May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter

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Transcript of May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter

  • 8/2/2019 May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter


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    mily Connection is a publication of the Fleet

    d Family Support Program.

    e Navy's Fleet and Family Support Program

    omotes the self-reliance and resiliency of

    ilors and their families. We provide information

    at can help you meet the unique challenges of

    e military lifestyle.

    you have questions or comments, contact

    mothy McGough at .

    Visit us online at:


    CenterFleet & Family Support

    Familyc o n n e c t i o n

    M A Y 2 0 1 2

    Military spouses often are the mtalented and most resilient andmost employable people aroun

    First Lady Michelle Ob

    MilitarySpouse AppreciationMilitary Spouse Appreciation Day is May 11:

    An occasion to honor Navy spouses who sup-

    port our Sailors and manage the balancing act

    o military lie, amily, career and children each

    day without ail. We thank you or your service

    through deployments and relocations, and or

    your resilience while stationed miles away rom

    riends and amily.

    The lie o a military amily is a demanding one

    and your voices have been heard. Caring or

    military amilies was made a national priority with

    the release o the White Houses Strengthening

    Our Military Families report. Employment oppor-

    tunities and career advancement are critical to

    our amilies. The White House, Department o

    Deense, Navy, and other government agencies

    have been working together to provide better

    employment opportunities or military spouses.

    On 29 June 2011, the Military Spouse Employ-

    ment Partnership (MSEP) was launched by Dr. Jill

    Biden. In April 2012, First Lady Michelle Obama

    announced a major expansion o commitment

    by businesses, which pledged to deliver over

    15,000 jobs or military spouses and veterans.

    Thousands o these are highly-sought-ater

    virtual jobs that can be perormed rom home.

    The pledge comes rom private companies new

    to MSEP, which has already partnered with nearly

    100 other private sector companies. All partners

    are ocused on increasing job opportunities and

    career advancement or military spouses at

    no costto the amily member.

    The Military Spouse Employment

    Partnership (MSEP) is a comprehensive

    web-enabled recruitment and career

    partnership solution connecting milita

    spouses to employers seeking a 21st

    century workorce with the skills and

    attributes possessed by military spouse

    The Joining Forces initiative has set a

    goal or all 50 states to pass legislation

    that addresses proessional licenseportability by 2014. Thirteen states

    already have passed legislation or

    military spouses who work in elds suc

    as teaching, nursing, real estate, and

    social work to transer their proessiona

    licenses easily rom one state to anothe

    while 13 more are pending.

    continued on page

    Contentshe Moving Van is Empty!

    peration Xtreme: Camp forilitary Kids

    onors Awardedo Military Children

    sk Your Ombudsman

    he Sesame Street/USOxperience

  • 8/2/2019 May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter


    Military Spouse Appreciation

    continued from page 1

    The Military Spouse Career Advancement

    Account (MyCAA) is an employment

    assistance program that provides up to

    $4,000 o nancial assistance to eligible

    military spouses who are pursuing alicense, certication or an associates

    degree in a portable career eld or occupation. Spouses o

    service members on active duty in pay grades E1 to E5, W1

    to W2, and O1 to O2 are eligible to apply.

    The Military Spouse Preerence (MSP) is a Department o

    Deense (DOD) program that is intended to lessen the career

    interruption o spouses who relocate with their military spon-

    sors. Family members may be eligible or non-competitive

    ederal appointment to jobs posted on USAJobs.

    Child and Youth Programs (CYP) oer reward-

    ing and proessional environments or

    portable careers, with com-

    petitive salaries, continuing

    education, and job-related

    training in addition to a wide range o

    employee benets. Multiple pathways to

    support career objectives are available,

    including internships and exible, part-time,

    and ull-time positions around the globe.

    Military spouses represent nearly 50% o the

    total cadre o CYP proessionals o classroom

    teachers, administrative proessionals, trainers,

    and directors across all programs. Discover

    your next career with CYP.

    The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC)

    also understands the career needs o military

    spouses. The Family Employment Readiness

    Program (FERP) is staed by employment

    proessionals who provide no-cost consulta-tions to help spouses and amily members

    reach their career goals. Consultants are

    available to guide spouses on launching a

    job search, career planning, resume writing

    and interview techniques as well as providing inormation o

    ederal employment and volunteerism. Ongoing programs

    and services are available to help improve the lives o milita


    The Annual Military Spouse National Virtual (Online) Career

    Fair is on 7 May rom 1-4 PM EST. The air is hosted by Milicru

    and supported by Joining Forces and DoD as a part o their

    commitment to bring jobs to 10,000 veterans and spouses

    through their company partnerships by December 2013. In

    the last three weeks, more than 1,000 veterans and spouses

    have been hired through the 10K Jobs Challenge partners.

    To thank you or your service and dedication, many FFSCs a

    hosting Military Spouse Appreciation Events such as thoselisted below. Check with your local installation or additiona

    events and details.

    Installation Activity Date Phone

    NSA Monterey Spouse Entrepreneur Event 17 May 831-656-3060

    NS San Diego Military Spouse AppreciationAternoon Tea, Coee & Cookies

    09 May 619-222-5548

    NSB Kings Bay FFSC Appreciates Our Military Spouses 09 May 912-573-2453

    NS Mayport Resume Writing or Military Spouses 24 May 904-270-6600ext 1700

    Appreciation Scrolls Presentation at

    Ombudsman Assembly

    29 May

    NAS JRB NewOrleans

    Spouse Inormation Fair TBD 504-678-7569

    Spouse Appreciation Event 10 May

    Spouse Summit 29 May

    NSA PanamaCity

    Military Spouse Appreciation Day 01 May 850-235-5587

    NAS WhidbeyIsland

    Creating your Career Pathway 17 May 360-257-6289

    NWS Yorktown Evening Under the Stars 08 May 757-887-4606

    NSA SaratogaSprings

    Thank a Military Spouse Essay Contest

    11 May 518-886-0200ext 146



    FFSC Military Spouse Appreciation

    Open House

    18 May DSN 315-243-558

    NSA Bahrain Military Spouse Appreciation3K Fun Run

    08 May DSN 318-439-40

    Military Spouse Employment Fair 29 May

    NSA Sigonella Military Spouse Appreciation Board TBD DSN 314-624-429

    Military Spouse AppreciationOpen House

    23 May

    Appreciation Certicates Presentation 23 May

    M A Y 2 0 1
  • 8/2/2019 May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter


    Navy Family Accountabilityand Assessment System (NFAA

    NFAAS allows Navy personnel to manag

    recovery process or personnel aected

    widespread catastrophic event. It is also

    ul in providing commands with inorm

    to support IA amily members while the

    sponsors are deployed overseas.

    Watch the Video and log on to NFAAS.

    Time to Bloom WhereYou Are Planted!

    Adjusting to a New

    Community is a valuable

    Web page hosted byMilitaryOneSource. You

    will nd links to articles

    on relocation survival

    skills and best practices,

    along with inormation about organizat

    and service providers that may be valua

    to you and your amily as you move to a

    new installation.

    Add JSS to your

    Mobile Network

    iPhone, iPad User

    Download JSSat the App Store S

    JSS Dial-in Access 24/7?


    M A Y 2 0 1

    Te Moving Van is Empty!The moving van has come and gone, and everything is saely in your new home.

    Surrounded by boxes and urniture, you think, What shall I do rst? You are most

    likely exhausted. It surely has been a long day, so the best thing you can do is take

    a break and go out or a meal! A relaxing dinner may be a welcome relie.

    You may be tempted to empty every box as quickly as possible. However, itis important to take a breather. Explore your new neighborhood by taking a

    walk, going or a bike ride or taking a short drive. This will help amiliarize you

    with your new location.

    I you have not already visited your Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), give

    them a call or stop by. The Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) can provide you

    with inormation on what is available in the area and what recreational acilities

    are on the installation. I you have children, ask about the bases Child Develop-

    ment Center, Youth Center and teen programs. Beore you know it, the move

    will be done and you will be comortable in your new home. To learn more

    about the RAP or to locate your nearest FFSC, visit

    Operation Xtreme: Camp for Military KidsMore than 275 military children throughout the Northwest region participated

    in the th annual Kids Camp Deployment, where they experienced a little

    bit o military lie rom their parents perspective. The day-long camp hosts

    several activities including a Marine Corps mini boot-camp, a Seabee obstacle

    course, military working dogs demonstration, and Navy diver exhibits. Camp-

    ers had the opportunity to interact with others experiencing some o the

    same challenges o having a parent in the military.CRISTA Camps hosted this event and created Operation Xtreme: Camp or Mili-

    tary Kids to give children o military amilies the opportunity to experience a

    un-lled week o summer camp. The program returns in June 2012. For more

    inormation visit,UT,LG,CID,TID,SID,XID:Army%20Active,Member,EN,,,,,UT,LG,CID,TID,SID,XID:Army%20Active,Member,EN,,,,,UT,LG,CID,TID,SID,XID:Army%20Active,Member,EN,,,,,UT,LG,CID,TID,SID,XID:Army%20Active,Member,EN,,,,
  • 8/2/2019 May 2012 Family Connection Newsletter


    Returning Warrior Workshops (RWW)

    Returning Warrior Workshop Schedule & IA Family

    Events Click Links and Resources.

    IA Discussion Group Schedu

    View the Fleet-wide list o classes, supp

    groups and even

    U.S. Navy IndividualAugmentees

    Like us on Facebook.

    Honors Awardedto Military ChildrenOn 5 April 2012, during the Fourth Annual Military Child o the Year

    Awards Gala at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C., the ve recipients

    o this years Military Child o the Year Awards were presented with their

    awards by senior leadership o each branch o service. Keynote speak-

    ers during the ceremony included Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman o

    the Joint Chies o Sta, and Medal o Honor recipient Sammy Davis.

    I think that our military kids are who they are because o the hardships,

    the moves, and their adaptability, said Dempsey. One o the things

    that sets us apart is that our kids become who they are because o

    what we ask them to do and because o what they see us do.

    Each year, one child rom each branch o service is chosen as the military child o the year. This years Military Child o the Year

    or the Navy, nine-year-old James Nate Richards, was presented with his award by Chie o Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan

    Greenert. Read the entire article.

    Ask Your OmbudsmanHave you reached out to your command amily Ombudsman recently? I so, then you are aware that your Ombudsman is a

    trained volunteer who has been ofcially appointed by the Commanding Ofcer to disseminate inormation to amilies. Your

    Ombudsman may have reached out to you upon your arrival to a new duty station or presented at your command

    deployment or readiness brie.

    Ombudsmen may distribute a monthly newsletter containing vital

    command inormation and resources and may also maintain an ofcial

    Facebook page, where you can connect and communicate with them

    and other amilies. Whatever the means o communication, it is impor-tant to make sure that you are connected to your Ombudsman and are

    receiving the valuable inormation that they provide.

    To nd out more about whom your Ombudsman is and what he or she

    can do or you, please visit the CNIC Ombudsman Program webpage.

    The Sesame Street/USO Experience or Military

    Families is the USOs longest running, ree travel-

    ing tour based on Sesame Streets military amily

    initiative. To learn where the tour is heading next,


    M A Y 2 0 1