May 1, 2012 comish minutes

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A motion to send the Sheriff to POA for negotiations moved by Shane Home Rule OrclinAn_ge - Pertaining to the 2010 lnvoice #505680 for the Prosecutor to pay a claim for legal fees for $23,828.53. Southeast Regional Gommunitv Gorrections Annual Grant Apptication. Tonr Orsahell made a motion to sign Home Rule Ordinance #2012-010. Shane MrcHenry seconded the motion. Alil in favor, motion carried. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, nnotion carried. McHenry,

Transcript of May 1, 2012 comish minutes


6:00 p.m., Commissioners RoomCounty Administrafi on Building

2'15 B West High Street, Lawnenceburg, lndiana


Present: Jeff Hughes, Shane McHenry, Tom Orschell, Gayle pennington,County Auditor, Andrew Baudendistel, County Attorney, and Terri nanOatt,County Administrator.

Executive Session



Aqreement with HVL officers. sheriff's office and HVL poA - No action onthe agreement tonight.

A motion to send the Sheriff to POA for negotiations moved by ShaneMcHenry,seconded by Tom Orschell. All in favor, nnotion carried.

Pavfq[L$qtpdule Chanqe - Tabled Until June 5 Meeting


Southeast Regional Gommunitv Gorrections Annual Grant Apptication.

Shane McHenry made a motion to sign the Southeast RegionalConnmunity Gorrections Grant agreement fon the fiscal year July 1,2012thru June 20,2013 for the amount of $499,417.00 which is awarded 1to

Community Corrections from the State of lndiana. The motion wasseconded by Tom Orschell, and passed unanimously.

Ratifv Sisnatures on Grant for Prosecutor/Special Crimes Unit - $9,075.00to be used for a GPS tracking device.


Tom Orschell made a motion to ratify Gomrnissioner Huglres signature onthe Grant proposal for SpeciaN Crirnes Unit. The motion was seconded byShane McHenry and passed unanimously.

Home Rule OrclinAn_ge - Pertaining to the 2010 lnvoice #505680 for theProsecutor to pay a claim for legal fees for $23,828.53.

Andrew Baudendistel - Analysis given by Andy last year is on point but throughaudit the State Board Of Accounts determined that with a purchasing agreementin place this claim still requires a Home Rule Ordinance to address this specificclaim.Andy read Ordinance #2012 - 010 into the record. Aaron Negangard provideda statement to the Commissioners.

Tonr Orsahell made a motion to sign Home Rule Ordinance #2012-010.Shane MrcHenry seconded the motion. Alil in favor, motion carried.

Bridqe #34 Discussions - Mr. Ralph E. lrwin, citizen. He is concerned thatthere was no mention of a time period of offer to Mr. Ralph lruyin of a period oftime. Who is responsible of liability?Andy - response - oct. offer addressed the concerns of Mr. lruyin at that time.where the road is located is driven by the project. county will be paying in fullfor purchase of that property for a five year term.

Tonr and Shane would like to sit down and talk. Tom, Mr. lnruin, and Tocld

&geeh-williarng - KennelsAffire from the otd Animat Shetter for a 4-H project.He would like to purchase (within his 4-H budget)the surplus fencing.shane would like to see them donated to the 4-H organization and from there toMr. Williarns.Andy Baudendistel will prepare the papenruork for signature.

Wesslen and Bittner Roads - Gary Steinmetz presented for residents onWessler and Bittner Roads. They are concerned about paving their road. Apetition was presented that contained 33 signatures. Dust is causing negativelife situations.Mrs. Wessler spoke.Shane would like to have Ms. Randall contact Barnes & Thornburg aboutpossible transportation funding. Tim Greive has the amount prepared,($100,000.00)paving only (milling and chip sealonly)

Hiqhwav DepartmentHighway Superintendent - Tim Greive - Updates

Highway Engineer - Todd Listerman - Nothing

Administrator - Teresa RandallConstruction Manager (Jail Project)- Selection Process - Power Point - BillShelton, Building and Terri Randall presenting.

Ton'r Orschell made a motion to allowing Ms. Randallto begin negolliationsfor a professiornal services contract with Maxwell Gonstruction on behalfof the Commissloners. The motion was seconded by Shane McHenry.Chair votes AYE. Motion passed unanimously.

Proclamation - May is Mental Health Awareness Month was read into therecord.

Shane Mcllenry made a motion to sign the Proclamation. Motion wasseconded by Torn Orschell. All it'r favor, motion carried.

Certification and Conformation for the District 9 task force.

Tom Orschell nrade a motion to give the Board President the authority tosign the lndlana District 9 District Response past Employer AuthorizationGertification. The motion was seconded by Shane McHenry. All in favor,motlon carried"

Auditor - Gayle Pennington

AP Claims were presented for signatures

Shane McHenry made a motion to accept the accounts payable claims'Tone Orschelfl seconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Commissioner Dockets were presented for signatures.

Tonr Orschell made a motion to sign the Comnrissioners Dockets. ShaneMcHenry seconded, all in favor, motion carried'

Payroll Claims were presented.

shane McHenry made a motion to sign the payroll Glaims. Tom orschellseconded, all in favor, motion carried.

Minutes were presented for the April 1T,2012meeting.

Tom orschell rnade a motion to accept the minutes as presented. lMotionwas seconded by Shane McHenry and passed unanimously.

Assignment of rax sale certificate - pursuant to the provisions of lc 6-1.11-g,the Tax certificate was presented for the signature of the Dearborn countyPresident of commissioners assigning the certificate to the Town of MooresHill.

Torn Onschell made a rnotion that the president of the Board ofCommissioners sign the Tax Sale Gertificate to Moores Hill. ShanelMcHenry seconded, all in favor, motiion carried.

Shane McHenry rnade a motion to open public hearing on the tax salecertificate to Moores Hill. This was seconded by Torn orschell. Motioncarried.

No public comment

shane McHenry made a motion to close public hearing and rom orschellseconded. Motion carried.

Attornev - Andy Baudendistel - updates

Fricke and Associates accepted the settlement offer for the lobbyist contract andAndy sent them a General Release to sign.

State Line Rd. - Two condemnation suits have been filed for property Right Ofway.


Shane McHenry - Nothing

Tom Orschell- Nothing

Jeff would like to take another look at the remaining two properties on StateLine.


PUBLIC COMMENT - Mike Raferty a county parent seeking funding for thedestination imagination team to go to the University of Tennessee for globalcompetition.Letter of recommendation for support from the Board was given.

Witffr no othen business before the Board a motion to adjourn was made byShane MaHenry at 8:06 p.m. Seconded by Tom Orschell the rnotionpassed unanimously.

Tom Orsci'rell