Mastering the pipeline

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of Mastering the pipeline

Mastering the pipeline

Jorrit SalverdaTechnical architect @ AKQA Amsterdam

What they have in common

● Little time for project setup

● Many deployments near go-live

● Pipelines up to UAT/PROD


● Short feedback loop

● Rapid deployments

● Optimised for build grids

● Executable on any machine

● Easy to set up

MSBuild by convention

● Convention over configuration

● Open sourced on Github (MIT license)

● Easy to upgrade

● Conventions can be overridden


● Source directory structure

● Javascript and css dirs

● Postfixes for project names

● *.Website

● *.Database

● *.UnitTests

● ... and more


● C# (versions the assemblies)

● ASP.NET views

● Javascript (JSHint)


● Compile only if needed

● NUnit

● Machine Specification

● MSTest


● Minify (YUI Compressor)

● Version images, fonts, flash

● Create Azure packages

● Transform configs

● Zip artefacts


● Deploy database and website to INT

● Run integration tests


● Code quality (FxCop)

● Coverage (OpenCover)

● Sonar

/t:Deploy /p:DeployEnvironment=UAT

● To IIS (MSDeploy)

● To Azure (Powershell commandlets)

● Windows Services (Robocopy)

/t:Deploy /p:DeployEnvironment=PROD

● Untested configuration!

What's next?

● Automated rollback if smoke test fails

● Hook into monitoring (Github)

● Cross-browser testing (The Guardian)

// todo

● Copy those scripts...


msbuild by convention github repo:

introductory blog post:

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