Maximize your earnings with amazon kindle books

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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As the age old saying goes, most people still want to curl up in a corner with a good book. The good news is that they can do so with an e-book. This is due to the development and sale of the Amazon Kindle.

Transcript of Maximize your earnings with amazon kindle books

Maximize Your Earnings With Amazon Kindle Books

Want To Make Money Selling Amazon Kindle Books?

• You need to do more than just write an e-book

• Convert it to the compatible digital text

• List it for sale

Write A Good E-book

• Make sure your content is good– This works to your advantage– No one wants to purchase a bad book– Amazon Kindle Store enables reviews

• A poorly written e-book may get negative reviews– negative reviews can

turnoff other buyers

Proofread The E-book Before Uploading

• You need to have a good edited e-book

• Take the stance of a reader, not the author

Proofread The E-book Before Uploading

NOTE: your goal is to get good reviews on

• Look at the book from the standpoint of your buyers

• Positive reviews can increase your earnings

Write A Good Product Description

• Make your way to • Enter the digital text platform

– write your product description– Write a detailed description

• For a creative novel– summarize the storyline without

giving away too much detail

• For a how-to guide– summarize the topics covered

Preview Your Digital Text E-book

• Preview your document for formatting errors

Set A Fair Selling Price

• Remember that Kindle owners paid over $300 for the device

• Don’t undersell yourself– best selling Amazon Kindle books are in the

price range of $5.99 to $12.99

Drive Traffic To Your Amazon Sales Page

• Join communities for the Amazon Kindle

• Interact with owners

• Ask questions• Respond to


Drive Traffic To Your Amazon Sales Page

• List your book for sale in any buy, sell, or trade sections

• Create a link to your Amazon sales pages in your signature

There are hundreds of thousands of digital text books available for sale


To make the most money, make your stand apart from the rest and

in a good way.

Kindle Publishing For Passive Income

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