May 18 New Moon Atlantis in Return.

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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knowledge towards disclosure

Transcript of May 18 New Moon Atlantis in Return.


Dear Light workers..old and new priests/priestesses of Atlantis

As always we must see/know what went wrong to comprehend what the furure brings and as always I will try to explain it as simple as possible.We always have to know the dark ways to activate the opposit:LOVE


Much has already been explained in the following link(for the Newcomers):

Another way of making things visible:

These sattelites(secret war programm) were positioned above vortexes using source energy(plasma rays) provided by the arc of the covenant and the sun of hollow earth.These sattelites are/were positioned above Votexes and thereby disabeling/preventing the stargates which connect to other dimensions/planets, actually the satellites are positioned in the cristalline wormholes that connect the stargates.As the roseline bearers all know ,the dragon rose line is connected to CERN.Lightworkers worldwide have prevented a second "Atlantis disaster"by knowing how important it has been to heal the Dragon Roseline,the main stronghold of the dark forces.the leyline project participamts also knew how important is is to devide earths energies over all stargates by the power of collectine intent.

And therefore we are very happy with the following message.Lightworkers understood that they could only make the LOVE marix dominant by overriding the duality matrix by sending love and transmuting the wrong codings back in alognment with source:

We are winning without fighting ...staying in Love and actually functioning as High vibrating accupunture needles activating earth's meridian system:the leylines.As we heal mother earth we heal ourselves by being consiously connected to the leylines.

Before the atomic blast of atlantis earth was paradise,meaning 25 degrees celsius worldwide,still snow high in the mountains.An abundant place to shortages.

After the 'atomic blast of atlantis',earth tilted on it's AXIS.A second programm came into being.....polarity/duality came into being(opposit in emotions) and therefore also seasons,caused by the tilted Axis.Humanityity acts by collective choices and earth follows...our collective her CO-mand(CO as in Cooperation/giving you what you want/wish/intend as a collective).After the fall of atlantis earth remained in quarantine:meaning the stargates were shut down/deactivated and therefore the energies that are provided to open/enlighten our higher knowing/DNA.We had to start over again from the base:the teachings of the ROOT chakra/red ray/frequence.We were the atlantians/lemurians,this will be revealed as our true history

The dark ones gave the emotions caused by lack of light in the chakras. many names,depending on the chakra/feeling in the body: Hate,anger,jealousy,paranoid,etc,etc.The dark ones started to force people into the strategic mind based on 2 basic fears:fear of Loss and fear of death/non existance.Acting on reflex caused by negative experiences stored as data in the energy body.Making the reptilian brain dominant.

Their is no judgement day as many people believe,you can only judge yourself,because you are the only one who can change and use your chakra system as an expression of LOVE.You are Love/light devided over the rainbow within:your chakra system,you can only judge/research if your are using your light system properly..activating selfmastery:KNOW THYSELF...and how your eternal energy body functions:

You can google chakras or chakra charts and you will find many others.The teachings of the chakra system have been deliberatly deleted from western world medicine pratice after world war 2,to prevent us from evolving.

When we live in the NOW(vertival alignment) moment we do what we want to do at that moment what feels right(heartconnection) and aligned to source power.You are then in your heartspace and all chakras are enlightened by the upwards and downwards spiral provided by two suns:the sun of hollow earth and our outer sun.

When you worry(mind) about tomorrow or yesterday you ASTRAL PROJECT your energy to that time(frequence) by using you imagination/power of the pineal gland..Then you leak energy into the duality matrix and therefore empower it.

A good pratice to get yourself back from negative mind to happy heart and therefore master yourself by stopping your negative internal dialog.Never forget the dark ones have genetic manipulated the human form but can not manipulate the energy body.We choose ourselves and act upon the choices we make.I have praticed this many times to get aligned to source again/to feel with heart and connecting in the in the heartspace:

Humanity is comprehending this lately and therefore mother earth follows.Her Axis is positioning itself to it's originals state:upright.This also explains the "strange"weather patterns.Mother earth is returing to paradise:25 degrees celsius worldwide:paradise.More CO2 in the atmosphere is also normal when we become lightbeings in human form(physical angels) and only eat for pleasure and not out of necessity ity to regenerate energy for our outdated carbon based body by consuming a lot of food.Our meridian system is becoming cristalline to transport source power(like mother earth) by consiously connecting to the KNOWN sources(knowing how energy flows in the universe).a few examples of known sources/energy tools : the arc of the covenant,the sun of hollow earth and the light masters,the outer sun and the forces of light in the sky,our galactic family.As we know DNA resonates at distance.WE ARE All ONE

The energetic purpose of Nesara:

Many worries and therefore lack of light in your pineal gland/imagination is caused by shortages and these shortages are mostly all connected to money.When Nesara comes people will shift from troubled mind back to happy heart.

When Nesara comes everybody will also be willing to listen how this is possible.It will be on the television.The televiion has functioned as the dark Altar in everybody's house(mind controle/opium for the people).People will listen why "Important people are being arrested and they will understand why,when it is explained in a simple fashion and with proof. The people will understand that they are the ones who deliberatly kept the survival of the fittest matrix alive.At that point these unawakened people will lower their collective energies and be angry.The lightworkers will be relieved that the truth of eons of manipulation is coming to an end.Many Terrible things will come to the surfice,it will be disgusting.Be happy that it is becoming visable and that things that have been done behind the scenes for eons of time during rituals will come to and end.It has to be seen,the whole truth ....and therefore we can make choices based on truth of the 2 programms that have been reigning mother earth for eons of time.All galactic wars in this planetary systems are coming to an end. .When the unawakened people becom aware of the truth they will collectively collectively lower their frequencies.At that moment the lightworkers must stay in LOVE/Happiness/joy to hold the light and keep earth balanced.

When Nesara is announced people will have the choice to show what they intend to do with their money.Money will be a temporary to manifest your intentions for a better world.Are your choices ego or heart oriented?

For instance:

-all leyline nodes are mostly occupied by churches,industry etc.This vortexes can also provide powerful energies for healing centres.

- replicators can be used for food and therefore give mother earth time to heal from exploitation

- underground tunnels system(faster travel) can be rebuilt and used by humanity to explore the world and visit places/vortexes to heal and enoy with heart.

- centres to heal animals,their collective must learn to be in LOVE again us..and trust us again/releas KARMA.We have higher selves and they have higher selves.We are One and the same, only another expression of LOVE.Like us they came to earth to increase the frequency of the planet with LOVE.

Being in the heartspace is also only the right alignment to endure earth's transmissions into the light.So that is why Nesara will come first,it will atttract the attention the lightforces need to explain WHO the Aliens are.Aliens meaning not the right to be here on earth and play GOD in a negative way and for ego oriented reasons.

Arrests(like now) will be ongoing to prevent dark beings pressing the wrong buttons.

Earth must return to source energy to manifest a galactic community of light: First the energy and then the full manifestation.

And like you have heard from many sources it is time for the GO(O)D stuff,the transmuting and clearing has been done. It's time to start Imaging what you would like to see/manifest in a NEW WORLD aligned to the Qualties/expressions of LOVE.By using our creators powers and the collective intent/wish to maifest we will be awakening the codes for humanity to tap into.Therefore you will see more people awakening and collectively receiving new "Ideas " through an activated pineal gland.Therefore the pressure(knowing) the lightworkers carry will be released and devided over the many,in other words Humanty will become alike.


- enter the genertator the great piramid of Gizeh

- with respect love and gratitude ask mother earth to connect you to the energies of the sun of hollow and the energies of the ascended masters of hollow earth.Mother earth will provide the upwards spiral coming in through your feet(extended root chakras).

- with Love gratitude and respect ask the sun(satellite of souce/go(o)d) and the lightforces to connect and provide the downwards spiral coming in through your crown chakra.

- feel both spirals connecting in the heart space and empowering the diamond particle situated in your heartspace.The diamond particle corresponds with the arc of the covenant(creator's powers0.

- See Sannanda en lady nada(also known as jesus and mary magdalin) standing by glowing light altar.On this altar lie 2 powertools.A light cloak for protection against dark energies and a staff.The staff contains a red glowing cristal at the top and a white glowing cristal and the bottom,both crisls are connected by golden spirals representing the dna coil.

- Imagine putting on your light cloak and been given the staff.Feel the Love both tools represent.

- With Love gratitude and respect ask mother eath to connect you to the energies of the arc of the covenant.

- hold the staff high in your right hand.the white light,facing own towards earth and bringing the energies of the higher dimensions to earth and the red glowing light on facing upwards to ground mother earth into the galactic community of light

- Imagine Nesara(abundance) being released and see the happy/relieved faces of Humanity.

- Imagine what your wish/intend to heal towards a better world.Imagine what you intend for a better world.....Imagine paradise.

Atlantis Rising...back to heart and staying in the heartspace.There is no other way in the higher dimensions...Only LOVE and heartconnection.

Lets light up the codes of the golden age to manifest...Lets empower the motherboard of Mother earth:The Tzolkin.

In Coperation with the lightforces(rose line legacy)


with love

