Maximizing your internet marketing.3

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Transcript of Maximizing your internet marketing.3

“Maximizing your Internet Marketing”

Internet Sales & Social Media Strategy

Your Website & Social Media

Your Website should be the center of your E-Solar System. It should be linked to and attract business from all forms of Social Media.

The Organic Search - Google looks at many factors when page rank and search relevance are concerned:

• Page Title• Meta Data• Content & Keywords• Photos with Alt tags• Contact forms• RSS feeds• link structure

Google Page Rank

Content & Keyword Strategy

Internet the 3-D Game of Chess

Think of web content and Keyword placement as playing an endless game of Chess. 

Your business/ marketing plan is much like, a chess board pieces are moved and plays are made, victory and defeat hang in the balance of every move.  

Keyword Strategy

Pawns may be seen as expendable figures in the grand scheme of the game. However if they are played well, I’ve seen a pawn take a Queen. The right little “Keyword” in the correct position at the right moment in time can be what dictates the flow of the game .

Know your strong keywords, don’t just assume its strong. Find a way to gauge their strength on the web.

• What is a Keyword?• Keywords are search terms, terms of description that a

potential customer may use to find you or your type of service.

• They can be as simple as one word ”Wedding” or as complex as

“ Romantic Mountain view wedding Smoky Mountains”

• Where Do I use Keywords?• E-mails• Blog articles• Web pages• Social Media. … Anywhere that you create content.

Keywords are an Extension of your Marketing & Branding

Find & Use 5 – 10 Keywords

• The Social Media sites are your Hounds. The Website is the Hunter

• The Hounds purpose is to drive traffic - business to the Hunter.

• The Hunter then in turn takes care of business.

How Websites & Social MediaWork Together

Think of Social Media & Websites as Hounds & Hunters.

• From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

• Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.

• Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content."[1] Businesses may also refer to social media as consumer-generated media (CGM). A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value.[citation needed]

What is Social Media ???

• Any form of electronic communication that starts, maintains and perpetuates a conversation, with one or multiple individuals and interactions.

Social Media is “VIRTUAL WORD of MOUTH”.

For our Purposes - Social Media is.

• *Caveat – “WARNING” Websites allow clients or visitors to keep a sales person or product at arms length. Your Social media reputation is what a perspective client will buy into.

• Social media is all about control , it allows people to maintain their individuality & privacy while sharing a common point of interest in a detached social setting.

• Produce – your own content, Video to PDF white page documents.

• Commentator - communicator / the voice of your product.

• Gather –valuable online book marks and comments about your product.

• Join- other social networks and groups, open conversations.

• Observe-other social media superstars watch what they do.

Become Your own Marketing Hub.

• Social Media is RELATIONSHIP SELLING at it’s core. Build a good online reputation, let people know who you are and what your product is all about.

• Express your passion for what you do, let the world know what you think.Always Track Source of Sales - Who are

you Selling to?

Social Media & Your Business

• The Renaissance was known as “The rebirth of thought & learning” Sociologically we are in the midst of one of the greatest shifts in thought and behavior that the world has ever seen.

• I refer to it as the Ren-E-ssance. We are witnessing the reinvention of communication & redistribution of wealth and power.

• How powerful is Social Media and the Internet?• Look around you, Outlet malls & retail shops, all have

vacancies. Major companies & corporations who had been national retail suppliers are losing considerable market share every day. Book Stores, Brand Clothing boutiques… All going on line to eliminate overhead and labor costs, warehouse it and ship it as needed is the new retail model.

• We live in a time where information is moving at the speed of thought; a single click of a mouse will

send a message to an infinite number of people.


Guess Who’s Facebook Page

That’s Right President Obama20,143,206 Likes

Social media may have been integral to the Arab revolutions and revolts of 2011.[

• As one Cairo activist succinctly put it, We use …• Facebook to schedule the protests, • Twitter to coordinate, and • YouTube to tell the world." 

The Power of the Pen Web

Here are two perfect examples of local companies who do a great job communicating and leveraging their social media.

It is Important to be Liked!by both B2B & B2C

2011 Survey Sites B2B –vs – B2C Popular Marketing Media

Blogs are More Profitable

Go where the people are!

• Social media is a Commitment If you decide to peruse social media as part of your online marketing realize that you can not start and stop this activity, you must:

• Post on a regular basis• Reply to all guests • Keep it Professional & Personable (Don’t whine

online)• Keep it Pertinent (Answer their questions &

comments)• Keep it Passionate (Always write with a smile)

• Never make every post an offer, this is Way too pushy, remember there are tons of people who view your posts. You never know who the next customer may be. Always be on your best “online" behavior.

• Keep Business site & Personal sites SEPERTE at all times

Social Media Rules of the Road

4 yrs. ago I began my journey into the world of the Web with the HubSpot blog. It has a tremendous amount of helpful information. The other 2 are a bit more robust, for those of you who may have some previous social media & web experience.

Knowledge is Power

Rich Benjamin & Associates 242-1700

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