Master's programmes 2015 2016

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Master's programmes 2015 2016

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 1

Master’s programmes 2015/2016

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/20162

At Stockholm UniverSity we offer our students an open and stimulating environment in one of the most beautiful and dynamic capital cities in the world. Since we were founded in 1878, openness and a commitment to social change have been at the heart of our activities, and it remains so today.

Stockholm University is Sweden’s largest institution for higher education, one of the 100 highest ranked universities in the world according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2014 (‘The Shanghai ranking’) and one of the top 50 universities in Europe according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-2014.

We offer more than 75 master’s degree programmes, all taught in English, within science, the humanities, social sciences and law.

As a master’s student at Stockholm University, you will have direct contact with leading researchers in your field and access to the most recent scientific findings. You will have the chance to meet students from Sweden, Scandinavia and beyond. You will develop your ability to think independently, to analyze and to solve problems, qualities that are required in advanced international careers.

On behalf of all our staff and students, I would like to welcome you to Stockholm University. We look forward to meeting you on campus.

Astrid Söderbergh Widding Vice-Chancellor

An excellent Place to Start Your Future

Production Student Services in collaboration with the Communications Office and the faculties and departments of Stockholm University, Matador kommunikation PhotograPhy Youssef Boulkaid, Björn Dalin, Eva Dalin, Aron Hejdstöm, Yanan Li and Henrik Trygg/Stockholm Visitors Board, Jeppe WikströmcoPyWritErs Mark Booth, Karin Persson, Helene Komlos Grill, Tina Larsson, Ronald Trumpf NordqvistPrint Lenanders Grafiska, 2014coVEr Photo Eva Dalin. Students meeting up in front of the Swedish Parliament. The city centre is easily accessible from Stockholm University.

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 3

Stockholm offers all the excite-ment and experiences of a global city in a safe and secure environ-ment.

Stockholm University – Study with us!Stockholm UniverSity iS one of Sweden’s largest institutions of higher education with leading international and national research in a wide variety of fields. More than 70,000 students are currently studying here and there are approximately 70 departments within the areas of science, humanities, social sciences and law. Why not delve into Environmental Chemistry, Applied Social Research or Curating Art? You get access to first class education and research in a stunning environment as Stockholm University is based in a national city park. At the same time, the underground station conveniently situated by the campus entrance is only a few stops away from central Stockholm, offering students the best of both worlds. As a student at Stockholm University you will meet and work with leading experts in an academic environment characterized by lively international exchange at every level. According to a recent survey among international students, the English spoken and written by the academic staff is considered number one in Sweden and number two globally.

The Swedish open society culture permeates the university and students are encouraged to discuss and debate topics. It is this approach that brings renowned experts to our faculties, results in pioneering research and participation in Nobel Prize Committees and international expert bodies. Based in the capital, Stockholm University is in close proximity to an internationally orientated job

market, providing an excellent opportunity to network and gain work experience while studying. Alongside the Swedish Government Offices and Parliament the majority of Sweden’s most important decision-making bodies, businesses and cultural institutions can be found in Stockholm. A master’s degree from Stockholm University opens doors in Sweden and elsewhere in the world.

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Stockholm – the city where you get the best of both worldsin Stockholm yoU can lead a fun and exciting student life while enjoying all the benefits of one of the world’s most beautiful capitals and its breath-taking surroundings. Many museums, cinemas, gyms and other places offer student reductions and the public transport travelcard takes you all around Stockholm city and its suburbs. Stockholm is a unique capital. Here you will find beautiful architecture, trendy shopping, museums, theatres, an international cuisine and a large music scene that includes festivals with some of the most popular artists in Sweden and worldwide. The majority of Swedes speak Eng-lish* and are receptive to international visitors. In general, the country offers a welcoming, multicultural, open and safe society. Although Stockholm has a busy cosmopolitan life the city is built on fourteen islands and almost wherever you go you are met by stunning water-front views. Outside the city there is an archipelago consisting of about 30,000 islands and with the travelcard you can visit a selection of them. There are plenty of green areas, such as Djurgår-den, Nackareservatet and the Royal

National City Park where Stockholm University is situated, ideal for outings any time of the year. It is this mixture of urban and rural that sets Stockholm apart from other world cities. The eldest part of Stockholm, Gamla Stan, is one of the most well-preserved medieval city centres in the world. Here you can choose from an abundance of cafés and restaurants in every price range. A short walk away the picturesque Mosebacke terrace of-fers historical panoramics of the city.

*According to EF’s English Profi-

ciency Index, Sweden rates number

one in the world.

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 5

internAtionAl brAndS SUch as IKEA, H&M, Volvo, Ericsson, Skype, King, Spotify, and world artists like Avicii and Abba all originate from Sweden. Why not challenge yourself and come to Sweden to study? Stockholm is Sweden’s business centre. A fast-growing and energetic city where you can develop your skills to reach your full potential and experience Sweden’s well-known culture of innova-tion. Located in the capital, Stockholm University gives you excellent oppor-tunities to explore Sweden’s largest job market. In the forthcoming years, employers in Stockholm will recruit

75,000 academics, and the city’s inter-national market will continue to grow together with the rest of the globalized world. As an example, Kista Science City, which is only a 20-minute train journey away from Stockholm Univer-sity, is home to 1,100 world-leading businesses and research companies within the digital realm. Sweden’s long tradition of free-dom of speech, equality and openness generates a culture where innovation, creativity and dialogue are essential. These are all key traits for building thriving businesses. The world faces new challenges. A sustainable future requires creative

Business Centre of Swedenproblem-solving. Knowledge, ground-breaking ideas and management skills become even more important when you look for a job. Studying at Stock-holm University brings you closer to Sweden’s dynamic job market, which can be essential for your future career. A new regulation is making it easier to launch an international career after studying in Sweden. Students with a residence permit for studies in Sweden, who have completed at least two semesters of full-time studies at a Swedish university, can get a residence permit that allows them to stay in Sweden for up to six months to look for work or start a business.

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Faculty of Sciencethe FAcUlty oF Science at Stockholm University is the largest science faculty in Sweden and among the top 100 science faculties in the world on the Shanghai ranking list. The Faculty, which offers top-class education, hosts a number of programmes and courses in English, primarily at Master’s level. The aim of the Faculty of Science is to be internationally prominent in both research and education; to offer education based on results from, and in close contact with, scientific research; and to meet society’s need for scientific knowledge and skills.

mASter’S ProGrAmmeS• Analytical Chemistry• Astronomy• Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate• Biochemistry• Biology• Computational Physics• Ecology and Biodiversity• Environmental Chemistry• Environmental Management and Physical Planning• Environmental Science• Ethology• Genetic and Molecular Plant Science• Geological Sciences• Geomatics with Remote Sensing and GIS• Glaciology and Polar Environments• Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources (INK)• Landscape Ecology• Mathematical Statistics• Mathematics• Mathematics Education• Marine Biology• Materials Chemistry• Microbiology• Molecular Biophysics• Molecular Life Sciences• Molecular Techniques in Life Sciences• Neurochemistry with Molecular Neurobiology• Nordic Master’s Programme in Biodiversity and Systematics• Nutrition• Organic Chemistry• Physics• Quaternary Science and Climate Development• Science Education• Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development• Theoretical Physics• Toxicology

For detailed information about the programmes, please visit:

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 7

When the oPPortUnity arose for Shauna Mahajan to do a Master at the Stockholm Resilience Centre – a joint initiative between Stockholm University, the Stockholm Environ-ment Institute and the Beijer Interna-tional Institute of Ecological Econo-mics – it was an easy choice to make. ‘My professor had recommended Stockholm University as it is the only environmental science pro-gramme that covers both social and natural sciences. Additionally, at the Resilience Centre there is a good mix of academics and non-academics, which offers an interesting studying environment and unique research opportunities. Then of course you get to live and study in Stockholm, which is pretty much the perfect city. It’s a capital, and has the excitement that comes with that, but it’s also a quaint town in the country, with lakes and fan-tastic scenery on the doorstep. The only thing to be aware of is that housing can be a bit of an issue, but once you sort that out you are bound to have a great time while get-ting a great education.’

Shauna Mahajan, Master’s student

iF yoU WAnt to help reduce the num-ber of environmental problems, then carrying out research at a world le-ading institute is a good place to start. This is what drove Marko Filipovic to do a Bachelor, a Master and now a PhD on Persistent Organic Pollution in Water at the Department of Applied Environmental Sciences, at Stockholm University. ‘Having done all my studies at Stockholm University I know what it means to be a Master’s student here. I think what’s best about this University is that it really prepares you for your future career. As far as sciences go

Marko Filipovic, PhD student get to live and study in Stockholm, which is pretty much the perfect city

it’s not just about theory; you will be expected to do hands on experiments, meaning sampling, analysis, proces-sing and report writing. In short, eve-rything you need to know when you get out into the real world. And of course this is what employers, whether it is academia or industry, are looking for today. Stockholm University is also an extremely multicultural environ-ment, which means it’s a melting pot of ideas, research techniques and expertise, basically all the ingredients for the optimal study and research environment.’

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Faculty of Humanitiesthe FAcUlty oF Humanities comprises more than 20 departments andcentres. It provides programmes and individual courses in more than 60subject areas, ranging from archaeology, ethnology, philosophy, history, and almost 30 different languages, to aesthetic subjects such as film, art, literature, fashion and theatre. The Faculty has more than 10,000 students and 1,000 members of staff,which makes the Faculty of Humanities at Stockholm University the largestfaculty of humanities in Sweden.

mASter’S ProGrAmmeS• Cinema Studies• Curating Art including Management and Law• Dance Studies• Fashion Studies• Media and Communication Studies• Language Sciences with a specialization in English Linguistics• Language Sciences with a specialization in Applied English Linguistics• Language Sciences with a specialization in Typology and Linguistic Diversity• Language Sciences with a specialization in Portuguese• Language Sciences with a specialization in Spanish• Language Sciences with a specialization in French• Language Sciences with a specialization in Italian• Literature with a specialization in English Literature• Literature with a specialization in French Literature• Literature with a specialization in Italian Literature• Literature with a specialization in Hispanic literature• Literature with a specialization in Lusophone literature

For detailed information about the programmes, please visit:

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 9

Stockholm UniverSity’S English lite-rature department comes highly recom-mended by all those that study there, not least of all Fridrik Solnes, who is doing a Master in English Literature. ‘I came here on the recommenda-tion of a Professor at the University of Iceland, and it has more than lived up to its reputation. All the courses I have attended, within the Faculty of Humani-ties have been really worthwhile. That’s the thing with this Master’s programme; you get a broad education that touches on everything from psychology, politics and sociology to history and linguistics. The small classes, of about 15 students or so, also mean everybody takes part, contributing with their own thoughts and philosophy. And as about half of the class consists of foreign students, you get new cultural referen-ces and viewpoints to stimulate your thinking. Add to this Stockholm itself, a great city with green areas all around and so much choice, you couldn’t pick a better place to do a Master.’

Fridrik Solnes, Master’s student

FAnny ForSberG lUndell is an expert in languages. Her interest in the theory of languages, in particular the acquisition of a second language, set the path for her academic achievements. Today she is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Hu-manities at Stockholm University. ‘When it comes to the second language acquisition research, Stockholm University excels. When you bring an international group of experts together in an inter-national environment, such as Stockholm University, and give them the tools and opportunities to carry out innovative research, the results speak for themselves. When a Master’s student studies here with us, they become a part of this culture

Fanny Forsberg Lundell,Associate Professor

of excellence. Our classes are small and effective, which means the students really get the most out of them. They also get unique access to professors, lecturers and researchers and are actively pushed to challenge them with their views and beliefs. In the end everybody benefits from this type of interaction.’

… as about half of the class consists of foreign students, you get new cultural references and viewpoints to stimulate your thinking.

When a Master’s student studies here with us, they become a part of this culture of excellence.

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Faculty of Social Sciencesover 30,000 StUdentS are enrolled at the Faculty of Social Sciences, which distinguishes itself in areas such as economics, sociology, psychology and anthropology. More than 1,000 professors, senior lecturers, lecturers and researchers are active at the faculty. Research is carried out at several institutes, dedicated to areas such as migration, drug problems, ageing and health, and health and equality. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used to create a solid foundation for an active debate about our society, as well as for decision-making and planning.

MASTER’S PROGRAMMES• Accounting, Auditing and Analysis• Applied Social Research• Banking and Finance• Computer and Systems Sciences• Consumer & Business Marketing• CREOLE: Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes• Decision Support and Risk Analysis• Demography• Economics• Health Informatics (Please note that you apply for this programme via Karolinska Institutet)• Human Geography• Global Political Economy• Globalization, Environment and Social Change• International and Comparative Education• Information and Communication Technology for Development• Information Security• Information Systems Management• IT Project Management• Management Studies• Political Science• Open eGovernment• Operations Management and Control• Social Anthropology• Sociology• Statistics• Urban and Regional Planning

For detailed information about the programmes, please visit:

the FAcUlty oF lAW at Stockholm University is the largest law school in Sweden, with approximately 4,000 students. The Faculty has established connections with some 40 law schools in the European Union, in addition to special exchange agreements with the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, the Philippines, Singapore, New Zealand, Peru, China, Thailand and Israel. • Master of Laws (LL.M) in European Intellectual Property• Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Commercial Arbitration

For more information, please visit:

Faculty of Law

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hAvinG Worked With Swedes for some time while in London and hearing great things from friends who were studying at Stockholm University, there was only one place Michelle Plett wanted to do an MSc in Marketing. ‘I was looking for a new challenge. One where I could apply my work expe-rience, and combine it with my studies from Block University in Canada. The faculty at Stockholm University was ranked highly internationally, and I knew studying in Stockholm would offer something new and exciting. And, of course I was proved right. The independent nature of studying in Sweden fit well with my personality and work style. I have really matured academically. And, from a social aspect, Stockholm is like nowhere else I’ve ever been. Here you feel safe, relaxed, healthy; I even love the extreme weather conditions. To get the most out of your time here you have to be open to new experiences. Do that and you will be rewarded, both from an academic and lifestyle perspective.’

Michelle Plett, Master’s student

Magnus Bygren, Associate ProfessorWith over 20 yeArS in academia, including spells at Harvard and Oxford, Magnus Bygren has a pretty good understanding of why the Department of Sociology at Stockholm University is so popular among foreign Master’s students.

‘Stockholm University is internatio-nally renowned in the field of Sociology, something that can be put down to the collective drive of the faculty to carry out new, ground-breaking research. We don’t just want to follow the current trends, but set the agenda. This obviously has a big impact on Master’s students. If your lecturers are pushing the boundaries, your studies tend to reflect this. You will be challenged to learn something new and to apply yourself. You will certainly get out what you put in. Most international students appre-ciate the combination of enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff who are open and approachable in typical Scandi-navian style. And this often shows in their final results.’

The independent nature of studying in Sweden fit well with my personality and work style.

Most international students appreciate the combination of enthusiastic and knowledgeable staff who are open and approachable in typical Scandinavian style.

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/201612

Study with us once yoU hAve decided that you want to study at Stockholm University and enrol in one of the international Mas-ter’s programmes, there are a number of practical aspects that need to be handled, such as applying for your cho-sen programme, documenting your eligi-bility, and organizing a residence permit and accommodation. The following should help you with these processes. Entrance requirements


1. Find a programme. 2. Check that you meet the admission

requirements for the programme you have chosen.

3. Submit your online application by the deadline on 15 January.

4. Send your supporting documents to the Swedish National Admissions Office by the deadline.

5. You will be notified of the results of the selection process via the website below.

For more information, please visit:

In order to be eligible, you have to fulfil the general entrance (eligibility) require-ments as well as the specific requirements for the programme you are interested in. Make sure to read the specific require-ments of each programme you are interested in studying:

general Eligibility A requirement for all Master’s programmes is the possession of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited institution of higher learning, corresponding to at least 180 credits in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

specific Eligibility The specific requirements vary between the programmes. Most programmes have requirements of a specific major subject in your Bachelor’s degree. Likewise, most programmes also re-quire a very good command of English equivalent to Course English B/Eng-lish 6 from Swedish Upper Secondary School. You can find information on how to demonstrate that you meet the English language requirements, a list of accepted English tests and the mini-mum results required on:

students in their final year of Bachelor’s studiesIf you do not hold the required degree but are registered for the last year of a programme leading to such a degree, Stockholm University permits condi-tional admission if you can provide transcripts from all your completed studies including second last year. Also, an official document stating that you are likely to be awarded the degree by the start of the Swedish programme must be sent with your application.

application and tuition FeesStudents with citizenship in a country outside the European Union (EU), Euro-pean Economic Area (EEA) and Switzer-land will be required to pay an SEK 900 (Swedish kronor) application fee as well as a tuition fee that will vary depending

on the type of course or programme. The price per academic year for studies within the Humanities/Social Sciences/Law is currently SEK 90,000 and within Sciences SEK 140,000. Citizens of countries within the EU/EEA/Switzerland are exempt from both application and tuition fees for higher education in Sweden. Applicants do however need to submit a certified copy of their passport together with their application in order to prove citizenship. For more information about tuition fees, please visit the official website for applications to higher education in Sweden:

Exchange studies You may be able to study at Stockholm University as part of an exchange pro-gramme. Special rules apply for students studying at Stockholm University in conjunction with exchange programmes. Exchange students are exempt from the application and tuition fees. Contact your own university for information about exchange programmes or see the section of Stockholm University’s website for exchange students:


stockholm university scholarship schemeThe Stockholm University Scholarships are aimed at talented students from countries outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland. These scholarships are in effect a tuition fee waiver. For more information, please visit

the swedish institute scholarshipsThe Swedish Institute administers a number of government scholarship schemes, all directed at different parts of the world outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland. For more information about scholarships administered by the Swedish Institute, please visit

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 13

Eu/EEa citizensEU/EEA citizens who are registered as studying at a Swedish university and have comprehensive health insurance do not need to apply for a residence permit to study in Sweden.

students from outside the Eu/EEaInternational students from outside the EU/EEA who are admitted for studies lasting longer than three months must apply for a residence permit. For studies shorter than three months, an entry visa is required for citizens from certain countries. The responsible authority is the Swedish Migration Board. Please visit their website for details regarding the application process and application forms:

to be granted a residence permit you must intend to study and:• Be admitted to full-time

studies that require full-time attendance.

• Have comprehensive health insurance that covers the whole period you are in Sweden if you plan to study for less than one year.

• Be able to support yourself for the planned study period. You must prove to the Swedish Migration Board that you will have a guaranteed sum of at least SEK 7,300 per month at your disposal throughout the entire period of your studies when you apply for a residence permit.

• Have a valid passport.

accommodation Information about accommodation and useful links when looking for housing can be found on the Stockholm University website: However, please note that Stockholm University cannot assist students any further with accommodation.

cost of Living The monthly budget for a student is approximately SEK 8,000 (EUR 900/ USD 1,200). You are responsible for your own living costs, such as accommodation, weekly groceries, study material etc. More information about the cost of living in Sweden can be found on:

COnTACT STUDEnT SERviCESstudy and career counselling:Phone: +46 (0)8 16 28 45,Monday–Thursday 9 a.m.–11 a.m.*Wednesdays 2 p.m.–3 p.m.*

Visitors: Monday-Thursdays 10 a.m.–12.30 p.m.*Tuesdays 4 p.m.-6 p.m.*

admissions office:Phone: +46 (0)8 16 49 89,Tuesdays 10 a.m.–12 p.m.*E-mail:

service for students with


* Swedish time = GMT+1/CEST


Master´s PrograMMes 2015/201614

Leading researchAs a student you will meet researchers within science, the humanities and social sciences who are outstanding in many areas, contributing both to our understanding of the world around us and to its continued improvement. Our research, often nationally-leading with an international status, maintains a high standard within a wide range of subjects, enabling our researchers to develop an increasing cross-disciplinary cooperation. The Baltic Sea Centre, for instance, conducts world-leading research about the Baltic Sea, as well as high-level science about other marine areas such as the tropical seas and the arctic regions.

orientation WeekAs soon as you have received your Let-ter of Acceptance or second notifica-tion of selection results from Stock-holm University there are a number of important areas to look into such as residence permit, insurance, housing and other practical matters. The Orien-tation Week is designed to assist new students in settling into university life by providing practical advice on a wide range of subjects, such as student email account, opening a bank account, student health care, Swedish language courses, student union activities and preparation for studies. It is organized at the beginning of each term/semester together with Stockholm University Student Union. The programme also gives you opportunities to meet new people and acclimatize to your life here. Welcome!

global swede award 2014Nominated by Stockholm Univer-sity, Dagmar Knotova from Canada was given the 2014 Global Swede Award for being ’an excellent am-bassador for Stockholm University and the Master’s Programme in International and Comparative Edu-cation’. Born in the Czech Republic and educated in both Canada and Sweden, Dagmar Knotova, who has

also worked in Saudi Arabia, is a true global citizen. The Global Swede Award honours 21 foreign students at higher educa-tion institutions in Sweden who have distinguished themselves in areas related to innovation and entrepre-neurship. The idea is that the Global Swede representatives become Sweden ambassadors in their home countries or wherever they work in the future.

Master´s PrograMMes 2015/2016 15

• Around 2.2 million of Sweden’s 9.6 million inhabitants are currently living in Stockholm.

• In PricewaterhouseCoopers’ sixth edition of the ‘Cities of Opportunity’ report, which covers areas such as technology readiness, intellectual capital and innovation, health, safety and security, Stockholm is number seven. The Swedish capital is described as exceptionally green and praised for focussing on sustainability.

• According to QS University Rankings, Stockholm is the 27th best student city in the world because of its ‘beauty, friendliness, culture, high quality of life – and high quality of universities’.

• The International Student Barometer (ISB) 2013 showed that 89% of the participating international students would recommend Stockholm University. ISB is an international survey which includes questions about arrival, learning, living, support, recommendation, application and choice of institution.

• In the Leiden Ranking 2014, measuring the scientific performance of 750 major universities in the world, Stockholm University is among the top 100 universities, and number one in Sweden in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.

• In the 2014 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), Stockholm University is number 78 on the list of the world’s 500 top universities.

• Every year in connection to the Nobel Prize Ceremony there are special lectures at Stockholm University, given by the Nobel Prize winners. These lectures are free of charge and open to the public.

• Since 1978 Nobel NightCap has been arranged by four student associations as the grand finale of the Nobel Banquet festivities. As the only media free event during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, it is a chance for the laureates and the guests to entertain themselves and socialize in a more relaxed setting. As a student at Stockholm University you have the opportunity to take part in this event.

student unions for support and activitiesStockholm University Student Union (SUS) provides all students with support services connected to their studies together with benefits and discounts on campus and in the city. Its representatives keep track of student rights and are working with Stockholm University to enhance the quality of courses and future career opportunities. Making the university campus an optimal place

Facts and figures

for creativity and learning is another important task. The SUS international coordina-tors create meeting places for fun and friendship across nationalities. As a student at Stockholm Universi-ty you can look forward to educa-tional and social activities such as the Buddy Programme, student par-ties and dinners, traditional Swedish celebrations, exciting excursions and visits to museums throughout the whole year!

Stockholm University SE-106 91 Stockholm SwedenTel: +46 (0)8 16 20 00 Email: