at Gold Coast is avery attractive proposition forthose traveling with groupsthat would require multiplehotel rooms. Two and threebedroom Villas or TownHomes accommodate largenumbers and offer extensiveamenities along with a finalcost resulting in considerablesavings. The community isminutes to the best beachesand all the casino action, andoffers a quiet and secludedgetaway with two swimmingpools and specialized serviceswith more on the way, such asa fitness room, tennis courtsand mini-mall. Ed canarrange maid service, babysit-ters, caterers, airline pick-up

Gold Coast Aruba:Great savings for large familieson holiday rentals

tuary include herons, egrets,gulls, skimmers, coots, cor-morants, numerous species ofducks and more.

An observation tower hasbeen erected to allow bird-watchers to get a true birds' eyeview.

The Bird Sanctuary (alsoknown as Bubali Plas) is a hid-den treasure located at walkingdistance from both the highrise resorts and low rise re-sorts.

The entrance is locatedmore towards where landmarkThe Old Windmill is located.Entrance is free.

The Bubali Bird Ponds ofAruba have become home tomore than 80 species of migra-tory birds.

Migratory birds, looking forlush vegetation in which tonest, find an oasis within theponds, known as Bubali BirdSanctuary. The nearby watertreatment facility empties intotwo inter-connected man-madelakes, known as the large andsmall Bubali Bird Ponds.

The area has become a rest-ing and breeding area for themore than 80 species of migra-tory birds.

Birds that inhabit the sanc-

Bird Sanctuary

A must see while on Aruba

It’s time Kukena!Bristol Zoo's baby gorilla

Kukena holds onto his

mother's arm as he ven-

tures out of his enclosure at

Bristol Zoo's Gorilla Island

on May 4, 2012 in Bristol,

England. The seven-

month-old western lowland

gorilla is starting to find his

feet as he learns to walk

having been born at the zoo

in September. Kukena joins

a family of gorillas at the

zoo that are part of an inter-

national conservation

breeding programme for

the western lowland gorilla, which is a critically endangered


14 Monday, May 7, 2012

LAS VEGAS (AFP) - Unde-feated Floyd Mayweatherwon the World Boxing Asso-ciation super welterweighttitle with a unanimous pointsdecision over Miguel Cottoon Saturday at the MGMGrand in Las Vegas.

The American, whostepped up in weight to fightCotto, used his superior handspeed and solid defence totake the fight on all threejudges' scorecards after 12

rounds, in what will go downas one of his toughest fights.

"You got to suck it up andfight hard," Mayweather said."Miguel Cotto was a toughcompetitor. I had to executethe game plan and fight myheart out."

Cotto, of Puerto Rico,made Mayweather work forthe victory as he clearly wonsome of the middle roundsand showed a willingness toengage Mayweather in the

centre of the ring and on theropes.

But Mayweather ralliedlate on and took the title withscores of 117-111 on twojudges' cards and 118-110 onthe third, extending his un-beaten run to 43-0 with 26knockouts.

Mayweather, 35, said hehasn't given up on trying towork out a deal on a megafight with Filipino starManny Pacquiao. Their pre-vious talks have been scuttledby a number of issues, in-cluding the sharing of pay-per view revenue and drugtesting.

"The fight I was looking tofight was against Manny Pac-quiao," Mayweather said. "Idon't think the fight wouldhappen because of (Pac-quiao's promoter) Bob Arum.

"Let's give the fans whatthey want to see."

It marked the 20th careertitle fight for Mayweatherand the first time he hasfought at 154 pounds sincebeating Oscar De La Hoya in2007.

Mayweather dethrones Cotto for WBA title

LONDON (AFP) - West In-dies insisted they still hadenough time to prepare prop-erly for their upcoming Testseries against England andget all their squad on boardafter another rain-marred dayat Hove on Sunday.

After seeing the first dayof their three-day tour openeragainst Sussex washed out onSaturday, the tourists strug-gled to 46 for two in the 18overs possible at the southcoast ground on Sunday.

Meanwhile the West In-dies, who currently only have11 players fit and availablewith them in England, haveyet to hear when visa andtransit issues involving AssadFudadin, Narsingh Deonarineand Marlon Samuels will be

resolved.They are all thousands of

miles away, with the twoGuyanese in Jamaica await-ing visas and Samuels still tobegin his journey from theIndian Premier League.However, a team spokesmansaid the trio were expectedshortly.

"We are not concernedabout it," he said. "We arehopeful that they will be herein time for the (England)Lions match."

That four-day fixture inNorthampton, central Eng-land, starts on Thursday andthat means the tourists have amaximum of just five days'competitive play to come be-fore the first of three Testsstarts at Lord's on May 17.

And, with more badweather forecast, they maynot even get that.

Windies make uncertain starton and off the field

MADRID, (AFP) - Blue claycourts at the Madrid Mastershold no fears for formerchampion Roger Federer,with the confident Swiss in-sisting on Sunday that he willbe ready for any conditionswhen he begins play in thesecond round.

Federer, the third seed and2009 champion, who beatRafael Nadal to lift that title,has had two days of trainingon the experimental -- andcontroversial -- blue courtslaid down at the Caja Magica.

Game day and practicesessions are two completelydifferent situations, but theSwiss is not worried aboutwhat he might find in the heatof battle on the unorthodox

surface."I've played on it for two

days, but not on centrecourt," said Federer, back onthe ATP Tour after more thanfive weeks of holiday restand training.

"It feels a bit different thanregular clay. Maybe it's thevisual aspect. It's been cooland rainy so far here. It willbe interesting to see how it isin hot and nice weather.

Federer will play againstthe winner from a high-volt-age opening-round tie be-tween Argentine hard-manDavid Nalbandian and Cana-dian serving sensation MilosRaonic.

The Swiss said that thejury is still out on the blue-clay plan put into action bythe tournament's billionaireimpresario Ion Tiriac, theman who brought catwalkmodels onto court as ball-girls in another experimentthat has paid public relationsdividends for the ATP-WTAMasters 1000.

Federer has no fear of BigBlue in Madrid

CHARLOTTE, North Car-olina (AFP) - Rickie Fowlerwon his first US PGA Tourtitle with a playoff victoryover US Open championRory McIlroy and DA Pointson Sunday at Quail Hollow.

Fowler stuck his approachshot at the first playoff hole,

the par-four 18th, four feetfrom the pin. After bothMcIlroy and Points had bothparred, he made his putt forbirdie and the victory in the$6.5 million Wells FargoChampionship.

Fowler, a 23-year-oldtouted as a future star, won inhis 67th US PGA Tour startas a professional.

His only prior victory as apro was last October at theKolon Korea Open, where heheld off McIlroy.

McIlroy, the 23-year-oldfrom Northern Ireland whohas already claimed a majortitle with his US Open tri-umph last year, will return tonumber one in the world golfrankings thanks to his per-

formance here.He needed only a top-

seven finish to regain the topspot from the absent LukeDonald, who had seized itfrom McIlroy just last week.

Fowler downs McIlroy in playoff for first USwin; McIlroy regains worls # 1 ranking

KINGSTON, May 5, 2012(AFP) - Double worldrecord-holder Usain Boltshook off two false starts toopen his 2012 season with aworld-leading 9.82 secondsto win the 100 metres at theJamaica International Invita-tional on Saturday.

Bolt, running his first100m of the season, looked incontrol from the start as heposted an easy victory overcompatriots Michael Frater(10.0) and Lerone Clarke(10.03).

He improved on the previ-

ous best time of the year, the9.90 clocked by JamaicanYohan Blake on April 14 inKingston.

Bolt, his sights set on de-fending his Olympic titles atthe London Games in July,said the time shows he's inbetter shape than he was atthe same time last year. Butthere is room for improve-ment.

"There were some mis-takes in the race, my coach(Glen Mills) pointed themout and we will be fixingthem in training," Bolt said.

Athletics: Bolt opens 2012 withworld leading 9.82

US boxer Floyd Mayweather smiles while holding his super wel-terweight title championship belt after defeating Puerto Rico'sMiguel Cotto in Las Vegas (AFP photo)

Monday, May 7, 2012 15

Barcelona may have con-ceded their 2011 league titleto arch-rivals Real Madridlast week, but three-timeFIFA Ballon d'Or winnerMessi gave Camp Nou aboost by pulling ahead ofCristiano Ronaldo in the racefor the league's top scorertitle.

Ronaldo scored a goal inReal's last-gasp 2-1 win overGranada, leaving the Portugalstriker on 45 league goals,five behind Messi with oneleague match remaining.

ITALYJuventus won the Serie A

title for the 28th time follow-ing a 2-0 win at Cagliari asnearest rivals AC Milancrashed 4-2 in their city derbyagainst Inter on Sunday.

That gave Juve an unas-sailable four-point lead at thetop with just one game left.

Mirko Vucinic and aMichele Canini own goalgave the Old Lady of Turinvictory in Trieste, whereCagliari have been playingrecent home games.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic scoreda brace for Milan but Inter'sDiego Milito eclipsed himwith a hat-trick, whileMaicon put the icing on thecake late on with a fine long-

range strike.It was Juve's first title

since 2003 in the recordbooks due to the fact theywere stripped of their 2005and 2006 crowns for match-fixing.

GERMANYCologne had their German

league relegation confirmedon Saturday, while BorussiaDortmund broke the Bun-desliga record for the mostpoints in a season with a 4-0thrashing of Freiburg.

Dortmund finished theseason eight points clear ofChampions League finalistsBayern Munich, and theteam's second consecutivetitle triumph allowed them tobreak Bayern's long-heldrecord of 79 for the mostpoints amassed in a season asthey finished on 81. Dort-mund also extended their un-beaten run to 28 games.

All four Dortmund goalscame from Poland interna-tionals as RobertLewandowski netted twice,while international team-mate Jakub Blaszczykowskialso hit two goals to make it4-0 by half-time.

FRANCEParis Saint-Germain took

over at the top of Ligue 1 andloaded pressure on formerleaders Montpellier by storm-ing back from two goalsdown to win 4-3 at Valenci-ennes on Sunday.

After falling 2-0 down in-side 11 minutes, PSG hitback through Nene, Maxwell,Blaise Matuidi and JeremyMenez and then survived alate scare sparked by a Re-naud Cohade free-kick toedge ahead of Montpellier ongoals scored.

Montpellier travel to fifth-placed Rennes on Monday,before a potentially decisivehome game with reigningchampions Lille next week-end, when PSG will tackleRennes at home.

Juve win Serie A... Continued from pg 16

Marco Borriello (L) and Leonardo Bonucci of Juventus fccelebrate after beating cagliari calcio 2-0 to win the Seriea championships











W L Pct GB18 9 .667 --

19 10 .655 --

16 12 .571 2.5

15 13 .536 3.5

11 15 .423 6.5

15 11 .577 --

14 13 .519 1.5

13 15 .464 3.0

9 18 .333 6.5

7 19 .269 8.0

18 10 .643 --

15 14 .517 3.5

12 17 .414 6.5

11 17 .393 7.0

18 9 .667 --

17 11 .607 1.5

15 13 .536 3.5

13 14 .481 5.0

13 15 .464 5.5

17 11 .607 --

14 13 .519 2.5

13 15 .464 4.0

12 15 .444 4.5

12 16 .429 5.0

10 17 .370 6.5

18 9 .667 --

14 15 .483 5.0

13 14 .481 5.0

12 14 .462 5.5

9 19 .321 9.5

american League






La anGeLeS


national League



ny MetS



St. LouiS








La dodGerS


San franciSco


San dieGo


MLB Standings

x-Clinched Playoff Spot; y-Division Champ

W L Pct GB

Croatia can reach Eurolast eight, Bilic says ZAGREB (AFP) - Croatiacoach Slaven Bilic believes hisside can reach the quarter-fi-nals of Euro 2012 despitebeing drawn with Spain, Italyand Ireland in Group C."It is true that compared tosome other squads our chancesare weaker but we still havethem all the same," he told theVecernji List daily newspaper."We are going for success andI would be very disappointed ifwe did not make it out of ourgroup.

16 Monday, May 7, 2012

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsyl-vania (AFP) - The Philadel-phia 76ers put the hurt on thehurting Chicago Bulls onSunday, pushing the NBA'stop overall playoff seeds tothe brink of elimination in thefirst round.

Jrue Holiday scored six ofhis 20 points with back-to-back three-pointers late in thefourth quarter as the 76ersbeat the Bulls 89-82.

They took a 3-1 lead in thebest-of-seven Eastern Con-ference series, leaving theBulls facing eliminationwhen they host game five inChicago on Tuesday.

Philadelphia have wonthree straight games since

Chicago star Derrick Rosewent down with a torn kneeligament in the Bulls' game-one victory.

The Bulls lost another keystarter for this one whenFrench center Joakim Noahseverely sprained his leftankle in game three.

Elsewhere in the East, thesecond-seeded Miami Heatsought to complete a sweepof the New York Knicks.

No NBA team has everrallied from an 0-3 hole towin a best-of-seven playoffseries.

In Boston, the Celticswere trying to extend their 2-1 series lead when theyhosted the Atlanta Hawks.

76ers push batteredBulls to brink

PARIS (AFP) - Juventusclinched the Italian Serie Atitle on Sunday after beatingCagliari at the same time asnearest rivals AC Milancrashed to Inter, while Man-chester City edged evencloser to the English PremierLeague crown.

ENGLANDManchester City moved to

within touching distance of afirst English league title in 44years after Yaya Toure scoredtwice in a 2-0 win at Newcas-tle United on Sunday.

Victory left leaders City infront of reigning PremierLeague champions Manches-ter United -- who beat

Swansea City 2-0 later onSunday -- on goal differencewith just one round of fix-tures remaining.

City have a goal-differ-ence advantage of eight overUnited and if they beatQueens Park Rangers at East-lands a week on Sunday, theywill be all but assured of thetitle.

Sir Alex Ferguson'sUnited side would need tothrash Sunderland at the Sta-dium of Light to stand achance of retaining theircrown.

SPAINBarcelona star Lionel

Messi scored all four goals in

a 4-0 rout of Espanyol onSaturday to bring up his halfcentury in La Liga and takehis total goals tally for theseason to a record-breaking72.

In what was Pep Guardi-ola's last home match incharge at Camp Nou, Messimade sure there was a happyending to what was an emo-tional night for the homefans.

Thousands had turned outwith flags and banners pay-ing tribute to Guardiola andwhat he has achieved for theclub during his four-yearspell in charge.

Contimue on pg 15

Juve win Serie A, Man City closeon English title

Jrue Holiday #11 of the Philadelphia 76ers grabs a re-bound