May 2012 Newsletter

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monthly newsletter of Apostle Presbyterian/May 2012

Transcript of May 2012 Newsletter



Church Matthew 28:18-20

18 And Jesus came say-

ing, All power is given

unto me in heaven and

in earth.

19 Go therefore, and

teach all nations, baptiz-

ing them in the name of

the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy

Ghost:20 Teaching them

to observe all things

whatsoever I have com-

manded you: and, lo, I

am with you always,

even unto the end of the

world. Amen.

Dear Apostle Presbyteri-

an Church;

I guess it is fitting that

after we finished the

book study of THE PUR-


( by Rick Warren)—

subtitle WHAT ON


FOR, that we would

begin to study Apostle

and ask the same ques-

tion—what on earth are

we here for? Where is

God leading this church

at the corner of 76th and

Orchard? Where do we

see needs in our commu-

nity? What are our core

values? Have they

changed in the last 50


We are not unique—the

Presbytery of Milwau-

kee has just finished

the process of putting

together this infor-

mation for the entire

Presbytery. I have

talked to many church-

es that have either just

started a mission study

or just finished one.

Apostle is not the lone

ranger out there on the


I have a few books sit-

ting on my desk to

study before we start

our mission study here

and I think my favorite


by Thomas G Bandy.

We need to look at who

we REALLY are here in

West Allis. This isn’t

1960 any longer when

the church threw open

the door and everyone

came running. We

compete with many

things for people’s time

and resources. The

good news is that God

is always God—He is

the same yesterday,

today and tomorrow.

He is on this journey

with us, of that we can

be sure! (see Matthew

28 vs. 20)

I hope that you will

pray for the folks that

have volunteered to be

part of the mission

study. Please know

that this is a serious

task as it can affect

where Apostle goes in

the future—we can

clearly transition from

“what has been” to

“what can be” That is a

tremendous opportuni-


If you have any ques-

tions or comments, as

always, feel free to call

the church office. We

are looking forward to

learning more about

the neighborhood AND




Special points of in-Special points of in-


Special events can be

shared in this news-

letter simply by noti-

fying the church of-

fice .

Newsletter deadline

is the 3rd Monday of

the month.

Notify the church if

you move or change #


Pastors Message 1

PW & Hope Circle 2

Finance/Events 4,5

Director of Music 6

Faith Statements 8,9

Thanks You’s 12

Prayer & Praise 14

Inside this issue:

A Message from our Pastor



I have been working in the church office since December 1st of this past year. It has been my joy to serve the

members of Apostle Church as your secretary. Melody was a hard act to follow after 30 years of faithful ser-

vice but I learned a lot from her experience.

Today this job could not be done by one person alone. Since the office hours are shorter and the days are less,

I have had wonderful members willing to help in any way they could.

A special thank you to Marianne and Rich Carus for faithfully coming in every Friday to assemble the bulle-

tins, re-fresh the pew envelopes, clear the pew pads, make sure pencils are in every pew, change the Paraments

on the alter and basically clean up the Sanctuary wherever it is needed.

Another special thank you goes to Kathy Estlund, Judy Puschnig and Mary Collins for coming in once a month

to assemble and prepare the newsletters for mailing. Lots of work!!!!! Thank you!

Bob Riemer and Mike Lempke have taken the newsletters down to the Milwaukee bulk mail post office each

month when it is ready for mailing. If you have never been to this part of the post office you would think you

have fallen off the face of the earth. These men are always willing to help where ever I need it. Thank you so


Several of the Presbyterian Women came in to assemble the Annual Report for our Annual Meeting. Lots and

lots of pages and stapling. It didn’t take these organized women very long to complete this huge task. I could-

n’t have done it without them!!!!!!!

Tuesdays when the Apostle Pals are in the building, I am not here. But I come back on Wednesday and I notice

various things that I know they spent their time fixing, repairing or working on. Particularly the sign out in

front of the church. These guys are amazing at the sayings or phrases they come up with each week. So many

people love to read that sign.

We reach people we don’t know and we make a difference in someone’s life everyday by the giving and help

we offer to others.

There is so much activity going on during the day at Apostle. Circles, committees and other groups that are

here doing God’s work. Your smiles and busy hands are very evident all over this building and in this commu-


I want each and every one of you to know that I really appreciate your willingness to serve and your willingness

to help me when I need it. You are good people who make me proud to work for you.

Of course I couldn’t finish my thank you’s without thanking Cathy Manthei. As you all already know, she is a

messenger from God that keeps right on serving and serving. Thank you for being an example to all of us on

how giving of one’s self really works.


Page 2



What is Church Women United? Presbyterian Women of Apostle is a member of Church Women United – Milwaukee unit and several women of Apostle are also members of it. Apostle has hosted a monthly CWU meeting now and then over the past several years. . . so what is Church Women United, what is their purpose and how can one join?

Church Women United (CWU) is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian

women’s movement celebrating unity in diversity as it engages in Christian fellowship, prayer, advo-cacy, and action for peace with justice in the world. Local, state and national Church Women United units intend to be prayerfully informed and proactive in addressing health, economic justice, environ-mental care issues from the perspective of women, children and families around the world, and pro-mote ways that make for peace. The Milwaukee unit of CWU meets monthly, except for January, February and August at various churches in the Milwaukee area. Monthly programs include speakers who cover a variety of topics and issues specifically related to the Milwaukee area. The next meeting of CWU will be held on Wednesday, April 25

th at 10:00 a.m. at Wauwatosa United

Methodist Church. The program will be “Juneteenth Day”, presented by Mac Weddle, executive di-rector of Northcott Neighborhood House. You do not need to be a member to attend the monthly meetings. Contact Shirley Anderson or Marilyn Stone for further information.

Presbyterian Women News:

Inside Story Headline

Hope Circle Update

Page 3


In April, 120 cool ties and 9 knitted “team” hats were mailed to The Ships Project to be forwarded to military men and women around the world. These items are report-edly life saving to the soldiers who need them. Thank you to all who continue to work diligently on these items. The following thank you was received recently: “Hello, I am a Chief Petty Officer onboard the Guided Missile Destroyer USS Far-ragut. I would like to thank your group for sending my ship the handmade skull caps. My guys and I stand watch in weapon systems spaces that are very cold and the skull caps keep us warm. One of my guys is a Texas Longhorns fan and he even got to pick one out that perfectly matched his team colors. We are on a seven month piracy deployment in the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa areas of opera-tion. What you do means a lot to us and it’s very nice to know that there are people out there that care about us and that support us. From all my guys in the Division we send you a big thank you!” Hope Circle will next meet on Thursday, May 7

th at 10 a.m. We will be making cool

ties and can really use your help – cutting, stitching, filling, pressing, etc. If you have questions, please contact Shirley Anderson (546-2476) or Marilyn Stone (1-262-763-0918).



Saturday, June 9, 2012 – 11:45 a.m.



With an outstanding program

“Fashion Through the Decades”

Apostle Fellowship Hall




Tickets will be available soon from

Presbyterian Women during coffee

hour or by calling Joyce LaConte, 414-

321-5924 or Bonnie Rosen, 414-543-


Adults $8.00 Children 6-12 $5.00

5 and under free

Synod School, is an annual midsum-

mer ministry of the Synod of Lakes

and Prairies of the Presbyterian-

Church (USA)

July 22-27, 2012

Buena Vista University, Storm

Lake, Iowa


Join us for a week of:

Worship for all ages, with spirited

music and singing:

Daily convocation on the theme

Classes for youth and adults of all


Bookstore and global fair-trade gift


Sing-a-longs and nightly coffee-

houses with live music

Lots of Apostle Opportunities

1-800-328-1880,ext 207

Synod School 2012

Anyone who wants to meet Cathy at church to attend the MEMORIAL DAY PARADE be at church by 11

AM, parade is at noon. It would be fun to go together as a church--If we have enough people, maybe we

could even have an old fashioned PICNIC!!!!

June 3 from noon to 6 Apostle will be attending the “WEST ALLIS ALA CARTE”--held on Greenfield

Avenue between noon and 6 PM. Let's gather at church at about noon to walk down together!!! There is

music, food, games and 150 vendors. We can start becoming a part of our community again!!! For more


We will be attending the TUESDAY MUSIC IN THE PARK which is sponsored by the COMMUNITY

ALLIANCE AGAINST DRUGS (C.A.A.D.) We will attend June 12, June 26, July 10 August 7 an

We will attend the SUMMER BAND CONCERTS held at Veterans' Memorial Park s 70th at W Nation-

al Ave on Thursdays beginning in late June. Stayed tuned for further details.

We are hoping to order APOSTLE PRESBYTERIAN shirts again SOON so that we can be easily recog-

nized when we are at community events!!!

If you want to order a copy of the magazine PRESBYTERIANS TODAY, contact the office. We get a bet-

ter deal on a group rate!!!

Confirmation May 6 during worship

Blessing of the hands to include all health care providers ( past and present!!) During worship May 13

Last day of Sunday School ---May 20

Sunday School teacher appreciation May 20 during worship

Presbytery meeting May 22 is at KENOSHA FIRST. Details to follow

Book study of THE SHACK is Wednesday Nights at 6:30 PM

Bible study on ROMANS is Thursday Nights at 6:30 PM






A trip to the MSOE Grohmann


(One of Milwaukee’s best kept


Located at 1000 N Broadway, this

museum is the home of the MAN AT

WORK collection, with ceiling murals,

floor mosaics, stained glass windows

and bronze sculptures. We will have a

docent-led tour, and the museum is

very friendly to those of us who use a

walker, cane or wheelchair, with many

places to sit and rest if necessary.

Our outing will start with lunch (on

our own) at the George Watts Tea

Room, 761 N. Jefferson (valet parking

available) at 11:30 a.m. Then on to

the museum—we are scheduled for

1:30 p.m. The charge for seniors is

$3.00 each. We will carpool from

Apostle, leaving at 11:00 a.m. There is

free parking at MSOE at the corner of

State and Milwaukee. We need reser-

vations by Friday, May 4, to reserve

our place at both the Museum and at

George Watts. You’ll want to partici-

pate in this highly recommended, out-

standing program.

Be sure to reserve your place by call-


Vera Bernhardt….414-543-0835

Jean Maercklein. .414-257-1162

Jane Pagel…….....414-541-1375

Bonnie Rosen…... 414-543-9585

Tuesday, July 17, come with your family, friends, congregation, faith community, school or oth-

er organization for a celebratory evening at Miller Park with the Interfaith Conference of

Greater Milwaukee. Donate food for the Hunger Task Force, wear “Going to Bat for a Better

World” t-shirt and see an exciting Brewers-Cardinals game.

For the past two years, we also have been given the honor of having one of our participants

throw a symbolic first pitch on the playing field before the game. If we sell enough tickets to

qualify for that again, we’ll conduct a drawing and let a lucky boy or girl have the thrill of pitch-

ing from the mound to a Brewers catcher.

We handle all ticket and t-shirt sales online for individuals or groups.

This is a great opportunity for Apostle to have fun and work together with our larger communi-

ty for the good cause aided by the Hunger Task Force.

3rd Annual Interfaith Day at Miller Park July 17

2. The number of pledges

have increased 41% over

last year.

3. In January & February

2012, because of a decent

return on our invest-

ments, we now have

about $7,000 more in our

church reserve fund.





Apostle Church

1. January & February 2012, do-

nations to Apostle Church have

increased by 19% over the same

time period in 2011


Financial update from our Treasurer and Finance Committee

The word “sing” appears in

our Bible hundreds of times

and seems to always be con-

nected to glorifying God and

celebrating His kingdom.

Our music at Apostle does the

same as we plan a program of

praising God. There has been

a long history of musical ex-

cellence at Apostle and the

commitment of those involved

in the music program has al-

ways been outstanding.

The Music Department at

Apostle is always looking for

new and unique ways to add

music to our services and we

are in the process of putting

together the music for our

summer services. If there is

anyone who would like to

share a musical talent – play

or sing – please let me know

and we can look at the possi-


I would like to thank the

Apostle congregation for their

continued support of the

Chancel Choir and the New

Beginning during the past

year. Your continued interest

in our music has been very

much appreciated. I would

also like to thank the mem-

bers of the New Beginning

and the Chancel Choir for

their participation and their

enthusiasm as they continue

to share their talents with all

of us. May God continue to

bless our musical efforts!



A simple thank you is not enough to express our appreciation to the people that

made WOW a huge success. A special thank you to Karen and Dick Cushing for

preparing the meals each week. After another year of wonderful meals, Karen

and Dick have hung up their chef’s jackets. Thank you to

the bakers that donated the desserts and to Walter Stover

and Janice Brandos for cheerfully doing clean up duty

each week. Thank you to Laurie Sether who taught the

children’s class, Sandy Shotton who taught the teens and

Cathy Manthei who led the adult class. And finally, thank

you to everyone that attended each week.

The Christian Education Committee


“WOW” Finished with a Bang!


Through your generous

gifts, $677.00 was re-

ceived for the One Great

Hour of Sharing Offering.

In addition, the Sunday

School children and youth

collected $26.00 in pen-

nies, nickels, dimes, and

quarters in their fish

banks for OGHS! As a

result of your generosity,

many persons who are

hungry, sick, homeless,

and also victims of floods,

hurricanes, and earth-

quakes will be helped.

Thank you for making a


The West Allis – West Milwaukee Commu-nity Coalition will meet at Apostle on Wednesday, May 16th from 5 – 6:30 p.m. A light supper will be provided by Apostle’s Mission Committee.

This is a great opportunity for you to attend a Coalition meeting to learn more about what it does to support the West Allis – West Milwaukee com-munity to raise healthy, drug-free children. Apostle is a partner with the WA-WM Coalition and information is available on the Mission bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. Contact Marilyn Stone or Judy Puschnig if you plan to attend – we hope to see you there!

One Great Hour of Sharing Update

West Allis/West Milwaukee Community Coalition

Sixty pair of socks for men, women and children were collected in April on “Sock it to Poverty” Sunday! These socks along with the socks collect-ed on May13th will be donated to the women and children sheltered at Joy House and the men sheltered at Safe Har-bor. These shelters are a part of Milwaukee

Rescue Mission. Thank you so much for your generosity!


2nd Sunday of every month….


I, Heidi Sether, am a

Presbyterian. What is a

Presbyterian? What am I?

I guess you could say that

I’m a believer in faith and

God, but I’m much more

than that. I believe in the

impossible, in the unimag-

inable, in the things that

you can’t see, like God. I

believe that one day I’ll be

face to face with Jesus and

God, but that won’t be for

awhile. There are more

questions that I’ve been

needing to ask. What am I

called to do? What is the

church called to do? What

is the church? Who is the

Holy Spirit? Who is Jesus

or God? What is the Holy

Spirit? These are the

things that I have won-

dered about and been

asked about my whole life

ever since I started Sun-

day School. I can answer

these, but there are some

that I don’t know the

whole answer to. I believe

I am called to learn about

God, follow His command-

ments, and teach others

about Him. As time goes

by, I will learn more about

what other things I am

called to do, but for right

now I need to follow those

three things. The church is

called to teach us more

about God. I hope to be-

come a bigger part of the

church so I can learn what

I can do for others in our

church. The church is not

only God’s house or a wor-

ship home, but I also think

of the church as my home.

The church helps me in so

many ways, some I don’t

even know, and I know I

am always welcome there.

I’m so thankful I have an-

other place to feel com-

pletely welcomed. To me,

the Holy Spirit takes over

me, is always inside of me

and is my love for God. I

thank the Holy Spirit be-

cause it gives me my faith

and love for God. Jesus

and God are my saviors

and guiding spirits. They

help me realize right from

wrong, love from hate,

what worship is, how to

worship, and so much

more. My last question is

what is a scripture? A

Scripture is a lesson from

the bible. Sometimes

they teach you so much,

sometimes you can’t un-

derstand them, it’s all

your perspective. That’s

how I feel. Going back to

my second question

makes me realize some-

thing. I may be a believ-

er to someone, but to oth-

ers I may not believe in

the right things. I guess

that question will never

be answered because the

answer is how you look at

me. So who am I? I am a

girl sent down from God

to express what I learn

and help others learn

about God too. I, Heidi

Sether, am a Presbyteri-





my heart and reminds me

to give and receive love.

In the church I believe we

care called to speak the

word of God. What I mean

is that we all aren’t just

meant to come to church:

we are meant to take what

we’ve learned in church and

share it with the world. We

can’t just keep God’s great-

ness hidden away and

hoarded for ourselves we

must speak for Him. On

the other hand I believe I

am called not just to spread

the word, but to keep it

with me through my life. I

believe I am called to do as

much as I can for God and

His people as I am to do for

people I know. I know I

can’t make everyone believe

in God, but at least I can


I believe that God is my Fa-

ther and He has called me.

I am ready to answer that

call and keep it with me. I

am ready to become a

member of this church.

My name is Darby Shotton,

and I am 13 years old. I go

to Frank Lloyd Wright Mid-

dle School. I have 2 sisters

named Sydney and

Delaney. Some of my hob-

bies are playing sports,

playing piano and trumpet,

and babysitting my sisters.

I believe in the Father, Son

and Holy Spirit. My God is

the creator of all things liv-

ing, not living, and soon to

be living. I believe He is the

ultimate leader: I also be-

lieve He gave us the Ten

Commandments for a rea-

son and that reason is to

guide us in life and the

Christian faith. I believe

His son Jesus Christ is my

savior. He came from heav-

en in my image to show

people how to act and live.

He died on the cross to

cleanse me of my sins and

rose from the dead to give

me eternal life. Lastly, I

believe in the Holy Spirit. I

believe the Holy Spirit fills

Page 9

Every Sunday you will notice that

there are many individuals who participate in your worship.

Some volunteers you don’t even see. Contact the person listed

if you would like to serve in one of these areas:

Ushers - Rich Carus 414-321-4061

Greeters - Jane Pagel 414-541-1375

Lay Leaders - Elayne Stover 414-750-2134

Communion Servers - Elayne Stover 414-750-2134

Acolytes - Judy Puschnig 414-510-1946

Counters - Dean Puschnig 414-510-1946

Coffee Hour - Maureen Philip 414-476-3063

Choir/summer music - Carl Hoon 262-524-9699

Sunday School - Hazel Johnson 414-545-9125

Open/Close building - Mike Lempke 414-305-3790

ansportation - Larry

Petrus 414-258-


Friends propel you– enemies obstruct you:

Friends know where you’re going and help you get there. Critical-critics always want their way.

Friends correct privately-enemies criticize publicly:

Cowardly enemies criticize you when you aren’t present. They pretend to help while causing

damage. They destroy relationships, question motives, and deflate morale. Friends, on the

other hand, know you and secretly call you aside.

Friends sharpen-enemies dull:

Correction builds on strengths. It strengthens strengths. Criticism fixates on weaknesses

while minimizing strengths. Many naturally tend to see weaknesses to fix. Fix less and

sharpen more. Train yourself and your friends to sharpen your strengths and soften your


Beware the sweetness:

Skillful enemies pretend they care about you. When you receive suggestions from others

Ask yourself “Where does listening to you take me?” then make the right choice yourself.



Session Members & Committee responsibility

Mike Lempke-Moderator of Building/Grounds

Dean Puschnig-Moderator of Finance/Budget/Stewardship

Sue Udhardt-Mission (Marilyn Stone-Moderator-Mission)

Karen Schicantek-Evangelism

Maureen Philip-Moderator of Evangelism

Charmaine Wargolet-Moderator of Staff/Admin. & member of Bld/Grnds

Penny Decamara-Evangelism

Hazel Johnson-Moderator of Christian Education

Kari Wegner-Worship and Music and Nominating Committee

(Elayne Stover-Moderator of Worship/Music)


Linda Hoon-Clerk of Session and Moderator of Nominating Committee

Deacon Members

Larry Petrus-Moderator of Deacons/representative on Nominating Comm.

Sharon Reimer-Orders Easter and Christmas flowers

Sheila Brehmer

Elaine Curtis-Sends cards and Correspondence

Laurie Pritzl-Deacon Secretary

Sharon Petrus

Greg Griswold

Aimee Griswold

Judy Puschnig

Lexi Westphal

Mike Westphal

Brenda Thomas

Jane Pagel-Signs up Greeters

Nan Granrath

Certain Deacons are assigned to handle specific jobs but every Deacon helps with all the Deacon respon-

sibilities including but not limited to: visiting shut-ins, making meals for homebound, Three Score and

Ten Dinner, Palm Sunday Brunch, coffee hours, Good Samaritan, providing transportation for those

who need rides (please try to call in advance) and supporting members of Apostle when needed.


All we see, all that we don’t,

What we feel and touch,

What may seem to be real,

What we struggle NOT to feel…

In time surpassing our knowledge and understanding

It must be remembered,

It’s God’s time, not ours.

When all seems bad and much more than worse,

We all live a seemingly Godless curse.

Look ahead, strong and true, and sooner than later

You will see the Lord’s love for true!

The truth of the Lord, so strong and pure.

Without this sovereign divinity, we wouldn’t be here.

Do not give up on Him, as He has not on you!

Stay strong and keep pushing through!!!


Thank YOU! Apostle’s caring and supportive family has truly blessed us in ways beyond measure! We are immensely grateful for all the acts of kindness we’ve experienced during Mike’s treatments. Thank you also for those who have stepped in and helped out when Marilyn wasn’t able to fulfill responsibilities. “Thank you” seems so trite however it comes from our hearts. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Mike and Marilyn Stone

Thank you to my friends!

The fellowship and the plant was SUPER. So glad everyone came to see me. Come back soon.

Always, Maryann

To Everyone At Apostle,

Thank you all for your prayers and cards. We really appreciate them and they sure help to lift our day. Greg will be starting Chemo on Friday April 20th and we would ask for your

continued love and prayers.

Nan and Greg Granrath




Dear Apostle Youth,

If you read any of the newspapers lately, you probably saw stories about how the shelves in

the food pantries are getting bare. Because of people like you, we are still able to provide food

for our clients.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your donation. I think we can all agree

on the fact that everything costs more these days. These are very difficult economic times.

Jobs are few and far between with lots of competition for each one. It seems like everything

is going up in price and it costs more for energy every day. It is getting harder and harder to

find an extra few bucks or some extra clothing we might not need anymore, or household items

to part with. Your sacrifices are appreciated by all of us at Good Samaritan and by our cli-


It is your goodwill that is allowing us to continue in our mission to give a helping hand to those

less fortunate than ourselves. We provide the basics, like food, clothing, a bar of soap or a

toothbrush along with many other things people need. Our clients wouldn’t be able to have

these things without your help.

Any of you working with kids or youth groups should get an extra pat on the back because you

are teaching our next generation that there is more to life than just ourselves. Helping others

is important and this is a lesson that folks need to learn as young people and keep close as they

grow up.

Again, thanks to all of you. Without you, we wouldn't be here.

Your continued efforts to support our

Mission are appreciated. Happy Easter!!


Good Samaritan



Greg & Nan Granrath as

Greg starts chemo.

Audrey & Karen Schicantek

as Audrey continues to weak-


Mary Collins family as they

deal with the loss of her niece

who left behind a baby boy.

Jane Pagel who is having ro-

tator cuff repair April 24th.

Doris Jackson who had a

procedure on her pacemaker.

Nancy Borkowicz great

grandson Bennet who at 1

month old has had two heart


Barb Christianson & Jane

Pagel’s cousin Craig in hos-


Dick & June Schwartz-Dick

is had surgery April 16th.

Charmaine Wargolet’s moth-

er and brother both having

health concerns.

Brenda Thomas mother

Statia who is having medical


Mark & Cathy Manthei’s

daughter who is doing well

after a truck fell on her.

Dick Treviranus who has fall-

en several times and is

bruised and in pain.



Art Losey

Alice Solik in Meadowmere.

Betty Weger-who celebrated

her 80th birthday.

Gordie & Barb Christianson.

Don Leaman in Colorado

Alice Solik-pain in her knee

Irv LaRock, Shirley Ander-

son’s brother who had a TIA

Mike Granrath, Greg’s broth-

er who is fighting cancer

Duane & Phyllis Koch

Emily, Matty and Molly’s

friend who has bone cancer.

Mo Philip’s cousins Mike &

Mary. Mike had a stroke &

Mary is taking of him.

Mary’s son in law who had

brain surgery

To Great grandparents,

Terry and Esther Sweek

on the birth of Amelia

born November 11, 2011

and Thomas born on No-

vember 25, 2011.

To Shirley Anderson, Great

Grandmother of twins born

December 26, 2011 Breanna

and Lincoln



God Loves the little


Dear Apostle Family,

As you may have heard, Dick and I are quitting the cooking scene at Apostle. We

have loved every minute of it, except the two days it took us to recover. Health

concerns for us both make it impossible to do more.

None of our meals would have been possible without the hard work of Janice Bran-

dos and Walt Stover (our right hands). Also Jane Pagel, Vera and Roy Bernhardt,

Barb Christianson, the teens, Mark and Brenda Thomas, Phyllis Melzer and many

many more. I guess it does take a village!!!!!

You have baked for us, supported us and most of all you have blessed us.

Thank you all, we love you,

Dick and Karen Cushing


5-22 Heidi Sether

5-23 Lillian McGough

5-24 Elaine Curtis

5-24 Karen Schicantek

5-26 Karen Cushing

5-27 Darby Shotton

5-30 Jesse Hall

5-30 Glen Schicantek

5-30 Ky Simono

Please make sure your

birthday is recorded in

the office. 414-476-2043

5-1 Francesca Kempfer

5-1 Susan Trepanier

5-5 Kendra Haessly

5-11 Alan Sanford

5-12 Linda Kirschling

5-14 Gail Rogers

5-15 Aliza Lewitzke

5-15 David Pagel

5-16 Penny Decamara

5-17 Jennifer Hack

5-17 Margaret Riebow

5-18 Janice Nilsson

5-22 Howard Fidler

Rooted in Christ,

Grounded in the Bible,

Growing in Faith,

Blossoming in Service


The newsletters will be placed in the Mary Paull Chapel for pickup the first of each


If you have an email address and are not currently receiving your newsletter by

email but would like to, please contact the church office to provide your email ad-


The newsletter will continue to be sent to those who are homebound or are unable to

attend church …...

Happy Mother’s Day
