Math, Writing, Behavior and the RtI /MTI Kitchen Sink!

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Math, Writing, Behavior and the RtI /MTI Kitchen Sink!. Target. Extend RtI systems thinking from reading Create priorities around new content areas Discuss RtI systems for Math, Writing, Behavior. Assumptions. Writing. Be sure your foundation is secure Data based teaming Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Math, Writing, Behavior and the RtI /MTI Kitchen Sink!

Extend RtI systems thinking from reading

Create priorities around new content areas

Discuss RtI systems for Math, Writing, Behavior

Be sure your foundation is secure •Data based teaming•Leadership•Professional Development

1.Universal screener2.Core curriculum and

instruction 3.Decision rules and protocol4.Progress monitoring5. Interventions

Link between academics and behavior

Students who are engaged in their learning display engaged behavior

Disruptive behavior and disrupted learning often go hand in hand

“For each 10-point increase in DIBELS PSF (spring grade 1), the probability of receiving multiple ODRs in Grade 5 decreased by 29%.” (McIntosh, 2006)

First Step To Success Screener

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency

Office Discipline Referrals (ODR)

Counselor referrals

Health Room visits

Attendance Reports

Suspension/Expulsion Data

Oregon Healthy Teens Survey (middle school)


e SafeB

e KindB

e RespectfulB

e Responsible

More than 20% of students with 2+ ODRs

•revisit the core PBS instruction

More than 30%of ODRs occur in 1 location

•re-teach specific common area behavior expectations•acknowledge/reward positive behavior•correct inappropriate behavior immediately

More than 40% of ODRs in classroom

•re-teach classroom expectations•increase professional development in classroom management•revisit core instruction in specific classrooms

K/1: 1x/week PSF & Behavior Intervention Data.

K-12: Behavior data from Check & Connect programs.

K-12: More than 5 absences, or more than 3 counseling or discipline referrals, in a 30-day period.

K-12: Progress on individual behavior goals or Behavior Support Plan.

Tier 2

Data: Referrals, CI/CO card, Teacher Reports, Observations

Functional Behavior Assessment:

May be a short form. Target 2-3 behaviors.

Behavior Plan:

Friendship Groups Check-in / Check-out program Referrals to community resources

Tier 3


Individualized Data System

Functional Behavior Assessment:

Complex analysis based on file reviews, observations, and assessments

Targets multiple behaviors

Behavior Plan: Highly Individualized Support Strategies.

Increased supervision throughout the day May include safety protocols Staff training

"Why should I have to teach kids to be good? They already know what they are supposed to do. Why can I not just expect good behavior?"

The Math Measures:K-1: Missing Number (CBM)Grades 2-5: Computation (CBM)

Both are by AIMSweb

Missing Number

K & 1 assessment

One minute assessment

Individually administered

Quantity Discrimination

K & 1 assessment

One Minute assessment

Individually administered

Number Identification

K & 1 assessment

One Minute assessment

Individually administered


5th grade example

1-5 grade

Grows in complexity through the grades

Two to four Minute assessment (depending on grade)

Scored on digits correct

Group administered

Monitoring Basic Skills

4th grade example

2-5 grade

Grows in complexity through the grades

Four to eight minutes (depending on grade)

Scored on correct answers (some have multiple answers)

Group administered

National Mathematics Advisory Panel Final Report, 2008

Curricular Content moving toward algebra

Teacher Proficiency

Conceptual Understanding

Fluency and Automaticity

Problem Solving

InterdependeInterdependent and nt and

mutually mutually reinforcingreinforcing

Depth Breadth

Focus + Coherence =

Curricular Content

CBMs are given every other week

Trained instructional assistants will complete progress monitoring

Review trend lines every 12 weeks

We need a longer intervention period because growth on math CBMs happens in small increments

Look at rates of growth published by AIMSWeb

Emphasis on research-based instructional strategies (not “programs”)

Increase opportunities to practice a skill correctly

Guided practice (“I do, We do, You do”) Correction routine

There are few research based curricula available

Formative Assessment + Team Problem Solving


Increase Guided Practice

Up to 20 minutes Tier II30 minutes Tier III

Tier II Interventions for Math (Within the Core)

Kindergarten Increased teacher attention during math

Grades 1-5 10 minutes of additional guided practice

per day OR 10 minutes of Computer Assisted

Instruction (CAI) per day

Tier II & III: Research on Best


aker, Gersten, and Lee, 2002Demonstrated, significant effects for:

Progress monitoring feedback, especially when accompanied by instructional recommendations

Peer Assisted Learning Explicit teacher led and contextualized teacher

facilitated approaches Concrete feedback to Parents

Strong Evidence of Effectiveness

Slavin, 2007

Classwide Peer TutoringMissouri Mathematics ProgramPeer Assisted Learning StrategiesStudent Teams-Achievement Divisions

Team-Accelerated Instruction

“the general concept of automaticity. . . is that, with extended practice, specific skills can read a level of proficiency where skill execution is rapid and accurate with little or no conscious monitoring … attentional resources can be allocated to other tasks or processes, including higher-level executive or control function”

(Goldman & Pellegrino, 1987, p. 145 as quoted in Journal of Learning Disabilities, “Early Identification of Students with Math Disabilities,” July/August 2005 p 294

Student complete total words written CBM

Below 30th percentile placed in Tier II

Emergent/Pre-writing level on the report card are red flagged

Kindergarten and first grade

Student complete total words written and correct word sequences CBM

Below 30th percentile placed in Tier II

Student receiving 1’s or 2’s in Organization, Conventions,

and Sentence Fluency

Student scoring below the 30th percentile on OAKS

Second through fifth grade

CBM Written Expression

Group or individual administration

Story starter

One minute to plan & three minutes to write storyHeartland AEA: CBM 2001

Story Starters

Cross-Age Suitable for All Benchmark Grades

1. I couldn’t fall asleep in my tent. I heard this noise outside and …

2. My father sold his store last year and my whole family …

3. All during the day I was nervous. I ran home at 3:00. When I got home …

Correct Writing Sequences

A correct writing sequence refers to two adjacent writing units (word/word or word/punctuation) that are acceptable within the context of what is written.

The term “acceptable” means that the writing sequence is syntactically and semantically correct.

Heartland AEA: CBM 2001

Probes are given every other week

Trend lines are reviewed every 12 weeks


Total words written: fluency Correct writing sequences: fluency and


Tier 2



Increased teacher attention during core writing instruction More guided practice

Who delivers:

K: Reading interventionist 1-5: Classroom teacher

Tier 3

K: ERI and Language for Learning


Core plus 20 minute weekly session focused on guided practice

Who delivers: K: Reading Interventionist 1-5: Grade Level Team

Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you’re


Ray Bradbury

Dean Richards

(503) 431 4135